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  1. I have the final drive off right now, how do you remove the shaft from the drive unit ? I removed the snap ring but it is still in there. What's the secret to getting it off, the manual is no help. /
  2. Adding an ignition bypass switch in my open air shop. no pictures 'cause it is in a secret location Had plenty of help and she seems excited to be going to meet her namesake!!! :dancefool:
  3. This was written by Robert St. John, executive chef and owner of the Purple Parrot Cafe, Crescent City Grill and Mahogany Bar of Hattiesburg , MS. Thirty years ago I visited my first cousin in Virginia . While hanging out with his friend, the discussion turned to popular movies of the day. When I offered my two-cents on the authenticity and social relevance of the movie Billy Jack, one of the boys asked, in all seriousness; 'Do you guys have movie theaters down there?' To which I replied, 'Yep. We wear shoes too.' Just three years ago, my wife and I were attending a food and wine seminar in Aspen , Colo. We were seated with two couples from Las Vegas . One of the Glitter Gulch gals was amused and downright rude when I described our restaurant as a fine-dining restaurant. ' Mississippi doesn't have fine-dining restaurants!' she insisted and nudged her companion. I fought back the strong desire to mention that she lived in the land that invented the 99-cent breakfast buffet. I wanted badly to defend my state, my region, and my restaurant with a 15-minute soliloquy and public relations rant that would surely change her mind. It was at that precise moment that I was hit with a blinding jolt of enlightenment, and in a moment of complete and absolute clarity it dawned on me -- my South is the best-kept secret in the country. Why would I try to win this woman over? She might move down here. I am always amused by Holly wood 's interpretation of the South. We are still, on occasion, depicted as a collective group of sweaty, stupid, backwards-minded, racist rednecks. The South of movies and TV, the Holly wood South, is not my South. This is my South: "My South is full of honest, hardworking people. My South is the birthplace of blues and jazz, and rock n' roll. It has banjo pickers and fiddle players, but it also has BB King, Muddy Waters, the Allman Brothers, Emmylou Harris and Elvis - and Leontyn Price. My South is hot. My South smells of newly mowed grass. My South was kick the can, creek swimming, cane-pole fishing and bird hunting. In my South, football is king, and the Southeastern Conference is the kingdom. My South is home to the most beautiful women on the planet. In my South, soul food and country cooking are the same thing. My South is full of fig preserves, cornbread, butter beans, fried chicken, grits and catfish. In my South we eat foie gras, caviar and truffles. In my South, our transistor radios introduced us to the Beatles and the Rolling Stones at the same time they were introduced to the rest of the country. In my South, grandmothers cook a big lunch every Sunday, so big that we call it dinner (supper comes later). In my South, family matters, deeply. My South is boiled shrimp, blackberry cobbler, peach ice cream, banana pudding and oatmeal cream pies. In my South people put peanuts in bottles of Coca-Cola and hot sauce on almost everything. In my South the tea is iced and almost as sweet as the women. My South has air-conditioning. My South is camellias, azaleas, wisteria and hydrangeas. In my South, the only person that has to sit on the back of the bus is the last person that got on the bus. In my South, people still say 'Yes, ma'am,' 'No ma'am,' 'Please' and 'Thank you.' In my South, we all wear shoes....most of the time. My South is the best-kept secret in the country. Please continue to keep the secret....it keeps the idiots away."
  4. Sailor


    First, I am an idiot when it comes to mechanical things or comfusers, er , computers. My headlight burnt out on my 02 and I am trying to figure out how to get the headlight out. When I take out the screw at the botom of the headlight ring I still can't get the ring off. What is the secret? Once I can get at the headlight it is no problem.
  5. The muffinman picked up a really nice windshield cover for Big Tom to go with the theme he's had for a while now. Also he tried on the new cover to see how it fit him. Plus he did show off a pair of the thongs he got from his secret admirer's. So without further ado here's Big Tom. Not for viewing by impressionable children. Margaret
  6. We are going to be in Chatt for a week or better and will be trailering the bike down. I will also be going to heading down to Chatsworth Ga to see some friends. If anyone is interested in hooking up for one of the best Burgers in the world, let me know. I have a secret place in Chatt that makes them.
  7. I got a secret......
  8. Copy with West Virginia featured. The secret is out!!
  9. during fork seal replacement.when you begin to reinstall all the tiny parts that go into the lower leg of the fork and onto the dampening rod, what is the secret to make sure all the little parts stay where they belong while trying to put the lower section on?
  10. I want to thank my secret admirers so far...Danob 11.... so far ,yours are my favorite.. crotchless is the best...freedom of movement you know......lol...Rawhide your running a close second.. I love the feeling of lace ...lol.. I am compiling a list ....post marks dont lie.. I guess I shouldnt have said that..now its gonna get harder...Taters is trying to play along.. but I see right thru her.. She knows me to well..I would never do anything to hurt her....You guys did this to Freebird last year remember...I didnt...but, I'm glad you all have accepted me as a friend...:rotf::rotf:
  11. I have tried taking the front calipers apart and cleaning them. Now what is the secret to bleeding them? Thanks, Kevin
  12. So - Tom was teasing everyone a while back about a secret. Maggie (MochaLady) and I are going to pick up our wedding rings this morning! We are getting married next Saturday. My daughter Julia is going to be the best woman. Maggie's friend is going to be the man of honor. Figured to start of non-conventional A small ceremony and no reception as of yet. We are going to save that for later in the summer. Right now we are very busy with work, her new job, and daughter turned 18 and graduated. We are having the ceremony at Fort Sam in the Dodd Field Chapel. Kinda funny as she is working 3rd shift on Friday and then has to come home and get ready for a 10 Am. wedding. I guess next comes the dog, cat, and the rocking chairs! We are even looking to buy a place with a bit of land down near Big Shell in Floresville. How dog-gone domestic is that. Just no more kids and no minivan. JB
  13. Ok, so on my way in to work this evening, I pass a couple of Ventures on the road. Everytime I pass one, I wonder, "Are they a member of VR?" I think we ought to come up with a "secret" wave so we know who is a member as we pass. Then again, I may be smokin crack:rotf:. Any ideas?
  14. I have an Anniversary coming up in a couple of weeks and was reflecting back on time. It will be 31 years with Melissa my best friend and soul mate. But that is not really the reason for this message. My reason for the thread is how I got to 31 years and counting. Listen up all you young guys. It all goes back to my grandfather and his secret that was passed on to me at my grandparents 65th anniversary party. I asked him how do you make it through 65 years? His answer was, Well I told her she gets to make all the little decisions and I get to make all the big decisions. After 65 years I haven't had a Big Decision...
  15. How come there is a secret area I need a password to get into on our site.
  16. Anyone interested in doing a Secret Santa type thing this year? If there is enough interest will work out the logistics........
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