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Found 21 results

  1. Returning from the Hell's Canyon Motorcycle Rally, Baker City, OR, this past Sunday I may have overpacked a saddlebag and now I am unable to open the saddlebag. Perhaps some material is in the way of the latching mechanism. After a couple of days trying to place pressure at various points and having helping hands depress the "open" button I am exhausted. My research so far suggest the OEM latch mechanism has some history of sticking and remedies have ranged from cutting off the hinges (trashing the bag) to getting one latch unlocked and insert a 14 inch rod to open the second latch. Once opened, then to lube the latch. A call to my dealer, RMC, resulting in them being willing to look at it but not sure if they can help. But the next opening in the schedule is a week or more away. A journey electrician and all around mechanic friend is going to look at it today for me. He's pretty handy and has a great mechanical attitude. I am looking for any experience and advice from this forum. Thank you in advance.
  2. We were going to see Paul for dinner on Tuesday night but he could make because he was ill and a little dizzy. The flu has been going around here and nobody thought much about it. Last night his sweet wife took him into the hospital and they found a golf ball size, nonmalignant tumor in his stomach. Needless to say, they kept him for a little under the hood tune up work. They schedule surgery for this afternoon. I stopped in to see him first thing this morning and the nurse was getting him ready to go to surgery, schedule changed. After a few minutes of chatting, I rode down the elevator with him to the surgical wing. He had reached his wife and she was on the way to be with him. The faith and prayers of those here would be appreciated. Dave (Utadventure)
  3. When should a carb tune be done? (after how many miles) or do you wait till something doesn't seem right? Is there a set schedule to do this?
  4. Looking for riders to join us on the Midnight Run, the weekend of Aug 20th. The ride is sponsored by GWRRA - Michigan Chapter G. The ride starts 12:00am (midnight) in Rockford, MI, Saturday Aug 20 and arrives at the Mackinaw Bridge around 8:00am with 4 schedule stops along the way. Many events are schedule during the day at the Kewadin Casino in St Ignace, MI. More information can be found at http://www.mi-gmidnightriders.org/2011midnight_ride.htm. Those interested, a group will be putting their kickstands up at 8:00 pm, Friday Aug 19, at US-23 and North Territorial Rd, which is exit 49. We have a block of rooms reserved in Mackinaw City, but not many remain available. After taking in the schedule events and a nap, planning on a dinner run later that evening. Those who are not interested in riding the early hours of the morning, let’s plan a ride to meet the Midnight Riders Saturday morning. So VentureRiders in and around southeastern Michigan area let’s see if we can get to know each other and enjoy a weekend ride together.
  5. Guest

    Phoenix Riders?

