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  1. I want to get my hands on old coils that anyone has taken off when suspecting them to be bad. Interested in coils from any models, but particularly 2nd gens. I have an old automotive oscilloscope that I want to use to try and identify what the "normal" cause of the failure is, and if there is anything we can do about it. In addition, I would like to see if I can devise some sort of test that anyone can use (without a scope or special tools) to accurately identify a bad coil. If you have changed one or more and are just going to toss the old coils, will you please send them to me instead? PM me and I'll send you my address. You can just slip one or more into a free Priority Mail flat-rate envelope (no weight limit) for $4.95. I'll gladly send you the $5 postage. Goose
  2. I have 2014 Spyder, RT. 1330 engine, cognac in color, carries 2 up with ease, goes like scart rabbit. So far so good. Now the Dutch comes out in me.... after paying all that retirement cash for original purchase I cheaped out and did not add the CB intercom for about $1500. Instead I bought a JMCB 2003 with intercom for about $400. Everything worked kind of more or less fine,, well the intercom needed new cords as well to satisfy the Edset head gear, but after that addition the only problem that continued to rear it's head was the CB part,,, I could send, but didn't receive in the headset. The set showed reception and nada in the ears,,,, thought that maybe I was slowly going deaf, but my wife informed me that was not the case,,, so I have to believe her and go with it. So I have transmission, reception, but it doesn't get to the CPU on my shoulders. I had done some cutting, eliminating and reinsertion to the headset cord and thought that maybe,,, just maybe, I had screwed something in the process. I had called JM about the problem and after going through their standard questions and answers they determined that there must be something wrong and I should send the set to them for evaluation. So I was about to embark onto that part of the process this week, when I thought..... I Know!!!! thought, why not try it once more now that I have the faring off, and I can easily plug my portable into the mix to see if it may be the antenna. Well I did, and found that everything now works perfectly,,,,huh????? no matter how I hook things up,,, everything works,,,, s t r a n g e!!!
  3. I don't know if there is interest in this or not, but I'm working on a gauge mount for Tour Deluxes. If anyone has a used (scratched, dented, etc.) tank panel they could send me, I would send them a gauge mount for free after I get a final product complete. Thanks, Ponch
  4. My wife got this from her mom who got it from...?? Anyhoo, it's antique and must have value. Any thoughts? Any ideas where I could send pics to get an appraisal? [ATTACH]73546[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]73547[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]73548[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]73549[/ATTACH]
  5. Cougar

    My wife

    I think this is PG rated My wife, being the romantic sort, sent me a text............. "If you are sleeping, send me your dreams. If you are laughing, send me your smile. If you are eating, send me a bite. If you are drinking, send me a sip. If you are crying, send me your tears. I love you!" I replied........"I’m taking a dump . What should I do?"
  6. Ive seen and heard the words before but didn't know anything about it till now. Ever since I got back from SD my 2 middle fingers on my right had are numb. My doc wants to send me for surgery . Anybody have it done , was it worth it and what was your down time . I was going to wait but was told you can get permanent damage.
  7. Hey, does anyone have a ride, rally, or m/c function that is going on in your neck of the woods, or prairie, or hills, or valley in the next couple months ??? I am itching for another ride before this year ends. I am riding down to Bolivia in the beginning of January, but that means I have the rest of October, all of November, and all of December with no rides planned. Whoa is me. So if you have a m/c event in your area, or anywhere west of Timbuktu, Mali (that is in Africa), please send me a PM, and let me know. I need some more miles on these tires on my RSMTD before I take the bike apart for wheel attitude adjusments. Thanks,
  8. I think some time ago someone said they would appreciate dead radios to experiment on. I’ve got one, send me your address if you want it. It only receives AM stations very weakly. The AUX input works fine.
