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  1. RSTD no stereo. I want to set up and use my sirius radio system. I will have speakers in front on handle bars and in speaker pockets on trunk. Question is what do I need to power my sirius radio to work (besides 12 volt socket) Will I have to install a stereo with an aux output or can I get something that will work other then a stereo that can be tucked away and out of site. Any suggestions? Joe
  2. Sorry if this has already been discussed but I did a quick search and did not find an answer in the posts I read. I went to the Sirius website and discovered that they list two different diaphrams for my 1986 Venture Royale. One is a package of four SD1 diaphrams and the other is single SD10's. Anybody know which is the best one for my bike and what the difference would be. They look different from each other in the pictures. Price is similar.
  3. Hello everyone, Figured my first post should contribute, so I hope this is something new. I didn't see anything similar here. I just bought an 01 RSV and my first addition is Sirius Satellite Radio, here's how I mounted it. Being one to use what's available rather than buy, if possible. I used parts of the suction cup mount that came with the reciever. I'll post some pics and if you have questions I'd be happy to answer them. Jay
  4. I need to find the slide diaphrams for my 83 VR. I have found the complete slide assembly but I just need the diaphrams. I can't find any specificially for the Venture but I find them for XS and XJ11. Since they are both BS34 carbs are the diaphrams the same? I know the slide part is a different diameter so the assemblys will not interchange. Sirius Consoladated has some listed but out of stock now. Anyone have a set to sell or know another source for them.
  5. Im looking at adding satellite radio in the next few months. I was looking at the sportster unit. Anyone use this unit? Any mounting issues? Where would be the best place to get a subscription? I heard dealing with Sirius could be a real hassle as their customer service really sux. Any input here would be helpful. Thanks....
  6. Does anyone know what is the best deal for XM Sirius Radio for a yearly subscription? And what do you get? Thanks.
  7. here's two things i have noticed about my sirius radios. the one in my truck i wired direct to the radio with the optional antenna hook up. i was getting fade out in certain areas with large power lines. on my v-star the radio would fade in alot of curves. i finally figured what was causing it was since my antenna is mounted on the brake reseroir, and was already not perpendicular to the road, when i lean the antenna was losing the satilite signal at the extreme lean angle. the one on my wing works fine cuz the bars are flatter.
  8. So time to think about adding satellite radio. Comments on XM Radio vs Sirius for satellite providers? Garmin new Zumo 665 has XM. BUT already have a GPS device. Other question, anyone using the portable satellite receivers vs the car mount device? ON the weekend, saw 2 Harleys with the docking station mounted to the left clutch resevior bolts and wired in. Actually looked good, but then again, Harely? Enough said. Thanks for any comments.
  9. Went for a short ride last night and all of a sudden realized my Sirius radio wasn't working, yet it was fine on Saturday when we were out. Anyone have one of these....are they prone to crapping out all of a sudden? It's only a year old. I haven't delved into it yet so not sure if it's the radio or the power source or what. I run the power off the aux power supply in the fairing and that is working so it might be the power convertor itself ... drats!! now I'll have to split the fairing (again) to check it.
  10. I rec'd this email today from Martin at Sirius:Can you stop the add for a week or two or just mention we are already sold out...we have about 100 more coming soon and I will let you know they are back in stock...getting flood of e-mails from your club already. Said he expects it to be a week or two before he gets more inventory, and he will let me know as soon as that happens. I'll post that info here when I get it. Guess we are keeping them busy!
  11. After 2.5 years of procrastination I bought the GXM30 Antenna to complete my Zumo 550...I installed it and to my surprise XM has a Lifetime subscription like my Sirius does so I bought the Lifetime subscription so I could finish out my Zumo Mods! Now even though I like Sirius better,I just had to get my Zumo completed,glad I did. I thought many times about just getting a cradle for my Sirius receiver but I have too much stuff on the handlebars already. Let the riding begin!
