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  1. I'm not sure if I put this in the correct category, but whatever. There was a thread a while back that sort of addressed a sidewall cracking issue on Avon Venom tires. My question is, has anyone successfully had a tire replaced by Avon due to a sidewall cracking issue? I've got a set of Avon Venom-x that were put on less than 1,000 miles ago (both front and rear) and I have a ridiculous amount of sidewall cracking on the front tire (right side only). I called the dealer that installed them and they told me to contact Avon directly, which I have done. Just looking for some input and to see if anyone else has had this issue and got it addressed by either their dealer or Avon. Additional information: I live in west Texas and the bike is stored in a garage. To my knowledge no tire dressing has ever been put on them and only soap and water has been used to clean them. (the guy I bought it from had them put on, and the bike had less than 50 miles on them from when they were installed at the dealership). The bike originally lived in southern california. The date code on the tire is 4205 (so it is obviously a few years old). The cracking is pretty consistent all the way around the tire. I run these at 36psi. I am trying to figure out what could have caused this and not a whole lot is making sense as to why it would only be the right sidewall on the front tire when the left side of the front and the rear do not have a single blemish on them. Any input is appreciated, and I'll keep everyone posted on what, if anything, I hear back from Avon. I have attached a few pictures to show ya'll what I'm talking about. Thanks a lot for your time, it is appreciated.
  2. OK, I was probably the first rider to post a complaint about the Venom sever sidewall cracking back in '06 after Susanville. Twice. Avon warantee'd both front tires. What I'm wondering is just how many members have experienced sidewall cracking, and on how many tires. So let's start a list. Not interested in all the gorey details, just the facts listed below. PM me and I'll add your info to the list. From all the posts and threads about Avon tires cracking, I'd like to know just how many members are experiencing the problem. This is an after thought, but if you haven't experienced any cracking I'd like to hear from you also. All I'll need would be miles on the tire(s) and number of year(s) on the bike. I just think members are expeiencing way too much sidewall cracking, and sooner or later someone's going to throw a cap and get hurt. Although Avon has been very good on warantees, so far I don't think we've been given the straight story on sidewall cracking. I need the number of tires cracked, milage when replaced, warantee'd?, DOT date, and date replaced. Follow this link to see the results. AVON CRACKING
  3. This is ridiculous. I cannot believe this. Not only did I miss the Nelson meet because of dealing with tire issues (along with a few other things, one involved a broken Kitchen window in my house). Now, I am going to be even LATER. My brand new E3 that I got on last Wednesday, now has a split in the sidewall. I was packed, ready to go and doing my final check over everythign before I went to bed for the night (to get up and take off tomorrow morning ~ 5) and what do I see? A split. Yippee. What do you all think? This tire is literally brand new, I have less than 20 miles on it. Sadly my dealer is closed Sunday and Monday so I have to wait until Tuesday to get anywhere with this. Someone shoot me. Maybe it is nothing, I don't know a whole heck of a lot about tires, so maybe I am over reacting... By the way the date code on the tire is 3707 - which I expressed my displeasure with to the dealer immediately when I saw that, but of course, they get what they get from the warehouse and as long as it is within the 5 years they can sell them.
  4. Manufactured 29/09 , 3573 miles so far .No indication of cracks, slivers or whatever The both sidewall are smooth..... Tire pressure 45 psi
  5. I had the bike on the lift to do some repairs and noticed a small 3/16" deep slice/gash in the sidewall. of my Elite II. I recently replaced a virtually new Avon due to a nail that friends convinced me to replace... Dang, this is getting old. It says the sidewall is 3 plies. Still lots of tread on this sucker. I know I should probably replace it and be safe but are the wife and I really worth the expense? I'm in a dither with this......thoughts!
  6. Hey all, I am considering going to a CT on my 2000 Royal Star Venture. I have been monitoring this forum for a while now, and I'm pretty convinced I want to take the plunge. Two quick questions for the guru's out there. First, if I've done my homework correctly, the aspect ratio for the 165/80R15 (Federal, Khumo, etc.), when converted yields a sidewall height of 132 MM. The 155/80R15 (BFGoodrich) converts to 124 MM. The stock size MT of 150/90R15 converts to 135. Obviously, the 165 tires are closer to stock, but is that necessarily better. I think, as others have suggested, it might have less of an effect on the number of tire rotations (speedometer) than the smaller 155 tire. But, is that necessarily better. What I am wondering about is flex in the sidewall. Won't the taller sidewall of the 165 have more flex in hard turns than the 155? If it does, is that better or worse? While I'm not thrilled about the idea of alterations to the speedometer, to me, that is secondary to handling performance, especially when leaning in the turns. My second question is about the sidewalls themselves. Some of the CT's are single ply, and some are two-ply. Is either one better than the other? Any and all input would be greatly appreciated. Don from Harrisburg, Pa
  7. Has anyone here tried out the Maxxis.com touring tires for the RSV. They look to have a good tread design and strong sidewall and weight capacity. Just looking for info looking to get new tread. Joe
  8. Any recommendations where I can buy a front Dunlop Elite II online, from a place where they haven't been sitting around for years on the shelf? I put new Elite II's on last year & just getting ready for another trip & noticed a small cut in the sidewall...I don't "think" it's a big deal, but better safe than sorry... Thanks in advance for any suggestions...JR
  9. Looking for advice on a small cut on my Dunlop Elite II D491 front sidewall. New set of tires last year, only about 2500 miles on them. Just noticed small cut on the sidewall. Doesn't look very deep at all, almost like it was just shaved back...I can see a white color underneath....but doesn't appear to be cut into that. Trying to decide if I should replace it before a 2000 mile trip. It really doesn't seem bad at all, but then again if I'm laying across the highway somewhere I'm gonna be wondering why I didn't just spend the $200 to get it replaced! Any advice or experience with this kind of cut?
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