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  1. Sorry for starting another thread on this but want to make sure as many people see it as possible. Ad has been posted in classifieds - http://www.venturerider.org/classifi...p?product=4266 Previous thread - http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=72204 Hope it isn't confusing... but to explain. DO NOT DELAY in ordering your shirts as this will be a one time run with no extra shirts produced. 100% pre-shrunk white cotton shirts with a red maple leaf on the side (9" tall/9" wide), VR.org crest on the back, and up to 3 lines of text embroidered on the front (name, screen name, and city/province). If you prefer the maple leaf on the sleeve this is available as well. Cost of shirts including HST (including $2/shirt for use of VR.org crest) is : mens - $18.50 ; womens - $20.25 (based on 50 units ordered). Shipping charges - I went to the post office and had them give me pricing for shipping 2 shirts and 4 shirts to BC and Manitoba. To BC - $12.50 for 2, $15.25 for 4 To Manitoba - $10.25 for 2, $12.75 for 4 Use this pricing to give a fair approximation of shipping to your location. Eg. Saskatchewan/Nova Scotia use $11.50 for two shirts, $14 for four You can also go to canadapost.ca to calculate shipping charges - two shirts weigh 500g. When calculating your cost, multiply quantity times mens/ladies price based on cost shown, and add shipping. If paying by PayPal (use Personal/Gift), when you submit via PayPal there is an option for the sender to pay the fee or the seller.... please accept "sender pays" . If doing online banking and sending money via email (probably easiest way) your bank will charge you a small fee - usually $1.50 This is purely at cost with no profit coming to me. My costs are : - Screen printer (based on 50 shirts ordered) : mens shirt $14.35, womens shirt $15.85 plus HST - Freebird - use of crest - $2 per shirt - Shipping - based on price received from Canada Post with 7 day delivery For International orders (U.S., Australia, UK) send me info regarding how many shirts you would like and your address and I'll get a price from the Post Office on shipping charge before you submit payment. Personal hand delivery is available within a reasonable distance from Kitchener to eliminate shipping costs. Clear as mud? Any questions please post here. Once we get the total number of shirts to print figured out, I will have the screen printer run the shirts. DO NOT DELAY in ordering your shirts as this will be a one time run with no extra shirts produced. Mens and Ladies sized S/M/L/XXL Let me know mens/ladies, size, screen name, leaf on side or sleeve. Make sure both your first name and your wife's is included so if you are ordering a shirt for your spouse we can have her name on the shirt too. eg: Don XV1100SE Kitchener ON Nancy XV1100SE Kitchener ON ---------------------------- For those in the London to Toronto area, I'll set up meet & eats in Toronto area, Brantford, London/Woodstock for delivery of the shirts. I'll order the shirts in the next two weeks (August 24th) so delivery should be beginning of Sept. Anyone else with orders... let me know. My email address is dtohivsky@bell.net. Payment can be by bank email transfer or PayPal. Cheques accepted ... and of course cash ! Make sure you indicate your screen name !
  2. I like what the Western NY group did with getting themselves shirts and was wondering if there would be interest from the Canadian members (with approval from Freebird pending). This way those from the Great White North would stand out at events. What I'm thinking is... 100% pre-shrunk white cotton shirts with a red maple leaf on the side (9" tall/9" wide), VR.org crest on the back, and up to 3 lines of text embroidered on the front (name, screen name, and city/province). I spoke with a screen printer today to get an idea of cost and they quoted $14.35 per shirt based on a quantity of 50. Price would reduce slightly with higher quantity. This would be strictly at cost of shirt plus shipping and $2 per shirt for use of the crest. For us... I'd be looking at getting two shirts for both Nancy and I. Let me know if you are interested and quantity you would be interested in. Once I get approval from Don and hopefully a soft copy of the crest (in either jpg or eps format), I'll post more info and start taking orders/payment.
  3. The registration deadline for the International rally is upon us...Last call is fast approaching...Get your forms in NOW............Last t shirt order goes in next week...........
