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  1. BoomerCPO cracks me up and one of his comments in the Publix thread got me thinking......I served 5 years in the Coast Guard, 3.5 of which were at sea. Best time of my life. I miss it everyday. The one thing I regret the most about not doing a career is not being a Chief (E-7). For anyone in the military, being a Senior Enlisted is an Honor to never be taken lightly. Anyhow, who has sea stories? I love to hear them and will start with one that happened to me..... My first night underway on the USCGC DALLAS, I was approached about getting the "mail bouy". Supposedly this buoy had out personal mail on it and was put there by another CG Station for us to pick up. ( I should have thought "HELLO THIS IS THE FIRST NIGHT" but....I didn't) Anyhow, after decking me out in all the gear to be dropped over the side of a 378 foot ship I was told to go ask permission to retrieve the mail buoy from the Captain in his cabin. I was granted permission then had to ask permission from the Conning Officer (a crusty Chief Warrant Officer) who also said it was about time someone got the cookies his mother had sent. I was hooked up to the J-Bar Davit and ready to go over the side when EVERYONE disappeared. I stood there for a minute a little scared when about 75 people rushed over to the side of the ship I was on and screamed "Welcome to the Coast Guard". It was a great feeling to feel apart of the crew. I will never forget it. Although the written version doesn't really do it justice. I was called "Mail Buoy" for the entire 2 month cruise. http://www.jeffhead.com/georgia/dallas.JPG
  2. My auto windshield wiper fluid squirter seems to be restricted some. Would poring some Sea Foam into the windshield wiper fluid reservoir be a good thing or is there a better solution?
  3. A Video, http://player.vimeo.com/video/48642618 Not M/C related, but for those involved in fire fighting, and aircraft, and machines of all types, this video is worth watching. Not to many uses, for Sea Planes in this day in age, but -- in this case, the Sea Plane, is still in the running. This subject , has a special place in my life, as I was Crew Member on the Last of the large U.S. Navy Seaplanes. Went out of service back in 1964, ( there abouts ) The P5-M Martin, Marlin. The last one still in existence is at the Pensacola N.A.S aircraft museum. ( I actually made one operational flight in that, particular, aircraft, as a crewmember ) from N.A.S North Island. At the time the aircraft was assigned to Squadren, VP-48.
  4. OK, first round trip SEA to LAX went great on the new bike. Love this bike !!! Comfortable !! except for the Seat. ( darn ) Guess I will be spending a few bucks on a " Day Long Saddle " in the near future. Plenty of power, and the brakes seem to be better then on the 89. Not sure why?? If anybody wants a new RSTD, there are a few 08's and 09's left in dealer stock, around the country. But you will have to do some searching !! I found 2 in Washington, and one in Oregon. ( 2 months ago ) ( Only one left in WA. now ) Been working on the 89 getting it ready to sell. Posted it today in VR Classified. Will wait a few days before advertiseing it locally if anybody here is interested. Its ready to travel, fly to SEA, bring money, will pick u up at airport, and have you on the road in a Jiffy !! ( as they say )
  5. We hear how guys are using Sea Foam when a bike has been sitting a long time and when their bikes are not running well. But i was just wondering if guys are using it on a routine basis, just to keep things running well. Can it be over used. I was thinking about running a tank full of Sea Foam treated fuel, before i leave on my long trip. How are you guys using it?
