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Found 19 results

  1. My father passed away a few years back and this was his bike it probably has been parked almost 7 8 years... I would love to rebuild this just because it was his and he loved to ride and so do I ... I have lots of questions... But lets start slow... First I have never rebuilt a bike... And second I have no keys so once I get the key situation handled where should I start this long road project... I know it's not going to happen over night I don't have unlimited funds but I am willing to do the work
  2. Breaking down today a first for my 20 yr old bike. I was able to use my smart phone to access this site for help but I had a hard time finding info. People are all different and have different way of describing their problem making it a little more challenging to locate relevant info. I'm proposing a webmd type symptom checker that would help assist individuals to quickly assess a situation and find relevant info to help their situation quickly. It might be something simple and get them up and running quickly. I'm willing to compile the info and various links to accomplish this for 1st gens unless you have something that accomplishes this already. Good idea? Bad idea?
  3. Since my co worker just got creamed by a cage that ran a sop sign, I have been thinking about the scenario a lot. Enough that even though the fall colors were just stating to get near peak and the weather was perfect for a ride, I did not go out. If a bad situation presents itself you have a better chance if you have at least thought about it some before it happens. So the question is; If you are going down the road and and you see a car pulling out in front of you, and there is just no way to avoid getting hit, no room behind the car to swerve to the right and oncoming traffic or something else blocking a swerve to the left, what is the best option? Hit the brakes hard which will slow you down and cause you to hit the side of the offending car and get launched into the handle bars, or get on the gas hard to try to get your body past the point of impact even though the car will still hit the back end of the bike and likely knock you down at a higher rate of speed? Or some other option. I know the best option is to not put yourself in that situation but sometimes $hit happens. I do realize that every encounter is different, and the snap decision will have to be made at that moment in time.
  4. We are heading out next Friday for Port Canaveral, Florida for a Disney Curise:cool10: We will be driving and leaving our vehicle in the cruise terminal parking. My question is to those of you that conceal carry. What do you do with your weapon in a situation like this. Can't take it on the ship, but I'm a little concerned about locking it in the vehicle for 6 days. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks,
  5. When #3 pulls so much vacuum that it pulls the fluid to the top, will A, B or C screw help get it to stop? Yanno, so I can start syncing them. I am trying to sync my carbs and I know they are way out of sync, I sure see why the dial gauges would be a better choice over fluid ones in this situation.
  6. Having a real hard time trying to get comfortable. Seat is a PITA and the pain in my neck and shoulders blades make this an uncomfortable situation. It starts after bout 30 minutes in the saddle and that's not near long enuf!
  7. Rehabbing the old bike. Replaced all instrument panel bulbs, turned on ignition and the headlight warning illuminated. Headlight is very dim and won't cycle lo-hi beam. Replaced bulb, same situation. Now making sure the battery is fully charged. Light worked fine up until now. Any ideas?
  8. Firstly I'd like to say thank you Don for the site & making it all possible. From reading here I know I'm not alone in saying that. To all those members who post / have posted to the tech section ( you know who you are) thank you very much as well. I have never had to ask a question about my Venture, because everything I need / want to know about the mc is here somewhere. My apologies for not interacting more on the forum, but am normally a man of few words anyway. Just my nature I guess. Would be great to meet some of you guys for a ride, M&E or something but doubt that will happen without some big changes in situation. (you never know) Thanks again folks Tony.
  9. I know that i have not been around here a lot lately, been lurking here or there, but really have not had time for much in the last several months. My wife and I are getting divorced and things have been crazy and will continue to be for some time. This was not my idea, but like it or not I have to move on and take care of the kids and myself. This is kind of a complicated story, but I cannot talk about it too much at this point because I have to do somethings to protect my kids. Unfortunately, one of the things that I must do is sell my Venture. I will be putting it and some accessories up for sale very shortly. I really hate to do this, but do not have a choice with the situation that I am in and trying to sort out all of the finances. It will not be too long though before I get another one, but may need to go to the darkside and get a 1st gen for a while. I would appreciate your thoughts and prayers, I NEVER thought that I would have to deal with all this and it is truly still dumbfounding for me.
  10. Don't know what is going on down-under...but I sure hope it doesn't affect you all. Sounds like a bad situation. http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1888288,00.html?xid=rss-topstories
  11. My signature block (and some others that I have seen) are getting cut off at the bottom. I don't know what I can do to fix the situation. I have tried to resize the font and the graphics, but nothing seems to work. Appreciate any help. Jim T
  12. Anybody replace a front motor mount on a 97 Sebring convertible? I need the quick way to get it done so's I can go to Squids next weekend instead of dealin' with this!!!!!! BTW, crossover exhaust pipe nuts look pretty frozen, don't want to get into that situation!!!!! Any suggestions are 'preciated!!!! Gonna go eat dinner and look at repliess when I get done. Thanks in advance, Dan
  13. Got a wierd little thing going on with my front headlight. Sometimes it's nice and bright, other times it's dim. My first thought is possibly a bad ground somewhere. It seems to be just confined to the headlight, because I haven't noticed the dash lights dimming. Has anyone else had a situation like this? I'm going to test the regulator and stator first, just to make sure they are ok. The bulb is new, just replaced it, but the old one was doing the same thing.