  9. Ok folks here's the deal. Back in November I purchased a trike from Integrity cycles of Columbus Ohio. I bought it over the phone relying on the name of the business and taking their word that it was a good machine. (that was obviously my first mistake). JerryM was kind enough to go to the dealer to check it out for me. They only let him test drive in their back lot (seems suspicious) but he said it seems to be a good buy, so I sent him my card and he went and bought it for me. A few days later I flew out and JerryM was kind enough to pick me up at the airport, feed me dinner and put me up for the night. He and his family were the best part of this ordeal. Thanks again to gerry, debbie and nikki. When I left the next morning I stopped and filled up then i hit the road. After I got out of town and up to speed it seemed to run rough and not have much power. I thought maybe i had gotten some bad gas so i threw in a can of sea foam and kept going. Well after the second tank of fuel it still wasn't running right so I stopped at a dealer to have the carb synch checked out and to call Integrity cycles. Now by this time I am half way home. Frank at Integrity said i could either bring it back to have them look at it (by the time I got there they would be closing and I had to be to work the next day) or I could have my local mechanic look at it and if it needed something he would send me a check. Ok good, so I kept heading for home with the assumptiom that he was a man of his word. I took it to my mechanic and he started working on it. Well someone had removed the entire intake system and put on four k&n filters apparently without rejetting the carbs so I took the intake system off my 02 and put it on the 01. Instantly 95% more power and smoother running. Only problem with that is now the clutch is slipping. Again I call Frank at Integrity, he says no problem , have my guy fix it and he will cover the bill. Incidently while I was having the cruise, clutch and running problem fixed Frank was supposed to send the stock exhaust as it now had straight pipes and to adjust the carbs properly it needs the right amount of back pressure and incoming air. I had to buy the intake system, which Frank said he would cover the cost. The agreement was that Frank would cover the cost of fixing the cruise, the running problem (IE the intake system and adjustment) and send the stock mufflers thad never did arrive (supposedly ups lost them) so Frank said to just buy some used ones and he would cover that too. By this time I am starting to lose faith in him but he said to fax him all my receipts and he will send me a check to the tune of over $850 and I forgot to send him the receipt for the mufflers so i figured I would just eat that expense if he would just cover the bill so far. So I did as he asked back on jan 6 and still no check and he will not return my calls. Now i dont expect it to pe perfect but it should at least be able to pass the state inspection. Our agreement was that I would cover all the other problems that i found on the way home like the 18" tires that rubbed the fenders. (replacement wheels and tires $650) or the broken odometer reset buttons. (replacement speedometer used $250) or the welded shift rod ($25) or the blown rear speakers ($75) not to mention all the miscellanious nuts and bolts from yamaha and the complete rewire of the backend, and it still needs more. I dont think that it is asking too much of him to just cover the cost of making it street legal. I will cover the rest. Am I being unreasonable? Now Pam in the office there was a pleasure to deal with but obviously Frank is NOT a man of his word. He is supposed to be the man in charge but he apparently does not believe that the word integrity means anything. I think I will send him the defination. Thanks to everyone here for letting me tell my tale and hopefully anyone who goes there is VERY carefull and remember caviet emptor. If on the off chance I ever do see a check from him I will let you all know but right now I am not holding my breath. thanks again Mike
  10. My phone & wallet went through the wash Sunday, The Phone was also dried. It didn't make it. so for the few of you that actually talks to me buy phone. can you please send me your numbers again. Thanks. Mike
  11. OK, I didn't pay the bill so they turned the lights off. I WISH they would send me a notice when it is due but they never do. So, I have paid it so it should be up again soon.
  12. Tried to order some diaphragms for my 87 this week from http://www.siriusconinc.com , but they won't have them in stock for another 5 weeks. Does anyone know where I can get the sd-1 diaphragms faster than that? If someone has a spare set lying around, I would gladly send money via PayPal in order to get them. I inspected one of mine and it has a few good size holes in it. I dread to see what the other ones look like. Thanks in advance. JP
  13. I wish to thank Playboy for sending me the Ride like a Pro 3 but also for the popcorn and Koolaid. It is much appreciated. As soon as I am finished I will gladly check the list and send it on also.