  4. I have just ended the last 5 St. Jude auctions for the last items. When using PayPal please insure that your 1st choice of shirt size is listed along with a second choice, sizes I dont have are Small and XLarge. Also include your shipping address, and please mark your payment as a gift, so St. Jude gets the full amount of your bid. For those that won just the pins $1.00 shipping, and all other shipping is $5.00, via Priority Mail. There is and underscore in the email addy.... partin_guy partin_guy@yahoo.com Winners are........ 1.PKtexas...............2 pins........$15.50 2.Carbon One...........Shirt..........$16.00 3.Sleeperhawk..........Shirt & Pin...$15.00 4.Coles Grandpaw......Shirt & Pin...$26.00 Thanks to everyone for your support. [ATTACH]67659[/ATTACH]"Its all about the Kids"[ATTACH]67658[/ATTACH]
  5. BAH HUMBUG!!! Now I feel better. I can wear my Bah Humbug shirt today!!
  6. On a recent transatlantic flight, a plane passes through a severe storm.. The turbulence is awful, and things go from bad to worse when one wing is struck by lightning. One woman in particular loses it. Screaming, she stands up in the front of the plane. "I'm too young to die," she wails. Then she yells, Well, if I'm going to die, I want my last minutes on earth to be memorable! "Is there ANYONE on this plane who can make me feel like a WOMAN?" For a moment there is silence. Everyone has forgotten their own peril. They looked, riveted, at the desperate woman in the front of the plane. Then an Italian man stands up in the rear of the plane. He is gorgeous: Tall, well built, with dark black hair and brown eyes. He starts to walk slowly up the aisle, unbuttoning his shirt .....one button at a time. ................No one moves. ...............He removes his shirt. ................Muscles ripple across his chest. ...............She gasps. .................He whispers: .............."Here, iron this, and get me something to eat..." OK...so I'm a male Chauvanist Pig! That's right up there with .... Why do brides wear white? Well you want the dishwasher to match the stove and fridge! OK...let the berating begin!
  7. Well, the adventure is over for me, back home and so sad to see a recess until the next International Rally. It was great to meet so many of you, riding / eating / yakking, and from some, watching and learning as members fixed members bikes. I will never forget The awesome Chili Cookoff - with fabulous fish taco's / wraps thrown in. What started off in fun and maybe as a joke, became a fun way of sharing some good times: Jan/Carol/Dave, Terry/Erv, and Black Owl all did a stupendous job making everyone happy and full one night. The rides - short or long in length - were awesome, that is sure some pretty country around there and thank you to Kurt for putting the maps together. Thank you to Rocket for getting the ball rolling on this years trailer raffle Dave/Jan for all of their assistance from the shirt design and handling the shirt orders, and for the unselfish and generous assisting during the entire rally itself. TO ALL, who lent a hand at one point or another, to all that participated in our various "antics" (as I know I am probably missing some names), but most importantly TO ALL OF YOU WHO ATTENDED OUR RALLY THIS YEAR, IF I did this correctly, here are some pictures from my camera - I wish I had more, but - should remember to charge the battery once in a while? https://picasaweb.google.com/loneeagle101/VRInternationalCODYRally2011# Now, I guess the next question would be?????????????? Where is the Rally going to be next year?????????????????? Never too early to start thinking about it -
  8. One day, a housework challenged husband decided , to wash his sweatshirt.. Soon after he stepped into the laundry room, he shouted to his wife, "What setting do I use on the washing machine?" "It depends," she replied, "what does it say on your shirt?? " He yelled back, "GO BEARS " She replied —"Use hot water, a box of Tide, and four cups of bleach ". GO PACKERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Cletus is passing by Billy Bob's hay barn one day when through a gap in the door he sees Billy Bob doing a slow and sensual striptease in front of an old green John Deere. Buttocks clenched he performs a slow pirouette and gently slides off first the right strap of his overalls, followed by the left. He then hunches his shoulders forward and in a classic striptease move and lets his overalls fall down to his hips revealing a torn and frayed plaid shirt. Grabbing both sides of his shirt he rips it apart to reveal his stained tee shirt underneath. With a final flourish he tears the tee shirt from his body and hurls his baseball cap onto a pile of hay. Having seen enough Cletus rushes in and says "what the heck are you doing Billy Bob." "Jeez, Cletus, ya scared the bejeezers out of me," says an obviously embarrassed Billy Bob, "but me and the Ole lady been having trouble lately in the bedroom department, and the Therapist suggested I do something sexy to a tractor."