  14. Last week I installed Baron's 4-2-4 slip-ons on my 2006 Midnight Venture. Also put in new plugs; plugged the AIS lines and the inlet to the AIS pump; re-synched the carbs;and put in new air filters and a new fuel filter. The bike is now popping/backfiring during throttle up/throttle down and even when holding the throttle steady at 60 mph. Have I missed something? Can anyone help/advise with this annoying situation? Regards..........Boomer
  15. Do any of you drink coffee while you are riding? Can you post a photo of your cup holder? I cant find a good solution to this situation....
  16. Do any of you drink coffee while you are riding? Can you post a photo of your cup holder? I cant find a good solution to this situation....
  17. We are getting 2 or more phone calls every day including weekends from bill collectors.They get the wife out of bed every day (she works nights). I do not want to change our number nor turn down the ringer and miss a important call. When you call these collectors and explain the situation they refuse to quit calling. What is the situation NONE OF THE CALLS ARE FOR US OR ANYBODY LIVING IN THE HOUSE.Over the years relatives,ex son-in-laws,etc, have give out my phone number as a contact because they don't have one and now I pay the price NO SLEEP. I do not want to pay the phone company a monthly fee for blocker service. Does anybody know of a after market blocker I can purchase to send these calls to never never land but pass others to the phone.
  18. Hi All: Sometimes it takes meeting some good people to make a final decision on what to do about a given situation. I have been out to a Meet and Eat in my Backyard and met some really great people. I have listened to a lot of opinions and had a lot of discussion about Yamaha and my bike Crickett. I have been doing this and saying this.....most likely coming to a decision myself. Bottom line is Yes I like the Venture Motorcycle, put all its good points on one side......put its bad ones on the other side......it comes out a winner, please forgive me......I have struggled to come to this decision myself. All of you know some about this Clutch Basket Chirp, some of you know exactly what it is as you have it......and are also tired of the Screech........I suppose that is the correct term to use.....A screech with a built in Crickett. So this evening when I get back from taking Miss Brown Eyes on her Sunday Afternoon ride....I am going to compose a letter directly to Yamaha......this coming week I will follow up ahead of time and after it with several important phone calls. I am going to listen to the opinions I also agree with. I like the Venture.....I like the people who ride them......I think it would be wrong of me to walk away from this issue.......one or two of them think I have the intelligence and determination to fight the good fight.......I will have to talk to myself and make myself behave a bit.........but we are going to try. I need your help......all of you........if you have this situation or know of it......or can add your voice to this , I really could use your help. I only ask that we all put our opinions about where the Venture is going.....how they may change it.. ON HOLD IN LETTERS TO YAMAHA. and above all do not say anything bad about any dealer......we know they are bad.......just that we should not say this. I am going to ask Yamaha to assign me a Dealer.....to work with me......to get this issue resolved and try to do this in a nice and friendly and intelligent manner. It may take awhile......okay.......I have the time. My latest word from my new dealer relationship was that they would change my clutch basket one time.....let me ride it..if I liked the sound, that would be fine, if I did not, they would re-install the original basket. I do not accept this at this point, I want it properly taken care of. If it takes half a dozen baskets.....several drive shafts and a couple universals to accomplish this.....this is the goal. I wish to bypass the dealerships at this point.....go right on up the ladder, and let Yamaha get involved and resolve this. I will state in my letter to them......you in management need to become aware of our situation.....our opinions on this......we like Yamaha products and some of us can be great field reps for your products.....you need to be aware of our serious intent of this issue. I am sure they are aware of this site already.....I am not sure how much attention management pays to it....but I will bring it to their attention. I wish to stress......do not run down the dealers....lets be nice....if an answer cannot be obtained from one source , we will bypass them, and go to the next one in the line. Who knows we might actually win a battle or two, and it can only help all of us who have this situation. I know that sometimes on this forum......there are a lot more visitors than members....people looking for information.....this is how I found it. So people are watching. I am done with changing my mind.....saying stupid things....flitting around like a mosquito.........I am going to hang in there and fight the good fight.......after meeting some of the people involved in all this this weekend, I think I owe it to them , and myself. Respectfully Kit See I can be serious as can be when I want to be.....I have finally got my own mind wrapped around this situation, wish me luck...help me if you can.
  19. Ever wonder what is in those cans? Thanks to GeorgeS, you can now see. Lot's of restriction. Pretty much the same situation on the second gens also. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=3365
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