  14. Does the 2nd Gen Ventures have the word Venture anywhere on the bike. If so could someone send me a picture of one.
  15. Trailer Raffle Has Concluded. No more ticket sales. Winner will be drawn soon. Thank you all very much for your support. As most of you know, Dano hit a dear on his RSV about 3 months ago and spent a good a long while in the hospital. He is home now and doing outpatient rehab but it is going to be at least a few more months before he is able to think about working again. Dano is self employed so no work means no money. Those of you who have been fortunate enough to meet him and Rose know that they are just great people. Dano is one that is always there when anybody needs his help but now he could use our help. Jeff and Margaret kindly donated the trailer that they bought and loaned Aussie Annie and Quickstep to use during their travels in the USA last summer. We are going to raffle this trailer off with all proceeds going to Dano. If you have no interest in the trailer and but with to donate to the fundraiser anyway, that would be great also. The trailer is a 1994 Cycle Mate. It had new tires installed last summer and the wheel bearings were all repacked at the same time. Now please be aware that this trailer is presently being stored at a members house in Washington State. Getting it home will basically be the winners responsibility but I know that as a group,, we can do a trailer relay and help get it to the winner. Rather than all the funds going through me or somebody else, I think the easiest way to do this will be to have you send your donations directly to Dano. The tickets will be $10.00 each or 3 for $25.00. If you use PayPal, PLEASE do NOT mention anything about a raffles as PayPal does NOT allow their services to be used for raffles. When you sent him the money, click on the "personal" tab and mark it as a "gift". That way there will be no PayPal fees held out of the donations. Now this will be an extra step and a bit of an inconvenience for you but if you are actually sending a donation and want to be included in the raffle, you need to send me a private message and let me know that you have sent Dano the donation and how much it was so that I will know how many tickets to be added to the raffle in your name. I will not be sending out ticket stubs or anything like that. At the conclusion of the raffles, I will use a random number generator to choose the winner. So let the fun begin. I hope that many of you will help out. If you can't send $10.00 for a raffle ticket, then $1.00, $5.00...whatever size donation will still be appreciated. It all adds up. Here is the info for Dano. You can use this email address to send funds via PayPal. Just got to paypal.com, login, click send money, enter Dano's email address, click on the tab that says personal, mark it as a gift and send. If you don't use PayPal, you can send a check, money order, whatever to this address. Dano's PayPal email address is: danob11@comcast.net His home address is: Dan Obert 8699 W 800 N Indianapolis, Indiana 46259-9402
  16. Please check the following list and verify that your name is here if you purchased tickets for the Dano Fundraiser trailer raffle. The numbers beside each name represent your ticket numbers. Please verify that I have you down for the correct number of tickets. If your name is not listed or the number of tickets is not correct, please send me a PM immediately. I plan to draw the winning number tomorrow morning around 10:00 AM Good luck to all of you. A special and truly heart felt thanks to Muffinman and Mini Muffin for the generous donation of the trailer. Thanks to all of you who reached out to help a member in need. Please not that there were some who donated but did not wish to be in on the raffle so this list is not representative of all who helped. NOTE: Now the the contest has ended and the winner picked, I have removed the names and ticket numbers. I don't know why anybody would care what their numbers were but I kept a copy just in case. If you want to know, just send me a PM and I'll tell you.
  17. Just wondering if anyone has heard from Rick Butler recently? I sent him an email because I wanted to get the seat on my 05 RSTD done, but I don't want to send it if he's on vacation, enjoying the weather, or booked solid with other things. Rick if your out there let me know if I can send it to you or if I should wait.
