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  1. Anyone busting caps in a .22 Hornet? I am looking for expended casing is anyone has, or knows someone who does, shoot the .22 Hornet. Thanks in advance.
  2. Almost forgot. Here is the E-mail address for John Pagels. John is the Electrical Engineer that has hosted the breakfast at the Pork in the Pines for the past three years. jpagels@pagelsengineering.com So, if you would like to shoot him a quick thank you note it would be greatly appreciated.
  3. Here is a spring ride in Indiana on April 7 2012. I normally shoot video off he motorcycle at 720P but up it to 1080P on this ride. On the GoPro HD 720P shoot at 170 degree wide angle but at 1080p is at 127 degree. when we started that morning tempture was 39 F. Part 1 https://vimeo.com/41214565 Part 2 https://vimeo.com/42243234 Part 3 https://vimeo.com/43487559 Part 4 https://vimeo.com/43562847 We rode 45 but I forgot to bring my extra batteries and one cam quit about 5 minutes in to it.
  4. Since I'm getting ready to ride to Montana in a couple of weeks I thought I needed a cheap video camera to mount on the handlebars. I tried my compact camera and didn't like that so I shopped around for a FLIP type camera. I bought an inexpensive Kodak Playsport camera for about $80. It turns out it is no better on the handlebars. Too much vibration in the bars to make a good video. So I'll probably abandon that idea and just let Valerie shoot over my shoulder as we go across Beartooth and Going to the Sun. However, I had some fun with the camera tonight anyway. The Playsport is water proof to 3 meters. And, since our dog is crazy about the water I thought I would see what I could shoot. Here is a link to a simple video I put together of the dog in the water tonight. www.traynorphoto.com/timbersplash.wmv It's worth 80 bucks just to play with around the pool. Enjoy. Dennis
  5. Here is part of a spring ride. Shoot with 2 GoPro's. https://vimeo.com/41214565 Here is part 2. https://vimeo.com/42243234
  6. Warning: These guys aren't to bright... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xohy9gWz7kk&feature=player_embedded]The Guys from Knight Rifles Shoot the .950 JDJ, Extended Version - YouTube[/ame]
  7. men be careful what you wish for.....because many times wishes come true...... as represented here by the beautiful women of VR.... there was suggestion of a possible calendar or photo shoot of some of our lovely ladies........ so here they are for your viewing pleasure....... enjoy !!! this is a zipped power point slide show...you will need to click a few times to get to open the slide show...once open please click on each picture to advance to the next
  8. I found a 1993 Yamaha Accessories catalog. Cleaning house so first one with a 93 to shoot me an message gets it. . .
  9. Here is some footage from the Knob Creek Machine Gun Shoot last night. Fast forward to about the 50 second mark to skip the safety talk. I was lucky enough to be against the fence behind the shooters, the front row. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-UffaVss64]100_2652.MOV - YouTube[/ame] And here's some footage I caught of a Mini-Gun being shot during the night shoot. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gWs_Rh3g7g]100 2653 - YouTube[/ame]
  10. A young Texan grew up wanting to be a law man. He grew up big, 6' 2’ strong as a longhorn, and fast as a mustang. He could shoot a bottle cap tossed in the air at 40 paces. When he finally came of age, he applied to where he had only dreamed of working: the West Texas Sheriff's Department. After a big mess of tests and interviews, the Chief Deputy BOB finally called him into his office for the young man's last interview. The Chief Deputy said, "You're a big strong kid and you can really shoot. So far your qualifications all look real good, but we have what you might call an 'attitude suitability test' that you must take before you can be accepted. We just don't let anyone carry our badge son." Then, sliding a service pistol and a box of ammo across the desk, the Chief said, "Take this pistol and go out and shoot: six illegal aliens, six lawyers, six meth dealers, six Muslim extremists, six sex ofenders and a rabbit" "Why the rabbit?" "Great attitude. You pass." says the Chief Deputy. "When can you start?"
  11. Don't shoot the messenger... Here's the story.
  12. Valerie and I took a little spur of the moment trip to the Smoky Mountains this weekend and we were joined by Eck and Konnie, Sleeperhawk and Mechanic and B2Dad, B2Mom, Stroker Ace and Denise also stopped by. We had a great weekend and as always it was great time to be with the VR family. While Bobbie took enough pictures for all of us I did manage to shoot a few. I've place them on my web site and they can be viewed at: www.traynorphoto.com/smokies2010 Thanks everyone, Dennis
  13. Way back last year we had a group buy on fork braces. To get the price break I had to buy 50 braces, and ended up only moving 20-25 to the group. Nothing like the first group buy where almost 70 were sold. Since then it's been one here and one there. I have four left with one's that's been spoken for. Only 3 are available. So.... anyone thinking about replacing their OEM brace shoot me a PM. Here's a link to the Classy ad. Once these are gone it's going to be a while before... if ever... there'll be another group buy.
