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I think the sign says it all.
Don't think snow will be a problem
Look what we got in the mail today
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Anyone hear about the guy in Virginia who traded in his car on a new Chevy Traverse? He originally bought a black one but brought it back the next day for a blue one. He paid in full, took it home, and left the next day on a cruise. He got home to find a large number of calls on his home and work phones, and mail. When he contacted the dealership, it seems they had made a mistake on his paperwork and the blue Traverse was worth more so they wanted him to come in and sign a new contract for the higher price, $39k instead of $33k. He refused as he had already paid in full for the vehicle at the stated price. Well, the dingbats had him arrested for GTA. He had to bail himself out of jail and walk home [5 miles]. They continued to demand he come in and sign the higher priced contract even after they dropped the charges. The president of the dealership has finally apologized for the situation and offered him the vehicle at the stated price, $33k. His reply: No Thanks. He's suing them for $2.2M for a variety of reasons due to their screw up. MHO? They had better settle now while they can. I can think of a few juries that would be of the opinion that $2.2M is not enough!
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Yesterday on my way home from work there is a weird intersection that I go thru. It is a T intersection. I was heading across the top of the T and had my turn signal on to make the left turn to the base of the T. The rout I was traveling was the normal traffic route the other side of the T is a dead end. So there was no stop sign for me but there was a stop sign for the oncoming traffic. Well there was a oncoming car, she did stop at the stop sign. SOMETHING just yelled at me to watch this one close, somehow I just knew she was not going to wait for me to clear the intersection. My subconscious brain was already to stop or go straight WHEN she was going to run the stop sign. Yup the plan all came together, she came up to the sign, stopped, and then just as I was getting there she took off right in front of me. But since I somehow knew this was going to happen. So as I was coming into the intersection I had already downshifted to 1st, had the clutch pulled in, the throttle released and my right hand and foot already one the brakes. So I was able to be stopped in the middle of the intersection, at about a 45° angle but not across the center line, so that she knew where I was headed, while blasting on my dueling Bad Boy horns, about 3 feet from her OPEN drivers window and my HID headlight right in her face. Man she had some real big eyeballs at that point. Then it happened, I hit the holy grail. My very first one. She was so startled by the 2 Bad Boys screaming in her ear, she launched the cell phone that she was talking on right out the car window. :big-grin-emoticon: Unfortunately it landed behind me where I could not run it over. But I did see pieces parts when it hit the pavement. Never question that little voice in the back of your head.
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i went by a motorsports dealer to look at the new canam rt touring model. they had a gray one there that really impressed me. linda and i sat on it on the show room floor and it really surprised us how comfortable it was, even with the rider foot pegs. we were there about 1/2 hour and was never aproached by a salesman. i really want to ride one. we went home and i priced one out on the canam website. it was right at $29,000 for the limited edition. i figured up one without all the goodies and it came out about $22,000. way out of my range, but i just have to get a ride on one. curiosity is killing me.
A lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus. She noticed the man opposite her was smiling at her. She immediately moved to another seat. This time the smile turned into a grin, so she moved again. The man seemed more amused. When on the fourth move, the man burst out laughing, She complained to the driver and he had the man arrested. The case came up in court. The judge asked the man (about 20 years old) What he had to say for himself . The man replied, 'Well your Honour, it was like this: When the lady got on the bus, I couldn't help but notice her condition. She sat down under a sign that said, 'The Double Mint Twins are coming' and I grinned. Then she moved and sat under a sign that said, 'Logan's Liniment will reduce the swelling,' and I had to smile. Then she placed herself under a deodorant sign that said, 'William's Big Stick Did the Trick,' and I could hardly contain myself. But, Your Honour, when she moved the fourth time And sat under a sign that said, 'Goodyear Rubber could have prevented this Accident!' ... I just lost it.' 'CASE DISMISSED!!' :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf:
Saw this on facebook today. If it's real Texas has got it right.