  10. Did I meet your Brother in Flint Mi. today? Went into a local dive today to get some tacos to take home (best REAL Tacos in the area) and a guy came in while I was ordering. I was wearing my VentureRiders.org tee shirt. When we both got done ordering he came up to me and said he was just down in San Antonio visiting his brother and his Brother belongs to the VentureRiders.org and has a tee shirt just like mine. We talked for awhile about bikes and how Flint has went to h**l and how we both want to move south. When our orders came up and I was leaving I noticed he was wearing a tee shirt from a Harley dealer in San Antonio. He rides a 1200 Sportster. So was just wondering who his brother might be. And BEFORE you say it Squidy, I know he's not your Brother.
  11. Folks...I'm working on some shirt designs just for fun. These pictures aren't very good but what do you think of the general concept?
  12. BIG TOM

    t shirts

    This is summer...........Havn't sold a t shirt in months . I AM WORKING ON A LADY VENTURERIDER SHIRT and also tank tops for the women ...If you gals think you would be interested , give me your imput (not that I'm gonna listen to it) :Im not listening tolol...But,I'd like to know before I contact the vendor and start a new project...............speak up gals...tell me what you'd like......
  13. We are one week away from the International Rally. If you are coming to the rally and haven't ordered a rally package or just the dinner if you don't want a shirt and patch, Please do so ASAP. We need to get a good headcount to get the food ordered for the dinner. Package consists of a shirt, a patch and dinner - $50.00 per person Dinner only - $24.00 per person Payment information: Paypal - CFAS@Juno.com or check or money order to: Russell Hicks 185 Redwood Rd Apple Valley MN 55124 We're trying to get everything finalized this week, thanks for your help.
  14. SHIRT ORDERS..... bit of help here I have been receiving payments from PayPal for shirts and rally packets without any information on shirt size or color. Will the following folks PLEASE CONTACT EITHER ME OR CUPCAKE (SQUIDLEY) and GIVE US YOUR SHIRT SIZE AND COLOR. Craig Green Ron MacQueen Bruse Bennet Cp'n Eddie Crystal balls just ain't what they used to be..... Thanks much Russell
  15. There were a few folks at maintenance day that wanted shirts but hadn't placed an order. I promised to find out if there was enough interest to place another order. If you didn't get a Maintenance Day shirt but are interested in one, please pose here. If there is enough interest, I'll order some more but there are minimum quantities required to get a halfway decent price.
  16. here are a few pics of today's M&E @ Speedy's Bar b que. thanks margaret for putting this together, it was nice to meet some of the VR family. look closely and you will see beer30 presenting riderduke with a pink shirt with 'stud muffin' on the back of shirt. the closeup of the good looking couple (lol) is me & wife. the black rstd is my bike this morning before heading out to the M&E.....i believe beer30 & riderduke also rode in. had a great time and looking forward to riding with a few of the member i met today. buz http://i50.tinypic.com/2iaxxft.jpg http://i45.tinypic.com/25p5umo.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/10s821t.jpg http://i50.tinypic.com/4vn4zp.jpg http://i47.tinypic.com/vh4a4y.jpg http://i48.tinypic.com/2j5x7gm.jpg
  17. Recieved a phone call from vendor...the t shirt...long sleeve shirt and sweatshirt I ordered are in and awaiting my approvial for production....will see them on friday and if the NEW LOGO looks as good as he says it does, I will be posting pics and an order form in the merchandise forum...keep your fingers crossed that they turned out the way we wanted....no...I am not taking orders now..you'll have to wait...and this message is for SQUIDLY ...SHUT UP!!!!
