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  1. So I got the kit from SkyDoc back in Novemeber, I followed the instructions and upgrade the half disc to a full disc, and used the new spring while putting it together. What a difference!!! For about a week!!! Several of you told me including Skydoc that I'd be doing it again soon. Well pulled the trigger and ordered the new discs, to go with the upgrade kit. I'll pull it all apart and put in the other 7 discs, Grumble grumble grumble.
  2. Hi- looking for a cmu for the 85vr. I can't locate a reason why 3, sometimes 4 warning lights are on as well as the red warning light, so I am down to shotgunning it. Ordered a fuseblock kit from skydoc, and I'd like to locate a cmu in the meantime. I "think" 84-86 will fit but I'm not sure and hate to buy an incompatable one. (if I can even find one). Thanks! Kevin
  3. Deka gelcell delivered $99 I tried to start the Venture and nothing, not hardly a click. After a quick search I found that Skydoc 17 (Earl) sold batteries. All the reports said that the Deka was a good choice so I called and Earl had it in the mail on Monday. Wednesday it was in the bike and I was enjoying a short ride - would have been a longer ride if I didn't have this doggone flu. Thanks Earl
  4. Ok, have a 2001 RSV and with 85,000 miles I have always used high test gasoline thinking it gave it more power and better miliage, wrong, this is the thoughts of a majority of people includeing myself until SkyDoc enlightened me. The RSV was designed to run on 86 octain and not high test. Just made a trip 2 days ago from Va to St Louis, running 75 and 80 MPH just about all the way, I averaged 42.2 MPG with lowest 38.7 on one tank full. The bike also ran better, and smoother than it has ever ran, even the whinn sounds quiter. Just think of all the money I wasted on high test in those 85,000 miles at 30 cent more per gallon. So guys and gals, go to regular gasoline, it will make a very noticable differance to your advantage, again thank you SkyDoc. JB:dancefool:
  5. Alright, the valve adjustment on my 01RSV and the clutch upgrade, new friction plates and spring, all is well and working beautifully. The vave adjustment, replaced 14 of the 16 shims, they all were ultra tight, caught it just in time at 85,000 miles, anyone doing this be extra sure of the crankcase vent hose routing, mine was crimped, causing the cover gaskets to blow, after 4 tear downs and a lot of head scratching, finally found it, the clutch upgrade was a snap, less than 2 hours and works perfect, a great big thank you to SkyDoc for the kit and the invaluable help with everything especailly the quick shipment of parts and kits. Thanks to the knowledgeable help of the great site, and anyone looking to do clutch up grade I suggest you contack SkyDoc for the kit. On the Road Again, its good for another 85,000. JB:whistling:
  6. My RSTC feels good but for some reason my buddys 99 venture seems to pull better. I did do the skydoc clutch upgrade but my bike doesnt slip so that shouldnt be athe difference. Is there a HP difference among those years?
  7. With riding season rapidly approaching (although I do commute year round on the scoot) I decided to make a sojourn up to the wilds of PA and visit Skydoc. So a call was placed about three months ago to start the planning and make sure everything was ready for my arrival. So the following was done to get the scoot back to my standards: 1. Valve Cover gaskets replaced with 2nd Gen gaskets; oil is meant to be on the inside. 2. Speedo cable replaced becuase I "lost" the center portion of the cable. Actually the cable came off and the center section is somewhere on I-95 between DC and Woodbridge. 3. Anti-Dives replaced with Skydoc's block-off plates. This really cleaned up the front fork section and got rid of an annoying clicking I was having when the forks were compressed. While we were there we went ahead and replaced the fork oil with 15 wt stuff. 4. New to me mufflers installed. The ones I modified (butchered) were in rough shape before I hacked on them so I was happy to replace them with the ones Skydoc had "lying" around. Heck after a little Naval Jelly and elbow grease this things came out looking damn good. 5. Carb tuning and sync; still chasing a small idle circuit demon and an occasional backfire when slamming the throttle shut from WOT but all in all this is a huge improvement over the way it ran when Skydoc pulled it into the garage. 6. Mink oil treatment to seat; this was a Mrs Skydoc (Jean) special and it really helped the looks and softness of the seat material. Also has the added benefit of repelling dirt and water. 7. Radiator mount repair and drain repair. I can honestly say this is the best the scoot has run since I bought it back in August 2010. A special thanks to Skydoc (Earl) and Jean, they were perfect hosts and I truly felt spolied while I was there; much to the chagrin of the wife . Also, the spare parts (where all First Gen VR Mk II's go when they die) bikes came in handy for the misc connectors and parts. I really could not have picked a better place or people to help get my scoot back to near perfect operation.