  12. I have a Garmin Streetpilot 2820 on the left handlebar. I also have a Sirius Stiletto 2 satellite radio on the right handlebar. I've noticed in the streetpilot literature that with the right antenna, it can receive XM (for traffic, weather and music). Since I already have a Sirius subscription, I've been trying to figure out if the Garmin can receive a Sirius signal (if so I would consider putting the Sirius radio in my car and using the Garmin as the satellite receiver on the 2Gen). Web research is leading me to think the answer is no, something about XM and Sirius having different reception constraints. Are there any experts here that can definitively say either way what the capability is between Garmin and Sirius? David
  13. What XM or Sirius model # do you have?
  14. Anyone got one of these? http://www.xm-radio-satellite.com/pdfs/antennas/AWSR-232045MT_detailed_information.pdf
  15. dray


    Well last year i bought a new sirius radio and after 3 days in the car took it out would not work and could not get logged in on the computer to them to listen so turned it off and i have no idea why but it sat in a corner and was not tossed out anyways back to today today i get a letter from sirius telling me they would like to have me back and i can have 15 days free that my radio will work and if id like i can also have an additional 3 months for the low low price of One Dollar Yep thats right one buck! so i found all the stuff and hooked it up to the bike turned it on and it worked WOW!!! allmost through a whole song so i think i will give it a honest try so i went for a ride about 50 miles and yes it worked but not one song finished kept cutting out or stoping and some times it would even say looking for signal so on the way back home i moved the antena all over to try and get a better signal still no go even held it over my head still no sig. so when i got home you guessed it i took the cutters and cut the thing out of the bike and its now ready to return to them with a nice note and im going to call them tomarrow too just to let them know it will be returned and they dont even need to send my money back or any more letters to try and be nice to me offering free service just not worth it even for free SIRIUS JUNK!!! Dray
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090217/ap_on_bi_ge/sirius_liberty Looks like if your subscribing to Sirius satellite radio, you'll be fine. I was glad to see this since I still have about 6 months left. God Bless, Mike
  17. It looks like sirius xm is possibly looking at bamkruptcy proceedings so maybe hold off on any new subs or renewals. http://www.reuters.com/article/businessNews/idUSTRE51980920090210?feedType=RSS&feedName=businessNews&rpc=23&sp=true Brian
  18. OK....this new Zumo 550 has really complicated my life. It has caused me to have to make more decisions and I'm tired of making decisions. So here is the latest dilemma. I presently have a Sirius radio. I actually have three of them. One in the house, one in my wife's car and one that I move back and forth between the bike and my work car. It makes no sense to me to pay for a fourth subscription to have different ones on the bike and my work car as I only use one of them at a time. I like the idea though of having the GPS, MP3 and Satellite radio in one unit and therefore not having my IPOD, Sirius AND the GPS until all cluttering up my handlebars. I've already found out that even though Sirius and XM are now the same company, they will not let you add an XM subscription to your Sirius account and therefore get it at the reduced rate. So...I would have to get a new XM account to use the XM for the Garmin. Then I would want to cancel the Sirius account for my car/bike but then would not have a unit for my work car. So..after all this...I guess my question is has anybody tried using the Zumo with the XM receiver in a car? Will the antenna pick up the stations if it is on the dash or somewhere in the car? This is ALL so dang confusing.
