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  1. Wow... I mean WOW. Earl told me to start doing it... so Monday this week, I went to autozone after work--and after my paycheck deposit--I picked up two 16 oz bottles of SeaFoam, and CarbCleaner (to try Earls onbike carb clean). I got home, I'm looking over things. I start the Venture up, and she fires up on three cylinders. Just sitting there for a few minutes and she keeps at it. I turn her off, and pop the fuel cap, I rough guess two ounces of seafoam, because I didn't have much fuel left. Put the cap back on, and turned the key. I let the fuel pump run, and just let her sit there (she's on the tender too) I then start her up. Three cylinders fire... after 20 seconds she starts coughing. I noticed she's getting rougher and then... I hear the fourth cylinder fireing. She's clearing up and I rev her up nice and slow, and she's going, she's clear, clean. I didn't ride her tuesday, but today, I rode her to work. I'm gonna clock out early today to do the on-the-bike carb clean, but still, this is one awesome not painful lesson I learned. USE SEA FOAM! (I'll be buying another for my dad, his GoldWing sneezed)
  2. Saturday we had my daughter Kelly's baby shower. Saturday night her water broke and she was rushed to the hospital. Shes now in the NICU (neonatal ward) and will remain there until little "Gavin" decides to make his entrance. Shes at 29 weeks and the baby weighs in at 2.5 lbs, which surpasses some benchmarks for weight and size minimums. The longer the kid waits, the better it will be. Original due date was Dec 9th but that would be a miracle if the baby waits that long. Could be any day now, we just dont know. Were all just hanging in there right now. Please keep Kelly, Chris and baby Gavin in your prayers.
  3. My daughter has entered my grandaughter's picture in a contest. You can vote everyday. So if you could do me the favor of voting for her. Part of the prize is $10,000 towards college. She's just 5 months old. Thanks in advance. Here's the link: http://photos.parents.com/ category/vote/photo/1365106http:// Margaret
  4. Well Guys , We got a new member , Fender Lizard and shes all mine . She won't let me post a pic yet but I'll sneak one when shes not lookin . so she will let me work on the bike so she can go riding . I've tried to talk her out of meeting my so called friends but she has not learned yet and she wants to meet you all , O'well Thom I got a CUTE ONE
  5. I am new to the forum and have already learned a great deal. Thanks for all the great suggestions and ideas. I look forward to meeting new friends thanks to a good friend of mine who introduced me to this forum. Thanks KIC I bought my "83" Venture back in October 2011 with only 5,400 miles and it now has 7,400. It's a great ride. I understand she's known on the forum as a 1st gen. Sorry 2nd gen'ers...lol Haha, had to say that... Just kidding... Thanks again and great riding...
  6. One of my girlfriends is wanting her 1st bike....she's never taken a safety course, she says she will but I am not sure she will. She's got in her head she wants a crotch rocket, something about a 650 or larger. She's headstrong about things and when her mind's set she'll do it even if it's going to hurt her. I'm trying to convince her to get a Vstar 650 or the like as a 1st bike, what am I to do? Her Dad rides as well but he has a crotch rocket and has many yrs of experience with riding. HELP!
  7. My daughter and her husband showed up last night out of the blue. She was quiet for a few minutes then she announced that we may be grandparents. Initial home testing shows shes pregnant. In a few weeks she will go for a full Dr eval and testing, but shes pretty convinced its gonna happen. Told her I may have to get a sidecar for the kid now.......I can se it now....Baby leathers for the first bday and leather streamers on the stroller.
  8. Condor


    Lone Eagle sent this to me this morning. I like it a lot.... Too bad she's downunder... Annie??
  9. Soo... I arrive home today with my fancy shiny new FJR. I love it! I couldn't wait to hear my wife's opinion, and she's not shy about sharing her opinion either. Her very first comment was, 'That's a young guys bike...' Damn!
  10. I was supposed to go to court this Friday but the EX was trying to split my case up so it's postponed till feb now! I got emergency custody of the kids two weeks before school started. So now I have the kids because she decided to pack up and move to TN from KY without asking me or the courts if she could and a long list of other stuff she's been doing. She is supposed to be paying me back for INS on the kids and a contempt charge that are court ordered and to be paid by last Dec 26th that I haven't got a dime on of yet, now we have school expenses and medical stuff to it and she owes me around 6K and climbing each month with more INS premimums. She decided to move up to Indiana shortly after I got the kids and live at her grandmas house so she could be closer to the kids for the courts to see she's a good mother but is never a round to help or even in the state most of the time. She tells the kids she can't find a job but the papers are full wanting RNs, she has a RN plus a masters and can't find one. Anyway she's not having a fit about the custody in court it's the money she owes is what she's contesting and wants a discovery or a postponement. Between my lawyer the lawyer I had to get for the kids and court every year I'm tired! But on a good note the kids lawyer doesn't want them to be in her custody because she likes to hit them and treat them like dogs. This is the very short version! Thank you for letting me vent on this! I am going crazy with it all! Just glad I have a great lady in my life to help me!
