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Found 19 results

  1. I just received a ton of St. Jude shirts from Jason Murphy that they had left over. Its to late to start auctions since we are going to St. Jude on the 6th of next month. What I would like to do is offer them up for donations. The shipping would be Priority Mail and the cost of that is $5.00. That will cover as many as I can stuff in the box, which is normally 3-4. Instead of starting a bidding war on them, a $10.00 donation per shirt plus a $5.00 for shipping up to 4 shirts would greatly increase our donation to St. Jude. So you can donate by paypal or you can snail mail a personal check to me. [ATTACH]71530[/ATTACH] Please note, if you use paypal I need shirt sizes and your mailing address. If you pay by check place a note with your sizes in the envelope.. If you plan on going to Memphis on Oct 6, you can pm me and let me know how many and what sizes and I will set them aside for you and get your donation there. Thanks to everyone for supporting St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. Paypal addy is partin_guy@yahoo.com Snail mail is ........ Lewis Cramer 160 Teal Pl. Newnan, Ga. 30263
  2. So I got my drift camera...and in the next week or so I plan on recording bits and pieces of some of the great rides we have around here. To post video, is it the same as posting a picture....just "manage attachements" and select the file I want to post? I can see the file sizes and types. 1.91 mb doesn't sound like much for a video file. How does one go about posting to a web site like youtube? any other recommended sites where I could post video and have folks go there to view it?
  3. My source is still avalable. For a price guide the 5 3/4 inch will be just less than $10.00 includes (mailing to Canada and US and PayPal Fee). There are very good quality patch, both sew on or iron on. And the cost are very very reasonable. Sizes in inches 3 1/2 5 3/4 7 9 14 For Now all I need are the sizes and quantities. After I get the total order I'll then be able to get the group pricing per each size and will PM each individual for confirmation, Name, address and payment type. Please wait until I PM you before you send the info requested. It makes the house keeping process easier. Attached are some pictures of what I did. Cap 2 carry bags Coat
  4. I just purchased a Chrome Radiator Grill from ebay and learned that I need spacers for correct installation. Was wonder if someone with one of these might remove a spacer and post the diameter and thickness of the spacer. There is a Mclendons Hardware store near by and they have all sorts of spacers in various sizes. I would also think that a Nylon Spacer would work for it would be far enough away from the Radiator heat. If I can't find the exact size I might be able to find one long spacer and chop saw it to the specific length.
  5. Picture sizes are so limited in size it hardly makes it worth it!
  6. Already have orders for 17 patches. Last order was for 110 patches. They are Iron-on or Sew-on. Sizes are 3 1/2" 5 3/4" 7" 9" The 3/1/2" inch wide is great for a baseball hat size. If you want a very specific width side, they can be accommodiated. Just specify the width in inches. Sample pricing for a 7 inch patch is $10.00 including shipping. Smaller sizes will be a little less. Larger sizes will be a little more. Actual Pricing depends on the qty of orders. I will accept orders for a few more days. PayPal, Money Order or Personal Checks accepted. No Cash please. Place your order on this thread with your mailing address. Those who have previously order on the Thread "Venture Patches Has Arrived" do NOT need to order again. See Sample Attachment.
  7. Valve shims. I am about to undertake my first valve adjustment and I need to know if I need to buy a complete valve shim kit or individual shims. If individual, what thickness and how many? I know it's hard to tell without checking the old ones but what is the most common sizes? If I'm not mistaken it's possible I could need 16 new shims, not likely but possible. Where is the best place to get them? I need this info ASAP so I can get the shims on the way. Thanks for any help...
  8. I have a 1996 Royal Star that I bought two summers ago .The bike has always had an issue with backfiring from no.3 cylinder on cold startup and that pipe is slow to warm up. I thought it may be a bad coil but when I swapped two coils around the problem stayed on that same cylinder. The bike is away for the winter so I decided to pull the carbs and when I did I found that the no.3 carb was not seated properly into the boot. The boot was bent in on one side and likely causing a vacuum leak. This may have been the problem but I decided I would check the float levels and jets while I had the carbs off. The previous ower said he had rejetted when he installed a K&N filter and as far as I know that is the only mod he has done. It still has the stock pipes and no signs of any drilling of the baffles. I read the article about rejetting in the tech section and they changed the pilot jets to 17.5 from 15 and the main jets to 125,125,120 and 122.5. The pilot jets in mine are stamped R,followed by a square,20 and all the main jets are stamped R,followed by a square, 95. The bike always ran well but these jet sizes are different from anything I have read and I don`t know what the previous owner was trying to accomplish. Should I be changing these back to the stock sizes or at least the sizes shown in the tech article for optimum performance. Any comments would be appreciated. Doug
  9. just ordered the Kuhmo and the Avon Cobra for my 04 RSV...I'll be enjoying the cookies by next weekend...
  10. I received the sample of the shirt that I designed for "Freebird's Maintenance Day" and am very pleased with the way that it turned out. These are very good quality Hane's Beefy T's and the text and image quality is very nice. I am now taking orders and payment for these shirts. I did the best I could on the price based on the number of shirts that you indicated in the poll that you would want. They would be a bit cheaper if I had them screen printed but that does not work well with a full color detailed photo as I am using on the back. Therefore, the prices are as follow: NO pocket shirts: $20.00 Available in sizes small - 3XL Pocket shirts: $22.00 Available in sizes small - 2XL These prices do NOT include shipping as I assume that most of you will pick them up at maintenance day. If you want shirts but cannot attend maintenance day, I think that an additional $4.00 per shirt should cover packaging and postage. These prices will result in a profit of about $2.50 per shirt. Actually less than that after PayPal fees are deducted. 100% of the profits will go to a local charity the "Domestic Violence Center". This is an organization that my wife volunteers at. They are a great group that provide food, shelter and other aid to women and child victims of domestic violence. Eileen has been very patient of the time that I spend working on and participating on this site and this is just a way for me..and all of us...to show my appreciation for all her support while helping a very deserving group that is dear to her. Please place your orders ASAP. I will try to order a few extra shirts but probably not very many so order now if you really want one. Payment should be made via PayPal to dk_nelson@verizon.net Please note the underscore between dk and nelson. If you don't use PayPal, PM me for my mailing address if you don't have it. Be sure to note with your payment: Pocket or No Pocket and sizes for each. I will take orders for a week or two and then place the order with the vendor.
  11. I noticed the giant scale red and white airplane hovering just off the ground in the pics along the top of the home page. I didn't catch whose it was. I was wandering how many people here are into flying model aircraft, and of what type? I do a lot of Radio control helicopters, I have all of the sizes from micro to gassers, and dabble in everything else. I have one Giant Stinger, one turbine powered jet, and a multitude of airplanes from micro electrics to gassers and everything in between. Who else has found this other money pit for a hobby?
  12. Hello, I'm getting close to a tire change and would like to change to the Dunlop E3's. I have stock size Stones ie: 150-80H-16 front and a 150-90H-15 rear. I do not find these sizes in the Dunlop E3 listing. What size are you E3 users using? Thanks!
  13. Had some paint chips on the outrider guards (from stones etc.) and budget doesn't allow a re-paint right now, sooooo I bought some butterfly auto stickers and put them over the chips. There were all different sizes in the packet, and next thing I know I've gone a little crazy with 'em :crackup::crackup:Check this out
  14. The time has come to place my order for Dragon/Vogel t-shirts. I have finalized the design and just need to leave the rest up to the members attending, so if you plan on attending Vogel you have two things to do, first I need to know sizes especially if you haven't registered and given me that info already, second is which color you want, in the past we have had, grey shirts, black shirts, and maroon shirts as I dont wont to duplicate any shirt, I want each year to stand out on its own merit. Below you will find a sample of each color I have chosen and the design on the front, the back will remain secret until Aug. 12. So please let me know what color and what sizes you will be requiring especially if you don't plan on pre-registering. If I already have your registration you can pm me with your choice. For those that don't submit their choice, I will have extra shirts available at the registration table, they will be available on a first come basis, and if you are bringing your kids and want shirts I can get them in youth sizes but. I must have this info before I place the order.
  15. Guest

