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Found 22 results

  1. So I've read a plethora of resources and online pages/blogs about performing a swap of the front end on my 77, but I can't seem to figure out one thing. There seems to be a variety of front ends that can be used for a conversion to a beefier/newer setup like from the Ninja's, but I'm curious if all of these require additional work due to steering stem length... Are there any compatible front ends that have the right bearings and stem length to basically be a "plug and play" setup? I'd like to do the conversion, but I'm looking for the easiest route possible. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Most of the online resources I checked or was directed to have loads of "lists" that cover this, but don't seem to go in any detail as to whether they are actual direct fit or need additional mods.
  2. Rickster


    Looking for some imput on a trailer to tow behind the RSV, not sure it I will make one or buy a factory setup. Can anyone give me some factory names to check out. Thanks
  3. Has anyone bought and installed the J&M audio bluetooth setup? I really would like to check this setup out but its like a unicorn. If it worked well I could maybe talk the boss into it. But at a cost of 600.00 or so with both parts there is huge jumping the shark potential! No dealers here in Nebraska and hell if I can find anyone online who even mentions it and how it works. Thanks in advance Frank
  4. I'm sure this has been questioned to death, but I would like some advise. I tend to feel that nobody beats the quality of factory parts, but..... I need a clutch for my '89 VR. suggestions---all stock / Barnett Pressure plate / stock or aftermarket frictions? Any thoughts would be appreciated. I intend to do normal driving--no serious abuse. Only slight mods (from what I can tell)--cams / jets. Pretty stock setup. What should I expect to pay? I priced a whole new stock setup -$270.
  5. Here's a question that I've been wondering about. If you lived in a state where you don't have to wear a helmet, but like to talk on the CB, but don't want to spent the money to by one of those "helmetless" headsets, what are your alternatives? Can you somehow use a mic and cord like the police use ot use? Would the CB transmit trough the speakers and still be able to talk using theis type of setup? Would it even hook up to the RSV system?? If so, where would one look for such a setup??? I would think someone from one of the states where they don't have helmet laws could answer this pretty quick. Well???I know, I know, more than 1 question!!
  6. Has anyone on the board ever upgraded their '99 CB and Radio antennas to the newer style. The pics and diagrams in the service pdf aren't all that great and leave a lot of questions. Just wondering what you had to do to get'r done.... I have the complete setup including the brackets. I'm not all that interested in doing the Marshall Antenna Mod, so those suggestions are gonna fall on deaf ears... Any insight would be appreciated....
  7. i have my 2007 venture black tank for anyone who wants it.....rt side has good size dent...tank has about 15,000 miles on it.....i need about $25 for shipping.....check ,cash...not setup for credit card or paypal.........first come.... (tried to place ad....never works)
  8. I need the CB Antenna mount with the boot, and cable to the CB on the Left side. The one on there is an aftermarket of some kind, and won't work too well with Trike setup. Email: revgp@junkmaster.com
  9. I'm trying to find new brackets and clamps for the vance & hines longshots on my 03 roadstar. I can find lots of places that sell the whole setup, but I only need the header clamps and the mounting brackets (rusted from previous owner) the pipes are still fine. Help.
  10. I know this is a long shot...but....I'm looking for the floppy disks to reinstall Windows 2000 on the computer that runs my weather station. I have tried the cd and it won't work. I even went in to setup and changed the boot order but the cd does not work. If you have the 3.5 inch floppies let me know and I'll make an offer. silverdeer
  11. Looking for somebody with a tire changer. Went to several places today and nobody wants to put a CT on a bike rim. Went by Harbor Freight and they want over 130 for the setup for a tire changer. Not sure I want to try to tackle a CT with just a couple of MC tire tools.
  12. My press to talk does not seem to be working. My wife can use hers in the back just fine, Help! Something not setup right? Tried for sometime this afternoon and no luck. :confused07:
  13. Installed Show Chrome Celestar Radiator Grill Model 61-108 on my 07 RSTD Many vendors selling it list it being compatible with the Venture only. The ebay seller swore it would be the same as the RSTD – that they have the same radiator setup. Since I got a good deal (half price of new) I figured I would take a chance. Well it wasn’t exactly a direct fit, but it was doable. So I am not sure if the same minor mod is required for the Venture also or just for the RSTD - but I suspect they would have the same radiator setup. Basically though, I just had to do a fair amount of bending on the top two tabs and wallow out the bottom two tab holes a bit more. A little trial and error but got it to work. Attached are pics of what it took and the finished look. Hope it helps if anyone else tries to install one.. And now I run across this Wagner grill on the forum.. now that really looks nice.. but too late -Keith
  14. When I checked into the hotel this week, they told me that they were giving me a complimentary upgrade to a suite. That happens every now and then due to the number of nights that I stay at hotels during the year. It is a very nice suite with two huge rooms, refrig, micro wave, jacuzzi tub, etc. While it was a nice gesture on their part, it turned out to be a real pain for me because the Internet here is hard wired, not wireless, and the only ethernet jack is in the living room area behind the TV and even with the 16 foot cable that I carry with me, it would not reach anywhere that was comfortable to work online. This has happened in the past but this time I was working on the VRAssistance list and ended up being on the computer for about 6 hours and it was miserable. I decided that it was time to remedy the problem. I ended up buying an Airport Express wireless unit that is made by Apple. You simply plug this into the wall, connect it to the ethernet outlet in the room and it very easily creates a password protected/secure WIFI network. WOW...this thing works fantastic. It would also be a good option for the home if you have hard wired ethernet at home and wish to go wireless. I already have a wireless setup at home but if I were to do it again, I would go with one of these units because it is really simple to setup and works great. So, last night I was able to lay in bed again and watch TV while connected to my own private wireless network setup in the other room. I LOVE it when a plan comes together. The price was $109 at Best Buy and worth every penny. They may be available cheaper elsewhere but I didn't have time to shop around. It is sure worth the money though.