  6. Just saw on Local TV station Seattle, Two guys in a small fishing boat, on the Columbia River ( someplace between Portland Or. and the Pacific Ocean ) were minding there own bussiness, just fishing . ( I assume for salmon ) And guess what ?? A Sea Lion, takes there Bait !!!!!!! Another near by boat, videoed the event, so its apparently On the record book !!! For all you Bull Head fishermen out there, Take heed !!!! Consider the possibilities, of have a Sea Lion, as the " Power Source " for your 12 foot fishing boat !!!! :080402gudl_prv::cool10:
  7. Deal on sea foam at OReillys OReillyOnlineStore@oreillyauto.com http://view.s4.exacttarget.com/?j=fe9616767762057e70&m=fe9e15707566017574&ls=fdec15747c610d7a77127875&l=ff271d787761&s=fe2e16797560067c7d1576&jb=ffcf14&ju=fe591675726d017c7612&Et_cid=2626135&et_rid=290421816&linkid=http%3a%2f%2fview.s4.exacttarget.com%2f%3fj%3dfe9616767762057e70%26m%3d%%ex2%3bMemberID%%%26ls%3d%%ex2%3blistsubid%%%26l%3d%%ex2%3blistid%%%26s%3d%%ex2%3bSubscriberID%%%26jb%3d%%ex2%3b_JobSubscriberBatchID%%%26ju%3d%%ex2%3bjoburlid%%&r=0
  8. I've just encountered a possible problem with my 2005 Sea Doo RXP. It has only 59.6 hours on it. I bought new back in 05 and have never had a problem with it. I run it almost completely out of gas and engine mist it every year before storing. Being busy this year didn't get a chance to ride but figured I'd better start it. Added 1 can of sea foam to approx 1/2 gal of gas to clean fuel system and let run for 2 min. Then added 2 gal of fresh gas... wouldn't start, so i depressed throttle and thats when I heard a loud bang??? sounded like an inner tube exploding Smoke is coming out from under seat? Took plastic topper off and dip stick removed spark plugs cleaned with wire brush and carb cleaner dryed out using map gas tourch, coated threads with antioxidant. Before installing plugs placed my palm over holes and had compression. Reinstalled plugs and it started up (i shut down after 10 seconds) as i was afraid something was wrong with all the smoke coming from the engine compartment... Can see no oil or coolant in hull of ski and the dipstick has clear oil on it? Cant find the source of the smoke and don't want to run it like that... Any thoughts would be appreciated... Thanks in advance, Joe Thinking about tearing her apart and inspecting the Superchargers ceramic washers. May also find the source of smoke when I do? Will also take front oil pump off and check impeller and screens for debris... Until today, I never knew you should replace creamic swashers on the supercharger with metal ones... not having very good luck with engines...
  9. I picked up a bottle of Sea Foam at Wally World. It says auto and marine, gas and diesel. Is the right stuff? It's a 20oz metal "bottle" do I use a full half or should I use less on my 09 RSV? Thanks everyone!
  10. TopV

    Sea Foam

    Okay everyone. What is Sea foam and what can it do for my bikes performance, also where can i find it. Thank You Joe
  11. Just wondering if anyone has done a good comparison on the two additives ? The B-12 Chemtool is much less in price, $2.89 at Wally World compared to $9.50 for the Sea Foam. I love the Sea Foam and know that it works wonderfully and is safe for the engine. But what about this cheaper stuff. I have read a little about it, and seems that it has been around for some time now, 1918 company begin. I would go for it, but worried that it would harm a motorcycle engine. Would love to hear what you all think and your experience with the B-12 Chemtool in motorcycle engines, good or bad ? Fuzzy
  12. Ok folks my 89 VR has developed a serious hard start condition. The starter spins freely for several seconds and the engine eventually catches and slowly revs up but only if I am giving it throttle input (which I do not like to do). I does this no matter the tempurature hot or cold. Once the bike is running it idles great and runs down the highway with no issues; smooth as glass. This is a very recent development as the bike used to start right up with with no issues. The bike was ridden all winter and never sat more than a week. Even on the 20 degree F days the bike started with full choke. Here are the things I (with Earl's help) have done recently: 1. Mark's Pipe collector and all new exhaust gaskets and clamps 2. Heavy Sea Foam cleaning to prep for spring and summer riding; actually I use Sea Foam in small doses at irregular intervals just to keep things lubed 3. Carb tuneup to include idle mixture and sync to cure popping; have not removed the carb rack as it wasn't an issue until now 4. New (to me) stock mufflers 5. Two plug changes one due to Sea Foam cleaning, the other because I was using heavy choke to remedy some of the aforementioned popping. 6. New valve cover gaskets. 7. Plug wires were replaced last September 8. Battery was replaced with AGM last October As mentioned the bike runs great but it is getting to be a bear to start. I am sure this isn't good for the starter, starter clutch or battery. Skydoc and I have a theory of the problem but I wanted to solicit some more inputs. Thanks
  13. Just returned from a great ride up to Whistler. The Sea to Sky Highway is a great road to scrub in the new Avon tires... all round, not just in the middle. There was a British Sports Car rally in Olympic Plaza. Lots of MGs, Triumphs, Jags, a few Lotus, Aston Martins, Bentlys, and Minis. Oh, and a Rover 2000 TC. In the dim distant past, I owned a few of the models, and drove a few more. Good day, and only rode through two light showers.
