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  1. Is there anybody that can give me the real lowdown on BOTH of these windshields? I want one that makes the Calm air "bubble" extend back to include my passenger. She gets slapped around terribly back there. I know that with things aerodynamic, bigger doesn't always mean better. It just looks like the Clearview is selling its shape, and F4 is selling it's enormity. Is it possible that the better shape of the Clearview will outperform the huge F4?
  2. HELLO ALL after some long nights not sleeping i have decided to sell the bumble bee it is on e-bay may not show up till tomorrow. as many know i have had some running problems but i am happy to say that thay are all fixed and she runs like new the only reason i am selling her is becouse last year my uncale passed a way and i was givin his 1923 model t and his 1930 model a tuor door the t i resored for him about 20 years ago and put a rebuilt motor in about 7 years ago so it is fine but the model a needs the motor rebuilt and restored and since i lost my job last year and now making less the only way i see getting the money for the a is sell the bike i will miss it greatly but it was the bike or the car and the car won i will be restoring the body myself but the motor i can not do i will still be around and have met many new frends here bumble bee kevin wisor lexington sc
  3. ...and buying this... [ame] [/ame]
  4. just been busy, depolyment was moved up some so heading out to kabul soon. Is there anyone that wants to buy a cx500c and i was thinking of selling my venture and getting a newer one when i get home, but getting home maybe about 2 years were trying to pay off all our bills
  5. Just a quick note, Big Mike is selling his 2000 RSV with 30,000 for 6700.00 . I think he will go down a couple hundred. Its on craigslist here in MIchigan . think his number is still here in his profile.
  6. Life changes and it's sucky at times. I need to sell the ride to pay for the divorce. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=4042 I've been holding off on selling for a few months hoping I could get through this and still keep my RSV. That just isn't going to be feasible. I'll buy another one once this storm passes.
  7. My mom is on life support and my sisters are gonna meet with the Dr Tuesday and turn it off, I need to go back home to Mass but funds are short so I am selling all my VR stuff and my bike if anyone needs something let me know and I will ship it to you.
  8. I was surfing craigslist and came acrossed a 99RSV listed here in central NY for $8000.00. I couldn't help myself, I replyed to the add and told him he should check ebay and other listing and he will see that 99's are selling for under $6000.00. Most are selling around $5000.00. I know I should have mined my own business. But really, $8000.00!
  9. Anyone Interested In Selling A Hazard Switch for 89 VR, before I bid on bay?
  10. I have been searching for a backrest and mounting brackets for an 86 VR, been scouring e-bay for a while if anyone knows someone who is selling one let me know. Tom
  11. I'm selling my 2006RSV and have it in the classified section here, but was wondering where the best other places to list it would be! I've never sold a vehicle outright so I'm not sure where to turn. I don't want to mess around with paypal and just want a normal transaction. Any help you folks can give would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, kenw
  12. I have been trying for 3 weeks to buy my wife a motorcycle. I have answered 10 ad's on craigs list, told them I have cash on hand and I will buy the bike if I like it. I cant get anyone to call me back, one guy keeps stalling, and another that was willing to meet decided he is not selling it anymore. I cant figure it out.
  13. I got an email from Ebay today indicating that they are going to start charging final selling fees on sold items that include the shipping cost. As a carrot type thing, they are now giving 50 free listings a month, so there may be a lot more junk type items listed. This may eliminate the practice that some sellers have been using to reduce the cost of selling items, which is to inflate the shipping cost. I sell some of my wrenches on there and have had them listed as free shipping for a while. Cost reflected this, but it seemed like an eye catcher to someone looking. On a related note, does anyone know how to do a search for Venture parts on Ebay and not get the snowmobile stuff. The Japs didn't know many English words apparently, so they made a snowmobile the same name. This is the search string I use, which eliminates a bunch of snowmobile & 2nd gen stuff, but not all. yamaha venture -gt -700 -1999 -2000 -2001 -2002 -2003 -2004 -2005 -2006 -2007 -2008 -2009 -rsv -600 -snow -star -enticer -blaster -600cc -480cc -wave -viper -vector -xenon -phazer -mountain -exciter -snow* -srx -venom -vt600 -vt480 -vt700 -sxr -carbide Gary
  14. It's very likely that I'll be selling my '07 RSV and Unigo trailer very soon. I haven't decided if I'll sell them as a package deal or separately. I'll know more this weekend after I talk with a couple of dealers. I'll post to the classifieds when I get the details ironed out. Here are a couple of photos. Dennis
  15. I am looking for a set of adapter plates for HD mufflers. I have tried emailing the address on the ad on the site with no response. Does anyone know if he is still selling these brackets and if not where else I could get some?
  16. Is there any left in the US??? Nothing here in Canada...it sells right out of the shipping crate it seems! If I could get my hands on one for a Christmas gift for the kids it would be great. The ebay ones are way way out of what the stores are selling them. 149 is the usual cost at best buy etc. We are currently stalking EB games here in town but they never seem to get that shipment in when they say they will get it!
  17. ken

    Carbon One?

    I've been looking thru the site and can't seem to find Carbon 1. Is larry still here and selling the lift adapters?
  18. There was someone making up heavier battery cables (lonestarmedic) but he's "expired". is there a " how to" anywhere on how to make the new cable set? Is there anyone else making and selling them? If you see this...how much including shipping to Canada?
  19. Howdy All; I'm trying to come up with a selling price for my 2006 Midnight Venture. It's basically stock with passing lights and LED brake,tail and turn signal lights added and it has 40,000 miles. A local dealer wanted to give us on $6200. Any ideas what our bike might actually sell for? Thanks!
  20. For those that are interested I am selling my 83 on Ebay. It has the fuse box upgrade and comes with the headlight upgrade (not installed). I had it painted last year and based on comments I think it looks pretty slick. Has good Metzler 880s on it. Not perfect by any stretch, but should be a good value for someone. Lots of chrome and lights added. If you know someone it should make a great tour bike for a great value for someone. Tried to put it on this site in the classifieds and submitted it twice but it has not shown up. Thanks, Bob
  21. I just put my Grasshopper removable backrest in the classifieds, only reason I'm seling it is because my bride ordered the Diamond R overstuffed one. Selling it for $70, Cost new is $100. Only used it part of one riding season.... http://grasshopperlimited.com/
  22. I am selling my bike for 3K. Its an 85 VR with all the trimmins with 39,000 mi. on it. I love it, but i want something that more suits my age, i'll enjoy a new venture when i have the time and money to enjoy one. Right now, I'm keeping it in the family and getting a V-Star. 3K is alot, so you can tell how much i want to sell it. I'll probably be enjoying this bike for awhile longer!
  23. here are some pics of the zx14 i am selling.
  24. Very frustrated now. Stock seat hurts. Corbin is not much better. Now the Butler mod makes no difference to the pain in my tail bone. Quite frankly I feel like giving up and selling this bike again. A lot of money spent and I can't do much riding!!
  25. Okay guys I bought another bike and don't need both so I am selling my 1986 Venture. Alot of you guys saw it at the International Meet in Harrison last summer. I want to give you guys a shot before I put it in the paper. I will sell the bike along with the custom built trailer for $3000.00. It has 60,000 miles and I wouldn't be afraid to go anywhere on it. I rode it to Charolette, NC last summer. This is a really nice bike. Curtis Traylor 870-405-3693 http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs124.snc1/5333_126247972121_832227121_2291135_433058_n.jpg
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