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  1. I need to rebuild the clutch slave cylinder on my 89 VR. Parts should arrive tomorrow. Does anyone know a trick to fish out the cylinder without pulling the middle gear cover?
  2. Well it has happened , My poor old trusty 1996 XVZ Royal Star only 72000 kilometers or 45000 of your miles had started to consume clutch fluid and is starting to drag the clutch and sometimes is hard to change gear and to select netural. From what I have read on the forum it appears that slave cylinder maintainance is required. there are no apparent leaks visable. Because I am isolated here in rural Australia and there are no local dealers close by I would like some input from you great bunch of guys as to what is involved in this job as well as a reputable supplier for the necessary parts. I guess that it it advisable to change the slave out as against rekiting it. I am also thinking that a re kit of the master might as well be done at the same time. any thoughts about this please, Can the slave be changed out without dismantling any of the gearbox. Cheers to all, Winston66, Northampton , Western Australia
  3. So... a week ago I went to ride the 89 and by the time I had rolled backwards out of the garage and was ready to leave... bummer.. no clutch. Then saw the puddle by where the kickstand was. Ordered the parts for the clutch slave cylinder. Rebuild it Friday night. Saturday morning... fluid puddle. Guess it is the short hose from the long tubing to the clutch slave cylinder. The problem... i can not locate the part number, or find it on Boats.net/(aka) Powersports. Their microfiche show it a a ghost part under clutch, but I can't find the part to order. I looked in my manual (copy attached) and found the part, but again no description. Any help out there on where to order this hose ? Also, would a hose off of an 84 MKI be the same one as a 89 MKII ?
  4. I'm fixing to replace my slave assembly pretty soon, getting tired of topping off my clutch fluid every 2 weeks or so. I want to have everything ready so I ordered a new slave, which looks like it has the piston and spring inside (big wad of grease inside). I can't find if there is a gasket for the middle drive gear? Do y'all use permatex or am I missing this gasket in the parts diagrams somehow? Thanks in advance
  5. ive got the dredded oil puddle looks like its coming from around the clutch slave cylinder im thinking it may be the slave cylinder is it hard to replace
  6. I"m doing the clutch slave cyl and figured I'd tackle the gear indicator issue while I was in there. Mine reads 4th gear for everything except 5th That part was not really planned cause I didn't even realize the switch was in there!! Anyway, I did the testing as per the manual and I guess the switch is bad. Any body got a GOOD shift indicator switch they want to part with? How much is a new one here in Canada? I really dont' want to try building up the contacts with solder like I read in one thread...I"d rather just change the switch. If I go ahead and do the slave cyl. and put the cover back on....do I have to order another gasket and crush washer to do the switch later or can I just re-use the "new" ones I would have just put in?
  7. anybody have a used slave cyl. for sale ? thought I'd check here before I did the hunt on ebay Thom
  8. hello all im new to all this been a while since i rode a bike getting back into it anyway here is my question what does 4xy or 4nk mean in the part # i have a 97 1300 royal star the master brake calls for part # 4nk-2587-02-00 i found a part 4xy-2587-10-00 on ebay seller says its for a 09 venture they boyth take the same rebuild kit will this work on my bike same seller also has clutch master i may need will all this work needing to get this bike on the road so bad i can taste it (have to stick my head out the window of my truck to get a little wind in my face lol) but will not compromize safety. bike sat for 3 yrs before i got it as an aniversary gift in oct. both master and slave are ruined i replaced slave with a new one dont like the price of new master cyl. ive done enough rambeling thanks for the help in advance.
  9. Lost my clutch shifting into third yesterday got lucky and road it home in second ( about 2 miles) I beleive it' the SLAVE CYLINDER only becuse I can't find any leaks all lines seem good . I is there any where on this site that has Pictures so that I know what to look for when I pull the cylinder It's only $20 for spring and new seals so I figured I would do that first and go from there I did bleed it but got just enough clutch to get into neutral so I could push it into garage. ANY advice comments etc... would be greatly appreciated. Oh 1999 Venture and it was going bad the other day and I bled it and got about 150 miles and this happened.
