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  1. Is there a different anti-freeze for motorcycles? The steeler told me there is reg. anti-freeze for cars won't work. The water pump on a Venture don't like it! If i remeber right some thing about Silicone? I think he is blowing smoke up my tail pipe!!!!! trying to sell Yamaha brand. THANK'S for your reply!
  2. I like a nice shiny bike and i love the look of the amourall type of protectants on the tires to make them all nice and black and shiny, BUT I wont use it on the bike because I dont want to find out that the silicone has gotten onto the tire's tread by sliding out in a corner. I have found this new stuff that made in the US that claims they are motorcycle safe and are silicone free. Has anyone tried it? I was going to order some and try it out. http://www.renewprotect.com/main.html A you tube video on it too [ame=http://www.youtube.com/user/renewprotectvideo#p/u/6/hGmCdlGxBKc]YouTube - renewprotectvideo's Channel[/ame] Brian
  3. Well, I just bought a 1987 Venture Royale with only 59,000 km (about 36,875 miles) on it. Seems the guy I bought it from put 40,000 of those km's on it over the past 6 years so he took care of all the "rotting while it sat unused problems" (I hope). He had the valves adjusted and the carbs cleaned and balanced 10,000 km ago and just put new tires (Metzelers) and brakes on it. Now to my problem...a rock knocked a small hole in the headlight cover 4 years ago and the owner put clear silicone seal on it right away. It seems to have kept out water, etc. but I would still like to replace it. There are a number of them for sale on ebay. Most are '83's to '84's but there are also two '86's. I know there were a number of changes made in '86 and I was wondering which other year of cover might fit besides the '87. Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Thought this might be of interest to everyone here...........I found it very helpful. DOT 5 Brake Fluids After paying a small mint for the paint job on my restored Norton, I started considering ways to preserve and protect it. Chief among my concerns was brake fluid. I had once spilled regular brake fluid on my toolbox, and a week later it was sporting a huge corroded area with blistered paint. So after hearing about DOT 5 Silicone brake fluid I investigated. If you have similar concerns, DOT 5 Silicone might be of interest to you as well. Silicone based DOT 5 brake fluid was originally developed for racing, but has several attractive qualities for use on classic bikes with hydraulic brake systems. These are: • DOT 5 Silicone does not attract water. Lack of moisture absorption minimizes corrosion of internal components for better sealing, longer component life, and less maintenance. On the other hand, regular brake fluids are hygroscopic, and readily absorb water from the air and other sources. Therefore, motorcycle brake systems using DOT 3 and 4 ought to have their fluids changed regularly to prevent problems. The maximum life of DOT 3 or 4 is 5 years. • DOT 5 Silicone will not affect plastic or painted surfaces, and is non-toxic, non-corrosive and nonirritating. With glycol based brake fluids, like DOT 3, DOT 4 and DOT 5.1, care must be used to thoroughly wash it thoroughly from skin and all painted surfaces. • DOT 5 Silicone offers superior lubrication of master cylinder and caliper pistons preventing abrasion between the sealing cups and pistons that can take place under racing conditions. In street use, this could result in nearly zero component wear. • DOT 5 Silicone has a very high boiling point that eliminates brake fade. Although it is no longer the preferred brake fluid for racing, it is more than adequate for street use. Things You Should Know As with any product there are several trade-offs to consider before rushing out and converting every vehicle you own: Silicone fluids are not miscible with water. It’s the classic oil and vinegar scenario. DOT 5 Silicone, being less dense, tends to float on water. Therefore, if water ever entered the system it would collect at the lowest point, meaning the bottom of the caliper. Water in the bottom of the caliper could be hard to get out without removing the caliper and rotating the caliper to place the bleed nipple at the lowest point. While it’s permissible to mix DOT 3, DOT 4 and DOT 5.1 brake fluids, DOT 5 Silicone fluid cannot be mixed with any other type. If the system is not completely purged before conversion, the mixture may gel and result in very poor braking. Therefore conversion usually requires disassembly and a thorough cleaning, or at least numerous bleeding sessions over several days. Obviously then, the best time to consider conversion to DOT 5 is before rebuilding the master cylinder or caliper. Copyright RF Whatley, Suwanee, GA 2 Written June 04, Revised June 08 Because DOT 5 Silicone cannot be mixed with any other brake fluid