The brunch and cruise is scheduled for Wednesday and we need to have everyone sign up on the calendar ASAP because the deadline for the sign up is July 1st. As of today we only have five people signed up and we need to know how many people are attending, so the caterers know how much food to prepare. We need a minimum of 25 people for the brunch and if we do not have a minimum of 25, we will not have the brunch but will continue to have the cruise. I need to know by the 1st of July, if you are planning on attending the Erie Canal Cruise and Brunch. It will be a nice bike ride and a relaxing afternoon boat ride. After the cruise we will return to Arcade for the Annual Dinner at the Hearth Restaurant, where we will pull the winning ticket for the Aluma Trailer. You have bought your trailer raffle ticket, right!!??? We still have plenty of tickets available, so Paypal me your spare change and I will send you a ticket!! Sign up on the calendar ASAP!!!! Thanks Jim
Longest day of the year. "Yes we know but work, you know". Day one for me to go to Manitowoc Wisconsin from Oskaloosa, Iowa 560 miles. Stopped at JP cycles and bought goodies. Took scenic route. Heading west soon as the sun comes up. "See how for we can get before it goes down. Ken took me out for some GREAT pizza!!! More later "after my sore butt lets me". Bryan
just heard from pegster. he said he does'nt have a bike yet and misses all his friends on here. there seems to be alot of members that fell by the way side. sure do miss them. i guess it's a sign we are getting old. i emailed a few of them like dooder, cinderella, la, etc., but haven't heard back from them yet.
when it happened... we r riding dwn 82 east toward Starkville, MS when I fill something sting me up my britches leg about my thigh, well i swat it and then rub it n think I solved the problem other than it hurting like crazy....well about 5 miles dwn the road it starts going crazy, stinging me all over I think i've got a whole colony of something in my pants, now mind u i'm running 70mph and nowhere to stop to come OUT of my pants when I see a BIG "Welcome to Starkville" sign I come to a quick exit on the shoulder, scare my wife 1/2 to death, jump off the bike and make a mad dash behind the sign and jerk my pants dwn to find the beast THAT IS TORMENTING me. Finally i see a big BLK flying creature exit my pants leg. Now all this is taking place behind a welcome sign on a 4 lane hwy...I have no clue what it was that stung me, almost felt like a stinging worm it hurt so bad... oh and to top it off the day before I go to a local car lot to see a cousin about a new car for my son, after the visit I hope on the bike and get a 1/2 mile dwn the road and feel SOMETHING crawling on my head, well I can't stop all I can do is HOPE the light is red, it is, thank God and i jerk my helmet off and go to swatting my hair when I swat a BIG bug off my well that's MY bug encounter for awhile I hope...
................ Incoming! Parcel mailed last Friday to you for MD
Just a reminder for those of you who are attending the WNY International Rally that there is an informational notice in the "sticky area" above the Watering Hole, to sign up for this entertaining cruise and brunch on Wednesday, the 25th of July. We will be having a brunch before the cruise and a relaxing and informative cruise afterwards. Please sign up by July 1 in the calendar area. We need to let the catering people know how many will be attending (we need a minimum of 25 people for the brunch, so sign up today.). Go to for more info. Also, we still have Trailer Raffle tickets available....3 for $25...or $10 each....ticket money can be sent via Paypal. See the "sticky" in the Watering Hole. See you at the Rally!! Jim
I'll pay up when I can 1. I was riding home after a job, I was coming off the highway, and all was good. I come to the stop sign, I look, and make my left turn. Not far away is another stop sign, no biggy, done this HUNDREDS of time. I come to a stop..... and the rear tire slips. That was my first experience that for some odd reason, despite gravity, Lady Blue fights like hell because it was all slow, and steady going down on the right side. I was fine, just laughing, and thinking, "great, come on now, the sooner we get you up the better" Well. I tried. And failed, it took some fine brave young women to help me up. That was early 2011, just started riding the Venture after the 650's driveshaft shredded up. Looking back, wish I got some numbers and had taken out to dinner. Hahaha. ah well. 2. I was parked. 1st gear, 1st gear because where I was parked it dipped in quite a bit. and well, I also happened to have parked "inward" officer wouldn't let me turn her around. So, I'm getting off, and I did not let her set into 1st, she slipped off of the kickstand and fell to the left. My leg was hurting all day....
Please remember to sign up on the calendar if you are planning to attend the International rally and also if you plan on attending the pre-mixer on Sunday at the Hearth...SEE YOU ALL THERE.....p.s. get your trailer raffle tickets now....
The California Lotto just hit half a billion dollars, and for that kind of money I sweetened the pot by another $5 bucks... Ya can't win unless ya gots a ticket...
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! :sign yeah that: :sign yeah that: :biker:Yes, I wore boots and pants..
Please....If you are planning to attend the 2012 International rally sign up on the calendar page. This is very inportant...also if you plan on attending the pre mixer on Sunday evening..I don't want to squeeze 100 people in a venue capable of holding 35....
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Happy Birthday, really. You don't seem to be on here as much lately, what's up??? Gary
:sign yeah that: ....................................
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"Dottie" is in the driveway A friend drove me up to get my trike late yesterday....... Couldn't wait for them to deliver! Can't seem to move the grin off me face
Just got a 'phone call from bike transport to say they have one space on the truck, and I will have the trike at my door on the 19th December !!