  14. Ok folks Im coming to better minds than myself for this. I just used seafoam in my wifes 01 explorer in the crankcase. Ran it a while to get the oil up to ooperating temerater and then drained it while it was still hot. No problems and all seems to be fine. WHile I was waiting for things to drain I reread the side of the sea faom can. It says you can add it to the crannkcase at 1 1/2 onces to quart of oil and leave it in for prolonged cleanig. Is this adverse to the engine or will I be ok to do this. The explorer has almost 150,000 miles on her and still going strong so I dont want to mess things up but would love to have the peace of mind that Im doing all I can to keep it clean on the inside of the motor at least. Any other ideas will be apreciated also. As soon as we get themoney we will also have it uned up completely as its on the original wires and plugs. David
  15. Hey Gang! My 1987 Venture Royale is running better than ever! I think I finally got the carb overflow leak problem resolved. The bike is strong and smooth and I can honestly say for the first time I can begin to understand why these bikes are so beloved. Anyway, I wanted the groups' input on something I'm noticing. First, a little background. My 1987 Venture was purchased this spring with only 7700 miles. Carbs were rebuilt and it's had is share of Sea Foam run through it in the last 5 months. I've put about 2000 miles on it so far. The power is good and the mileage is between 38-40 and that's with myself and wife totaling about 380 lbs. (My wife is small, Ha!) Anyway, I'm noticing a little black soot coming out of the exhaust when I first start it. My first thought was perhaps I was burning a little oil but I've been watching the oil level and it doesn't appear to be moving at all. Could this soot just be a 23 years of muck purging itself? Should I continue to use periodic Sea Foam or am I seeing a new potential problem. As always, your thoughts are appreciated! Bill
  16. ok so ive been hearing a lot about SEA FOAM and its miracle work.... my 98 royal star that i recently bought with around 16300 miles on it....seems to backfire more than usual.... the last owner said it sat around for about a week or so, but i dont really trust him... i think the bike sat for longer than that... will the SEA FOAM better the backfiring problem??.... How should I use the SEA FOAM??... i know the bottle has directions but i wanna hear some of your techniques!! thanks!:think::bowdown:
  17. My 08 RSV feels and sounds like its only hitten on two cylinders. It won't even run in 5th gear without bogging down and I have to shift back into 4th. And then it will barely hit 50 MPH. I changed out the plugs, but I think it just made it worse. I may have some bad gas. I'm going to get some Sea Foam and try running it with that in it for a while. Any easy way to figure out which cylinders are not firing? Any ideas why it would quit firing on two cylinders? Thanks, Glenn
  18. My bike hasn't been started since I put away in the fall of 2007. I used sea foam in the fuel and parked thinking I would be riding again the next spring. As it turned out I haven't been able to afford the insurance so the fuel sat until today. I borrowed a battery and tried just for fun and it started without any fuss. Sea foam a miricle tune in a can.
