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  1. I have a 1996 Royal Star and will not shift into higher gears.. 1st ,2nd and 3rd are good.. I looked at slave cylinder and working fine. I tried playing with linkage some and Know luck.. Anyone have any thoughts..Thanks Joe
  2. So I read the instruction on replacing the Shift Shaft Seal in the library; I also read the post on it in the forum from last April. In the Library it talks about major work, in the post it talks about pulling the seal with a hook and driving in the new one with a block of wood (or other tools would work as well) without removing the shaft. Anyone got experience or advice to offer?
  3. My 89 started ..oh about 2 weeks ago, where it seemed that when first started the clutch would engage "very early" upon the slow release of the clutch lever. But it seemed to return to normal after a shift or two. Yesterday, when I pulled in the clutch to shift into 1st after starting it for the first time, it almost seemed to move without releasing the clutch. Upon releasing the clutch, it immediately engaged, i mean it did not take anything at all to engage 1st gear. Again, after several shifts it seemed to be okay. Haven't seen any leakage of fluid and there appears to be enough fluid in the reservoir. So..??? any ideas ? ( and no... I'm not buying a slower 2nd Gen! )
  4. Wanting to modify a stock gear shift lever. Second Gen. Anyone have an extra one laying around they would let go? I actually have 1" shorter single aftermarket I would trade for a good stocker. Can send a pic of mine if your interested. Thanks.
  5. I've been working on the 83, the one my brother has been using. When it got here, it had only had the front brake working, a weak alternator, a big oil leak on the left side, and a slipping clutch. plus it had lots of other problems. The last 3 months, I've been working on it, and after fixing everything else and then rebuilding the rear master cylinder I finally took it for a good ride. Another problem has shown up. Sometimes it's real hard to downshift, especially from 4th to 3rd. When this happens, you have to let the clutch out a little and then it'll go. Before I thought of letting the clutch out a little to load 4th gear a little, I thought I might be limping home in 4th. I suppose I should mention that this thing has 140,000 miles on it and at 82K I fixed 2nd gear, but 3 years ago when I last saw it it shifted OK I should also mention that my brother isn't too gentle on the old girl---he likes to powershift, and I've seen him pushing hard on the shift lever. To fix the clutch, I installed a Skydoc spring and full inside clutch plate kit. Now the clutch doesn't slip and it does seem to be disengaging all the way when the lever is pulled in. In this project, I replaced the slave cylnder, and replaced all of the brake fluid. It's clean, fresh and completely bled. The clutch lever feels good, and is engaging at the correct point. When I did 2nd gear (10-12 years ago), I replaced the shift drum and 2nd gear, as per the Yammie service bulletin. I don't think I replaced the 4th gear shift fork, but I did replace 1st and 2nd gear shift forks I've checked the shift linkage----the hole in the left engine cover that the shift linkage shaft passes through is worn a bit, so it's sloppy and the pivot for the shift lever is a bit worn also, however there is no play in the linkage inside of the gearbox itself. I oiled the shift linkage and took it for another ride last night, and it was a lot better, but not correct. If I wanted to shift down from 5 to 3rd, sometimes I had to let the clutch out a little to get it to go from 4th to 3rd. BTW, neutral is a bit of a pain to get into. If you're moving, it'll go from 2nd to neutral fine. If you're stopped and in first, you have to let the clutch out a little briefly like you're taking off, and if you are pulling up on the shift lever when you pull the clutch back in, it'll go to neutral. I'm wondering if my brother didn't bend a shift lever because it feels as if the shift drum is hard to turn. Or, is it because of the 140K and almost 30 years, just worn out? I know that several riders that have heel/toe shifters installed have had something break....does anybody know what they break? The bike is rideable, but if something in the shift linkage is damaged and lets go, it could leave my brother stranded. Any ideas??? Frank D.
  6. I was out last night with the radio off and noticed that there is a loud clunk when I shift. Never heard it before. Wondering if I should be checking on something or if this is normal
  7. I"m doing the clutch slave cyl and figured I'd tackle the gear indicator issue while I was in there. Mine reads 4th gear for everything except 5th That part was not really planned cause I didn't even realize the switch was in there!! Anyway, I did the testing as per the manual and I guess the switch is bad. Any body got a GOOD shift indicator switch they want to part with? How much is a new one here in Canada? I really dont' want to try building up the contacts with solder like I read in one thread...I"d rather just change the switch. If I go ahead and do the slave cyl. and put the cover back on....do I have to order another gasket and crush washer to do the switch later or can I just re-use the "new" ones I would have just put in?
