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  1. You will notice that I added back the "similar threads" feature that we had before the site upgrade. Let me know if this is a feature that you like or don't like. I can easily remove it if most of you find it more obtrusive than helpful.
  2. We have a family gathering at a sister-in law's condo today, about a 15 minute drive. 8:05 AM, I ask my wife, "What time are we due at Cindy's?" The answer----hang on, here it comes---- "We can't go until the potatoes are done." Now, I'm 75 years old, on my second and last marriage. I've been getting answers similar to this from the both of 'em since 1964. All this experience and I still do not understand the logic of our precious ladies. HELP!
  3. Hello, I am looking for a forum about Silverwings. My buddy is looking for parts for his 1983 Silverwing interstate GL650. Any one have any ideas of sites similar to this one where he could go for help sourcing parts
  4. I rode my VR to work today for the first time. Everything went well until I was coming back from lunch. About a 1/2 mile from work, my clutch started slipping. By the time I pulled into the parking lot, I had to just idle into the parking space because if I tried to give it any gas, it would just slip. I had a similar problem before but only when I got on the gas really hard. After bleeding the clutch, the problem seemed to stop. Now I'm faced with the problem of getting the bike home this afternoon. Any idea what would have caused this to happen?
  5. My parents have an old J.C. Higgens cooler that was bought in the early 50s. Does anyone know if it has any collector value? What it may be worth? I searched all of Craigs list and ebay but could not find one similar.
  6. For this exercise assume two RSV's. RSV A is a 2007 and cost $9,000. RSV B is a 2000 and cost $5,500. Both have similar mileage. Both well maintained. You can afford to buy either. Which would you choose?
  7. Just received a call from son # 1....you got it , I'm gonna be a grandpa for the 8th time come this September...Wait, #2 son is getting married in September....something tells me I'll be getting another call similar to this one next year. I've got to get these two boys a different hobby........
  8. The Problem... My 07 RSV ran good (not great) most days, until a 100 to 150 mile break/rest, after the 15 to 30 min. break the bike seemed sluggish and sometimes similar to a dead cylinder. Sometimes if the ride was early morning, a damp day or late evening, the problem seemed to self heal. Having a somewhat mechanical background and reading all the posts, I flushed the carbs, did Sea Foam and a carb sync, but the problem remained the same and seemed linked to heat and humidity. The problem was very similar to a coil breaking down and I almost stopped by the dealer to purchase a coil. I did a search on coils and found the post by V 7 Goose listed below. http://venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=41216&highlight=coil Following "Gooses" instructions I found #3 cylinder plug cap with a resistance of 13k and the brass disc being black (not green or corroded) with the spring shinny as new, # 1,2 and 4 cylinder caps were like new. I cleaned the black disc and applied Di -Electric Grease to all contact areas of springs, discs, resistors and screws of all 4 caps. All had a resistance of 8-9k after cleaning and grease. 400 Miles later.........Again...."Thanks Goose":thumbsup: "The problem Is Gone" "The Bike Is Like New" "Great site with knowledgeable members " $12.00 per year..........How much for a coil??????
  9. seems like choke does not fully release...idles high and backfires...similar trouble or cure?
  10. My MP3 player just does not have enough volume, I was thinking about building an amp to boost the volume or buying a pre-made one and putting it inline in the fairing. Has anyone else done anything similar?
  11. No, not thinking of putting a car tire on a 1st Gen. Instead, thinking about replacing the four carb mess with a single carburetor and manifold similar to what is done on the Goldwings. Has anyone tried this? Were you successful? Inquiring minds want to know.
  12. Was browsing through E-Bay and came across a listing for a Roadliner. Interesting that some of the looks are very similar for the Victory vision http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Peral-White-Roadliner-S-with-Corbin-package_W0QQitemZ120545981612QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUS_motorcycles?hash=item1c1119b4ac
  13. I've been in and out of the threads, and noticed a handful of members do some fabrications... Here's my request... First; I'm a cheap S.O.B. - If I can find a way to do it just as good, for less cost- I will. Second; I don't make much $$ to begin with, so I like to keep what I can. Third; I'm cheap. As I was... My 97 RSTC doesn't have the fancy airbox the 2nd Gens have, and there's NOTHING between the cylinders to even mock a filter housing. I think it looks funny. I've seen the Mini-Teardrop covers online: (http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=40&Category_ID=108&manufacturer_ID=167&product_ID=26174&related=short) My question is, if anyone has these, or something similar, can SOMEONE please make a bracket that mounts the same way, or maybe even make the whole cover? I can't stand the empty space, and I'd love to find a way to mount something there, even if it's an empty beer can. Am I asking too much?I Just can't justify spending $150 on a blank cover.
