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Found 18 results

  1. Has anyone used a motorcycle shipping company, if so, do you recommend one? My wife and I are tossing around for our 30th anniversary, flying to Seattle next year and go on an Alaskan cruise, have our bike shipped to Seattle, and after the cruise ride down through Oregon and down the coast to LA. Then back home.
  2. Is anyone else going to the International Motorcycle Show in Seattle...tomorrow? I will be going, and am willing to stop by and pick up any invalids living in the area, that can't make it there on there own. If you want a ride, need a ride, or are simply too lazy to go on your own, post back to me, and I will be you up. They better have the new Honda F6B there, or I am going to get upset.
  3. Miles

    58 to zero

    I am not certain what to really say here...Seattle Seahawks beat the *&&$^&^ out of ther Arizona Cardinals...58 to 0. That is a new record for Seattle, for total points in one game, and a new record for Seattle for largest margin win over the opposing team. Yes, I do know that Arizona already was on an 8 game losing streak, and now it is a 9 game losing streak. Yes, I do know that Arizona turned the ball over 8 times in this game. It was almost boring to watch...and I am a Seattle fan (the 12th man), because it was so lop-sided. I like games that are close...nail-biters. Too bad for all you Arizona Cardinals fans.
  4. Seattle !!!! 80 days and 80 nights, """ AND NO RAIN """ in Seattle !!!!!!! ( well it drizzled one night, about 1/10th of 1/10th of an inch ) Maby this is a " Sign " from " On High " !!! something, is, ( or must be ) going to happen !!!!! Hmmmmm ??? what could it be ???? :whistling: Added, comment: --- As a result of this situation, I have been forced to " go rideing " Every Day !!!!!!
  5. The tree is on Vashon Island, which is between Tacoma and Seattle, Washington. Quite amazing! http://venturerider.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=71713&d=1348117744
  6. Has anyone rode the route from Seattle WA to Las Vegas NV. Via (Seattle, Yakima, Kennewick, Bosie, Twin Falls, Las Vegas). Might be taking a ride around the June / July time frame. Whats the gas station situation like between Twin Falls Idaho to Las Vegas NV. I'd love to try that 1000 Butt ride thing, but probably won't for I'd probably fall asleep riding. My wife said she won't ride that far looking directly into the back of my helmet or constantly turning from side to side. She'll go by air. That be fine with me for I can make better time. Less potty brakes and rest stops.
  7. My nephew Colin in Seattle is filming a documentary beginning later this month that looks really interesting. Here's the link to the project: http://coffeeracerproject.com/ He will be departing Seattle on or about June 18th, and will be riding through WA, OR, CA, NV, AZ, NM, CO, UT, WY, ID, and then back through to Seattle. I along with many other supporters will be monitoring his trip on-line as he rides through these states and meets and talks to hundreds of regular Americans about "exploring the notion of choosing between pursuing our dreams and being present in our realities. Do we have to? Can we keep the magic of adventure and discovery alive while simultaneously being productive and responsible? What is it to grow up?" I love the fact that he is pursuing his dream of making this film, and that he is doing it on a bike. OK, so it's a Kawi KLR650 and not an RSV. But it's still a bike! Anyway, he asked me if I could recommend any really unique highways and byways through these states that he should consider including on the 3 week trip route. So if you know of any, please let me know and I'll pass it on to him. (And if you want to be a part of this unique adventure and help him reach his goal so he can be fully funded, visit the above web site and feel free to help him out.) Thanks!
  8. Two of us are planning a trip from Seattle to Waco (actually Gatesville) the first of May. It looks like we have a lot of choices of routes. My current thinking is I-84 to Twin Falls Idaho then south on US-93 all the way to Bolder Dam and Kingman. Then west on I-40 to Santa Rosa NM where we can pick up US-84 which will take us the rest of the way. I have never traveled US-93 before. Does anyone know how the weather is this time of year? Especially in north eastern Nevada? I hear it is pretty desolate. Are there any sights to see along this route? Thanks Mike
  9. I'm making a 1 way trip from Vacaville to Seattle on my 89 Venture. While I was visiting my daughter and granddaughter I purchased this 89 Venture. I plan on flying in Sat Sept 18th and riding back on either Sun or Monday. 1st stop is Corvallis Or where I have friends. Next day into Buckley Wa. You would have to make the solo return trip back.
  10. Nevermind, Seattle was just cancelled. Now I have no excuse to buy another bike.
  11. Decided to check my Carb Sync today, was getting set up, and warming up the engine. What do I hear ? the sucking sound from #1 Carb. Pretty loud. So, 3 hours of work, pulling out the intake manifold, and replaceing. Oh well, runs good now. OH, It did NOT RAIN, in Seattle today !!! Sunshine, and about 65 deg F. FINALLY!! Some hint of Global Warming !!! Hmmm,,, might go rideing tomorrow.
  12. Looks like warming up starting next Thursday or Friday, and some SUN!!!!! And long range forcast for next week looks like 68 to 70 highs for Seattle !!! Thats SUN BATHING WEATHER FOR SEATTLE !!!!! The Locals will all be out in shorts, and T-Shirts It hit a balmy 50 Deg this afternoon and sun came out for 2 hours. Rain stopped about 1500 hours !! Maby get some rideing in tomorrow
  13. I'm ready to buy a trunk rack for my '06. Found the following and was wondering if that's a good place to get it & is the price good? http://www.stadiumyamaha.com/pages/catalogs/detail/26/198/398/20151/3/0/0/1/4/90/69/338/trunk-rack.aspx I recall a place being mentioned in some other post that is in the Seattle area that was apparently one of "the best" places to get such things but can't recall the name... anyone able to point me to it?
  14. Guest

