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  1. Wow... I mean WOW. Earl told me to start doing it... so Monday this week, I went to autozone after work--and after my paycheck deposit--I picked up two 16 oz bottles of SeaFoam, and CarbCleaner (to try Earls onbike carb clean). I got home, I'm looking over things. I start the Venture up, and she fires up on three cylinders. Just sitting there for a few minutes and she keeps at it. I turn her off, and pop the fuel cap, I rough guess two ounces of seafoam, because I didn't have much fuel left. Put the cap back on, and turned the key. I let the fuel pump run, and just let her sit there (she's on the tender too) I then start her up. Three cylinders fire... after 20 seconds she starts coughing. I noticed she's getting rougher and then... I hear the fourth cylinder fireing. She's clearing up and I rev her up nice and slow, and she's going, she's clear, clean. I didn't ride her tuesday, but today, I rode her to work. I'm gonna clock out early today to do the on-the-bike carb clean, but still, this is one awesome not painful lesson I learned. USE SEA FOAM! (I'll be buying another for my dad, his GoldWing sneezed)
  2. FWI, over the past several months I've tried Seafoam in every tank (1 oz per gallon) then STP (3/4 oz per gallon) in pure gas by the recommended amounts per product. For me, I've noticed the engine ran smoother and consistently got better fuel mileage with the Seafoam. Prior to Seafoam, I avg'd 40 mpg and with seafoam got a high of 45 mpg. The best I got with STP was 42 mpg. The primary reason I use an additive is the unbranded gas our bulk plant sells has no additives in it like Techron and a tank of gas may last two weeks. I had read a post a while back where the author suggested he got better fuel mileage with Seafoam and after running both products, I would have to agree. Maybe there's a better benefit to STP vs Seafoam, but from an operator's stand point I'm not seeing it.
  3. If I have been using a little seafoam in every fillup sense I have owned my bike,do I need to put Stabol in her when I put her up for the cold months? In short, will Seafoam do the same thing as Stabol as far as keeping the gas from turning to varnish in the carbs?
  4. http://www.theweathernetwork.com/news/storm_watch_stories3&stormfile=Sea_foam_sweeps_into_Scotland_town_25_09_2012?ref=ccbox_weather_category2
  5. Found seafoam at my local Menards home improvement store(Owensboro,Ky.) for 6.49 regular price(Wal-Mart is 9.99). I think it's 46.99 a gallon, that place sells about anything.
  6. http://www.seafoamsales.com/.
  7. My son has a recent problem with his bike (see above) it seems like a couple of the cylinders are not kicking in at the lower RPM's after about 3000RPM he said it feels like they are kicking in and running correctly. He has already run some seafoam through it. It is fuel injected orther wise i would think it was fouled pilot jets. Looking for other ideas.
  8. Curious as the pros and cons of one or the either.
  9. This bike was bought from a guy out of Havanna, Fl. It's a '99 with about 18k miles on it. The pinstriping reminded me of Jaybird's handiwork. The guy that bought it lives within 15 miles of me and we got together today for about 4 hours for a mini MD and general BS section just to get acquainted. Real nice guy. His and mine are the only RSV's around me. The saddlebag hinges have the inserts that I've seen like are on Freebird's bike, without the engraving. I'm just thinking this bike has made it up to Don's at some point in time. It's running a little rough but we're gonna run some Seafoam in it for awhile and see it it'll clean it out. I did a carb sync and it runs much better but they were way out. It's been sitting up for awhile. If running the Seafoam in it doesn't do it then we'll take the carbs off one weekend and give them a really good inspection. So, what say ye, anybody recognize this bike??
  10. I was going to buy a new Weed Whacker but decided to work on the old one. It wouldn't run except with full choke. I drained the fuel and just put in Seafoam and cranked it a few times and let it sit for 24 hours. Drained the Seafoam put in fresh gas and it started up and ran just like it was suppose to. It even idled and didn't stall until I shut it off. Great stuff that Seafoam.
