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  1. IN STOCK NOW. PLEASE GET YOUR ORDERS IN. The VentureRider Domed Decals are now available. They are the same size as the small patches, approximately 2.75" tall x 3.5" wide. These are very nice I think. The pictures do not do them justice. The silver part of the text and border has an almost chrome look. These are NOT just regular flat decals. They printed on a metallic silver vinyl so that the silver text and scroll work will have a metallic, somewhat chrome look. They are then domed with a clear poly that gives them somewhat of a 3D look. They will look great on the trunk of the bikes, your auto window, wherever you wish to use them. They are designed for outdoor use. I ordered 250 decals this time. If we end up needing more than that, I can order more later. I don't know WHEN I will be able to order more though. The price break came at 250 so if we are only 50, 100, etc. short...I will not order again until I think that there is demand for at least a couple of hundred. So...you can start ordering whenever you like. They will be $4.00 each and that includes shipping within in the USA or $4.50 each shipped to Canada. Payable via PayPal to dknelson@zoominternet.net Please make sure that you include your mailing address in your PayPal payment.
  2. You know, I always wonder what the other people look like, who I chat with on this forum. So, this is Me. Brake Pad Tall & Silver Hair Late 40's I can't find a picture of just me
  3. Hans Grapje was raised in a Catholic school in The Hague and, as a young man, aspired to become a priest, but was drafted into the Army during WWII and spent two years co-piloting B17s until his aircraft was shot down in 1943 and he lost his left arm. Captain Grapje spent the rest of the war as a chaplain, giving spiritual aid to soldiers, both Allied and enemy. After the war, he became a priest, serving as a missionary in Africa, piloting his own plane (in spite of his handicap) to villages across the continent. In 1997, Father Grapje was serving in Zimbabwe when an explosion in a silver mine caused a cave-in. Archbishop Grapje went down into the mine to administer last rites to those too severely injured to move. Another shaft collapsed, and he was buried for three days, suffering multiple injuries, including the loss of his right eye. The high silver content in the mine's air gave him purpura, a life-long condition characterized by purplish skin blotches. Although Cardinal Grapje devoted his life to the service of God as a scholar, mentor, and holy man, church leaders agree: he will never ascend to the Papacy. No one wants a one-eyed, one-armed, flying purple Papal leader.
  4. Riding up to Myrtle Beach this morning (I hate riding in Myrtle Beach) and saw a couple on a silver and purple 99 right where Bus 17 and 17 Split at 11:00 am I don't think they saw me but I waved.
  5. Does anyone happen to know about the finish on the OEM master cylinder? Is it paint, raw aluminum with clear, or some other kind of coating? I'm trying to get a used 14mm master cylinder but would like to make sure its the same color as my original silver color on the 2000 RSV.
  6. Last fall I posted a want ad for some old used floorboards so between here and the star touring forum I got a pair of them. My first brackets did not turn out like I wanted but this one will do until I get the other one done. Thanks to 99 Silver for being so nice. Richie R http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa254/richier73/100_0773.jpg
  7. In today’s world of digital photography, I miss the art of taking a good photograph. I miss the expectant wait for the developing process to see if what I think I saw is what I recorded on the film. I miss the rules that have been generated over years of trial and error that hold true today as well as they did 100 years ago, and don’t mean a thing in the electronic world... I guess I just miss the romance of shooting silver film. So I drag out the old Nikon F2, and fire the shutter a half dozen times, get my fix, put it back into it's camera bag, and slip my digital in my shirt pocket…
  8. Does anyone here on the site own a Stream Silver wing, and if so have you found a matching touch up paint? I know that ColorRite has the kits available, but I really don't want to part with 33.00 bucks plus shipping to touch up a piece of moulding. Replacing the moulding isn't an option at 70.00 either. Not cheaping out, but after laying out the money to put this Hondapotamus Deluxe in my garage, it will be a while before I can start spending at will. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated. Short of selling my Venture, I need to take the low road for now.
  9. Some or you may have remembered that I bought my wife a new toy about 3 months ago. It is a 2004 Chrysler Crossfire. She loves the car but hated the stereo as, like me, she is spoiled by commercial free satellite radio. So yesterday I had a new Sony stereo installed with Sirius satellite radio. She is a very happy camper now. The problem is, the Crossfire is not exactly a winter car so it won't get a lot of use for a few months. I wanted something with a silver face to match the existing dash as close as possible. To get one in silver, I ended up having to go with a marine unit but I think it turned out pretty well and it sounds fantastic.
  10. about 5 pm, west bound on Miramar, Parkway a Silver & Blue Venture, Miramar Florida anyone from here?