  15. I have decided top add this addition to the scooter. can anyone advise where to buy the buddy rich cable setup. I just bought new speakers and figured since I will be splitting the fairing ...might as well add that setup as well. thanks for your input. Artie
  16. This is the wifes computor. I'm locked out mine. Can't boot it up. We had a ton of dropped power today due to the big storm that hit California, and the last time I tried to reboot the system I get this "\windows\system32\config\system is corrupt or missing" It goes on to tell me to stick the original setup CD in... which I never had... and hit 'r' for repair. The thing came from DELL with windows XP Media already loaded. Any ideas???
  17. It has been almost one (1) year and 8K miles since I purchased MyPalomino from a dealer in NJ. Bike previously belonged to member Joe McDermott who owned it for a short period of time, during which time he widened the handlebars. Probably to accommodate for his height and arm reach. I have learned to ride MyPalomino with the bar setup and have been quite comfortable with them, however, every time I ride YamaQman's '01 RSV with stock bars and grips, I feel a greater sense of confidence, control and oneness with the bike. The attached photo shows my current setup. I want to change to the stock setup. Does anyone have or know someone who may have a set of stock handlebars with stock grips and weights that they are willing to part with? I have posted a WTB ad in the classified section of this forum but thought I would restate my quest here in order give my request greater exposure and to get any opinions and advice concerning my intended swap out. I have read several of the old threads concerning the installation of Flanders bars but are there any precautions or surprises I should look out for when installing the stock bars? I guess first order of business is to find a set of bars. I hope someone here can help. As I said in the ad, I would consider buying bars separately from weights and grips, as I have seen those listed for sale on ebay fairly frequently. Hopefully, I can get the complete setup from one source. Feel free to PM or contact me through any method on my forum profile. Thanks for any assistance. Jerry
  18. So, you guys are pretty knowledgeable, i thought i would ask here. if this is too far off topic, feel free to delete it, and i appoligize in advance. I got a free john deere sx95 mower, with a 38'' deck. the problem i have is, the PO took it apart for some unknown reason because it didn't run. well, it didn't run because he didn't have some connectors actually.. you know.. connected. so anyhow. the problem is, I don't know how to route the new belt i have. it's on there how it seems to need to be, but the tensioner isn't functioning properly or something,because it's not tight enough. i've looked at JDparts.com but the overall setup is still sort of vague. I was hoping somone here might have this mower that would be willing to take a pic if the tensoner(s) setup? i would be eternally grateful. thanks in advance. - Jared
  19. Now here is an opportunity for you all to have some real input. Wayne (Wizard765) has designed a new web site for us. This site only focuses on one little portion of our business, in this case being pet food. I would like your comments on the design, setup, information given or anything else that might come to your mind. Don't go easy, let fly now. It's only in the design stages and there's room fo changes but we need to know where or what they should be. http://www3.sympatico.ca/higson/
  20. Met Bill and Raymond at the Hub today to check it out. They have a nice size resturant, confrence room, motel looked clean and neat. A big grass area for gathering and tent setup. 2 horse shoe pits (I feel a challenge coming) Over all looks like a nice place. John
  21. Have any of you managed to somehow connect the Zumo 550 Bluetooth function to your phone and standard headset in a meaningfull, usefull way? If so, please share the info, pictures if you have them...? I guess a very handy and usefull thing would be to somehow end up with the entire helmet headset setup being wireless...... But that's probably too complex or expensive....?
  22. Breakfast lunch or dinner in maine Ok I just rediscoverd this place the other day while riding around portland maine. it looks like an old private school that was converted to a restaurant. its setup Buffet style with a large selection. best bet is to head upstairs and get a chance to dine at the Dinning hall. the room is setup like an old boarding school with long tables and benches in the main hall. The schools history and menu can be found here http://www.dunstanschool.com/directions.html and incase anyone wants to plan a trip here's where it is on the map. might be a good stop for our portland meet and eat. http://www.dunstanschool.com/images/map.gif
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