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  1. Hello All, Got my96 RS on the road and need to replace the original seat, not comfortable at all. I have been looking at Mustang and Corbin Dual Touring seats and would like some feedback.All will be appreciated.
  2. Any one have any experience drying Hartco velour seats after rain? Does scotch help? Any comments on comfort when used on a RSV? Regards, Paul
  3. I have a '99 venture with the standard smooth seats. I have ridden up to 400 miles with minimal discomfort. I bought a set of pillow seats and installed along with pillow backrest. I want the Mrs. as comfortable as possible. Are these as comfortable as they look and are they hot in the summer? I weigh around 150lbs. Thanks to all and have a Merry CHRISTmas!!
  4. So...I got an 89 and just bought a set of beadrider seats and am anxious to install them. Except how do I remove the seat so that I can cinch up the stretchy cords on the seats? Sweaty in Iowa Iowa Guy:confused24:
  5. Ok, when I purchased my 2003 RSV about 6 weeks ago, the guy stated the previous owner was a female. True or not IDK. The bike came with a Corbin seat, that the guy claims he doesn't know if it fits, but came with the bike so OK. A few days ago I removed the seats and installed the Corbin. Here's the dilemma ( with pics to help): the rear portion of the seat seems too short. The little stem that should slide under the back seat post doesn't seem to reach. I was able to bolt down the front and it didn't seem to move at all. I just don't know enough about the bike or Corbin seats to see if it indeed is the proper seat. The sticker on the back says Corbin VENT-DT and the number next to the barcode reads 2303449. Can anyone help to determine if what I have indeed fits, or I have a $475 paperweight. It looks as if the end of the back seat is a bit further forward or "shorter" then original seat, but I would say not by very much. I am also showing some of the front, to see if thats the normal position. Any and all advice is appreciated. *** I can not seem to add more then one pic*** grrrrrrr
  6. I'm thinking of recovering the seat , back rest and passenger backrest and arm rest on my 91 royale. i was wandering as I've tried to use the search mode and cant find an answer. What years will fit my 91 as I see nice set for an 83 I think in the classified set I may try to work a deal on if it'll fit. any help will be greatly appreciated Thanks in advance David
  7. A few months ago I bought a Saddlemens seat from the classifieds here. It had a separate trunk seat back cover, which needed to be installed over the old pad. After removing the old cover with its 100 staples (or so it felt) I tried to staple the new cover on. My old staple gun just wasnt up to the task. I called a local auto upholsterer who quoted me a price of 80 bucks an hour. So, it would probably have run me about 40. I tried Sargents Cycle, which is located here in town and the guy said to come on by right now and they will take care of it right away. Cost would only be about 15 bucks. I got there about 1:30 and at 1:40 I had my pad back, looking like it came from the factory. They even steamed it to fit nice and snug. Took out my money and he waved me off. No charge, just remember us in the future. I gave him a tip to give to the installer and we argued about that. He finally took it and off I went. Everyone who passed me in the show room asked if I was being helped while I was waiting. Customer service really impressed me there and they had some really nice seats. I never asked if they had Venture seats but I am going back to them this week to see if they can fit the saddlebag lid covers I have on properly so ill ask them about seats for our bike. http://www.sargentcycle.com/
  8. Any simple way to remove the needle valve seats for replacement? Or is it a better idea to inspect and clean the ones currently installed?
  9. How much would it cost for me to get 2 new seats for my 08 RSTD the stock one's that came with the bike. What would be a good price for new one's from some where? Joe
  10. Does anyone know if you can somehow adapt one of the new Royal Star seats to a Royal Star Venture?
  11. New Member here with a new to me 06 RSTD. WOW I love it.... but...my wife HATES the seat. I have seen many posts about different seats but wanted to know what other passengers think. I would love to install Venture Pillow Tops like so many have but cant find any available? Any for sale anywhere? Any advice? I would send whatever seats I get to Rick Buttler for his special treatment but need to know what passengers really like! Thanks in advance... Bob
  12. for near new standard seats from a RSTD. Reason, I bought driver backrest and with the trunk on they will match the seats better. My driver backrest and passanger backrest are not pillow top. So looking to switch back to stock seats. I will look at all in the order as I receive responces. Thanks, Joe
  13. Leaving for Hawaii tomorrow. I booked the flight on United's web site on Jan 2 and paid extra for exit row seats. I printed out my confirmation and I was seated by my wife. Now I look at the seating chart on the plane and somehow my seat was moved to an economy. When I called customer service I spent two hours on the phone getting passed around and was finally told they have to deal with it at the airport as another passenger is seated there. Now I booked it early because we wanted those seats and when I booked it only a few seats were taken. My question is, does anyone know what the rules are or does anyone work for United that can explain. It's a 9 hr flight, United wants to move me to a non exit row seat, I told them I bought that seat and paid for it and received confirmation and all they want to do is move us to a regular seat.
