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  1. Just curious. How did you find this site?
  2. Hi ya'll... I'm not a terribly active member here on this site, but I thought I'd share this with you all to see if you'd be interested in giving it a go. I can't claim this as an original idea, as someone on another motorcycle board I frequent came up with it... We're having so much fun (that thread is 115 pages now), I thought I'd pass it on here. Since we are heading into some beautiful weather, and we're all looking for any excuse to ride, lets see if we can have fun while we're at it!! Here are the simple and basic rules... Don't forget.. this is for fun and entertainment!! The person who scores first on the target gets to set the next target. Targets must be fairly generic so that anyone can hit them with a little effort. No targets like, you, your bike, and the Golden Gate bridge for instance.. A more suitable target would be - you, your bike, and a truss style bridge. Nothing dangerous or illegal. No old pictures. You must seek out the target after it's announced, not use a picture you already have. No Photoshopping. Targets must involve you and your bike in some way. Anyone may announce a prize for hitting the next target (prizes should be of minimal value or for the purpose of fund raisers on this site). A suitable prize would be a ride bell for instance. Post your picture (or a link to your picture) in this thread.some of the funnier targets from the other site were things like "you, your bike, and a drag queen", or "you, your bike in front of an employement agency, and you holding a sign that says 'will work for chrome'", and a favorite of mine "You, your bike, and at least two Hooters girls (dressed in Hooters attire)". So let me kick this off by setting the first target! You, your bike, and a covered bridge. Good Luck, have fun, and be creative! PS: Mods and Admins - Please modify rules here as necessary to be within site policy. I don't want to step on any toes with regards to "prizes" or "fundraisers".
  3. Now that I have a Goldwing I've noticed a few more postings by wing riders. Does anyone know how many of us are on the site now? Just curious. Dennis
  4. Parts from 83 xvz1200 still for sale. I had to shut down my used parts offer when I took my recent trip to Sturgis and out west. But, Now I'm back and I'm finished with the Mattcharva's bike rebuild project so now the parts store is back open. There are many, many good parts left and I need to wrap this project up as well . I need to move these babies and clear out the over flow of parts that run from my work area through the sunroom art studio into the house and on to the kitchen table. Most every thing has been disassmbled from the bike down to the engine and frame. Still have all the plastic body parts and most of the systems and electrical components. So, if your still looking for some parts please reply on this post and I will answer with availability and condition of part and price of part plus shipping cost. plus:2cents: Please do not respond by private message. That didn't work to well last time. Going back and forth between the thread and private messages kept me confused and clogged up private messages boxes. So step right up and tell me what you need, remember a lot of the parts are interchangable withe the XVZ1300 and later year model. If in doubt I can verify if it will work on your bike with my multi year Yamaha Parts program. It's all for a good cause, mine and Venturerider.org's. I am doing this for a few bucks but I'm not greedy and willing to share so I'm trying to offer these parts at a very reasonable cost and at the end of the day I'm gonna tally up what I've sold through this site a donate 10% off that amount to Venturerider.org and donate any remaining useable parts to the venture parts stash on the site.
  5. I just wanted to say how much I love this site. It has become an addiction. When I first get get up in the morning, when I get home; and before I go to bed; I have to check to see the latest posts. I know you are saying; this woman has no life. Yes, that is true, I have no real life. However, this web site has brought me many hours of enjoyment. I have made many new chat friends, and had a bunch of fun. I just wanted to say that. I love this place! Let's ride. Peggy:7_2_104[1]:
  6. I haven't posted to much, but what a great site. I would like to thank everyone for the info that I have received already by reading previous threads. But to my problem. My 84's timing is out of the marks, and can't find any way to adjust it back. Looked through all manuals that i could find, and read what i could on this site, but couldn't find where to go! Any help at all would be great!! everything else is ready for my 10,000k trip in july except this.