  18. Got a GPS tracking device from someone I work with that is planning on selling them. It takes a sim card (GSM) that with pay as you go will respond to text messages and reports its position (latitude/longitude), speed, battery condition, and distance. I'm planning on mounting it inside the fairing and will report on how well it works out. I've done some initial testing in the car and works as advertised. You can either call the sim's phone number or send a text message to get : latitude and longitude by SMS or GPRS, and check position by Google earth. Auto Report position based on a time frame and repetitions you txt to it (eg: every 5 minutes for 20 repetitions) Send the last location if it enters into the blind area (out of gps view) Add or change Username and Password. Monitoring and SOS feature. Monitoring uses a built-in microphone so you can "monitor" sounds around it (listen to conversations Geofence alert to the user when it breaches the restricted area send an alert of movement to the user when it begins to move. send an alert of overspeed to the user when it moves exceed of the restricted speed. It will send an alert of low battery to the user if the battery is low. Specs : 46(L)x64(W)x17(H) mm and weighs 50g, GSM sensitivity GSM sensitivity - less than -102dBm GPS chipset SirF III chipset GPS sensitivity -159dBm GPS accuracy 5m Battery life about 48 hrs Comes with two 3.7V DC Li-Ion Battery,700mA, wall charger, and connection for bike/car (wire in), magnetic cover Battery charges off the bike so I'll wire it in using a relay to turn on charging using the ignition. Although you can use something like this to track young drivers in your car for going over a set speed limit, location, or outside a set area, I'm thinking if the bike is ever stolen I can locate it either based on movement or locate it simply by sending it a txt message. Doesn't report to a web site so there are no monthly fees, and using a pay as you go card can add $ to it as you need, say over the summer months when you are riding/touring. Easy way for your significant other to find out where you are -okay.... that can be good or bad.
  19. Hey all I am looking for anyone who might have a RSV trunk mounting bracket for sale. If anyone has one please send me an IM. Thanks Star4772
  20. I am no longer able to send pm's, I get kicked off the site every time I try. Anyone else, or is it just me? Wonder how that happened.
  21. Ok, so I am new here to this site on the trial membership right now at least until payday to pay my $12. A fee well worth the knowledge I have already gained from you. I bought my 2006 Venture last december and have loved stacking on the miles. Unfortunately I ended up going off road with her and beat us both up pretty. Lucky for me I was wearing most of my protective gear. My Venture is in the local dealership because I didnt know where else to send her for repair. The insurance adjuster called today said they would send me a check for the repairs but I needed to call the dealership and give them consent to do the repairs. When I called the service manager said they would be in touch with "their" estimate for repair. Humm am I missing something here? I feel like they are going to give me a higher estimate than the appraisor. Does this sound right to anyone? I havent had anything like this happen with my cage repairs.
  22. just wanted to stop in and wish everyone a VERRY VERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS and a happy new year. i will be heading out to my sister and brother-inlaws house i got a nuce gift in the mail from the daughter and son-inlaw. i keep telling them i ride a yamaha. but the son-inlaw works at a harley dealer in brainerd MN and loved to send me harley sweat shirts? and a hoodie. some one paid off the loan i still had on the motorcycle? so i have the title now and one less bill to pay. now if i get the darn car paid off. next year should be ok. there are pepole i want to see in ohio next year.
  23. Am I the only one........or does anyone else find it strange that Comagination lists no phone number and no address on their website. http://www.headlightmodulator.com/ and/or http://comagination.com/ Don't know about you......but I'm a little reluctant to send hundreds of bucks to someone without a business phone........or ANY phone. Likewise with the address thing! Anybody out there own any of their products? Thanks, Michael
  24. Hi folks, I helped a friend get a job several months ago that really worked out well for him, and in appreciation he bought me a new F4 windshield for my bike. Well, one good deed deserves another, so if there is a member out there that needs a windshield for their bike let me know and I will send it to you. My oem shield is in good shape, just the normal wear and tear oof 25,000 miles.
  25. Is anyone making these now. I got the original one from the guy in FL and there is a hole worn through it. If someone wants to attempt it I could send the old one to them.
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