  19. I'll be bringing home a few souveniors from the mountains. We explored today a geological find at a construction site in the mountains of West Virginia. We were at about 2500 ft above sea level and found fossilized rock formations with sea shells at the dig site. Guess like they say at one time we were underwater.I guess the beach is closer then you think.
  20. Ok I thought I could fix it myself, so I kept putting off asking here. I've developed a vibration in my '05 RSTD. I can feel it in the grips, the tank and the floorboards. I asked for help syncing the carbs and was helped by Ken (slick97spirit). He was nice enough to do it for me and show me how to do it. It seemed better for a few days, and the got worse again. I bought my own carb sync tool and have checked it a few times. They are still in sync. I changed the oil, I have new tires, changed the plugs, and have checked for anything loose on the bike. It definitely feels like it's in the engine, and only does it a certain RPMs for instance in 3rd at about 40 to 55 MPH. I have also ran some Sea Foam through it a time or two. It only has about 10K on it and at this point I'm ready for any suggestions I can get. I'm not a mechanic, but I can do whatever needs to be done. I am back riding after a 20 year hiatus, and I'm probably overlooking something simple. TIA, Jim
  21. went to AUTO-ZONE today to get a can of sea foam. price has DOUBLED in the past 3 months! now paying $11.78, per can! needless to say, i have switched to "Coleman camp fuel"a gallon costs about the same as a pint of sea foam. just jt
  22. I just bought my 2000 Venture MM from a gentleman in Las Cruces, New Mexico (elevation over 3,000 feet) and it was riden to Corpus Christi, Texas for delivery. When I rev up the engine and back off the throttle, there is a slight backfire. Someone suggested that the carburators have to be adjusted to sea level. I called the service department of the local Yamaha dealer and was told that the carburators (4 of them) have to be adjusted and/or the jets have to be changed out. He said if it is just an adjustment, it would take an hour and a half to adjust all four. If the jets have to be changed out, it would take an hour and a half per carburator..... all of the above at $70 PER HOUR. The carburator change out would take 6 hours to complete. Is this a reasonable quote or is there something else I should do? There are some intercom and a few small issues....but I will save that for some other time. Right now I just want to get my new Venture running smooth at sea level. Thanks for any advise... Mike
  23. I have read literally hundreds of posts extolling the magical Sea Foam product that seems to be second only to duct tape and Gorilla glue when it comes to curing problems. I have tape and glue, but dangit, no Sea Foam. WHERE O WHERE may I purchase this wonderful elixer? Will it also reveal the true color of my wife's hair? Because I was sure I married a blonde and now, I'm not so sure. HELP.
  24. i am at a loss, here. three months ago, i did the starter clutch repair. i put 3 gallons of gas and 1/2 can of sea foam in the tank, started it and let it idle for about 20 minutes.this morning i went out to the shed to start it a(first time i've been out there in 3 months), and my gas tank is empty!!!! could it be that the sea foam in that concentration, caused the petcock gasket to deteriorate? any other ideas as to WHY? just jt
  25. I posted about this problem several weeks ago. One time my bike died going down the street. Two other times it died while idling. Each time it wouldn't crank unless you gave it full choke and would only run on two cylinders and would die if you gave it any throttle. This past weekend I rode to North Carolina and put over 1,000 miles on the bike. I took a can of sea foam with me because everytime it has died I added sea foam it cranked up and ran fine. On the way home from north carolina I ran it down to almost empty before I filled up just to see if something was in the bottom of the tank. It ran fine. I filled up 45 miles from home and the bike ran fine. I parked it in the garage until this morning when I got it out to ride to work. It cranked fine and ran until I was about one block from home and died. At first it would crank with full choke and run for awhile and die. It finally wouldn't crank at all. I put about 1/2 of the can of sea foam in and it still wouldn't crank. I finally put the whole can of sea foam in and shook the tank to stir the gas and sea foam. It cranked and is nowing running fine. What do you think this could be? If I take it to the shop they will tell me they can't find anything unless it isn't cranking when I get it to them.
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