  7. VentureRider.Org was started on July 21st, 2004. The object of this site is very simple. To bring together folks who enjoy friendly discussion of the Yamaha Venture, Venture Royale, Royal Star Venture and Royal Star motorcycles. What started as a very small group of owners has become the most active site on the Internet dedicated to these bikes. Though most of us share a passion for these particular bikes, we welcome all riders who enjoy the company of a friendly community of riders who have a desire to lend a hand when needed, share a cold drink when possible and simply enjoy the company of other riders. On August 15th 2006 there was a major server crash and we lost two years worth of messages and member information. At that time, we had over 3600 folks registered here. After a total rebuild of the site, the numbers are still coming back and the great technical information lost is being reposted as we continue on. This is a very informal group. We don't feel the need for a lot of club officers, rules, regulations. We do have some basic guidelines for our organization though. These are guidelines that the majority of the members reached a consensus on long ago. Edited by V7Goose: The original intent of the founding members was that this site is, always has been and always will be free to all. Don Nelson, Freebird, spends almost unimaginable time and effort personally creating and maintaining this site for the benefit of all members, and for five years he personally covered 100% of the costs for software, hosting, bandwidth, etc. A few members donated to Don in an effort to help out, but they were only a small percentage of the members here. In 2009, Don and his family were beset by some unexpected health issues and large medical expenses that forced him to make some hard decisions about continuing to spend his own money on this site. As a result, the members here were quite vocal that we needed to implement some form of membership fee so that those of us who enjoy this site would all begin to share in the cost. At this time, the forums are open to all to read but registration is required for posting a new message or replying to an existing message. Registration is just $12/year, is easy to do and helps to protect us against spam. Just as important is the fact that this site is PG rated. There are a lot of sites on the Internet where people can look at pornographic materials, use vulgar language, etc. We do not need that here. By keeping this site PG rated we are able to reach a wide range of people. Please respect this simple guideline when posting here. Although we do not have many rules, keeping the PG rating in all things would be Rule #1. We have also tried to keep political discussions to a minimum here. Many people have very strong political opinions, including me. Again, there are a lot of places on the Internet to discuss politics and I've never seen any good from mixing politics with motorcycle discussion. What starts off as a rational discussion always seems to turn into a heated debate and it usually gets personal before it ends. All of the same things can be said for religious discussions. Rule #2 would be that politics and religion are two subjects that will not be tolerated. The last rule, Rule #3, is that all discussions need to remain civil. That is not to say that we do not expect disagreements, and even some "lively" discussions where it is clear that opinions are held strongly by some individuals. It does mean that personal attacks and insults are not acceptable. Our primary focus here is motorcycles, motorcycle touring, technical discussion, etc. This site would get pretty boring though if no other discussion was allowed. We have become much more than a website here. We have become friends and many of us have met in person as well as here on the site. It was the motorcycles that brought us together but it's the friendships that keep us together. As in face to face meetings, conversations other than motorcycles will often come up. We have specific areas for just that type of discussion and we encourage folks to please try to post in the appropriate areas. If a mistake is made and something is posted in the wrong area...it's no big deal...we will either overlook it or move it. The main thing folks is that this site should be not only helpful but fun as well. I hope that we all remember that first and foremost, we are friends. This is the kindest and most considerate bunch of folks I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. There are no cliques here and no secret groups within our group. If you are new here, simply introduce yourself and you will be warmly welcomed.
  8. I have basically been off of the forum for a while over the holidays and stuff so I suppose a lot of changes have been made but I keep getting logged out about every half hour? Another change is that if I have more than one window for the group open one window isn't aware that the other is logged on. I used to never log out and the site would just pick where I left off when I would load the web site. I was preparing a post with photos earlier and the site logged me out before I could get the photos uploaded with my post. I looked around the profile setting to see if there was a parameter I could change but didn't find anything. Does anyone have any ideas about this? It's becoming a PITA.
  9. Some of you who have been around since the early days will remember Dan Lowery. Dan was one of the original officers when I started the "Venturers" site. I honestly don't remember if he ever joined this site or not but he and I did remain friends over the years. We rode together a couple of times when I lived in Dallas. I got word today that Dan passed away on January 9th which also happened to be his birthday. Dan was a good man and will be missed by those who knew him. Please say a prayer for his family and friends.
