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Found 18 results

  1. I've started shopping for a new trailer to pull behind my new Goldwing. I want something that will look decent behind it that is color matched. I really like the Hannigan, Bushtec, and Sillouette trailers. The Hannigan would be my first choice but they had a fire recently and I can't get one until later in the summer. The Bushtec is kind of pricey and I haven't convinced myself they are worth $5000. The Sillouette looks good but they are crazy priced at $6000+. I also considered an Aluma MCT but my wife vetoed that based on looks. Tonight I ran across the Blade trailer from Timeout Trailers in Elkhart. http://timeouttrailers.org/Blade.aspx This is the first I've heard of them. From there website they seem to have a better value. Is anyone familiar with the trailer or company? Thanks, Dennis
  2. Wife says probably not a M/C after my last trip. Was wondering if some of you Canadians would advise what some of the things one would do in and near Panorama BC. I do plan to golf some. Any Casinos near by? Any shopping near by for my wife. Any good places to eat out? Any recommendations appreciated. What fishing licenses cost for a US citizen?
  3. Hello everyone. This is my first post on your forum and I am happy I found it. 3 weeks ago Friday I bought an 08 Boulevard C50T, now I am looking at getting an 08 Venture. (Didn't take us long to realize we bought the wrong bike). My wife loves to ride, and the Venture is hands down the most comfortable bike we have sat on. I had my mind set on a GoldWing until we went to a Honda / Yamaha dealer and had a chance to sit on both. I was surprised at the Venture...so now I am shopping for one. I could use your help in my search though. How much do Yamaha dealers usually come off of MSRP and what is a fair price? I know they list at around 17.5 range. Thanks for your help.
  4. Hi guys, i have a 1300 from 1990 and when i try to start it, it won't turn over. i have checkt the battery and need to by replaced (broken). when i try to jump start it whit an external battery the cables come very hot and smoking, but still the starter will only turn once or twice and very havy and slow. any ideas before i go shopping? thnx, Ice
  5. I thought the Venture was expensive to get set up the way I wanted. This new Wing is going to get even more expensive. After ordering a windshield and a few more things from Wingstuff I've already invested about $1500 in stuff and there are a few more things on my shopping list. Fortunately my wife doesn't watch the bank account too closely. However, it did cost me an evening in Coldwater Creek. That was about as expensive. Dennis
  6. Drove up to Omaha today to go helmet shopping. Didn't find a helmet but did get to look at what the dealer had for Ventures. I was glad we looked. We paid 10,900 for the 2008 with under 1100 miles one it. They had a 2007 with 24k for 13,699!?!?! Two others for around the same price. I think we got a pretty damn good deal! They also had a 2011...damn that was a bright and pretty blue! I like the Venture a lot but damn if I wouldn't have taken the 2011 Vmax home in a heartbeat. Frank
  7. Shopping for a digital torque and saw this: http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00944596000P?blockNo=7&blockType=G7&prdNo=7&i_cntr=1296146568248 Anyone have one? Anyone suggest something a little better? What's your favorite?
  8. First of all this is Tn. and when they call for snow people freak and run to the store no matter what.. So I figure Pam and me would wait till around 11 tonight since it's not moving in till tomorrow and it still 45 degrees. So we gather up our weekly stuff at the store and some folks are still shopping more than normal and so as we went to check out the lady knows of us cause we come in there every week around this time, so we are in line and 3 other people was behind us, I told the cashier figure we would do ours tonight since they readvise and instead of 2 inches they are calling for 6 to 8 inches something about a front dropping more.. These people behind me left the line and went and did more shopping, cashier ask did you really hear that? I said no, but I just increase your sales........ROFLMAO Pam walked out just shaking her head..
  9. Mine is an 83 I read on the another site that the collectors are the same from 83-93 Is this so? Would help to know for Ebay shopping
  10. How many of y'all use these devices? I found one called Scorpion on a Valkyrie I had purchased, and the siren was very piercing, but I totaled the bike about a week later, so I never knew much about it. Does anyone have one they like? How about the remote? Will it work while you're away like at a mall shopping or something? How sensitive are the electronics? "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" comes to mind... Price doesn't matter as long as it's reliable...
  11. Here we are all comfy at the Hampton Opryland. What a beautiful room!! They upgraded us to a studio which has a smal kitchen, couch, and large bathrom. We are off to do some shopping at the Opryland Mall then dinner. Anybody in the area we are here until Thursday AM then it's back to Murray KY...