  10. I haven't been able to find a write up on here on the r/r of the slave cylinder. I will document my job with pix & post it here for others that follow. Looking at the service manual, I have been able to surmise the following must be done. But I have some preliminary questions I will post in red: 1. Remove bolts on the left footrest-shifter. 2. Remove the 6 allen bolts on the middle-gear cover.. Do I have to drain the oil? 3. Remove the bolt that attaches the clutch line to the slave What size are they? 4 Remove the two allen bolts holding the cylinder to the engine. What size are they? Can I use Allen Wrenchs or will I need to buy metric hex sockets? Also is there a preferred bleeding technique or is it a pain like bleeding my Honda's front caliper? (not enough pressure) Basically That is all the questions I have to prepare for this. I looks simple enough. Andy
  11. I have been working on my leaking clutch slave all summer. Made the mistake of "having" to have speed bleeders on my clutch slave. That lead to a sheared off bleeder screw, replacement of clutch slave entirely. Now I put on the new clutch slave with the bleeder screw that it came with and had a heck of a time getting the seal tight enough to draw fluid. With much help from here and plumbers tape I got a tight seal and and the clutch working. Now I have the same leak from around the bleeder valve. It can't be tightened anymore. So, how do I get the seal tight enough around this bleeder screw so that it doesn't leak? How do you bleed out the line losening and tightening and keep the seal tight enough when you are done? Can't believe I have to pull the cover, drain the oil, losen up the clutch slave just because they design these things that you can't unscrew the bleeder screw the hole way out. Crazy. Appreciate your help. Sorry for my attitude. It is the 4th time I will have the clutch slave off this summer.
  12. Think my clutch slave has a slow leak 02rsv I've had the bike since may and had to top the reservoir twice now. Actually found what I am pretty sure is brake fluid on the concrete under the bike this morning. I access the forum with tapatalk with my Android. Someone mentioned the shop manual being on this site, anybody have a url for it. And, does the clutch line travel under the engine, found a line with the leaking fluid on bottom side line. I want to make sure its not just a slightly loose connection. Rebuilding hydraulic cylinders wasn't on my list of thing to do this summer. Bob Marshall, il
  13. I changed the clutch slave today. The previous clutch slave had a leaky bleeder due to bad female threads. It came with new bleeder screw and inner works. Bled the clutch until I didnt see any bubbles and the clutch was soft and not effective at all. Went and purchased a hand vacumn pump and got so many bubbles it was incredible. Thought was I was maybe getting bubbles from where the hose was. It was on tight. I tried 3 different types of bleeder screws. Same result. Very frustrated. Anybody know what I'm doing wrong?
  14. Pulled the 96 out of the shed today, it's been there since late October. NO fluids whatsoever in the resevoir. Added Dot 3, bled, added, bled added, no pressure at all in the clutch. No noticeable leaks anywhere. Pulled the side cover, pulled off the "slave cylinder" and had a heck of time to get it to move. Finally freed it up. Pulled it apart, can feel a ridge inside about 10 thou....have it all apart still. Comments? New slave cylinder required? Best place to buy? What a spot to get at! Sure glad my son can wrench, and more importantly...SEE! This getting old crap...and owning two bikes is a wee bit challenging at times. Thanks gunk:shock3:
  15. Preface- Every thing I do to this bike is the first time so I don't have a frame of reference. My bike is a 2000 RSV with 35,000 miles. I've owned it for a year. I was working around my clutch slave area so I decided to rebuild it. To my surprise it was full of metal shavings. Quite an alarming amount to me. I felt the cylinder and could not feel gouges. Made me feel that the shavings had come from the master cylinder and settled in the clutch slave over time or as fluid had been changed over the years. Was not having clutch problems that I could notice. Getting ready for a trip so don't want to rebuild the master, but am thinking that this is the proper next step. Question: Has anyone seen this issue before and identified the cause? Thanks, Bob
  16. When I bought the 86 Vr the owner said the hydraulic clutch needed to be rebuilt and when I played with it that is all it seemed to be. I had spare rebuild kits for the master cylinder and slave so I went about fixing it today and low and behold someone had tried fixing the slave and ruined the housing now I need to find a slave cylinder housing.
  17. This is the new to me VR that I got for 700$ The carbs need to be cleaned but runs good with the choke partially on. It has some rash on the fairing from the guy dropping it in the garage but everything works on the bike the only problem I have is that it is in Kilometers not US standards, oh and it has an oil leak and needs the hydraulic clutch slave cylinder rebuilt from sitting so long. It only has 71,000 km on it witch is only about 44,000 miles so I think I did good. And I need to know how to take off the damn stickers on the fake gas tank cover....
  18. New Oil change and bike is still hard to shift. Neutral is hard to find. I bled it out with all new Val Sync fluid in it. Time to rebuild Slave Cylinder??