  10. The tow company just left with my bike, actually it now belongs to an auction company. i am now officially without a bike . But an was looking over us on 12-13-14 when we totaled it. I can't express how much i've enjoyed and learned from this site over the past 6+ years. i'm torn whether to quit the site or continue to participate. the reason i entertain quitting is that it will be a constant reminder that my riding days are done and quite honestly feel somewhat envious of you all that still ride . i guess i'll just wait and see how it goes. i'm adding several photos of the bike as it was leaving. by looking at the pics the bike doesn't look totaled but the repair price was in excess of $12.5K. Ride safe ya'll.
  11. Don't know what has happened over the past few days but I guess it's time for a reminder about the few rules that we have here. NO POLITICS NO PORNOGRAPHY NO PERSON ATTACKS NO RELIGIOUS DEBATE Those are the main ones. I have said it before but it doesn't hurt to repeat it. This is a family oriented site. It is hard to rate such things but I would say that if used a movie type rating, "PG" is probably where it would fall. This site is based on friendships and the shared passion for motorcycles. It is about what unites us, NOT those things that might tear us apart. I realize that there are things going on it the world that are of interest to many of us. There are things that we should be able to discuss on a technical basis without turning it into a political debate. The discussion on fracking is one of those things. So far, it has remained fairly technical and non-political but it has the potential of going south. If that happens, it will be deleted. There was another thread about Cuba. That is almost a purely political topic and has been deleted. Thanks
  12. Just paid my yearly fee, best $12 bucks I ever spent on a motorcycle,, Thank guys, this is a great site
  13. Let me begin this post with saying I am laying no blame for the condition of this memorial to the ones who at one time may have been responsible for its upkeep. I am also not looking for any thanks for cleaning up this memorial or the upkeep I will do in the future. I am an Ohio Patriot Guard and damn proud of what I can do for the Vets that served our country. I myself am not a Vet. I am an ex police officer and understand what sacrifice means. My girlfreind and I started walking our dogs at a local University. We discovered a memorial to the Vets of the Vietnam era that was in poor condition. I called the groundskeeper of the University and was directed to who knows who. Some guy called me back and I asked for permission to take care of the site. Sure he says, do your thing. I called the Dean and made sure I had permission. She was very cordial and said she would look into the matter and call back. I am still waiting for that call. My partner Char and I cleaned the stone and killed the weeds. We laid mulch and straightened the flags. I added a proper 3x5 American flag to the site. I feel better now. I have enclosed a pic of Char with our results. What I would like the members here is to check on the sites they know about that may need some care. I will retire in a number of years. I know the PGR would keep me busy. In addition to those duties I am now considering making it an ambition to hunt these places. WW1 Vets, Civil War Vets or any forgotton place. My Uncle Johnny died in Nam. This is special to me. http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w109/chromeandleather/100_2447.jpg
  14. hi all hope the new year is a better one for all. it has come time for me to sell my '99 rsv motor trike. it has just over 31,000 miles on it. squidly ( brad ) will help me this weekend to post pictures on the site. also for sell is a m/c jack lift, a lift adapter, a carbtune, a front fork air pressure pump, and a progressive rear shock pump, which can also be used to top off air pressure in the tires. the price of the trike is $10,250.00 which is the pay off on the trike. i have a clear title to the trike as i found a independet finance source. i also have two color matched helments that will go with the trike. the pull behind trailer that i have had for a few years will also be for sell. i will still be a part of this site but will be just bike less for some time. best reguards don c. my e-mail addie is dcumps1950@yahoo.com phone # is 832-265-6236
  15. :cool10:This 11 year old kid created a social net work site that is kid friendly. His Dad was tired of all the bullying and curse words on face book and cut him off. So he got creative. If you want your kids on a safe site check this out. Please leave your thoughts here. http://www.gromsocial.com/ Joe
  16. Anyone Know where you can buy the 15" chrome bezel ed light bar for under the trunk on a 2nd gen. Custom dynamics doesn't show it on there web site and all others that I find don't have the chrome.