  14. I am installing an LED brake light I have laying around from another project. It fits the Midnight like it was made for it! got lucky there. Where is an easy place to splice into the brake light circuit without a lot of trauma to the wiring harness? I started taking the seats off, looking for whatever I might find, then remembered about this forum. I did some searching, but mostly the results were about lights that also had turn signals. I just need the brake light wire. Thanks, Bert
  15. 1. Law of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch and you'll have to pee. 2. Law of Gravity - Any tool, nut, bolt, screw, when dropped, will roll to the least accessible place in the universe. 3. Law of Probability - The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act. 4. Law of Random Numbers - If you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal - and someone always answers. 6. Variation Law - If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now (works every time). 7. Law of the Bath - When the body is fully immersed in water, the telephone rings. 8. Law of Close Encounters - The probability of meeting someone you know INCREASES dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with. 9. Law of the Result - When you try to prove to someone that a machine won't work, IT WILL!!! 10. Law of Bio-Mechanics - The severity of the itch is inversely proportional to the reach. 11. Law of the Theater &Hockey Arena - At any event, the people whose seats are furthest from the aisle, always arrive last. They are the ones who will leave their seats several times to go for food, beer, or the toilet and who leave early before the end of the performance or the game is over. The folks in the aisle seats come early, never move once, have long gangly legs or big bellies and stay to the bitter end of the performance. The aisle people also are very surly folk. 12. The Coffee Law - As soon as you sit down to a cup of hot coffee, your boss will ask you to do something which will last until the coffee is cold. 13. Murphy's Law of Lockers - I f there are only 2 people in a locker room, they will have adjacent lockers. 14. Law of Physical Surfaces - The chances of an open-faced jelly sandwich landing face down on a floor, are directly correlated to the newness and cost of the carpet or rug. 15. Law of Logical Argument - Anything is possible IF you don't know what you are talking about. 16. Brown's Law of Physical Appearance - If the clothes fit, they're ugly. 17. Oliver’s Law of Public Speaking -- A CLOSED MOUTH GATHERS NO FEET!!! 18. Wilson's Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it. 19. Doctors' Law - If you don't feel well, make an appointment to go to the doctor, by the time you get there you'll feel better.. But don't make an appointment, and you'll stay sick. If you don't forward this to your friends within the next 5 minutes your belly button will unscrew - and your butt will fall off. Really.... It's true
  16. Hey Guys, I just got back from my last big ride of the year and I know that many of you up further north are getting ready to put your bikes up for the winter. So, I thought this would be a good time for this friendly reminder that if you are considering letting me rework your seat (s), don't wait until next spring when you are getting close to putting your bike back on the road. I have been reworking about a couple of hundred seats a year and usually I'm real busy during the winter months. However this past spring, I was absolutely covered up with seats for riders getting ready for that first ride of the year. It's not really a problem in that I can turn around several seats in a day, but it would be better to string them over a longer period. And while I'm on the subject, I thought I'd update some of you of the damage I have been seeing on all of the RSV seats (to include the early 99-2001 standard, Midnight and pillowtop) as follows: 1. All of these seat have cords in the cover that go through the foam and are tied off at the bottom of the foam with a plastic disc. The early and Midnight seats only have 3 of the cords that hold the seat down at the back of the seat and the Pillowtop has 9 that creat the pillow effect. The holes in the foam create a weak spot which makes the foam susceptable to tear between these points. 2. The foam at the nose of these seats is rather thin and is also susceptable to tears from the pressure of the seat pan. 3. I see many tears in the cover at the bottom edge of the seat right in the area of the seat nuts. This comes from using an open ended 10mm wrench to remove the nuts rather than a 10mm socket which tears the vinyl. When I repair these tears, I also sell you a set of my Butler Built thumb nuts so you can take your seat off without any tools so this will not happen again. In each of these cases, I repair the tears just as part of my service. I treat every seat that I work on like they are mine, so I address any issue I see in the seat. With tears in the foundation foam, I glue the tear back together with my spray contact cement and then reinforce that area with heavy duty duct tape (which works well). With the tears in the bottom edge of the cover, I glue a patch on the inside using a heavy vinyl of the same color. And the glue I use (Goop) is there to stay. Then for those seat pans with busted studs, I have found that I can drill and tap the stud base with a 6mm bolt from the inside and get your seat stud back. But, I do charge a small amount to fix this problem. And for those of you who are not familiar with what I can do for your seats, take a look at my ad in the Classifieds that explains what I do as well as everything you need to send me your seat (s): http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3738&title=butt-butler-seat-mod&cat=25 And like I said earlier, when you put your bike up for the winter, go ahead and send me your seat and don't wait until the ice is melting on the Mississippi River. And even though the word is getting out on me to other groups and referrals, I still am pretty much dedicated to the members of the VentureRiders (and your best kept secret). Thanks, Rick
  17. i have been going back and forth on the seat mod new seat or replacement and modification of a comfier seat. my seat is a pain in my rear end and i doubt that the butler seat mod will help a great deal. i dont want just a lil betyer I want comfort. Mustang seats want $600 for thier seats and I cant fork up that much. i can do $100 or so in the next few weeks or christmas for a $300 seat but No way i can get $600 for a seat past the wife. i think I can shave and make brackets for a nice road king or electra pillow top seat.; any ideas
  18. Looking for a set of Pillow Top Seats Send PM. Thanx for looking
  19. I am interested in putting a venture rear seat on my 05RSTD. Will the venture seats bolt up..?? Thanks for your help.