  11. Not complaining, just wondering. Does a good dose of seafoam affect mileage? I suppose I had 1/3 to a 1/2 more than the recommended mix. I measured 40 mpg on a 2 tank ride yesterday out to the Oregon coast and back around to home. Great day! http://db.tt/H451XZov
  12. I heard the NAPA advertisement on the radio yesterday. Seafoam is on sale for $6.48 until April 30, 2012. Time to stock up!
  13. Is there such a thing as too much seafoam ,, and is there a time limit to leave it soak . I am leaving my bike behind to go on a 3 week cruise(ship) and was wondering if it would hurt anything to leave seafoam soaking in my carbs?????
  14. Ok folks I have been chasing my tail on this one and quite frankly I am done so I need some assistance from folks alot smarter than me. Last spring I started having issues with my 89 VR backfiring on decel. A new collector from Mark (Mark's Pipes) and an awesome new/used set of stock mufflers from Earl (Skydoc) solved the backfiring on decel. However, in fixing that issue I seemed to have created another problem. Cold start the bike fires right up and after some initial cold engine sputtering and backfiring through the carbs it purrs right along at the set idle speed (1000 rpm on stock tach). However, once warmed up and if let sit more than a minute it is a bear to get restarted. I have done the following: 1) Sprayed non-chlorinated cleaner into the top side of the carbs with the diaphragm covers/air cleaner on and off. Focusing on all openings and accessible jets 2) Ran 6 to 12 oz Seafoam religiously for over a year 3) Drained fuel bowls and checked for gunk suspended in fual (found none) 4) Pumped straight Seafoam into carbs while running and let sit two days. Performed this twice as I wanted to make sure I did it right (resultant smoke cloud on restart killed all mosquitos within two miles and fire department has put me on their "watch list" ) 5) Changed and regapped plugs after each Seafoam treatment 6) Cleaned all electrical connections and retightened where necessary 7) Battery has been tested numerous times and is pushing more than enough amperage 8) Plug wires and diaphragms are less than 2 years old 9) TCI and coils are all stock (40,800 miles) At this point I am looking for any other suggestions. I will be attending the SE Texas Maint Weekend so maybe I can get some good pointers there as well. Thanks
  15. For you guys that put a little SF in the oil, how much is the right amount in the RSV?
  16. I see that some members are adding as per instructions from the mg. of seafoam 1&1/2 oz. per qt. in with the oil to clean up the sludge in the engine. My question is do you leave the seafoam in for 5000 miles or until the oil is dirty or do you run the engine a short time and immediately remove the seafoam and oil replacing same.?? DanC
  17. New on the shelf at my local Wal-Mart, right next to the Seafoam, is what looks like a new product from STP. Even the can is a Seafoam knock-off! The verbiage on the can reads just like Seafoam, too. Anyone see this yet? It may have been out for awhile, but I just noticed it last week. It was on sale for about $1.50 less than SF, so I picked up a few cans to try out. I guess it supports the adage "if you can't beat em, join em"!
  18. It looks like the people over in England and the UK are having big problems with Seafoam. here is the link to the website. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-16354575 Brian
  19. Is one better than the other and if so by how much. Seafoam can cost about 3 times B-12. Is Seafoam 3 times better?
  20. tbbrider


    How much seafoam do you use in a tankful of gas for winter storage and how is the best way to winterize your bike?
  21. Anyone ever use this gas additive? It looks like it contains the same ingredients as Seafoam, but a 15 oz. can was only 2.98 at Walmart vs. 8.95 for the 16 oz. Seafoam. Berryman has been in business since 1918 and is located in Arlington TX.
  22. I just came back from Canadian Tire and noticed they now carry SeaFoam @ $ 9.59/can. (new item here I assume new to Cdn Tire) Keith
  23. Ozlander


    For them that run SeaFoam all the time. Make your own and save a bunch of money. http://hildstrom.com/projects/seafoam/index.html
  24. I put one full can of Seafoam in a full tank about every three to four thousand miles. Is there such a thing as too much or too often when it comes to using Seafoam. For example...would it be alright to use maybe half a can every fill up???
  25. Ran across a good deal last week.Bought a 2005 V Star with less than a thousand miles and loaded for $2000.Been sitting for a year but after a can of seafoam she is running like a Singer.
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