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  1. Received an offer from our hosting company that was too good to refuse so I had our server upgraded with more memory and disk space. Don't know if we will see any difference in performance because I think it has been working pretty well anyway but we'll see.
  2. The site that is. Been trying to log in since about 3pm. No go till now. Anyone else have a problem or is it just my server? No other sites were affected on my end thou. Larry
  3. Seems like the site has been pretty sluggish for a few weeks now. I just had some optimization done on the server. Hopefully it will help.
  4. I have temporarily disabled all signatures at the bottom of our posts. This is an effort to determine whether or not all the weather banners and other external links in signatures are causing any problems with server speed. The signatures have not been deleted and when I enable them again, they will be as you had them.
  5. Ok Which free email server is best? Need a new email address for jobs etc. :think:Right now have a hotmail. I have had it for a long time but mamamo just is not business sounding Help.
  6. OK folks....just a little heads up here. I've decided to upgrade our server for VentureRider.org The hosting company is running a special and I need to take advantage of it. For very little more money, we will double our disk space, double our monthly bandwidth and almost double our ram. In addition to faster processors and etc. This should be fairly seamless with little or NO downtime. That's my hope anyway. I'll let you know just before I pull the trigger.
  7. I apologize that the chat room was down last night. There was a problem with the server that the chat is hosted on. They have moved it to a new server and it appears to be working correctly now. The new server has a new DNS address so it is possible that it could be up to 24 hours before everybody can access it. I just tried and got right in but it may depend upon how often your ISP refreshes their DNS servers. Hopefully everybody can get in but if you can't, just give it a little more time and it should be fine.
  8. Any of you who are using Yahoo for your email clients are likely not getting any email notifications to threads and/or forums that you have subscribed to. I am getting rejection notices from yahoo for all messages sent to you. They say: SMTP error from remote mail server after initial connection: host g.mx.mail.yahoo.com []: 421 4.7.0 [TS02] Messages from temporarily deferred due to user complaints -; see http://postmaster.yahoo.com/421-ts02.html: Yahoo says that it could be from user complaints or simply that a lot of email is coming from this server. Please understand that if you get email notifications, it is because you have elected to do so. If you are getting emails from venturerider.org and have complained to Yahoo about it then shame on you. All you have to do is go to the UserCP and "Edit Options" and make sure that you have selected "Do Not Subscribe" to any topics or posts. It is off by default so if you are getting such emails, YOU have turned them on at some time in the past. I have emailed Yahoo in an attempt to get this resolved and hopefully it will be soon.
  9. Just checking my streaming software...please click on this link and then post whether it worked for you:
  10. I have created a Teamspeak server just for Venturerider members. It's like chat, only you speak instead of typing. It works great, and as many people can be on it as I allow at one time. Great for getting on and just shooting the bull. You can get it at www.teamspeak.com . You'll want to download the client, not the server. You will need either a headset with microphone, or a microphone with speakers. It is completely free. If you download it, and need help setting it up, just PM me, or catch me in the chat room, and I will talk you through it. My IP is monty.servegame.org the port is 8767 no password for now.
  11. When I click on the banner for Motorcycle Superstore I get this error message............ Not Found The requested URL /
  12. Sorry about the scare folks. I've had a bit of trouble with the server over the past few days. About 4 times a day, I get an email letting me know that the CPU usage is high. I login and it all looks normal, no problems that I can find. I was working with our host company this morning and they were tweaking the MYSQL settings to try and find the problem. Apparently we tweaked when we should have twacked or some technical term like that. Anyway, things are restored and back to normal for now. Just have to see if I continue to get the high CPU usage error.
  13. Trying to send a form from documents on the computer to an email addy, and it tells me that I'm getting an SMTP error. It asks me for a server name, says its an account POP3 error with an error # of 0x800CC0D. Any advice?
  14. Would it be too much trouble to add more favorite smilies? There are 1 1/2 lines at the bottom for favorites. Could you at least make it two full lines? Actually I wouldn't mind a third line either if it would work okay and wouldn't take up more server space or however that works. There are more smilies in the stash I would like to have as favorites.
  15. Is it just me or is the server occasionally slamming the brakes today?
  16. If you can read this, you are on the new server.
  17. We used to be able to hold the cursor over someone's state flag it would show what state it was. Did we lose this because of the server change? Can it be put back? I used that a lot.
  18. How is the site working on this server? I've had no problems at all. Seems about as fast as we could hope for with all the modifications I am running. If it's still slow for you, then I have likely overdone some of the additions. Things like "who has read a thread", "who is browsing a thread", even our flags and etc. suck up a lot of server resources.
  19. Please not that until the new IP address of the server is finished propagating, clicking on some of the links will take you back to the older server. If you click a link and see http://www.venturerider.org...whatever in the address bar, then you have been taken back to the inactive server. Hopefully it won't take too long for it to complete the propagation.