  14. Yesterday during my ride I was hearing a sound like a flat spot hitting the pavement coming from my front tire. Kind of a slap---slap---slap sound. I could not find any kind of cupped out place on the tire. Now I am wondering if it might be a sepration of the belts. Anyone ever have this or something similar? The tire is a Metz.
  15. I finally (over the last couple of days) was able to get out and put a few miles on the bike. I actually now have over 200 miles (WHOOPEE), not bad for a guy that averages about 8000 miles a year...I'll catch up though. So I was out today and shot a couple of pictures, I guess they all look similar so nothing earth shattering here...I think you might be able to see my Zumo 660 in one or two of the pics. I beefed the pics up a little though...since most of the ventures look the same. Wally
  16. Had someone pull out in front of me again yesterday; I had my 3x5 foot flag in the wind but the man upstairs helped me out when I needed it. Sure glad I didn't have my "stuff" on board. Now for the rest of the story; I installed a bar and spotlights with switch on my Vstar 1100 (which has been traded in). I have not been able to find something similar for my 2004 royal star venture. I went to the website for cobra and even talked to them; they could not help me. I have confidence in venturerider.org; someone can point me in the right direction.
  17. I would bet that we see a similar two-wheeled scooter and then motorcycles before too long. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,506768,00.html
  18. OK folks, you will likely notice that I am testing a new feature here. If you don't like it, just say so and it can go away quicker than it showed up. When you are posting a new message, the software will search for similar topics already posted before you submit your post. It basically works the same way as the current feature that shows a list of similar threads AFTER you post a new thread. This one will do it before you post though so that if your question has already been answered, you may find it before posting again. This should really help those of you who aren't so good at searching. It may be irritating to some though so let's try it and then let me hear your feedback. By the way, after you type your thread title and see the list of similar threads pop up, if you hover your mouse over each of the similar thread titles, a pop up will show you a summary of that post. Thanks Don
  19. Has anyone modified or replaced these wind deflectors on the bottom edge of the 2nd gen fairing with adjustable ones similar to a Harley Ultra and if so, do you have instructions/pics, etc?
  20. Not sure if this has been posted before ( I now see they have). I got the link in an email about a year ago or so. I especially like the Ducati one.... Have a look, enjoy... If its been posted before, its worth revisiting imo. On edit: it looks like these were just posted on 10/28/2008. Not sure how I missed them. And according to the nifty similar threads tool that pops up, also in 2007 a couple times. Well here it is again if you missed it. http://www.headgear.org/~cloyce/moto-motivation/ RSTDdog
  21. Thought you'd like this pic Cindy. Since I remember a similar one that got you in trouble. :Laugh: Margaret
  22. Hello all I have a 2005 midnight RSV, I broke one of the stud that secures the drive seat. I was wondering if anyone have had a similar experience and if it can be repaired. thanks for any help with this problem
  23. Hi, I need some help with a question about the windsheild on my Venture. Because its a full sheild and I can't see over the top of it I was wondering if its all right to use "Rain- X" on it. The bottle says not to be used on plastic and I wasn't sure if the windsheild is considered "plastic". If anyone knows of a similar product as this which is safe for our windsheids please let me know thanks, Josh
  24. Is there a frappr map, or similar, associated with this site? If so, how do I get to it? Thanks, Brian H
  25. I am thinking of installing a Harley Ultra or similar type tour pack on my RSTD. Does anyone have any experiences to share with similar mods? Any ideas about using the existing quick-detach sissy bar hardware would especially be appreciated. Thanks in advance! Bob LeDuc Calgary, Alberta
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