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Found 14 results

  1. steamer

    WNY gang

    Up date on our little vaction. we're not in DC anymore. Museums were getting boring, so we followed the sun shine. Lets just say temps were near 80 yesterday:rasberry:. Bad news, we have to head back later today.
  2. So yesterday after looking at my outdoor parked Royal star for weeks in disgust. My paint doesnt have that showroom shine I see those harley guys have and yes my bike has 3 times the miles that thier do i still feel awful. I was reluctant to buy the mothers wax cause I am too cheap and at $13 I could buy 3 other bottles and get the job done. well that isnt the case. i have tried turtle wax, Ice, and a few other bike specific waxs liquid and paste. This one truly brought back that deep black showroom shine. the only thing that gives it away is the small rust spot and deeper scratches on the tank. The haze is gone and it feels amazing. the side untouched feels rough whiel the waxed sides is smooth. Sorry no pics yet guys because just as I was applying the second coat to the chrome on the side stand side . April showers began , just to make my day. Before and after pics to cme. MEGUAIRS all the way
  3. Fragments of grunt: Guys, are you married to a shine freak?? If you are then nothing is safe. And you know what im talking about. 32 1/2 years ago I married a wonderful woman. She can cook, ride a bike, drive her own hot rod, etc. What I didnt realize then but found out soon enough was that she was a shine freak. NOTHING IS SAFE AROUND HER!! Put your newspaper down to get a drink and in less time then it takes to pass wind its in the recycling bin. WHY?? Because you were foolish to leave it. Eat food in the living room and set it down...its assumed that you are finished with it and it magically disappears in one fell swoop. Never mind the plate is still about 1/2 full. Make sure you have enough ketchup and drink by your side so you can protect your well earned meal from invaders by not leaving it alone for a minute (or less) I swear she gets faster with age. Now you ask, just how does this apply to dirty dogs and extra screws? It does in its own weird way. See, if you werent married to a shine freak, you wouldnt be waken from a sound vicoden induced sleep on your first day off to give two great danes a bath. Oh joy!! About the time you finish FedEx arrives with a package and you shudder!!! Was it something that I bought for the bike and never told her??? NO, its the replacement oven door glass that was shattered no doubt caused in part to its excessive cleaning regiment. I thought it would take a week to get here and id be safe.noooo, the part was ordered on Sunday and it flies here in a rush, just to make me do more work caused by excessive cleaning. Screws you say and how the fit in here? OK men, we all have at one time or another had a few leftover screws/bolts, even parts when we put the bikes back together. Well this theory also applies to oven doors. You tape over the shattered glass to take it out in one piece, remove the 16 screws that hold various parts in place, meticulously clean all the parts of old grease because you fear "She Who Must Be Kept", (who is out shopping at this time, Yea thats another story for another time). Proudly clean up the work area (Kitchen counter) and discover 2 screws laying under the door. Hmmmmm. So you patiently take it all apart again and discover the location of your missing screws and put it all back together nicely again. She comes home.....proclaims the area a mess (even after the thorough cleaning you just gave it) You hide, quaking in fear......And after all that work you feel that a nice home cooked meal in that oven would be nice. WRONG.....she wants to go out to dinner..no way is the oven getting messed up by greasy meat substances. You sigh.....she says what did you say?? I say sweetie, lets go out to Texas Roadhouse tonight. And all is well again. Moral of this story: were wimps....and if she sees this then im hoping Boomer has a spare female pygmy I can run away with because both of my legs will be cut off at the knees.
  4. Ok here are some pics of the 08 RSTD
  5. Well almost go all the shine on the New 08 RSTD today side-rails for the bags, running lights with visors . turn signals visors, chrome license plate cover and the ultimate studded seats are do in tomorrow. It is almost done for now.
  6. To see what this 2nd Gens all about, I found out that the 1st gen is easier to work on ,yes this is a total different concept of a scoot But come on they made sure if you are not a bit mechanically inclined you got to bring it to the shop , I like a challenge When I was riding the 1st gen I felt like I was on a sport tourer But with the 2nd gen I always wanted to be a motorcycle cop its nice to imagine when im riding Any ways has anyone try this Mothers FX Synethic Wax Im impressed with the shine with no effect of making it shine
  7. For those of you who have ordered and received their deflectors, I just thought id pass this info on to you. I just tried this on my set and it does a great job of maintaining the shine. It brought the shine back to when it was new. http://eagleone.com/images/spacer.gifhttp://eagleone.com/images/spacer.gif http://eagleone.com/images/products/Never_Dull_Polish.jpg
  8. OK I need some input please, My trailer has the diamond plate and I'm trying to remove the water spots and also trying to bring back the shine. I used never-dull and some car polish as of right now it has some shine to it. but I still have the water spots. Any thing I can use to help remove the spots and really bring back the shine? Buddy
  9. I have an 87 Venture Standard that needs the aluminum engine covers polished, but I have to get the old, flaking, yellowed clearcoat off first. Once I get it off, I'll shine it up as best I can, then re-cover it with clearcoat. (spray can) Any suggestions?
  10. My wife, er I mean Santa, brought me a set of chrome passenger floorboards. They sure do shine. Makes those stock boards look rather ugly. Here's a couple of photos. Dennis
  11. Friend of mine bought an "08" Venture "S". Lot's of shine. I did see some shine that I would like to get for my "06". I tried the Yamaha website for accessories to no avail. Attached a photo of the part I would like to find chromed. Does any know if Yamaha sells this part, or do would I have to get it chromed myself? Thanks
  12. I hate Painting and paints, as there seems to be so many different types of paints. Curious what should be used on our bikes ? I know about Color Rite, has anyone used this paint to completely repaint their bike, and do you get that high shine to it ? It was suggested a Base/Clear paint but that is seems very expensive. I also heard of Imron as a cheaper alternative, but was recomended to go with the Base/clear for the quality. I was curious about using different types of paints. Any suggestions ? Also is there any tricks to get that high shine or is it just a good clear coat. Brad
  13. cecdoo

    New Ride

    Well I bought a new to me 06 Rsv Black Cherry, if ya want to see pics its in the classifide ads under JR Lewis, its in great shape and JR is a good guy. Bike was excactly as he stated, except those pipes are alittle loud:whistling: I was looking for something with a lower seat ht. and this is it. Cant wait for some warmer weather to shine her up and go for a spin. If anyone is looking for a nice 87 VR in blue, let me know, I will be listing it in the class. shortly. Its in great shape with 42k on the speedo. Thanks craig
  14. More chrome! Has anyone tried these things? How does light shine through chrome? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-V-Max-Road-Star-VStar-650-1100-CHROME-LENSES_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35580QQihZ011QQitemZ320198418772QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
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