  19. I know this isn't the place to start this, but I'm casting the widest net for help. Decided to change fluid and added a speed bleeder to make the job easier. Every thing was going fine, nice new fluid flowing, and went to close the bleeder - and it broke off . Took slave cylinder out, drilled out and re-tapped so stock bleeder would fit. Now it won't hold pressure/close. Did I drill too deep? Looks like I'll need a new/used cylinder, unless the geniuses here have a solution. Any ideas???
  20. I bought a 1988 Venture that had been sitting for more than 3 years. The clutch did not work at all so I thought that since it had no fluid in it maybe it just needed fluid and bleeding (who was I kidding). I tried and tried to bleed it with no luck. I bought a rebuild kit for the master and slave and also a Harbor Freight bleeder. Rebuilt the master first and tried the HF bleeder without rebuilding the slave. Bleeder worked great and had a little clutch action but looked under the bike and had a flood of brake fluid there. I took out the slave and rebuilt it (thanks for all the posts that said it did come out) did the bleeder thing and it worked great. Had clutch! The front brake worked some but not good. I did the HF bleeder on it and it worked fine then. The rear brake did not work at all. Tried the old method of bleeding and had no luck. Did the HF bleeder on the front left then on rear then on fitting at steering head and went through front rear and head again. Got a full brake. The HF bleeder worked great it was on sale for $20 and it could of been the best $20 I ever spent. One other thing that is nice using the bleeder is that I need no one else to help me. The only other thing I did was to put a turn of Teflon tape around each bleeder screw so that air woud not leak while bleeding. Hope to get everything done so I can go to Maintance Day.
  21. I am again seeking some advise and/or help. As I posted earlier, I changed out my clutch slave this past weekend and wanted to rebuild the clutch m/c. However, since I didn't have the proper circlip removal tool (o-ring pliers), I had to wait on that. But since I had a drained system from replacing the slave and since I wanted to ride, I went ahead and added DOT-3, bleed the system using a miti-vac. When I did ride, my clutch started slipping just after riding for a few minutes. Prior to me wrenching on it as described above my clutch didn't slip. I used Mobil V-Twin synthetic which won't harm the clutch. So I just rode home and waiting until today to check things out. Just got home and checked it out and here is what I think is going on. I think the clutch is not being allowed to fully disengage and the culprit is the master cylinder. There is absolutely no play in the clutch lever. Does anyone know what may be causing this?
  22. The past weekend I wanted to replace the clutch slave cylinder and rebuild the clutch master cylinder. Even though I thought replacing the slave would be the most difficult, that went pretty smoothly and only took about 1 hour. I may have been lucky. So then I started with the master cylinder. HOW DO YOU REMOVE THAT DOGGONE LOCK RING? I then cut grass for the rest of the day. Thanks
  23. I thought I had a slave cylinder leaking on my clutch, so I put on a new one that Steve (SGN) gave me that came with the bike he bought. I put it on and after I got the bike back together, under it was one of the copper washers for the bango fitting that had fallen off as I assembled the fitting. And, since it was still leaking, I pulled the bango and put the washer on. Well, it is still leaking down. After cleaning everything real good with brake cleaner and air. I have found that the leak is coming from where the hose goes into the bango fitting at the slave. I have never seen this come up before, but does anyone have one of the 6-8 inch hoses that goes from the slave to the metal tube under the engine? RandyA
  24. Here is my dilemma. When I removed the slave cylinder the rubber item you see illustrated as "C" was installed. As you can tell by the way it is warped and too large to be the proper seal I can onlyl assume it was wrongly installed by the PO. So, I ordered the factory "Push Lever Seal Kit" from mother Yamaha and it finally arrived today. But rather than being a one piece seal, it is two very different seals. Now I am trying to figure out just how this two piece seal kit is suppose to be installed on the slave. The two piece seal is both A and B as shown. "B" appears to fit perfectly as shown in pics 5 - 9, but for the life of me, I simply cannot figure out what to do with seal "A". Does anyone have the knowledge if both seals are suppose to be used or just Item "B"? I have tried to provide goods pics and hope they are suitable. I look forward to any assistance provided. Forgot to mention, this is for a MKII 1st Edition.
  25. Got my parts in toady from Rick at Buckeye and will attempt tomorrow to repair clutch master cylinder and slave cylinder on my 83 VR. I do have the mannual that shows the diagram for the mc, but the directions for the slave are pretty vague. Anyone ever do these jobs or have any expert advice before I tear into them. Need to get old 83 up and running? Thanks, Clay
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