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  1. I was reading some old threads and it refers to draining all 4 carb bowls. For the sake of curiosity, how do you do it? Also, is this something that should be done at the end of the riding season for winter storage?
  2. Question: when do the love bugs come out in fl.? Found it: *late April/May , late August/September and December. Planning a trip in March and do not want to hit them in peak season.
  3. Wishing all VR members here a safe & happy New Year. Hope to see many of you this coming riding season at various events. Larry
  4. Charlene and I would like to take this time to wish each and everyone of our VR family a very Merry Christmas and Blessed Holiday Season. May the blessings of the Lord be with you and all your loved ones on this most Blessed of Days.
  5. Just popped in to make sure that everyone was still playing nice. Then decided to take this moment to wish one and all the very best for the coming year and hope that this festive season finds you well and with those you care for the most.
  6. Just when you think you are done riding for the season...we get one more nice weekend. Didn't matter that I had a ton of things to do at home. Working all week doesn't give me alot of time for chores at home...but then I hear the "B2" calling....wanna ride? wanna ride? And to heck with the "to do list"...and off we go. 70 degrees out, turning into a gorgeous "leaf looker ride"...and then I wonder...is THIS the last ride of the season? Hope not..but weather forecast does not look good for next weekend.
  7. I saw anudder birdy! I did! I did!
  8. Just a post to let anyone who might be interested know I have just two of the black braces left. This isn't a panic emergency notice as I can always put in another order for another 10, but it may take a while, and now that riding season is upon us??? Any rider who hasn't done the mod on their 1st needs to consider it....
  9. hi everyone bikes at dealership for hopefully a good riding season valve adjus. tuneup etc. got a call that rotors were warped and unsafe....400.00 for the two..rode it there and and i dont know what to think.......any input would be greatly appreciated........enjoy the site and after last year really looking forward to this riding season..its a 2000 m.m....thanks for any input
  10. Well dang......that shot my goal of a 12 month riding season this year. Yeah, I know, no big deal for some of you southern boys but in Nebraska it's a rare thing. I started riding the bike to work everyday back in mid March of 2011 and never even got in the car again except on a few really nasty days until this month. I think it was less than 5 days of not riding in that time. The temps dropped down to -3 last night and I decided to pull the battery out and bring it in. Hope it warms up a couple days so I can take another shot at this. At least above 15 degrees. But it's supposed to snow again tomorrow so I better gas up the cage. 11 months....... best year ever for me. Now I'm bored. Mike
  11. Well, sent out an email to 30 local riders to join in on a New Years Day ride. Sunday moring 11 bikes showed up. Weather was great in the high 40's. Left Albuquerque and road to Santa Fe for lunch and conversation. Returned via The East side of the Sandia Mtns, through Cerrillos, Madrid (Wild Hogs Movie Fame) and Golden. Stopped several times to enjoy the New Year and great weather we are having after a couple of 1 and 2 foot snows. Glad to be able to start the new year off right as we try to get together at least one weekend a month to ride in the area. Can see a great riding season on the horizon this summer. Hope to post, up coming weekend trips, so anyone in the area can join in. Any way Happy New Year! 2012 riding season has started.
  12. Just got back from a little vacation. The whole family went over to Wisconsin for a wedding. We stayed in the Neenah/Appleton area. I gotta tell ya, there is some pretty neat country over there. But I think my boys had the best time of us all. Since we were going for a new years eve wedding, some of the relatives were busy entertaining the rest of us. And of course being loyal Packers fans they are season ticket holders. So my sons got to use 2 of their tickets to see their first NFL game. Not a bad game to see for your first game I'd say!
  13. Hello Everyone: The 2011 riding season was the most active season for us thus far. Dispite almost losing our bike in fire in March, we still recovered and rode 7,000 miles. We have had so much fun this season! Cody Rally, Sturgis Rally, Saratoga WY ride, Hot Springs SD run. Ft. Collins CO ride. We are so thankful for the memories and friends that we made this year. What memories do you have??
  14. While poking thru my Venture Files I ran across some very cool Venture Touring Society articles. I don't even remember where I found them, but it's getting cold and for some the riding season is gone. This might give you a little fuel to keep the Venture Fire burning thru the winter. This is the first of 5 installments. Enjoy!!
  15. Michelle and I want to wish all of you and your family a very Wonderful and Merry Holiday Season. We hope your safe in your Holiday travels. Merry Christmas to you All...........
  16. Hello Everyone: My work took me to Ogallala NE, again recently. I was finally able to meet VR member dludke. Our schedules never allowed us to meet during the riding season this year. I sure appreciate this site!! I have made so many nice friends such as Doug on this site. Take care everyone.
  17. I took off the rest of this week to take a break and get some bow-hunting time in. Got me a young doe yesterday evening for the freezer. I will eat some of it, the rest will be given to friends. I will be hunting for a turkey or two this evening. Yet for now, here I sit on this computer. I better save this for later and get going. I would have liked to have gotten some riding in, a little anyway, but need tires (two bad spots to the threads, not safe at all),sigh, and will probably just wait until this winter to put them on. Well It is hard sometimes in life to decide the better of two loves. I love to ride, but I also love to bow-hunt. There are needs in my life for both. The thing is though, that both are at their peak at the same time during Fall of year. I do not care to gun hunt, I would rather deer/turkey hunt with my bow. If I wait to long into deer season, then all the other deer seasons will be in and out, early muzzle loader this weekend for two days. Then another muzzle loader season for 7-8 days. Then modern gun season for three weeks in November. So I like to hunt now before all this. I seem to have my best days afield now and until the second week of November. I look for a good buck, pass on a lot of small ones. So this takes time. But I love them both. So off I go to the woods for now. Man I would love to take a ride......... Fuzzy
  18. Did anyone bother to keep track of thier milage this season? had a pretty decent summer here in vermont and managed to put 8200 on the yammi since may 23rd. and about 1000 on the harley......
  19. Has anyone heard if the Full Throttle Saloon tv program on TRUtv is going to have a 3rd season?
  20. Well it looks like my riding season will end on the 13th of september.. I will be going in for rotator cuff surgery. Riding season is short enough here in wisconsin this just makes it shorter.. :sick::sick:
  21. Saturday was the opening season for Walleye. Fished from 7am till 3pm and Caught nothing Boo whoo( Wasnt that Dooms Day For Walleye's L.O.L. But I did manage to catch a great shot of a Sunrise
  22. Riding season is finally here in western New York.......Had my FIRST "official ice cream" of the riding season...........aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !! Thanks Kenny, it was soooooooo goooood !..sorry no pictures, it was gone in a flash....... :fnd_(16):
  23. Hello Everyone: I am always interested in meeting other riders and making new friends. If your travels would happen to bring you through the extreme western end of Nebraska this season look us up. We have an excellant Yamaha dealer (Celli's Cycle Center) here in Scottbluff as well as many scenic attractions along the Oregon Trail. Take care..
  24. SilvrT


    INSTALLING SPRING... ███████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ 44% DONE. Install delayed....please wait. Installation failed. Please try again. 404 error: Season not found. Season "Spring" cannot be located. The season you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please try again or contact your Weatherman. (thanks Kerry! LOL)
  25. your engines Its go time. This marks the beginning of the riding season for me. When the cars hit the track, I know its getting close.....
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