  19. Ok so here is my problem. I just got my GXM-30 on Saturday. I promptly signed up for XM radio and XM weather. XM Radio was on before I got back to the bike from my PC and I am still waiting on the XM weather. I called the number the XM operator gave me this morning (because they don't work on the weekends) and they gave me yet another number to call. Called them and they said they would send an activation signal down and to leave the radio on for 20 minutes. Well I left it on for 30 minutes and still no weather. I seem to remember seeing somewhere that it could take up to 12 hours before the activation signal makes its way to the radio. Anybody have that happen to them? If I turn the key off and go to battery power the XM radio of course will not work but when I turn the key on if I am on the page menu/xm where you see the XM button in the upper left I will briefly see an XM weather button pop up. Hitting it makes no difference and it goes away after 1 or 2 seconds even if it's not hit. I don't know if that is just natural function of the Zumo/GXM even without the XM weather subscription or if there is something evil lurking in my system. I also go to the menu/tools/subscriptions/XM radio page and it shows my Radio ID and the fact that I am subscribed to XM radio with 217 channels, but the data subscription says none. Thanks in advance. BTW as a side note, I rode in today with the XM radio and the Sirius radio on, both on the same channel and the ENTIRE ride I had XM signal strength of 3 bars and Sirius has at best 2 bars and for most of the ride 1 or no signal. It was actually nice and comforting to get the XM programing back. Now that they have Sirius channels I see no reason to have Sirius at all since their equipment seems to be inferior.
  20. I want to mount my GPS and Sirius and I have reviewed the Ram mounts that come highly recommended in the post and they are nice, but it seems to be too much stuff on the bars. I wanted to make use it the dash space where the front speakers are. Is anyone using the speaker vents to mount Sirius or GPS? I have seen vent mount for use in the cage. Is anyone making use of that method? Thanks, Bug
  21. Just updated my XM subscription and asked a few questions concerning the XM/Sirius merger . They have now started to introducing "The Best of Sirius" on XM . Not all the channels are what some of you would want to hear right now , Howard Stern , PlayBoy , Martha Stewart , but at least they added NASCAR and NFL . Hey it's a start ! Other subscription tiers are in the works . I have went ahead and paid a years subscription of $186.89 + my XM weather for my Zumo for the XM + BOS . I was under the impression that any additional receiver would be somewhere around $6-7 + change a month . NOT ! $10.+change per "YEAR" for any additional receiver , whether it be an an XM or Sirius receiver !!!!! However the added Sirius channels aren't numerous at this time , at least it's a start as more channels to added later . Now from what XM told me , the same shall apply to Sirius subscribers . But they will be getting "The Best of XM" to start . So since my free Sirius radio subscription out of my new truck has expired , I just might take advantage of the $10.+change a year additional receiver charge . Though my truck sit pretty in the driveway most of the time ! :hihi: Just thought I would spread the news that something is happening in the XM/Sirius merger . BEER30
  22. This took a long time but it looks like they finally got the approval. Only time will tell if it ends up being a good thing or bad thing for the consumer. Now I wish I hadn't switched to Sirius. I understand that soon now you will be able to pick your own programming from each one...build your own favorite channels. I have actually enjoyed the Sirius programming more than XM but I liked XM equipment better.
  23. hi excuse my english i want install sirius radio on my venture 2005 and more people on this forum said i install 6 volt supply why 6 volt ?i d'ont understand sirius is 12 volt? and i want to know if i can plug directly my radio in the plud of lighter on the fairing. And the antenna where you put on the bik,e not inside the fairing thanq you for your answer and excuse my english not good bucheron
  24. Amid all the other stuff going on around here, I did finally find a couple of hours to work on the bike today. Got the new Avons mounted on Thursday evening so that was done already. A while back, I switched from XM to Sirius and hadn't gotten around yet to redoing the power supply for the radio on the bike. So...I split the fairing an replaced the XM power cable with the Sirius. While I had things apart, I went ahead and replaced the Pioneer speakers with a pair of Polk DB401. I have a set for the rear also but am no hurry on them. Last year on the way to Vogel I lost one of my front lower air deflectors. I finally got around to ordering a new set of Diamond R Accessories polished stainless deflectors and they came today so I went ahead and installed them also. I tell you, I had seen these on some other bikes but had forgotten how nice they are. Truly quality work. So....the bike is ready I think. Only thing I haven't yet done this year is ...uh...actually ride it. Maybe tomorrow.
  25. Looks like the Justice Department has approved the merger but the FCC still has to do so. http://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/industries/media/article/justice-department-gives-siriusxm-merger-ok_530362_15.html
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