  8. Hello, I am new to this site and will likely be joining soon as there is very good information here for $12.00 a year. My question is, I have a 05 midnight venture with 45,000 miles. I bought the bike a few months ago and changed the oil and bleed the fluids. ie clutch, brakes. When the bike is cool the shifting is perfect but if I get into traffic with stop and go it gets difficult to downshift. If I rev the engine a little it will shift better. By the way, this doesn't always happen. Sometimes it will shift normal even in traffic but mostly it will not shift as I would like. Is this normal or what should I look for to help with the issue? Thanks in advance for any assistance. I have upgraded the clutch spring already because the clutch was slipping when I got the bike. Just changed the oil again; went from Mobile 1 to Rotella T synthetic just to try something different, No change in performance after the change. Thanks again!!
  9. Hello everyone Out on a ride today and went to shift down and couldnt without reving the engine.also when in first gear,and stopped,bike kept moving forward with clutch lever squeezed tight.Seems to be a lot of play in the lever as well.Checked the resivour and was full. any ideas.if it was cable driven i would say stretched cable but at a loss with hydrolic clutch any ideas Thanks
  10. Hello everyone, i'm happy to join the family. Now on to my problem. About a month ago I came across an ad on craigslist for an 84 yamaha 1200 in pieces for $600. I immediately answered the ad, and to my surprise I found a Venture. I negotiated it to $500 and brought it home. I assembled it and got it running right, which was a job in itself as it had been sitting for 5 years(ethanol sucks!!!). I went out for my first ride on it Friday and it was great. After about 75 miles I put it back into the garage for the night. Saturday afternoon I fired it up and headed out again. After about 15 miles it started shifting funny, stuck in gear unless slowing,etc. It then stayed in first gear and would not shift up. 15 miles home in first gear plus some seafoam really helped my carbs. Thanks to a post from pegscraper I knew exactly what to look for. I pulled the clutch to find a bent tab on the shift drum and a missing pin. I will run to the local bike shop and grab the parts to throw it back together this week. The only problem is the missing pin, it's nowhere to be found. Probably in the bottom of the crankcase. So how should I go about getting it out? After running it 15 miles all through the rpm range getting the bike home i'm thinking the pin could probably spend the rest of its days in there harmlessly. I would love to ride this thing through the summer and tear it down in the fall as it has the normal second gear issue that the first gens are known for anyway. What do you guys suggest.
  11. Hello. Im new to this forum, just got my first 2005 RS de luxe...yehaaa.... I test rode it, it was nice... I rode it immediatly the next day, and the 3rd day this happend: I decided to try the cruise control(did not tryied in the test ride...I know...dumb), and whe I reach my desired speed, I engaged the CC, but the engine died... I start it again, came home and try to start it again; It did start in neutral, but since then, every time I engage the 1st or any shift, it died immediatly!!!! So, at this point I can start the engine fine, as long as is in neutral, but it dies on me everytime I change to a shift. My first guess was a failing side-stand switch, but I tested continuity and works fine. My second guess is some sort of clutch sensor or switch, but thats all I can think of.... Any help will be appreciated.... thanks in advance
  12. happy new year to one & all. yes i know it's a little early still have about 17 hours till midnight. but you know how it is when you work the graveyard shift. just a little wish to all for a better new year, and that ya'll have good health. best reguards to all, till we meet again. don c.
  13. 83 model, bought the bike w/22k, now 33k. Pulled in the clutch (didn't "feel" right) shifted to first, lunged forward. went to shift to second, still in 1st. Housing is broke, hav TIG access, I'm not concerned, as I can weld it back together. I am concerned with the way the shaft "feels"(might be broken) The 437 page pdf manual doesn't really address the transmission shifting shaft. Thinking about purchasing a Clymer manual. Thought I would check with all the Venture Rider wisdom first. Previous owner installed floor boards and heel/toe shifter.
  14. Just wondering if you need to really turn the fuel cock off after riding (I forget to do it)? Also if the fuel warning light comes on can you move to reserve on the fly while riding? Also manual says to shift from 4th to 5th (O/D) at 31 mph, this seems pretty low to go into O/D gear. Just wondering if most people wait until around 35 - 40 to shift to O/D. Thanks for the help, only had the bike for a few weeks and still getting to know it. Glad I found this site.
  15. I was riding with a few V rods today and loved the way they were able to lean more While I was scraping pegs. I had Forward controls on my 04 shadow and I just loved them. The only problem was not being able to stand and shift positions. Today I am thinking I could deal with that. I rode 3 hours without having to shift my rear once. I think The seat is breaking in my ass. SO what do you guys think about forward controls.
  16. OK...I have read some other threads, but I am hoping for an easier fix than some that I have found. (I am lazy and want to ride not wrench:)) I laid my bike down today, I was going up a driveway with huge ruts (ditches really) and my front tire slide into one and I slowly laid the bike down. (in my defense it was really steep and the ruts were like ditches). After recovering from my embarrassment (well mostly) I had a crack faring piece (which is no problem to fix...been there done that). I start home sad but knowing I could fix what I broke..UNTIL I tried to shift into 4th gear. I can shift from first to third (and into neutral) with no problems at all, but trying to go into 4th doesn't happen...it is like trying shift up again if you are in 5th (don't ask me who I know that) It was a fairly gentle lay down the damage to the fairing is more due to the weight of the bike and than the impact. So any idea on what the problem might be? And what I am looking at to fix it? I haven't opened anything up yet... won't have time till Monday, so I am looking for ideas for easy and quick fixes.
