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Found 13 results

  1. BaggerShield has just released 2 new models of cruiser windshields. The Patriot windshield is available in 15" and 18" height. These shields are mounted to your handlebars (7/8" up to 1-1/4" bars). The mounting clamps slide in and out from 3" to 9" to accommodate any other accessories you might have on your bars. The shields can be adjusted up and down 2" and the angle of the shield can be adjusted to whatever angle you like. The mounting hardware is made of a very high quality, chrome plated, billeted aluminum and the shield itself is made of 3/16" thick aircraft grade Lucite. Click on each picture to bring you to their product page for more details. http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb402/BaggerShield/TB-PAT-18Web.jpg http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb402/BaggerShield/TB-PAT-15Web.jpg
  2. Introducing BaggerShield's new line of universal cruiser shields. These high quality windshields offer a chrome billeted aluminum mounting system that will fit any bike with 7/8" or 1" handlebars (call about fitment to bigger bars). The height and angle of these shields can be adjusted in order to find the right position to fit your riding style. Like the rest of our shields, these are made of crystal clear, aircraft grade Lucite and are proudly made in the USA. Remember to get your 10% off forum member discount code before ordering. Also, receive free 2-3 shipping to anywhere in the USA or Canada. http://i1204.photobucket.com/albums/bb402/BaggerShield/Liberty-Freedom.jpg
  3. I have a Shoei RF-200 helmet with a slightly scratched C-10 clear shield. I'd like to get a new shield, but Shoei and Shoei dealers no longer carry replacements for helmets over 5 years old. In fact Shoei removes all FAQ's for helmets over 5 years old from their web site. I can find NOS tinted C-10 shields but the clear ones I can find (currently) are C-10A and the mounting tab seems to be slightly different. Does anyone know if the C-10A shields will fit where a C-10 is in use?
  4. I got an e-mail today saying all in stock Clearview shields are on sale 1/2 off. Hope this helps anyone looking for a new one.
  5. Forthose of you who met Brayden Shields and had your picture taken with him, I just read this post of facebook by his mom, Misty, please keep Brayden and his entire family in your prayers. Misty Dawn Shields Not good news an old tumor is growing on the outter side of his right eye and a new tumor is growing on the inner side of the same eye... his nose got burnt by the freezing wand and his eye is swollen shut. We come back 3 weeks....
  6. Has anyone installed a set of hand shields on an RSV? How do they look, how do you like them? I have a set on my Valkyrie and especially like the way they keep the rain off my hands. My concern with the RSV is that the windshield and fairing are so much larger that the hand shields would cut almost all the air flow off, could get real hot in the summer. Anyway, here's the kind of thing I'm talking about.. http://shop.nationalcycle.com/perl/cycle/N5503? Thanks
  7. I've been trying for 3 straight days to call Clearview and keep getting their answwering machine. They did return an e-mail after 24 hours but basically it said to call them. Anyone else have this kind of problem contacting Clearview Shields? Makes me a little cautious on using them.
  8. Well, After looking everywhere for a good way to mount a set of passing lamps on my first gens this is what I came up with. While in the garage looking at my wifes gs 650g , I noticed that the windshied brackets might just work for this project. You know, the kind for the universal mount type shields. I guess I was actually onto something this time. They look great and are very adjustable, up, down in out and side to side. I hope this helps someone elce, any questions let me know if i can help. Best regards. Kurt
  9. I know I can't be the only guy walking around like a cowboy after a nice warm ride on the sled. Somedays can be brutal. Dam global warming. And if I don't have the wife with me to ask, I'm paranoid it looks liked I've P'd myself! Anyways I disgress........ A buddy of mine riding a '08 Ultra has these very neat looking devices called saddle shileds, and they work! But of course, they only come available for HD's ... but different models. http://www.kuryakyn.com/index.cfm/go/Home.ProductDetail/catID/0/scID/0/IMID/835 The above is a link to the Kuryalyn website where the saddle shields reside. My question: Would anyone know if the '05 RSV frame just in front of the seat, where these doohickies (technical lingo) connect is the same size or (can I dream - configuration) as any known HD's? I figure if anyone can help it would be some Super Venturer. Thanks either way.
  10. Last weekend Craig ("Clearview Shields") and I mounted one of his new "Shields" on my 2007 RSV. We have developed an axhillary bracket to help support the windshield on the outer edges closest to the handle bar grips. I have stated in other posts that this seems to be an area that needed some support over the factory design. This should give added support especially for the taller & wider "shields". The brackets should work with any style & brand of shields. They connect to the outside bolt of each speaker and attach to the outside metal factory backer bracket and windshield. I will post Photos if anyone is interested. Craig at "Clearview" can answer any questions about the new shield design and the bracket design. I believe he will make the brackets available for a modest fee if the is enough interest. More later, Thanks DNB
  11. I was wondering if anyone had a picture of a Venture with the Cee Bailey 7" Shield on it. I am looking to go SHORT for this summer because it got REALLY hot last summer riding behind "the movie screen" stock windshield. I am look at either going with the 7 or the 9 but wanted to see what it looked like on the scoot. I mean you see all the HD with the short shields and they look good. Since our scoots are better looking anyway I have a feeling the short shield will make it look even better. Thanks for the help y'all. RIDE SAFE TheKid
  12. I have noticed the Saddle bags get really hot due to being close to the pipes. If I were to go to the grocery and get anything cold or produce, it would heat it up if I left it there very long. Has any one installed heat shields under their bags or any mods to fix this? I was even thinking of venting the bags along with a heat shield of somekind.
  13. I took a trip to the Clearview factory last evening to pick up my shield. They are located about 35 miles SW of Denver in a small community in the mountains. Their modest set up was pretty impressive. The owner has been making shields for over 20 years. They make every shield by hand and place a lot of emphasis on quality control. They produce hundreds of shields and ship all around the world. We discussed the recent "NC" ad video link. John gave me a link to one of their competitors sites that I think pretty much covers all the angles on windshields & their materials. Hope this answers your questions about the material debate. I also was able to snag some scraps that I will test with a hammer later. Check out this site. www.calsci.com/motorcycleinfo/Fairing.html#Windshield Thanks, DNB
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