    Back from Sturgis

    Just back from Sturgis...yall missed ALL The fun! STURGIS, S.D. -- An off-duty Seattle police officer has been detained after a member of the Hells Angels motorcycle gang was shot and wounded during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in South Dakota.It happened at about 1 a.m. Saturday in the Loud American Roadhouse -- a bar along Sturgis' main street. Police said there was a confrontation between members of the Hells Angels and the Iron Pigs, a motorcycle group made up of law-enforcement officers.Sturgis police said that two gunshots were fired. The Seattle officer was not identified.Seattle police said they were notified of the incident, and that four other Seattle officers were apparently also present during the shooting. All five officers were relieved of duty pending an investigation by South Dakota authorities, Seattle police spokesman Sean Whitcomb said.Whitcomb said that Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske sent a team of investigators to Sturgis to gather information.The Sturgis rally officially ends Sunday.
  15. Guest

    north west trip planned

    On august 23 I will be leaving Las Vegas,head north to Boise Idaho turn north west up through Oregon then in to Seattle. I will spend 4 days in seattle seeing my daughter and her new maried life.Hope to do a day of deep sea fishing and riding the local area. Will leave on august 31 and head south down the coast line to somewhere above San Fransisco turn east and head foe Reno Nevada/Lake Tahoe then south back to Las Vegas around the 7th of september. never been this way before, planned this from just looking at the maps. any sugjestions or comments.
  16. Any members happen to be rideing South tomorrow thru Wa. and Oregon on I-5 ?? I'm hitting the road out of Seattle about 0700, hope to make Weed Calif. by about 1800 hrs. Well, might stop North of the Calif border. ??
  17. Its going to hit 70 !!!! today in Seattle !!! Can you believe that ?? So, I 'm going out right now, and get the "Black Beast " fired up and go for a ride!!! 3 weeks ago, we had a sunny 70 deg day, I rode down to Mt. Rainier, on the Venture, there were so many Harleys on the road, I had trouble finding a place to ride !! Should be the same today, ( The kitchen remodel work can wait till next week )
  18. Have not read about one in the Seattle area before, but I am guessing there are more than a few of us around that know how to use a wrench and how to work on our Venture/RSTD/other bike. I have the basic tool collection, jack+lift adapter for the 2nd gen Venture, a CarbTune sync tool, and '87 and '07 Ventures with work coming up (brake pads, lower throttle cables, grease the '07 rear hub pins...) and lots of room in the garage for many bikes. Could be my place to start with, somewhere else, or rotate around some. Also some folks around here are ham radio operators and like to fish, so yet more reasons to put off the landscape work and hang out (I am into VHF/microwave contesting/roving - hopefully now by motorcycle this summer). - Mike, K7MDL
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