  11. Here She Is! I don't even want to get the tires dirty yet... She's never been rode hard, and never been wet. Well, sooner or later, she's in for a RUDE awakening! http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g158/jbmaynard/DR650/460e860e.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g158/jbmaynard/DR650/157be294.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g158/jbmaynard/DR650/1aa5b199.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g158/jbmaynard/DR650/d5a07ec4.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g158/jbmaynard/DR650/b913d578.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g158/jbmaynard/DR650/928b67f8.jpg http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g158/jbmaynard/DR650/b6b313f2.jpg
  12. In lifes trials we walk thiunking we are the only ones with all these problems. I am one of those peaple anyways. Today I was humbled. My phone rang at 5 pm this afternoon and it was my wife. Weird time for her to call as it was when she was on her way to school. Kneedless to say this is when I was humbled to understand that all these things I thought were so important are really nothing. She was calling to ask me to come and get her as she had just hydroplained in her explorer. Shes not sure how many times she turned around in the road , but it was at least 1 1/2 times before she ended up turning around backwards in traffic at highway speeds. As best I can tell she was on 2 wheels and going over when the concrete barrier put her back on all four and stopped the explorer. As I siad shes safe so all the other worries are now in perspective. Laura has a little bump on her head and a head ache so Ill be watching her tonight for anything weird but she was able to walk away. The officer that arrived on scene stayed with her till I was able to get to her and I was a little over an hour away.Thank you sir as that was nice of you. My deepest thanks goes out to a Mister Steve smith. A good symeritan who not only stopped to check on her but used his personal cell to call me since Laura couldnt find hers. Sir I know you dont know me and probably will never read this but I cant explain what that means to me. Any ways thanks for letting me get this out as it all gains a little perspective as if the truck would have turned over who knows I mught not have the love of my life with me now. David
  13. Think she's trying to tell me something? http://www.bergall.org/temp/venture/marriage.jpg
  14. No, not a bike.....another cat. Some of you know that almost all of my dogs over the years have mostly come from rescues. For some reason though, neighbors cats and dogs always find their way to my house. Dragon, one black cat who moved here about 8 years ago with his family, somehow migrated over here and now hes basically our cat. His owners couldnt care less. This was some time ago. Fast forward to now....another neighbor, who also had a black cat, always let Chiclet loose all of the time, winters included. She was a very nasty cat and you couldnt touch her. Shes about 13 years old now. Well, a few weeks ago she started hanging out over in my garage much more then normal. I finally took a good look and realized that shes now blind. I called the neighbor who took her home. Next day I saw her walking in circles in someone elses yard in the pouring rain. I went over to her and she let me pick her up. Long story short: I guess shes mine now. So called owner couldnt give a rats a$$ about her. He had no problem letting her run loose, maybe even hoping she would just die. Got her all cozy in the garage and when it gets cold shes in the spare room. Now im juggling 2 danes and 2 black cats. Shes a sweetheart now. I guess she just needed some TLC, which she never got before. Moral of this story: If you want a pet, make sure you fulfill your obligation to take care of these pets, not foist them on others when they are less then perfect. (a little venting)........
  15. Some of you may recall a thread I did a while back about our daughter Tiffany (the singer/songwriter). Well, she's vieing to get on the Ellen Degeneres new album "Eleven Eleven". It's some kind of contest. To make a long story short, she needs to get as many "hits" or views of her Youtube vid that she's submitted to Ellen as possible (makes it look better I guess) so, if ya'll don't mind taking a minute or 2 out of your busy schedule and going to the following link, it would be much appreciated. Feel free to leave a comment there if you wish. BTW, the videographer was some bum we dragged off the street who had no idea what a camera was, let alone how to take a vid.... You'll have to copy/paste the link into a new browser window (remove the double quote at the beginning) "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9bQ_YiClYA Thanks a bunch!
