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  1. I would like for those of you who use the chat rooms to give me an evaluation of the two solutions that I have installed at this time. The old one is pretty slick and has some nice features but doesn't work from all devices. The new one isn't as slick but seems to work just as well and is easier to get into and out of I think. It will be your call. If you choose the new one called "Shoutbox" at the top of the page then I will update it to the pro version. That won't make it any slicker looking but will add a few features such as allowing you to detach and run it in a separate window, turn the notification sounds on or off, things like that. Like I said, it is your call. From a money stand point, it's not a big deal. I would have to pay for the pro version of the new one but I also pay a yearly hosting fee separately for the old one so for the short term at least, it's pretty much a wash. So lets hear it. What do you want? The other option is that I could keep both but not upgrade the new one to the pro version. Just leave it as it is. I really don't think that we need two chat rooms though.
  2. I have 87k on a 06 RSTD, I do a lot of riding.. Also I pull a trailer and ride double. I am having some high speed slipping of the clutch, but it still pulls well. Should I change or not.. If so should I go with OMG or upgrade?? Also should I order the Disk and spring as a set or separate. Aint this fun. I think this is one ov the best sites for these bikes for information and to learn a few tips .
  3. Guest

    CB Issie

    Just bought a 2000 Royal Star Venture. Everything works like a dream. Only issue that I seem to have is that the CB will not come on. When I push the CB button, nothing happens. Anything jump out that I might need to check first before I bring it to the dealer? Does the CB have separate fuses? Thanks, Jason
  4. I am thinking about changing out some key components of my bike. The first area will be the air filters. I want to go with separate filters for each carb. After some research I have come up with a K&N part number of RU-2989. Is this the correct PN for the four separate filters? Of course the next question will be what jets to use to keep the A/F ratio correct? Followed by replacing the resonator/collector with the Mark's Pipe component and free flowing mufflers. Thoughts welcome.
  5. Hey all gurus out there. I was wondering if anyone could please give me the pin out for the tuner port (8-pin din) on the 1st gen amp. I'm thinking about pulling both the cassette AND the tuner and just replacing them with a standard car stereo. If you look at the electronics it doesn't seem like it would be that hard. The power/volume control for the amp and the intercom all go directly to the amp and the tuner is a separate unit that could conceivably be pulled. All I need to know is the pin out on the amp. I would end up with two volume control knobs but that won't bother me. If I get the pin out and do this mod I'll be sure to include pictures and directions on how do it for anyone else who might be interested.
  6. A Friend of mine told me that someone here makes up a cable to use with the headset for blue tooth. I have a Nuvi 760 and would like to use the blue tooth without having two separate cables and mikes to deal with. Can someone help with this? Thanks Chuck
  7. I have what I believe is the Yamaha lightbar on my '06 Venture. The lights, both of them went out today. Is there a separate fuse for the lightbar?? Thanks,
  8. Restore is going slowly but surely. I'm ready to do the carbs but a dire warning in the service manual says not to separate them! How do you overhaul a carb w/o separating and what the heck does a carb assembly plate look like? I did take off the diaphragm housing on 1 carb and a bunch of parts fell out. The diaphragm was wrinkled but had no holes. Does the diaphragm come as a separate part or an assembly as the parts list shows? It seems to me that the diaphragm should be part of the piston if it is to move the piston. The brass collar that goes inside of the piston was just loose when I took it apart. Any advice on these items would be very much appreciated b4 I get myself in a heap of trouble. Thanks
  9. I've been contemplating buying this product; however, when I look at the installation instructions, I can't "fathom" how to connect it up using a relay either for the switch as a whole or separate relays for each accessory connected. Does anyone have suggestions...wiring diagram c/w relay, etc?
  10. Does the 2nd gen RSV use the same crankcase oil for its hydralic clutch as multiplate wet clutch or is it separate?
  11. I ride mostly solo, and my wife rides separate on her intruder. So, just got a pair of "dual mode" headsets and a JMCB for her bike. My question is on the Venture can I make the audio play thru the speakers, while at the same time the CB comes thru the headset? I can adjust the volume of the Audio, CB and IC all individually. There seems to be separate HS and SP settings under both the Audio and CB menus, but when I change it in one location, the other changes also.
  12. i just got it for $3.00 and they have more , i had to by each part separate from Yamaha for a lot more
  13. Hi All, I just bought a 2000 Royal Star Millenoium Edition with the factory passing lamps, but I do not see how to turn them on. They do not come on with the high-beam or low-beam. Is there a separate switch? Thanks PK
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