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  1. Well, I don't like to admit it but my bike has whooped me. I have been trying to get the starter clutch out and failing miserably. I'm still stuck at trying to get the cover off. So here is what I'm offering. If there is anybody near the Appleton Wisconsin area that is willing to take pity on this struggling newby and is willing to help, I am willing to offer the standard Wisconsin thank you (case of beer and a 6-pack of brats) along with one of my wife's amazing home cooked meals. She is Hispanic and does real Mexican food. I have or can get a hold of tools . I have a lot of maintenance background from my time in the Navy and am currently working on autos and heavy equipment but for some reason, this small engine is kicking my tail despite all of the advice and pointers I have received here... thanks for reading.
  2. Hey everyone, I am new here and I am looking forward to participate and hopefully enhance this forum. I just acquired a 01 RSTD with 28000 miles in great shape. Everything works well, but I am wondering about rough, noisy hard shifting. Before the bike gets to running temperature it seems the shifting is smoother. As it warms up it feels harder, crankier and louder. I almost having to kick it down and when shifting up it actually hurts my foot (no heel-toe) Any advice or comments are welcome.
  3. I had noted a couple of weeks ago that I was having a shifting problem. I was having a problem with the bike not staying in 1st and 5th gear. I could shift it into 1st gear and it would come back out unless I held the shifter down until I put it under a load. I was having the same problem with 5th and also having a problem with finding neutral. I suspected I was having a détente problem and that was what it turned out to be. The spring that pulls in the détente roller arm was broken. I had a spare and was able to replace it by taking off the clutch side cover and down beside the clutch basket I could get to it. Some long needle nose pliers and I was good to go. I wanted to post this as this is not a problem I have heard the Venture having. It appears that the spring was just worn enough to finally break. RandyA
  4. OK folks...I know it's winter and some of us are already going into parked motorcycle syndrome but some of the jokes over the last few weeks have started shifting slightly over the PG line. Please keep it clean.
  5. I took the floorboards of my 89 VR and definately noticed that the shifting mechanics were much smoother and quiters. I put the floorboards on my 91 VR. Does anyone know why or is there a way to adjust the shifting with floorboards.
  6. As "Brown Sugar and I were playing with some twisties today I was paying attention to the shifting. This has been going on for a while but is getting harder and harder. Holding a rule against the end of the ball on the handle it has more than 1&1/2 inches of play before you start to feel pressure when you squeeze it. Time for the push rod and bushing?? I bled it out last fall. All new fluid. Hope its not the slace cylinder.
  7. I've had my 09 RSV for about six months now and love it, but I'm not sure if I'm just not good at shifting or if there's some other problem. It seems like if I really rev up the engine right before shifting, and then quickly pull the clutch and twist down the throttle, it shifts pretty smoothly without any clanking noise. Putting it into 1st gear always clanks and even 2nd gear clanks a bit if I pull in the clutch and slowly shift into gear. 3rd also clanks a little if I pull the clutch and slowly shift into gear. It's like I need to rev the engine a split-second before shifting, not to get a clank. How much, if any "clank" or noise should I hear when shifting? I know some of you don't even use the clutch, but I'd rather use it. Can someone give me some pointers? Sorry to be such a newb. David
  8. Starting: I have noticed when starting cold my bike starts on the 3rd try every time, but never on the 1st or 2nd. Yes this is with choke pulled out etc. This is seldomly a problem on a warm bike. Shifting: I have been told to really get the rpms up before shifting and waiting to almost 65+ to shift into overdrive. Good gouge or bad gouge? Thanks Mongo
  9. I rode a 2007 RSV for aobut three years and was used to letting the engine rev up when shifitng, and that included down shifting a bit early, to keep the revs up when power might be neeeded. now that I have a GL1800 I find that I shift late in the RPMs and downshift before entereing a corner and downshift early when comming to a stop......... I wonder if I need to chage my ways.............. what do you think?
  10. I have added a little safety chrome. (and hitching) (and lighting) (and shifting)
  11. Just wondering if anyone uses, an additive in there oil to help with the shifting? and/Or make the Engine run smoother?
  12. Hi everyone, My 2001 RSV is shifting from neutral to 2nd gear most of the time! When I see that it is in 2nd gear, I down shift one time and it will shift to neutral instead of 1st gear most of the time! I have to go back and forth once or twice to get to first gear out of neutral. Has anyone had this issue? What was the fix? Thanks, Steve
  13. i have been having trouble with my 04 RSV. I have been posting in the watering hole, but so far i have not found the problem. it has trouble shifting. clutch and its fluid checks out ok. the shifter linkage checks out ok. i pulled the middle gear cover off (left rear cover) and it checks out ok. thinking it was an engine oil level, oil was changed this started out of the blue. i parked the scooter after a ride when shifting was working properly, found a slow leak, ordered a new tire, put the tire on. went for a test ride. shifting up was fine and the trouble started upon my first down shift, it would not down shift. i could come to a stop and pound on the shifter getting back to first. then repeat. after a couple times of this, the shifter began to "flop" out of place. not left or right. when toeing up to 3rd, the shifter just kept moving upwards nearly 5 inches with no changing of gears. i would have to toe the down to get things back to an order where i could get home. coasting around corners does work too well and lugging around in the wrong gear is not the way to do things. any suggestions as to what is happening would be appreciated.