  20. Got my seats and bag bolts via ups today. I wanted to publicly thank Rick for the great work and speedy turn around time. I sent the seats last Tuesday and got them back today. They were in town on Friday according to the tracking #. The seats look great! You would be hard pressed to notice a change without sitting on them. No real ride time on them yet but for the short trip today they felt great! Thanks Rick! Frank
  21. I just wanted to throw this out and get some opinions. I am getting what feels like to be some sort of pinched nerve feeling in my upper back, just to the right of my left shoulder blade while riding the bike. It doesnt take long for it to show up, maybe after 20 minutes or so of riding. I can move around and make it go away, or start to feel better, but it is there. Not real painful, but more annoying than anything. I have only put about 500 miles on this bike, and I don't remember it happening on our old bike (1982 Honda Silver Wing Interstate with stock seats) both bikes backrest, as I just added one to our new bike. Its a 97 Royal Star Tour Classic with the Yamaha Comfort Cruise Seats by Corbin. The most that we have riden so far is 125 miles in one day but we have a 1200 mile trip coming up next weekend so I am looking for suggestions on what to do? I appreciate any input,.. I also wanted to ad that I am 45 years young, 6'0, 195Lbs
  22. 1984 Venture for sale in New Hamburg. Owned by someone on this site. Custom embroidering on the seats. Look at the backrest, It has the Venturerider logo. http://kitchener.kijiji.ca/c-cars-vehicles-motorcycles-touring-1984-Yamaha-Venture-W0QQAdIdZ276536771
  23. the corbin seat company. is for sale,so i decided to buy it. no not the company, a new solo seat for my nomad. i mounted it yesterday. this is my 7th corbin seat. it is ultra comfortable and i haven't broke it in yet. corbin says it takes a couple of thousand miles to form the memory foam, which i have found to be true,from past experience. i have had quite a few custom seats, and i still find corbin to be the best for the long haul. i rate this one a 15 on the 10 scale, for looks and comfort. my wife does'nt like the corbin touring seat on my v-star 1300. i think the rear floor board position may be the problem. i told her you will like it, cuz i'm not buying anymore seats.
  24. Well some of you may remember I got pillowtops for my MM. I sprayed them tan to match my MM as my original seats were tan. Well they looked great but the more you rode the more they cracked and the tan paint started flaking off. Even though the paint was specifically made for auto seats and dashes. So I started looking for someone who would re-due the pillowtops in tan. I could not find anyone who would mess with redoing the pillowtops. So I got Dorsi of Burney's Uphostlery in McDonough, Ga. 706-819-8580 to re-due the pillowtop seats by removing the pillowtop portion, redoing the Ultima backrest, the passenger seat and the passenger backrest AND making me a tank bib AND a trunk bib. Now the interesting part of this is Dorsi has never redone a Venture seat before and Dorsi had never made any tank bib or trunk bib before. So feast your eyes on Dorsi's first Venture job. I am very very happy with it!:thumbsup2:
  25. A set of stock seats for a 97 RSTC. I am sending mine to my cousin in Missouri to be recovered and have gel pads inserted into them. I would like to not be out of riding for 2 weeks if at all possible. I really don't care the condition. Don't know if anyone would be willing but it is worth asking. I am in NE Ga and am sending my seats out around next monday. Thanks for looking.
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