it has been given a special purple color. Any owner or mechanic seeing the special purple color should instantly recognize that the fluid in the reservoir is not normal brake fluid. There are actually two types of DOT 5 fluids. There is a SBBF (Silicone Based Brake Fluid) and a DOT 5.1 NSBF (Non-Silicone Based Fluid). For several years DOT 5.1 was not available to the general public and there was a very low chance of getting the two confused with each other. However, the latest generation of motorcycles is now using DOT 5.1 and it is becoming more commonplace. Be aware that DOT 5.1 has the same base chemistry as DOT 3 and DOT 4 and therefore does NOT offer the advantages of DOT 5 Silicone. Another point of confusion is that most people assume that since DOT 5.1 has a higher number it must therefore be better. This is simply not true. DOT 5.1 was formulated for use in ABS systems that require a less viscous fluid. From the information I was able to gather it seems that most road racers are now relying on the latest generation of DOT 4 brake fluid, along with regular fluid replacement, for the ultimate in hydraulic brake system performance. So we may conclude that DOT 5.1 is not an improvement, but a modification for ABS use. DOT 5 Silicone brake fluids are not generally available in Europe. If your Italian or German motorcycle brake reservoir is marked “Use DOT 5” they are generally talking about DOT 5.1, which is not a silicone brake fluid. They do this because your bike is probably equipped with ABS and DOT 5.1 is the preferred brake fluid for ABS systems. The easiest source for DOT 5 Silicone brake fluid in the USA is your nearest Harley- Davidson shop. DOT 5 Silicone is specified as the brake fluid of choice for use in all HDs. And of course when working with any brake fluid, proper personal protection should be worn, don’t mix brake fluids from different containers, and be sure and follow the safety precautions on the label. Summation Although your bike shop may try to talk you out of buying DOT 5 Silicone, realize that this is because new bikes on their showroom probably specify something else. However, you should buy and use the brake fluid that is best for YOUR motorcycle. If effective braking, low maintenance and protecting your paint job are your priorities then DOT 5 Silicone should be considered. Thanks to Bel-Ray Lubricants for supplying the technical information used in this article. More information is available on their web site at http://www.belray.com/ Richard Whatley Rodi British Bikes
  5. My front brake pads seem to be glued onto the callipers to preventing them from rattling. Is this in fact glue or maybe hi temp silicone? I want to change the pads and need to know what to use. Any ideas? Thanks Harry
  6. I just won a set of these pipes on eBay and installed them this week. I have run into two problems. One is I have a leak where the slip on meets the head pipe. Even tightened all the way up it still leaks. I just removed them and used high temp silicone in the joint and am waiting for that to dry to see if that fixes it. Any other ideas or techniques to curing that if the silicone doesn't work? number two is although I like the sound it is a little loud accelerating through the first few gears. I want to take out the baffle and wrap it but was wondering if anyone has done this and how it changed the sound? Also did you make multiple tight layers or just one wrap? Thanks for any input.
  7. I don't know if this has been covered before or not, so I'm asking.When you install RK mufflers on a Venture has anyone noticed that at the joint there is a exhaust leak?I put high temp silicone on the joint and used new RK clamps. The left side seems worst then the right side.I took them off several times and moved the clamp to different positions.Right now the bolt on the clamp is at the bottom and is covering the slits of the muffler at the top and bottom.Each time the mufflers were removed new high temp silicone was applied.Is this problem something that has to lived with or does anyone have a solution?
  8. Hoping to verify a diagnosis. Recent acquisition of an 83, required a wiring harness replacement. Bike came alive and after a few gremlins is running. For some reason, the running lights are out. Bulbs are good, and finagling a probe into the connector on the CMS shows 12 volts on the blue wire from the fuse block, but only 0.8 volts or so out on the blue/white wire for the running lights. Current thinking: bad solder joint in CMS, or bad CMS. Any other thoughts? Three of the four carb covers have silicone dabbed on the middle of them. Taking one off it looks like something ground through the cover, leaving a hole that the silicone is now sealing. Can anyone think of a good reason to do this, or how that could happen without a major crash? Kinda baffling. Thanks all! Paul
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