  8. There seems to be an issue with the search function. Just tried to search for Skydoc and then myself to no avail.
  9. For many of you that are not of the southern persuasion, this means you are buying something you know very little about and not real sure what you are going to get. Anyway, yesterday I bought another 1st gen. It was listed on Craigslist as an 86 with needing some work for $600 and it was about 85 miles away. Thankfully for me, Skydoc did the last run for a bike that was not worth going after, so to say the least, I went into this with very little expectations. See Skydoc, you did a good thing for some of us and may not have realized it and no I am not going to contribute to your gas fund. Before I decided to take off, he did agree to come down to $550 so that helped a little. When I got there the first thing was that it was an 85 instead of an 86 and I let him know I was disappointed in that and the 85 may still have the 2nd gear transmission problem, which by the way, with his experience with 1st gens he was aware of. I did mention that the problem was apparently solved in the 1450 range on the serial number on 85 models . This one turned out to be 1588. The bike is a Royale and complete as best I can tell, but had an electrical problem that he said was an igniter or whatever. I suspect a TCI, but won't know for sure until I get into it. While discussing options, his buddy also mentioned there was an 83 engine in their parts warehouse that only had 30,000 miles on it. We took a look at it and it looked pretty good and with me planning on converting my 83 engine that has an 86 transmission over to the 2001 Venture transmission this winter, I was thinking I may be able to convert that one and replace the engine in my bike. So, I asked what he would have to have for the 85 bike and the 83 engine and he said I could have it all for $550 and I took it. Again, all this is a pig in a poke, so I won't know how well I did until I start going thru everything after I get it home. I did notice that the 85 had a real nice backrest on it. RandyA
  10. Earl (SkyDoc) had been trying to sell me those "special calipers" for my bike, well I finally purchased his complete brake system and I must say fellows, it does make a difference and even though I questioned was it worth it before I bought the calipers and steel lines, I can tell you it is. My braking is soooooo much more smooth and yes, it will throw you into the windshield. Not trying to push this for SkyDoc, just passing along my experience.
  11. I never made it to a Maintenance Day yet, and the one out at Freebird frankly scares me to death on account of that Swamp Monster - So SkyDoc and I scheduled our own today. We swapped out a clutch, doubled the clutch spring, and replaced the spark plug wires. And we had a great time. Got to tell you - there is nothing like that little shop by the creek. Thanks Earl and Jean. - Ken
  12. Today I spent a most pleasurable day with SkyDoc doing some work on the bike. It was worth it just to spend time with it, to say nothing of putting in new diaphragms. I think I could even do it now! If you have any 1st gen issues, he would love to hear from you Thanks, Earl for a great day. Things ran just fine on the way back home. Any time I can get 160 miles on a tank of gas I think it is pretty good.
  13. Saw a 1987 two tone brown VR in Pennsylvania today, but he didn't see me. It was your buddy Earl or Skydoc to some of you folks. And just for the record, I called him and told him about it!
  14. Hey Dan, Here are some of the pics I took of how I did the '89 yesterday. It's a bit different than what Skydoc has done, but the same result, let me know if this helps you out
  15. I had the dreaded wobble in the front end of my 84 VR and after talking with Skydoc and Lonestarmedic they instructed me on how to change the steering head washer without taking the fairing off and it worked like a charm.I just took it for a ride and it is nice and stiff with no wobble.It only took about an 1 1/2 hours to take it apart adjust the bearings and put the furber fix washer in and put it back together. Thanks again guys Venture Riders are the best. TOM
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