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  1. looks interesting. was wondering if anyone tried it. http://www.ebay.com/itm/120813345975?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649.
  2. As requested by playboy here are some pictures of the finished set-up. I used the wiring harness the M1A1MECH makes and it made this very easy. I had alot of help from playboy as well with all this he was a great help. The trailer is an AMT (America's Best Trailer) the Excape model the 4' one. I'm using the swivel ball that they sent with the trailer and I used the Hopkins 46225 converter that was recommended by playboy and mounted it under the seat behind the battery. I ran the wiring harness along the frame rail by the rear fender and it seems to be working fine. I may have to check the axles for alignment, hopefully someone can chime in and let me know how to do it. Anywho its a great trailer for the money and I want to say THANKS again for everyones help in making this happen. Now I have to do some riding before the end of June due to a shoulder injury that will keep me off the RSV for 6 months after surgery, by then it will be "Snowing" Big Toms favorite word so my riding season will be cut short this year I think unless they let me put it off longer. My maiden voyage was going for groceries for the "BOSS Lady" and a lot of people were looking at my scoot/trailer combo and I was the boy with the most toys in the sandbox for a few hours. Picture #4 is the swivel ball, #5 is the wire harness. [ATTACH]65941[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]65942[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]65943[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]65944[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]65945[/ATTACH]
  3. I have a need. I want to post word files on our server at work and I want to secure them so people cannot print out the document/file. I want them read only and no able to print. Does anyone know if can be set-up to do this??? If yes I will need specific instructions because....lets just say I am not as computer literate as I would like. :rotf:
  4. Since it's been a while since this has been talked about...I thought I would start another discussion to see if any "advances" have been made in TENT TECHNOLOGY. Obviously quick set-up and compactness when traveling is most important. Anything new on the TENT front. Wally
  5. I finally finished up on my assorted projects, and doing my best to get some pictures up. The main project was the gauge set from Ponch, but I decided to add a twist, and try to put a digital voltmeter where Ponch had the cruise on-off switch located. I tried to eliminate that switch, but wasn't able to feel confident that it was a good idea (though it seemed possible, maaaaybe). Eventually went to looking for a place to re-locate the switch, so the voltmeter could be in the gauge cluster. I wound up with the cruise button mounted in the plastic cover ahead of the gas cap. So far very satisfied with the whole set-up. My biggest worry is that some wire will be in a bad spot and get pinched in the neck area of the frame as the handlebars are turned, or just wear through from rubbing somewhere. We have LOTS of snow here as yet, and this will have to remain un-road-tested for some time yet. My projects included a repair of a broken bolt in the saddle bag rails, changing the rear-end lube, changing and re-locating the fuel filter, changing oil and filter, checking air filters, and wiring in a relay for the ignition switch. The bike looked like a bomb went off in it for a while there, but it's all back together now. My thanks to Mike E (eusa 1) for the bag rail bolt and cap, and to Ponch for a well designed and well made set-up for the gauges. I think it's a fine addition to the bike.
  6. A while back, some one posed a question concerning air horns. The OP asked the opinions of those who had installed two or more of the Stebel type air horns. This person wanted to know if the dual horn configuration was a more noticable improvement over using a single horn. Well, while not using the Stebel brand horns, I did in fact use the "Bad Boy" type that Harbor Freight sells. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/photos/94100-94199/94117.gif I installed two of them, one on each side, and had the wiring finished up by last Thursday night. I had my opportunity to give the dual set-up a run for the money today when I rode in our local Veteran's Day Parade. I rode with our local Gold Wing group (don't worry, I was riding my 1st gen VR) and there were about 15 bikes in our group. There were approximately 4 of us (that I could hear) that had air horns on our bikes, and mine were by far the loudest. I'm very happy with the dual set-up. In using just a single horn, I noticed that it clearly sounded as if the horn was only monted on one side of the bike, which it was. But when I added the second horn to the other side, it was a difference like night and day. True stereophonic sound! Response was instantanious. There was no hesitation, I had sound the very instant my thumb hit the button. So, are two horns better than one? You bet!
  7. Getting ready to purchase a Premeux Fairing. Looks like a good product but I have never seen one up close. If anyone has had experience with one, let me know what you think. They have the detach set-up like stock.
  8. I'm headed to Don's Friday AM and would like to make an enjoyable ride out of it possibly takeing M-52 south past Toledo and some back roads across to Oberlin. This route would leave out the Detriot Metro area and Toledo. I would like to arrive in time to set-up camp and make the dinner run. What do ya think !. Any takers or suggestions.
  9. I am racking my small brain , I know that there are set ups that when you have a switch activated the light will go out. This is possible isn't it? What I am trying to do is that I have BOTH my Headlight and Running lights on relays and switched power,. what I want it to put a small light pod for at least the headlight that when the headlight is OFF that the small led light is ON.. make since? they way when I forget the little light will show me to turn on your headlight dummy! I am so far liking the way I have my set-up now as I am doing so many projects that I need to keep my key on with-out the main light draining my battery . maybe I would come off the relay somehow to make this happen? Thanks for any info. Jeff
  10. Any recommendations on a Heel/Toe shifter for a First Gen (Brands / set-up etc.) Where can I buy one?
  11. i'm new to the venture. just bought mine a couple months ago. i'm looking for headsets and cords that will work w/ the system on the bike. can anyone tell me if this will work? i can't tell from the discription if it has the right plug... http://www.sierra-mc.com/proddetail.asp?prod=JM%2DHS%2D8154%2DFF if it will work, does anyone have any experience w/ this set-up? thanx!
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