  14. I fear the fuel pump has given up the ghost on my 06. Won't start at all with the choke out....maybe 1-2 clicks from the fuel pump when I turn the key. Tank full of fresh gas....new fuel filter....everything else working fine. They shoot horses don't they? Boomer.....well stuck for a while it looks like.....sigh.
  15. Well working on a deal in Plymouth In. on a new 09 Red and Blk RSV. Might be a proud owner again will know tomorrow for sure. Troulbe is my girlfriend might shoot me first, but at least I will have the pleasure of riding it home first. :crying: :thumbsup: Star4772
  16. I've been waiting and hoping i could retrieve some information of my crashed hard drive, it would have been nice anyway since the back up got chewed up as well... But, alas, no such luck so i'm getting ready to bite the bullet and start entering two months worth of stuff into my old 'puter. First though I wanted to upgrade my virus protection which meant removing Norton and installing something better. Great idea!! One problem, it calls for a re-start, 'xcept it didn't:doh:. So of to the puter guru, I get there and discover my 2 wheel wheelbarrow is gone from the truck, i suppose it fell off on the way over there:confused07::confused07:, but if'n it did, I sure didn't notice and I didn't see it on the side of the road going home. Then I learn the second hard drive has gone to h3ll:bang head::bang head: The puter guy said he thinks that he will be able to retrieve info from this one though:o Somebody shoot me!!
  17. Want to make a long trip this weekend and would like to have my carbs tuned. Anyone in the York/Lancaster/Harrisburg area have a carb tune and willing to help me out? Shoot me a PM thanks, Ken
  18. I'm back at the hotel from my first MD and I would like to thank Don for the great hospitality. It was great getting to meet new members and placing faces and names together. I didn't take near enough photos but here are the ones I did shoot. Looking forward to next year. Dennis
  19. Cant believe my luck.....temps are going to be in the 70's the next couple of days and what do I do....volunteer to host 12 cub scouts and their parents at an archery camp...........gonna be camping with the scouts at my archery club. The club is having a primative shoot this weekend. no compounds, no recurves, or long bows. Just handmade self bows and arrows.........everyone will be in costume and have to walk into the campsites....ALL cooking over wood campfires... I think I got snookered into doing this.....oh well,its only for a couple of days....gonna book out early sunday...my only question is....how do I sneak hot dogs into this place?..............not into pioneer bread and jerky....wonder if they had DAIRY QUEENS in the 1700'S?.....Oh well wish me luck...Did you ever see a 9 year shoot a bow?...hope I come back intact....lol.........What did they mean by no tents...?just oilcloth...........and why do we have to be searched for anything not period?..........when were sleepings invented? around 1675........right?....Have a funny feeling I have been set up...............again.
  20. This one made from some shots we did while location scouting for a Heavy Metal Band Video we're going to shoot. A very cool old abandon Train Station, that has seen better days/ [ame=http://www.vimeo.com/2093986]Metal Decay on Vimeo[/ame]
  21. Hello........... Still trying to get my new ride off the ground. I noticed that all the lights are working with the exception of the head light. Does anyone have a quick way to trouble shoot this? Thanks Bnkrbill
  22. BuckShot


    Ok guys and gals- I have been wondering just what kind of hobbies everyone has other than riding bikes and eating. I'm fairly new hear and I probably won't remember, but I thought this would be fun. As for myself, and family bowhunt deer shoot trap camper on river with ski boat guns (buy-sell) shoot pool wife and I both like to read books go to auctions go to flemarkets So lets hear from everyone-maybe you like to work with stained glass or collect butterflys. Let us know.
  23. Here is a little fun to keep you occupied! http://www.southbank-design.co.uk/turkeyshoot/index.htm
  24. Thought I would check to see if there are any other Benelli Shotgun owners in the crowd. I have admired and drooled over the Super Black Eagle II for the past year. Yesterday I went out and bought the left handed model in the APG4 camo configuration. I haven't got to shoot it yet, hopefully tomorrow evening a friend and I will go out and I will try it out on clays. Duck season opens on the 11th here and I really want to have a good feel for it before then. http://www.benelliusa.com/firearms/large/sbe2CTApg12Ga.jpg Last year was my first season and I used a right handed Remington 870 Express, which in it's own right is a good solid and rugged gun... Completely different class of gun though. I managed to shoot 1 Goose and 22 ducks... one of them even a banded wood duck! Hopefully this season will be as much fun and I will knock even more of them down!
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