None other that Driver Dan!!! (IH Truck Guy)
Seems that Dan had a load that was heading to Beaumont TEXAS for a Monday delivery. He texted me on Friday and we ended up meeting him in Liberty for supper at Chili's and were able to gab and eat for about 3 hours. He showed up in his Barney Mobile, nice Freightliner funny color
Now let me tell you folks that haven't met Dan, or his wife Shari something. If you get the opportunity to meet them both or even just so. We had them over to the house in Michigan for a M&E and laughed until 3am about some of their misadventures. Anyone that was at the '09 Freebird maintenance Day or the '08 Kitchener Rally will attest to this.
It was awesome being able to see Dan again, unfortunately Shari was still up in Wisconsin, but we did get to talk with her on the phone after Dan took our pic and texted it to her. 1st words on her text back was "You Suck!" you get to see them and I dont It was great spend a little time with Dan and I'm glad we got the opportunity to do so. Thanks for meeting us for supper Buddy, we'll have to try and do it again soon