  12. Here are pics I took on the ride bongobobny/Wizard765/Becky/Robin and I went on after getting Wizards bike back on the road. We took the New Yorkers to see Port Dover where Friday the 13th is held ,had some lunch and did some shopping then went along the lake to get some ice cream and then parted ways till next time. It turned out to be a very good day to ride and converse.[ATTACH]33228[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]33229[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]33230[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]33231[/ATTACH]
  13. ok, guys tell the truth..... how many of you didn't shop for your wives or girlfriends yet.. i'm on my way out the door now to finish my christmas shopping for taters...i just hate to shop..unless its for chrome.......
  14. Met with the adjuster today (Progressive) after Saturdays lay down and we reached a settlement. He told me all he deals with is bikes, boats and RV's and once he started researching parts for Ventures was amazed at the prices. He told me he has never seen prices that high even dealing with Harley's. The Damage was all cosmetic but once the repair estimate got over $8000 he totalled the bike and I bought it back for salvage value. Been shopping ebay for a few items but I'm now looking for a right side outer and inner cowling if anyone happens to have one in good shape.
  15. just got a great idea for the eureka springs meet. we are going to have a day for the ladies. starting with a place of their choice to eat breakfast, followed by a day of shopping in old town eureka springs, then followed by their choice of a place to eat dinner. all the men will have to go shopping and come up with a gift for a lady and names will be drawn back at the motel during the night party on the deck. by the way i am having a hard time coming up with a t-shirt design that will be acceptable to everybody this will be for shirts and patches. give me some input. no specific model bike pictures. i already got the tough logo. venturerider eureka springs 2008 rally. give me a picture. we are going to have a drawing for the guys too. so guys bring a little something for that. i already have a few neat things i am bringing. i want this to be a great rally so any ideas will be appreciated. bill
  16. I have been using So. Seattle for parts cuz they were the cheapest... But my last shipment took over 3 weeks and included a couple of unanswered e-mails.. Their site was down yesterday and I did some poking around and heard of some grumbling that they might be in financial trouble... I don't want to start rumors here just watch out if you use them. Well I need a regulator and started shopping around and found a place that beat most by $30.00 and So. Seattle by 10... $47 for a regulator.. Well their site was messed up and wouldn't put the regulator in the shopping cart so I called them... I also was wondering about shipping.. Some vendors pad the shipping to make their cheap prices not so cheap... Well it seems they have better prices over the phone and charge less for shipping on phone orders.. I ended up paying $44.00 with shipping came out to less than So. Seattle's unshipped price. So I would suggest getting your part numbers from their website and calling the order in to their 800#. I'll let you know on shipping... they said 6-7 days. If anyone else has used them please reply to this thread. http://www.carolinacycle.com/default.asp
  17. Hi All My brother and I are taking our wives to Lancaster PA for a weekend in March. While the girls are shopping for sewing supplies my brother and I thought we would do our own kind of shopping. So we are wondering if there are any good bike accessory shops in the area???? It will be to cold for the bikes so we are taking to cars. The girls plan on filling them both up so hopefully there is room for a few bike toys. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  18. While vacationing in Ft. Myers Fl this week, I decided to go shopping for a new helmet today. I visited all of the area dealerships in my quest. BMW/Triumph/MV Agusta/Ducati, Yamaha/Suzuki/Honda, Kawasaki and Harley shop. After all of the visits I came away with a few impressions. The BMW shop was small the people generally friendly but somewhat looked down their nose at people not on one of their brands. They had very few helmets and all of their apparel seemed to be the BMW brand. Yamaha/Suzuki/Honda shop was huge and new. Very few helmets styles to try, just a lot of the same thing. No one seemed to care that I was there or not. Did not really feel welcomed there. The Kawasaki dealer seemed more into watercraft than bikes. There was a young guy there that came up to talk with me a bit and he was friendly enough. Once again, not many helmets to choose from. The Harley dealership was the most inviting. While they also didn't have the type of helmet I was looking for, they were very cordial and welcoming. I was approached several times by friendly staff seeking to help me. Not pushy, just wanting to make sure I was taken care of. There was a lot of activity in the store with staff moving about taking care of business. One gentlemen asked what type of bike I rode and when I told him he offered a compliment on the bike and didn't seem to think any less of me. Of course there were a few Harley owners around with the "Harley" look and maybe attitude. I must say, if I knew nothing about bikes and were shopping today for a new one the folks at the HD store would have had first crack at my business. And the new Harleys sure are pretty with all of the chrome shining. Still helmet shopping. Dennis
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