  17. I just wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. We have our daughter, son in law and granddaughter staying with us until New Years Day, so I do not get on here much. Just wanted to say how much I appreciate all the things that everyone on this site does all year long. I know you are all aware of what a unique website this is. I especially want to wish Freebird and his family a Merry Christmas. This site has made a very big difference in our enjoyment of motorcycling. We have met so many people, we would have never had the pleasure of meeting anywhere else. God Bless you all. Have a safe New Year riding on your bikes. Yama Mama
  18. Best gift I can give you right now is my thank you for a great job moderating the site and my promise not discuss or mention xxx control. Wishing you (and all Members) a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy holiday !
  19. When I was riding my Suzuki Boulevard, I found a really great forum to be a part of. When we switched to the RSDT I was hoping for another great forum. It looks like I found it. I can read and read for hours and still not see all the great stuff here. Even though the Suzuki site was free I will have no problem paying a little bit for the great info here. Great job guys.
  20. Does anyone know why a TCP packet is sent to Google every time I use the site? TCP Packet - Source:,3039 Destination:gh-in-f155.1e100.net,80 The Destination is Google in Mountain View Ca. It may just be because of the revolving ads:
  21. Well anyone that has been around here for a spell knows that I have a hound from hell. Her name is Lily but should have been named Satan. I will not recant the thousands of dollars of things she has destroyed in the first 3 years of her young life. I actually believed that she suffered a brain injury before we purchased her but soon found out that she is actually of high intelligence as long as you have a treat in your hand..Not to mention her selective hearing and just plain stubborness... Well that is neither here nor there because she has made me fall in love with her. The scamp reminds me of ME in so many ways, but I don't want to get into that either and no I do not normally chew up the furniture...well, not that often anyway ......this bring me to my point of this story....My lovely bride Taters has been suggesting ALOT about getting her a playmate......no.. no.... not a playmate for Taters.... the dog silly.....NOOOOOOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY I say.........YEAH RIGHT...!! Well, I was surfing and found this site...... www.nybasset.org Dang site......WE had our interview yesterday and we are being notified shortly if we are going to be parents again.............. his name is FLASH and can be viewed on their site in the adoption pending section........WAIT, IS GETS BETTER...I have also filled out an application to become a volunteer for this organization and become involved in the RESCUE OF THESE LITTLE BUGGERS.....HOW do these thing happen to me.......?? Please take a look at the site and wish Taters and I luck in our quest to adopt this big beautiful boy ........this is a pic our our little troublemaker when she was a pup...HOW SWEET she looks......yeah, she fooled us.....lol
  22. I saw this on ebay....just exactly what is it and do we have a copy on the site? http://www.ebay.ca/itm/USED-86-Yamaha-Venture-Royale-XVZ13DS-XVZ-13-DS-XVZ13DSC-Assembly-Manual-/270944733172?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f159087f4&vxp=mtr&_uhb=1#ht_859wt_1178
  23. hello all it looks like zsiska from this site will be buying the bumble bee i gave him a real deal this bike all the extra parts and the trailer for 3600.00 i will be meeting him next week on sat about half way from here to his house may be somewhere around wilson nc i will still be around and working on the model a to retore it i will miss the bike very much. you can't beat the ride and power of a venture it has been the best bike i have ever had maybe someday i will be able to get another one. but do not see that anytime soon. this is a great site and have met many new freinds i hope zsiska becomes a full time member also bumble bee kevin wisor 1999 rsv 1930 model a 1923 model t
  24. Currently riding a 2006 GL1800HPA (audio, comfort & nav). The bike is dark red and has quite a few options. I am strongly considering a trike and the missus like our 2002 RSV better than the current Wing so I am looking for a Hannigan conversion of an RSV. I would be happy to work a trade for someone looking to go to two wheels for a trike. If you know where a trike is or have an idea of where I could buy one, drop me a PM. I am NOT interested in a NEW conversion due to the Hannigan pricetag. I just missed a good deal listed on this site in the classifieds. Drop me a PM. Thanks - wiredgeorge PS: Some of you may know me as I was a Venturer way back before this site came into existance. I was Venturer 147 and the chaplain for about 2 years. I owned Millennium Edition #13.
  25. http://www.seafoamsales.com/.
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