  11. Came out of the rooftop bar at Zuki Lake today and this silver RSV was parked next to us anyone here claim ownership ?
  12. Hello Everyone: I was surprised this morning when I met an oncoming silver venture pulling a
  13. Linda and I were making a trek back to my house on a 65 mph divided four lane with uncontrolled entries and topped a hill and saw three police cars in the road. The light from them was so bright, it was hard to see much of anything. With it being about 10 pm and traffic, I was afraid to slow down too much, but as we passed, I did see a black and silver cruiser type bike laying in the road at an intersection. I am now watching the local news and nothing has been reported yet. It sure did give us both a sickening feeling. RandyA
  14. Pulling into work this morning I spotted a Silver 99 parked in the contractors parking, nobody around. Left a note on it with the website.
  15. Do we have any members who live in or near Tonkawa OK.I am looking at a RSV trike for sale there and may need someone to check it out for me.Maybe someone already knows this trike.Its a 99 with a Motortrike kit.The gentleman who owns it is disabled. Its the maroon and silver color.
  16. I am looking at buying Samson silver bullet slip-on mufflers. does anyone know how loud they are? are the obnoxious ? Please let me know. William Bell FOB Shank Afghanistan
  17. Who is the most happy over the new Venture is Ponch, he can sell more gauges aslong as they keep with the cassette player, so the bottom line is ever cloud has a silver lining.. By the way everyone that sees them is like oh, wow, neat. My get another venture to buy more gauges.....LOL
  18. well I back. been away for awhile. Well as a lot of you know I ha been riding a Road* for about 1-1/2 years now. Well went in to get some new tires and there on the floor was a brand new just out of the crate 08 RSTD-s silver bike. for those of you that know me I am a sucker for a silver bike. to make a long store short in for new tires out with a new bike.
  19. There have been a bunch of threads lately as to the best headlight for our bikes. Those that have the SilverStar Ultra feel it is the best, those with HID feel it is the best, most of us feel that whatever we have is the best. What I would like for some of us to try to accomplish, is a side by side by side by...... comparison of the different headlights available to us. There would be a Silver Star, Silver Star ultra, PIAA, And several different brands of HID, with maybe a stock thrown in for fun. The test could be held at a MD or possibly even a M&E that ran late enough. Before the test every one would need to make sure that all of the lights are aimed to the same point. The bikes would have to be lined up across a dark road and each take turns turning on their head light. It would have to be judged by everyone as to best illumination in both hi and low beam, beam patterns and even by someone a few hundred yards down the road looking back to see which was most visible and or was blinding oncoming drivers. That person down the road may even have a photographic light meter to get some actual non-subjective data. This way it will be as scientific as possible. Well at least as scientific as we can be that late in the day. What else needs to be added to this and how can we pull this off? This thread is not for the "I like what I have posts" but to try to determine what really works without 1 person having to go out and buy all of the systems to test.
  20. Through out my days of running radar on the big road, I've observed a constant. I see alot guys from a Bandido, to sport bikes, and even one silver Venture (u know who u are-and u'r welcome) running at 83 mph on the money. Curiousity, is there something special about 83 mph?
  21. Just aquired a couple of small boo boos on the silver of my 99 silver grey RSV. Any ideas where to get a touchup bottle ? Dealer?
  22. Anybody here riding in Mountain Home, Arkansas ? Cb
  23. Looking for some assistance. I am looking for paint source/supplier that is a match the '05 Liquid Silver of my bike. I have a rear spoiler that is black, needing to paint it to match the Silver Grey of the trunk before mounting. Any suggestions? Spray can likely is ideal, but not sure the quality finish it might produce. Thanks for any help or suggestions.
  24. hi guys, I installed leveling links on my buddy's bike (I have a lot of friends who happen to ride RSV lol) his bike is a silver 2005 and it sits a lot lower than my 2006 and my other buddy's 2008 RSV. Even after installing the leveling links, it is much lower. I have 30" inseams and keep my rear shock at around 40 psi and when straddling the bike I'm on my balls of my feet, heels are off the floor. But on his bike, I'm flat footed on the floor. I have the Butler seat on mine and all 3 bikes are stock as far as suspension goes.. but the silver bike is that much lower.. Any ideas what might cause that? We tried measuring diff parts of the bike to see where the height difference was and we find that the trunk, read fender bottom, top of tank, top of front fender all have difference measurements.. So odd.
  25. :173:Anyone see the new trailer for the can-am spyder??? awesome looking piece, tons of volume, cool design and nice suspension, but $3,999 sounds a little hi. if they drop the price about $800 i'll be the first in line. the silver even matches the 2005 liquid silver.
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