    Help with tire sizes

    My son has a 2005 Honda Shadow Spirit. The tires on it are front 110/80/19 and the back is 160/80/15. Can anyone help me out on other tire sizes that will fit this bike? I haven't had much luck finding these in anything other than Bridgestone and would like to buy him some Avons or Continentals. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Jackie
  16. NewEnough has just put the JOe Rocket leather michael Jordan Jacket with the armor on sale for 179 bucks with sizes up to 60. This is a good deal for us big guys as its hard to find big sizes plus they just never go on sale for us. I dont think they will last long regular price is 499. Here is the link http://www.newenough.com/closeouts/leather_suits_jackets_and_pants/joe_rocket/michael_jordan_2k7_team_replica_leather_motorcycle_jacket.html
  17. Makes and sizes please and where to find them
  18. All I need/want ,PLEASE, is the size, preferably the exact link to them on the Southwest moto tires web site, (http://arizonamoto.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Store_Code=SWMT&Category_Code=MTCYTIRES) , the correct tires for my 07 Venture. I am wanting the AVON VENOMS ONLY and the exact same factory sizes that come on there. I hate the Brickstones. I don't want a smaller front or anything different. All the info I have pulled up here goes into three dozen directions and is confusing as crap. Thanks.
  19. Does anyone all the carburator jet sizes for a 1st Gen for 86-93? Thanks Jim.
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