  18. This auction is ending in about 10 minutes, may be your last chance for a full set.........St. Jude T-shirt, St.Jude Hat, and St. Jude Pin. 1 St. Jude T- Shirt( XX Large), 1 Crusin Pin, & 1 Hat. - VentureRider Classifieds
  19. OK, took first ride today with the new jacket. 48 deg. when left, 51deg on return home. 2 hour ride. Jacket, with T-shirt, and one fairly heavy cotton shirt on under the jacket. Verdict is-- Stayed perfectly comfortable, not cold, not hot. I will estimate that if I replaced the cotton shirt, with a Wool shirt, the Jacket will be good down to about 40 deg. F. Below that, I would need the electric vest. So, I'm very happy with this jacket. Fit is a little tight, but thats what I like, I hate loose fitting clothing. The Armor installed in Elbows, shoulders, and back, Seems bulky when putting the jacket on, however once under way ( a little navy talk there ) I don't even notice it. Arm movement seems good. My chest measurement is 44 inches, I got the Medium size.(( 44 )) ( this per suggestion on the " NewEnough " website, where I ordered it from ) They stated that these jackets run a little on the large side. I would have to say this is the most comfortable I have been at 50 deg. with just one jacket on, over an average wgt cotton shirt. Also, the new Hot Grips, with 40 gram thinsulate gloves worked just fine at 50 deg. I tried them last week, same gloves at 33 deg. F. and I would say my hands were getting cold. However I'm not in habit of rideing in that cold temps, so won't worry about it. If your in a motorcycle supper store, and they have them, try one on.
  20. Winnners of the auctions this time around are; Hat and Pin...........Eddie..........26.00 Shirt and Hat........Ozark..........31.00 Shirt and Pin.........IH Truck Guy..46.00 Lic. Plate Holder.....Painterman67...28.00 Thanks for helping the Kids at St. Jude........its going to be a good year for them. More auctions will be posted tomorrow........ Thanks.
  21. So, I'm in my cage behind two crotch rockets, I see one guy doesn't have a helmet on. We've had the discussion - don't need to go there. I think it's silly but that's me. BUT - the guy also has sneakers on...I've been guilty a few times myself...BUT - he has shorts on...don't think I've ever done that. But by itself - not a capital offense...BUT he has no shirt on - I've NEVER done that. Looks like it could be painful...AND, as I sit behind him at the light, his rear tire is down to the steel belt - the ENTIRE circumference of the wheel. Is this a disaster waiting to happen or WHAT? I don't get it.
  22. After a few days, we can laugh about some of the things that took place. After the crash, I got up off the road and removed my jacket and helmet, walked to the ambulance to be checked, and they cut my shirt off and my new jeans almost to the crotch! Would have cut my jacket too if I hadn't taken it off. After 5 hours in the ER I got to go see my wife. I expected to see her dressed (or undressed) just like me. WRONG! She was still in her jacket, shirt and jeans. She simply got feisty with them and told them they were NOT cutting up her outfit! Guess I should have thought of that. When we were finally released, she walked out looking fine. I walked out without a shirt and my pantlegs blowing in the breeze, and patches of hair pulled off my chest from the sticky things! Tomorrow I'll see about getting the bike back to the dealer for an estimate. Then I'm sure the fun will begin with the insurance people. Health-wise we are doing better. Mostly just sore. Thanks for the prayers-they really do work. Mark
  23. Guest

    Message for Larry Geddes

    Larry You ordered a T-shirt for the 2008 International Rally in Kitchener but did not collect it....I sent you an email and it came back as undeliverable so please send me a message and let me know if you are going to collect the shirt or if you want it mailed to you. I looked in the Members List but I can't find you so please email me at venture_rally_stuff@yahoo.com Thanks Al
  24. Hi Everyone The second batch of shirts for the 2008 Kitchener International Rally will ship tomorrow to the following people : Larry Skeels, Wayne, MI Craig Englehart, Reading, PA Diane & Al, Dearborn, MI Dan Bogdanovitch, Chicago, IL Paul Richard, Alberta, Canada A number of other people requested a shirt to be picked up at Rally on a one-day visit but either did not attend or forgot the shirt, so I will be emailing everyone requesting pickup information, or additional funds if they want it shipped. Al
  25. Just thought I would let everyone know that we made it to, and past the required 100 shirts to get the order in....we ordered 108 shirts. Anyone with questions regarding the shirt orders, please be patient...Al Johnson was looking after that for us and he is now in the hospital with some sort of growth on his neck being diagnosed....hopefully it's nothing too serious. The point is I am checking his shirt ordering email site while he is unable. 3 WEEKS UNTIL THE 2008 INTERNATIONAL VENTURERIDERRALLY IN KITCHENER, ONTARIO, CANADA......eh.:banana:
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