I'm not lazy, just don't want to cause myself "problems"!!
Is someone within a few hundred miles of Columbia, SC skilled in lowering the front of the RSV,, and would do my bike, for a fee (or donation to a favorite charity)?
I would like to get my 2009 RSV front lowered some (say 1") and would like a skilled person do the work. I live in Columbia SC and would travel a distance if you are skilled in doing this. (I had my RSTD done and,, I like it!)
The rear is already lowered 3/4" (half of the Barons kit). But I would prefer to get that back to stock height and drop the front (not do the small tire thing).
So, if this sounds like fun to you, let me know. PM me or post here, let me know.
Have bike, will travel.
Mike Griswold, Lugoff, SC 29078, just off I-20. mikeginsc@bellsouth.net 803-420-3388