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  1. in another thread. I have had mine now for about 3 weeks and have not had the "miracle results" some of my co-workers said they had with their's. Just wondering who has them and what experiences you have. Wife says at least I'm not snoring now! I started out with the mask just over my nose, but I m...
  2. Well, my Venture found a new owner in New York. I've bought and sold bikes, trucks, riding mowers, motorcycles etc. all my life and never felt remorse for doing it until I followed my Venture down the road. Never seen the rear end going down the highway before and realizing it wasn't coming back w...
  3. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/05/watch-russian-scooter-accident_n_1857356.html
  4. was suffering through an extremely long sermon 1 Sunday morning one little lady turned to the other and said " I hope the preacher hurries up, my butt has gone to sleep" to which the other little ole lady replied " I know I've heard it SNORE 5 times already"
  5. Took a 924 mile round trip yesterday, picked up an ALMOST NEW (only 3533 miles on an '08) RSV to make mine again. Wanna say howdy and thanks to Jim and his wife and their dog Rowdy, it was great meeting them. Got back at 5 AM this morning! Better to sleep in your own bed! Trailer was almost too s...
  6. Got a call last night about 9 PM. Playboy was in town and wanted to get together. Too bad, I was at work. Asked him where he was staying and it was a hotel 1 block from my plant. So we agreed to have some coffee at the Waffle House when I got off at 1130 PM. Had a nice chat and he went to sleep and...
  7. Anybody else here have Restless Leg Syndrome? What do you take for it or what do you do to help cope with it? I've been on Tramadol for quite some time and it worked well for me. It as also very cheap. But now it has been giving me migranes. So now I either deal with migranes, or I don't get any sle...
  8. Hi guys, After pitching my tent in Scooter & Karen's back yard Saturday, I believe I'm just not quite as young as I used to be. I've never needed anything under me except my sleeping bag for a good nights sleep. Unless of course I had the wife with. Then I had a queen sized, double thick air mattre...
  9. It's 3 in the morning and there's still a dozen people on the board. Looks like I'm not the only one with strange sleep habits.
  10. Apparently my brain is full of it ... yyaaawwwwnnnnnnnnn ... I'll try to go back to sleep now!
  11. A few weeks ago, I saw a slide show of the book called "Go The F--- To Sleep", a night time story book. It is available now as a free download from Audible. Here's the blurb: Academy Award nominee Samuel L. Jackson (Pulp Fiction) rocks this mock bedtime story, capturing a hilarious range of e...
  12. You have no idea. This is totally unexpected!!!! Problem is, not only where have him sleep,,, but what to have for supper!!!!
  13. Now that Charlene is on her way to recovery, its starting all over!!! For the past 2-3 weeks I have been having a pain in my right hip area, at first thought it was a pulled muscle, but its getting to the point that I am not able to sleep in my bed at all, no matter how I lay I am in terrible pain,...
  14. Have you ever wondered where and how yodeling began? Many years ago a man was traveling through the mountains of Switzerland. Nightfall was rapidly approaching and he had nowhere to sleep. He went up to a farmhouse and asked the farmer if he could spend the night. The farmer told him that...
  15. I would like to find a PowerPack / Portable Power Supply that does not have an air compressor or the jumper cables. Is there such an animal? I need it to run my sleep machine when we camp and kayak. Anybody know if there is such a thing? Thanks, Ross
  16. hey everyone, i would like to plan some meet and eats and short rides for my aera in nc for 2011. theres alot of senic roads in area and was wondering how many would be intrested in this. i also know the owner of the sleep inn in black mountain so if anybody would like to try this motel out next tim...
  17. Well on my home from work this morning I lost the head and tail lights, also the speedo lights are out. The brake, turn, and radio still work. I was able able to pull in to a convience store and got my wife to pick me up. I am going to try and get some sleep then back and see what is wrong (I hope)....
  18. Does anyone have a spare clutch lever for a 2006 venture? My bike bent her's up when it decided to lay down and go to sleep at a stplight! Thanks, Kenw
  19. Im 57, woke up 5 times Im so Pumped up with only 4 hour of Sleep "Venture Riding Here We Come" We are Off
  20. ok since im late on this as it took me till this week to get the funds and such to go. where is a good place to stay at a fair price? i do have a tent packed but a friend borrowed my cot. and hes still on vacation with it. with all my knee operations i have had i cant just sleep on the ground in...
  21. First I hate to take any kind of drugs!! Just not me. I have a medicane cabinet full of Pain killers that would probally do this but won't take them unless I'm ready to start screaming. I have eaten enough of the things. Problem is this stupid leg & foot is waking me up at all times of the night an...
  22. Got to be at Hospital at 6:30am, Daughter at her friends home until I get out. Haven't been able to sleep last couple of nights and this fiberglass brace they made doesn't fit, it's to small. I do not know what they are going to do about it, I cannot get on my feet without it after the surgery. I s...
  23. just got a call from lowell and he said i'm out here in the driveway, let me in. trying to get him to catch some sleep. he's heading for dooder's later. said he had a great time at md.
  24. motorhome,has just been turned into a park mod,lower end is bad,and not worth pulling to repair,should be a good place for company,and frends,besides i don't need any more ROUND-TO-IT'S,most every things works,and it will sleep 6,
  25. No, no its not another motorcycle. It's Pebbles, she is boxer and pit bull mix. Fell in love with her. She sleeps next to our bed at night. She's too big and smelly to sleep on the bed. Hmmm...maybe Steve could sleep next to the bed too. Steve built a dog run for her and our Jack Russell. It didn't...
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