  14. There have been lots of discussions on the best oil to use, and every one has an opinion, but very few has said why they think their choice is better than anothers. Just what do you look for in your oil? Is your choice based on independent research reports, personal experience, smoother shifting, price or (like me) just what my daddy used? With so many opinions on oil brands, surely there are good reasons for making those choices.
  15. While changing my back tire at MD, I took the time to grease my drive shaft spline. Good thing as it was dry. Now when I stop, it seams like my 88VR slips into neutral from 1st gear more easily than it did before. Before I greased the spline, it seemed to be more "sticky" when shifting into neutral. So, is this just my imagination or could a dry spline cause "sticky" shifting into neutral.
  16. 1985 Venture has 24,000 miles and started shifting and down shifting very hard..Clutch and linkage appear to be ok.. Changed oil thinking oil breakdown but still hard to shift. Does seem to shift a little easier when it is cold that when engine is hot seems to get more difficult shifting. Would like to to get thoughts on this before I dig into transmission. Has me baffled ..
  17. I recently purchased an ’03 RSV. I noticed in shifting from 2nd to 3rd there is loss of power, as if, firing only of 3 cylinders. Is this a possible clutch problem, or what? It “takes off great in 1st and 2nd, but on 3rd is lack power. Suggestions appreciated.
  18. Hi guys, I just bought a '88 Venture Royale with 35,000 miles for $1,100 It runs on 2 with a third cylinder kicking in sometimes. It backfires some. The tach works at idle, then reads about half true RPM's, then drops to zero. I used 3 gallons driving it 100 miles home, so it's not dumping gas. Then I found 2 broken spark plugs, and ran propane down the intakes to verify that all 4 cylinders were/would fire. My compression tester won't fit the small holes. The temp gauge barely comes up even when I got it quite hot, fan doesn't work. In neutral, the clutch seems to make a different sound when pulled, or out. The clutch and shifting are great, almost buttery- - nice ! I almost feel at 55 that the front bearings are shot, or making a vibration thru the bars. It won't go over 55 unless a third cyl fires up, then maxes out at about 75. I'm going into the carbs today. Question, is there a sure-fire way to tell if the bike has 135,000 or 35,000 ?? Thanks.
  19. I have eliminated the clutch assembly of my 86 VR as being the culprit for the bad, noisy, clunking shifting. I have also eliminated the problem being the slave since that part is newly installed. I also rebuilt the master but I think I should replace the master just to see if the shifting improves. Therefore, I am asking if anyone has a serviceable clutch master cylinder that you are willing to part with. If so, please let me know your price and I'll send anyway you desire; cash, PayPal, check, money order. All the m/c's on Ebay didn't look good except one and that fella is really proud of it.
  20. Just picked up (about a month ago) an 05 Midnight RSV and am LOVING IT!. My first bike was a Yamaha Roadstar Silverado. I bought it about 4 years ago and put on about 35000KM. Took a RSV out on a test ride at Americade last year and got the bug. In the last two weeks or so it has started to back fire when down shifting and when starting cold the choke doesn't always "catch". I have to rev the throttle a little for the choke to catch. I am thinking I need to get the carbs synced but not sure. There is also a gasoline smell when I shut her down or go to start her up....
  21. Ive read through similar threads and have tried the solution's offered but my problem persists. a. If I downshift, the shifter will occasionally stick, it wont pop back up. b. Although less frequent, I also have a hard time getting it into neutral c. Even less frequently, I have a tough time just shifting through the gears. I am running Amsoil 20/50, Im on 200 miles with MotorKote added. I made sure all the ball joints for the linkage were tight, clean and lubricated. (b) and © I can deal with as eventually I get my way. (a) is a problem. I can roll up to a light in 3rd, drop it to 2nd, shifter hangs. Now Im at a light unable to get moving in 1st. Any ideas?
  22. Got her put back togather and threw seat on without sheild,bag sidecovers anything else I didn't need and took her out. That ladyu can DANCE!!! Almost pulled front wheel in 3rd gear and I don't have my nerve back yet. Guess I'll go put her clothes on her. Might take a "little" ride in the morning!! . Missed a couple shifts going into 3rd when I was shifting hard. Went to that false netural. No problem shifting easy?? Still Got a exhaust leak!!! Oh SKID...
  23. what can be done to lessen or better yet, eliminate the clunky up shifting of these Ventures. I, however, shouldn't assume all lst editions have clunky shifts. My last 88 was fairly smooth. I have brand new fluid in the clutch master and completely bled out all the air; lots of handle. Brand new 20/50 Yamalube oil. I know that isn't the best but I didn't want to put $12 Amsoil or something equivalent right away. I intend to put a few hundred miles on this dino before changing to a better oil. But sure seems like this oil would be conducive to smooth shifting. Any advise would be highly appreciated.
  24. Clutchless shifting that is. Once I get up to 3rd gear, alot of times I am guilty of shifting to 4th and 5th without the clutch. I let of the gas of course, but does it do any damage. It's pretty smooth. Just wondering if I am the only one?
  25. I have lowered the front and rear of my RSV and now need to shorten the kickstand. The shifting linkage prevents the removal of the bolt that holds the kickstand on. Anyone have any experience in changing out the kickstand? I am not knowing if it is better to disconnect the shifting linkage toward the rear or drop the floorboard. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
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