  20. Here is the thing folks. Before moving to our new hosting company, I spent HOURS researching, talking to others who host VBulletin forums, etc. I narrowed it down to 3 companies and then chose the one that I THOUGHT would be the best for our needs. I spend many hours over a two or three night period moving our entire site to the new server. It is not working out. Sometimes I just want to sit down and cry but I don't think that is becoming for a grown man. To make a long story short...I will be moving us again. Probably within the next few hours. I have once again secured a new server and am waiting for it to be setup as I type this. I will then migrate our site to the new server and will then change the nameservers again to point to the new IP address. What does this mean? Other than a lot of work, it means that from the time the new server is setup and then I do a backup of the current files and database and then move and configure them on the new server, we again lose posts that are made in that span of time of me backing up the old one, moving to the new one and then changing the nameservers. All I can say is that I am very sorry. I tried very hard to do my homework and make sure it would be a good move for us. It's just not working out.
  21. az1103


    Is it just me or is the site running much slower on the new server?
  22. It was when moving the site to a new server that I realized or remembered that Windows Explorer search function would NOT search within PHP files for words and/or phrases. I was trying to find all the files that had certain database and absolute paths so that I could update them to work with the new server. This will be no use to many of you but for those who sometimes need to search within all file types, it worked very well. Windows Grep
  23. OK...here's the problem. The chat is hosted on a remote server. I did that long ago so as not to put any extra load on this one. It is remotely hosted but connects to our database on this server to authenticate users. Now because all the databases are different on the new server, it will have to be re-configured on the other end. Basically that means a new installation on the remote server. It is working now because I still have the files up and running on the old server. It will be next week before the remote server is reconfigured to communicate with the database here. So why does any of this matter? The problem will be that any new members that sign up now won't be included in the old database so won't be able to get authenticated on the chat server. I THINK though that you can sign in as a guest. Let me know if you have any issues with the Chat. It is going to be a bit confusing for me for the next few days while I basically have both servers up and trying to figure out what info is being pulled from where.
  24. As most of you know, the VentureRider site was down for several hours last night. There was no problem with our actual site but with our server host. I contacted them and was informed that the server had been hit with a "denial of service attack". You can search google to find out exactly what that means but basically it means that somebody was sending a LOT of bogus validation requests and simply overwhelmed the server so that it could not respond. We are on a shared host so that does not mean that we were specifically attacked, just the server that we are on. That being said, this morning I had an email from our host telling me that our specific site had been disabled due to very high resource usage. I don't know if that was related to the other or if it was because so many people were trying to connect at the same time or what. It was followed about a hour later with an email telling me that service had been restored and no further information. I am trying to play it safe until I know a bit more about what is going on. This morning I disabled several features that were nice but that we can do without for now. You may notice that the box that shows "who has read a thread" and also who is browsing a thread is missing. Those things are fairly server resource heavy so I have turned them off for now. I have also decreased the "cookie" time back to the default of 15 minutes. This will be an inconvenience for some of you. What it means is that you will be automatically logged out after 15 minutes of inactivity. I had previously increased that number due to requests from a few members but it too increases the load on the server and though I truly want to accommodate all the requests that I can, I have to do what I can for now to reduce our server load. I've made a few other small changes also that will probably not be noticed by anybody. If you see something working differently and are wondering why, just ask and I'll check on it and see if it is something that I did. My worry here is that we the growth of our club, we are outgrowing our shared hosting. This worries me because the only solution then would be to move to a dedicated host where we would be on our own server. That means MONEY MONEY MONEY. A dedicated host is a LOT more money than being on a shared host. On a shared host, there could be a hundred or more sites and all those sites share the cost of the server, bandwidth, etc. I truly hope that it doesn't come to that because I honestly will not be able to afford it without your help. I'm still looking into it but a dedicated host will likely run in the $200.00 per month range. I'm not asking for anything at this time. I have always been committed to keeping this site free and that is still my intention. It may reach the point though that they only way I can do that is if some of you truly help out. All I am asking at this time is that you give it some thought and help me to come up with some solutions and the best way to proceed if a dedicated host becomes a requirement. Thanks, Don
  25. No, I didn't buy a 2nd gen... I installed Ubuntu Linux and here I am! I set this up on my home PC while retaining my original Windows XP OS... now have a dual boot loader. Decided to move to Linux at home as I'm installing it onto one of my servers at work, replacing Windows 2003 Enterprise. Of the 5 servers we have, the Linux server will play a small role, acting as a "disaster recovery" storage box for all the data as well as the other server's images which are updated on a weekly basis. The decision to move to Linux was mostly monetary as we're replacing our first domain controller and didn't want to purchase another copy of Windows 2003 server. We can use the copy from the converted Linux box. I've been experimenting with Linux for several years; however, this is the first time I've used it in a real world situation. Gotta say...it's GREAT!
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