  17. The guy that wrote the RSTD manual, or translated it from the Japanese, or whoever put those shift points in the book. Ok. I admit it. I'm a fairly anal guy. I do read the manual, follow the reccomendations, etc, etc. I used to ride a V-Star 950 cruiser, nimble and quick, but when I rode with the local yamaha association last year the Ventures and RSTDs would make me work to keep up. This year I traded up, carefully rode the beast home, read the owners manual carefully, and started riding, using the reccomended shift points. Felt like I was driving a truck. Weak acceleration, sounds like it's working hard just to get going. WTF? The guys must have modified the engine the get the acceleration I was seeing last year? Then I found this forum. Read all the threads about shift points I could find. I'm still in break-in. 600 km and climbing rapidly. I haven't cranked it as hard as some suggest, for that reason, but, oh my, can this thing fly. Still not as nimble as my last bike, but pull? Loving it! Loving it! Loving it!
  18. In the process of installing my high output stator my son-in-law pointed out that the shift linkage seal was seeping. Has anyone ever replaced one of these on the RSV and if so how hard is to replace? My understanding from looking at the service manual is that you have to remove the middle gear cover (again) in order to get to the shift linkage seal. Is this correct? I am not sure if I want the local dealer to do this work or not. He told me one hour. I have this gut feeling he wasn't referring to an RSV but rather to a bike that is more exposed. All comments and or suggestions appreciated. Thank you in advance. Chris
  19. After 23 years and seeing stuff I never thought I would see, I have joined the ranks of the retired! Or at least semi-retired anyway. My job at the jail is done my penence is paid. I will now be a school bus driver for fun...that means summers off, holidays off...no more shift work, no more missed birthdays, Christmas' or other special events. Its a bit surreal right now as I just woke up after working my last night shift ever! The wheels on the bus go round and round lmao!
  20. Hi everyone, new here, purchased a very nice 1990 venture. When I got it home notice a bit of oil and found a crack in the shift position switch and the switch was quite oily. has anybody run in to this before? Thanks!
  21. I'll try to be as straight as i can to give you the facts. 2000 RSV. I rebuilt my clutch slave. Nothing wrong with it, but I was in the area. I took off the heel toe shifter and removed the floorboard to get to it. Changed my fluid. Reassembled. Did have to twist the floorboard around a little bit to get it back to the front position. Maybe I bent something. Maybe i shifted some adjustments a couple rotations but nothing severe I wouldn't think. I easily shifted into first and second. The heel/toe shifter was rotated up with the toe at a high point. Couldnt step on the heel and make it shift. Then realized that if I steped on the toe slightly I could then shift to the third, fourth gear. Unfortunately could only move back to the 2nd or third gear. I am not hearing or feeling any problems internally when I am shifting. The pedal action does not move properly. Would really appreciate some guidance. Bob
  22. I have had my 08 Venture since May last year. It is the first bike I have had with a heel shift. The only advantage I see to the heel shift is that it saves wear and tear to the top of your left boot. I do not need to move my foot from its rest position to shift up if I use my toe, whereas I must move my leg back and lift it to get the heel on top of the shifter. So, my question(s): How many use the heel shifter? What advantages do you see to using it? Is it worth the effort to retrain myself to use this feature? Thanks for any thoughts.
  23. Even if you don't ski, this clip is worth a view. A new video technique called tilt shift. http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/2pJCXX/www.geek.com/articles/geek-cetera/whistler-blackcomb-miniaturized-tilt-shift-2011017/
  24. I just got back from a ride, and lost all gears above 2nd On downshift...heard a terrible sound (clutch was in etc)... was able to get it in to 1st, can shift to second... can not shift in to 3rd.... stops at second gear. Limped it home... 1st and second no problem... like I only have 2 gears. HELP... andy suggestions on where or what ... I'm thinking the gears in the tranny went... What would fit... upgrade to Vmax ? Bummed...
  25. I left last week for a 2 week ride but had to cut it short due to an injury. I left Tenn today and drove 8 hours all the way on interstate. I made the turn off the interstate to the road that was four miles away to my home. I went to downshift to slow down at the ramp and couldn't find the shift lever. I looked over the side and it was hanging over on its side. I pulled over and sure enough the bolt had come out and was gone. I was only a few miles from a Yamaha dealership so I was able to hold it on with my boot and shift as needed to this shop where it was easily fixed. Moral of the story. Check this bolt. Something I've never bothered to look at.
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