I figured I'd post here as I'm sure someone has the experience to guide me.
For the last 2 days I have been getting a pungent sewer gas smell from a cabinet in my kitchen. This cabinet is not under the sink, but it is against the wall where I believe the main vent runs.
It has been raining pretty bad for 2 or 3 days as well. I noticed a few things:
1 The smell (not as strong) is present in the cabinets of all bathroom sinks
2. I don't smell anything from the drain openings
3. The smell was almost gone then the wife ran the dishwasher & it got bad again!
Am I correct in assuming that there must be a clog in a vent pipe?
All the drains flow quickly. Could there be a clog at the main sewer trap outside the house which could cause the smell?
I have never had this issue in the 5 years we've lived here. The house was built in 1993 so I know all the fixtures have P-traps and no modifications to the plumbing have been made. It is on a slab foundation.
My plan is to go to the roof & snake the vents (& run some water in them) to see if it clears this out. Should I open & check the sewer main trap outside, or is that not needed since all the drains flow quickly?
And to think I thought the gas smell from my gen one was annoying:bang head: