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Found 14 results

  1. hi all now have over 12,00 miles on my c/t, it's hard to catch up with lowell. i would like to ask how many ventureriders are now runing c/t's on their scoot's now. i have pulled a trailer with the scoot over 4,000 miles with no ill effect. best reguards don c.
  2. Well Don : We have disagreed with many issues on this site and I enjoyed sturring the pot If I didnt do it The site would be boring Anyways I would Like to Thank you and your website for fulfilling my Highschool Dream to tour along country sides of USA. My dream was to tour alone but not to ride along side with a group of respectable, generous and Kind hearted Members( Oh yah some odd ball individuals) I will never forget, The gift this site had given me and the hard work and donations From Brad and Lonna and other members that help. As you know it didnt felt right for me to keep it. I now have Health Issues (we wont talk about that ) My riding days are over with the recommendation of my doctors and myself I met alot of new friends and a few that didnt appreciate my comments from the open mined CANUCK It was great I had the opportunity to own several scoots with a low budget , I have had 13 scoots and the 3 scoots I have enjoyed the most was the 1st Gen , The FJR 1300 and The 1985 Honda Super Magna A Special Note To Brad and Lonna: All I can say is that The world would be in a better place today if there were more people like You two I will do my best to be on the site more It depends how I feel Thanks again E-Fishin-C
  3. Is there anything made like this but for our scoots or will this one work? http://www.ascycles.com/images/products/ztechnik/z6403_ztechnik_antennamountgps.jpg
  4. I hope y'all are not gonna tell me I screwed up!!! Anyway my home owner's insurance came up for renewal and I went shopping. My Allstate agent said he could not write Allstate for our double wide, but quoted me American Modern Insurance Group. Sure enough they beat Foremost (which I've had for years). He told me they also wrote M/C insurance. He did quote me Allstate on the scoots, but it was ridiculously high. Long story short, yearly premium for full coverage for BOTH scoots was $620.00. That's not each that's both! Renewal with each was $436.00 with Geico on the RSTC and $425.00 with Progressive on the RSV. Hope they AMIG is a good company!!!
  5. I may crack jokes on the 2nd Gens But I have to admit they are the most dependable scoot on the Market and thats why Yamaha isnt changing anything Why should they. How many recalls have you heard for These scoots
  6. For anyone thinking about buying. Here is a good opportunity on a couple of low mileage scoots in the Classifieds My misfortune someones gain. Thanks
  7. Some folks may find this interesting.... Always fun to look at some of the old scoots... Las Vegas Motorcycle Auction this weekend. MCAUCTION#1 AUCTION#2 AUCTION#3
  8. I'M sitting here in the front of the Computer having a Few Beverages..(Hiccup)(be quite Beer30 and Redneck) And Thinking Im a loyal follower of this site,.( well havent been lately) Yes I dont have a scoot anymore And thinking (yes Squidley I do Think) And said to myself Is there anyone of my close friends from the Ventureriders willing to ride up here and pick me up and ride down to ralley with their scoots heaven 4 bid that its has to be a 2nd Gen (well it was not to bad on Midnightriders scoot) Just a Thought? ( of course I pay the individuals gas)
  9. It's official spring is here. I have just received my annual 1-2 punch from mother nature. Allergies have me down for the weekend but it happens every year. After this is over in a few days I can think about getting the scoots out. I go through this every spring and fall.Guess I got to take sick leave for something.:sick: Forecast better days ahead.:cool10:
  10. My riding season begins April 19th with a mood change. It's the first weekend after I paid the IRS.If the creek don't rise I'm going to put a few miles on mamamo's 99. Run a few tanks through it and make sure it's running ok before we start painting it in may. I think my test ride is about over(Mamamo is still waiting her turn). :rotf::rotf: The 84 needs some tlc before I consider a trip to the beach in june. Those front fork seals or whatever still have a major leak even after a rebuild and the battery is due replacement. I got a new front tire mounted up ready to install as well. The 89 just needs a little cleanup. Those #@#^ birds are trying to build nest in my scoot shed again and that darn cat has muddy tracks on the scoots. I need to roll the 86 outside where I got some elbow room and start parting it out in the evenings. I can throw a tarp over it out there. I think I will pull those plugs and clean them and start it up. The last thing I do will be part out the essentials for keeping it running.So when I get it secured on the center stand the plastic,floorboards,hitch,etc start coming off. Not sure how much help I can be but Yammer Dan is way over due for getting something running. We got to do something about that.My scoots have been neglected. Nothing has been started since January. We have been busy at the new property just not enough time.
  11. I just sold my 86VR a couple months ago, because it left me stranded on the roadside 4 times last year. Fixed everything, but wife said, it had to go....[Mama says...] Sold it easy enough. Found a great deal on a Goldwing, low miles, good price, much newer. Everyone knows they're excellent scoots so I got it. Took it to the shop for complete check-over, new tires, brakes, Odessey battery, etc., etc. Temps heading for the 70s today, so off we went. We got 5 miles down the road & it just died...instantly at 55 mph, I downshifted & popped clutch while moving, but nothing. Tried to start it, but battery only lasted for about 1 minute, then dead. I checked everything I could, but found nothing. AARP couldn't find a tow, so they called 911 & are supposed to reimburse the $95. for flatbed ride home, since shop was closing. This makes 5 times stranded within a year....& year isn't up yet. Scoot's going to the shop ASAP, Tow #6?, [3rd different shop], but whatever they fix & tell me, I'll have little confidence in the bike. Maybe it's time to give up ridin' & take up fishin'. How to break a streak like this?
  12. OK so I live beside a creek. My scoots are stored in a open shed enviroment. Today was 65 degrees and the engines were covered with heavy condensation. I don't think the water would bead heavier on the blocks if I sprayed them with a hose. This occurs quiet often in the winter and the scoots are harder to start when wet. The 84 failed to start this evening and thats a first at 65 degrees. I normally let the scoots idle for 15 - 20 minutes starting about every two weeks. I'm thinking this condensation is not good for the motor. Does the moisture also form inside the engine? What about the carbs and fuel tank? I have a mixture of seafoam in the fuel but this may help. I guess I should cover the scoots even in the shed.Rust a little every year because of this.
  13. Bubbajbi


    Let me start with a disclaimer: If you own a BMW I mean you no disrespect. This is a rant from my own personal experience. That being said, I was driving my truck across town and made a right turn when a BMW scoot came shooting up on my tail. Even though the road was only one lane in my direction, the rider still though it a good idea to pass me on the right and cut me off nearly clipping the front bumper of my pickup. This got me thinking. Why do most of the BMW riders that I come in contact with seem to be real jerks? I have only know one who was not and he rides with the same group as me. I can honestly say that I could count on one finger the number of times that an on-coming BMW scoot has given me the old rider courtesy wave. Four times this year, have been cut off by a BMW scoot while I was on my RSV. Last year, my friend and I took a trip to Lake Tahoe on our bikes. While there, we stopped at a Denny's with an extremely busy parking lot. We parked our scoots in the dead space next to the building to not take up parking for cages. Across the aisle there were six BMW scoots each one taking up a whole parking space. Even when a lot is not crowded, I still share spaces with other scoots. Am I all alone here or is this going on all over, and if it is, is there any way to get throught to these guys? I respect anyone on two wheels (even a moped) and I thought we were all part of a brotherhood no matter what we rode. I have even ridden with Hells Angels and they have admired my bike and were really great guys. I am not trying to bash BMW guys, I just want to know what the deal is.
  14. I want to acquire a voltmeter that I can use on my scoots. What would those of you that already have one recommend? Terry
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