  16. Well just got the call from ADC's son. He and his wife just had a baby girl. Now the big deal here is that ADC has only son's and grandson's. Seems they don't get girls so this is the only one. Yes I'm sure she's gonna be a bit spoiled, but I kinda feel sorry for her when she wants to date. But she was born this morning she's 20.5" and weighs 7lbs 6oz. We'll probably head over to see them at the hospital later. So congrat's Arthur on getting the first girl in the family. Oh her name is Casey and I'm sure she's absolutely adorable. Margaret
  17. I found this add while looking around for a bike for the wife. The first gen is a bit tall for her. Shes 5'3''. This is not my bike, just thought I'd share my find. http://www.lejeuneyardsales.com/item17832896.html?itemId=17832896&src=SEARCH
  18. Need to sell her, asking 3500., but open to offers !! Shes a good one.
  19. well today i went to see her after school . because of the neighbor. i no longer see her here. well we went out to eat. then i had to run to ottawa IL and get a part for a freinds bike. while there the salesman was talking to her. just to keep her busy i guess? while i was making my purchase he put her on a bike to get a feel for it?? she looked pretty darn cute on it. sorry i know the rules but didnt have cell phone or camera. i told her you will have to wait. for that. guess what type of bike it was??? yep it was a brand new goldwing LOL shes 13 years old.. and that salesman never even asked me to get on it LOL well at least shes got a dream...........
  20. [/img][/img] Well guys, pics of my original '78 XS750 Special - bought new and still on the road! And my new addition to the stable - '08 RSV "Stella" gawd she's somethin'! Thanks for all the info while making up my mind to make the purchase (gotta a fantastic deal)...now for the bling
  21. Well after letting my poor ole venture sit on the back burner for a couple of years or longer, I have finally gotten some things done to her this summer that she's needed for a long time. A front fork rebuild, replaced the wore out upper fork tubes with some nice ones I got from Dingy, and a new set of progressives front springs. A new windshield, replaced the dead speedometer that was showing 92k with an e-bay model showing a mere 42k, new Dunlop tires front & rear, new fuel filter, new fuel hoses and clamps, and today I installed the coolant-bypass valve upgrade kit from skydoc_17 which by the way came with an excellent set of instructions, dumped the coolant and flushed the system several times with distilled water until it drained sparkling clean, then refilled with fresh 50/50 coolant and set the bypass valve back to flow through the thermostat, and last, put a new speedometer cable including cable housing on to replace the eternally wore-out chirping one. I think I saw her smile at me just now. I can't believe how patient she's been.
  22. Hey everyone! Feel like an idiot! Totally missed the Maintence Day Rally at Freebirds house! Somehow the day just got by me. I blame my wife, she had too many "honey-do" things on my list around the house and I completely forgot. Anyway, here's my problem. My 1983 Venture is just giving me fits. I really would like to have someone that is more mechanically inclined then myself stop by and have a look/listen and maybe give me some advice. So if any members are in or around the local Akron Ohio area, PLEASE PM me! This old girl just doesn't want to start for me anymore. And I've got a trip planned for next month, and don't want to miss out. I'm not sure what the problem is, but ever since I bought her she's had trouble starting. I always have had to use the choke. (Except when she's good and hot). I've replaced the spark plugs, ran what seems like gallons of seafoam through her. Replace the wires. Installed a new OEM battery and installed thicker battery cables. The starter seems to turn just fine, she just dosen't seem to want to turn over. So, I'm looking for a little more hands on. If you've got the time I sure could use the help. Thanks
  23. Sue and I will be leaving Elkhart around 9:00am on Friday. She has decided to make the ride on her own bike so we will be taking 2 lanes and not the Interstate as she's not feeling quite up to that yet as a rider. This will be her longest riding experience so far. We should roll into Oberlin/Elyria around 2:00pm or so.
  24. i have been watching my friends beagles now i have had dogs almost all my life but im not familiar with these type sadeyes the female has been drinking a lot of water and wont eat nothing but moist food today..... well shes been out in the pen for about an hour now i just went to check on her and buckey. she has the craps something bad the floor is coverd with it?? should i run her to the ER vet hospitial. she doesent look like shes in pain??
  25. well i went out today to look at bikes with dianne. she.,s the one who had the accident with her ninja. we looked at v stars im not impressed with them. sorry . just my opion. shes still in the looking stage. still has time since she needs to let that broken wrist heal. well we got home and drove by my place and my bike was gone!!!! i went **** the police took it? she laughed and said i had it towed. to a place who is going to work on it. and its my treat to you? she said she tould them to do up to 600.00 in repairs? wow i love this woman as a friend of course. heres the kicker. while shes gone. i have to paint the garage door and watch the dogs. cute little beagles. so its going to get fixed still need them bleeder screws that where sent many thanks for that.
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