    Hello folks this is Shep - been on the Site about a month+ now. I just wanted to see if/how many riders we had in the phoenix area. Perhaps we can schedule a Meet and Greet our own here in our fine city somewhere.. Shep
  6. Just to let everyone know... I am starting to receive payments for the Rally Package and more "Donations" for the 2010 International Rally. Have been putting in 12-14 hour days here for about the past month and spending a lot of road time for work. Right now it looks like my schedule will give me at least one day at home this week end. So, will try and get receipts out to everyone. Russell
  7. For anyone interested in test riding a new Yamaha, here's the Demo Days schedule for this year: http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/mcy/demo.aspx It's because of free rides at demo days that my wife and I bought our RSV. Just like a drug dealer: give a taste for free and they'll come back with money! Only more healthy, of course. Maybe we can convert a few more 1st gen folks.
  8. I turned in today my vacation schedule for all of 2010. Anybody else got your plans together. Ours is first come first serve so I always schedule early.
  9. I will be at the show in Dallas with my VR uniform (hat & t/shirt) on. I hope to see some of you guys there. If you spot me, stop me and say hi. Ken Minner aka slick97spirit See schedule below: :cool10: Cycle World International Motorcycle Show Schedule for 2009 - 2010 2009November 13-15Dallas Convention CenterDallas, TexasNovember 20-22San Mateo County Event CenterSan Mateo, CADecember 4-6Long Beach Convention CenterLong Beach, CADecember 11-13Qwest Field Event CenterSeattle, WA2010January 1-3Rock Financial ShowplaceNovi, MIJanuary 8-10Carolina First CenterGreenville, SCJanuary 15-17Washington Convention CenterWashington D.C.January 22-24Jacob K. Javits Convention CenterNew York, NYJanuary 19-31I-X Center Cleveland, OHFebruary 5-7Minneapolis Convention CenterMinneapolis, MNFebruary 19-21Donald E. Stephens Convention CenterChicago, IL
  10. OK folks. If any of you have your dates set for your 2010 VentureRider Rallies, please post them here. I'll get to work on the countdown page and get everything added ASAP. People are starting to schedule their vacations for next year and some have asked for the dates of our various rallies. Freebird's Maintenance Day. Oberlin, OH. June 19th 2010.
  11. What does the yamaha book say about the interval adjustments for the valves on the engine? I'm at work and my book is at home. thanks gunky
  12. My schedule just got changed this week...I was supposed to work this weekend...now I find my boss decided to change the schedule and I am off. Anyway...if anyone from Western New York would like to get together for a ride, a meal, and some good times, please email email me at JGorom@rochester.rr.com or call me at (585) 948-5332 and we can make plans. The weather is supposed to be very nice this weekend in Western New York...so...when two or more are gathered together from this group...well...we are both blessed and bound to have a good time. Later...
  13. I will not be able to be there for every day of the International Rally. I would like to know which evening the meal that is included will be. That seems like one of the best chances to meet a lot of members so if I am going to go I would like to be there for that. I f there is a page with a schedule of events I have not been able to find it.
  14. I wrote to the Houston Ride Like A Pro (HRLAP) to inquire about schedules and discounts. The website hadn't been updated in forever, and it seemed defunct. However, that is NOT the case. HRLAP is alive and well. They are updating the schedule today or tomorrow. If we can get at least 8 riders, we qualify for a $25 discount off the $150 price. I have a buddy who might take the class, and am looking for 6 others. More than 8 would be even better, given how schedules change, etc etc. Doing this sort of thing is hard to schedule, but I am going to toss April 18th out there because it works for me. Anyone interested in that date?
  15. Almost time to schedule vacation for 2009. I think I can make the Skid Inn in June no problem.Maybe another full week during the summer for a rally somewhere.I told the boss an extra week of vacation time would be nice? He was not excited. Oh well can't schedule them all. Get those events posted.
  16. I am loosely calling this a Rally Schedule. For those that have been to the Pork in the Pines in the past you know we do not stick to a strict plan. We just have a general idea of things we want to do and then we go off and have fun. Friday: Arrive (anytime through out the day) Setup camp Enjoy a free chili feed Meet old friends and make new ones Saturday: Breakfast at nearby casino Embark on a ride to where ever your ride leader takes you Stop for lunch on ride (where ever you land) Ride some more Return to camp and get ready to eat pig Ohh and ahh over the pig as it is pulled from the cooker and presented Dig in and eat! Recover from eating Evening bonfire and cigar smoker (I am providing 2 dozen cigars), B.S. story telling and drinking (BYOB-Bring your own beverage) crash for the night Sunday: Maintenance day (we work on one or more bikes if needed) Breakfast a nearby place Return to camp for maintenance day OR for those that want to ride we can ride Lunch - BBQ Pulled Pork sandwiches More maintenance day work OR continue riding for those that wish Dinner Evening bonfire B.S. story telling and drinking (BYOB-Bring your own beverage) and if there are any cigars left we can smoke them as well. crash for the night Monday: Departure day break camp and head home full of good food and memories Register now to avoid missing the fun and pig.
  17. http://www.pd13.com/ hi i know some folks from our northern contintgents Like this one. Don't know if any Ohio , Indiana , Michigan folks have put it on the schedule for some weekend fun an frolick'ing? Thought I'd throw it out there. I plan on attending. Neeed to get me PassPort updated anyhow. LOL.
  18. Guest

    Carl F. Rainear

    I am purchasing a new venture on Friday. Can anyone give me an idea of the maintenance schedule. Carl
  19. the way things have gone for us the last year, why shouldnt it continue??? I'm torn as to what to do about my job. we were gone to Ohio for Dales dads funeral upon my return home I knew I was scheduled to work friday and sunday. Knowing that I had saturday off Dale accepted work for saturday. I go inot work friday afternoon and see that she had put me on the schedule for saturday. I asked her when she did this and she explained that since the new hire didnt work out ( show up) she had to put me on. Well I explained to her i could not work because Dale had to work and I do not have a babysitter. She ( the manager)asked me when he would get off so maybe I could come in later. I didnt know what time, we never know what time when he works saturdays but usually its 10 - 8. It would be no use for me to come in that late as my shift would end at 10:30. She said that she had had to work for some others so she guessed she could work for me also. This is where the conversation ended. Well guess what.....she didnt show up for the shift saturday.......neither of us did. But guess who is getting blamed for it? As soon as I heard what had happened I tried to call her, both her cell and home...she wouldnt answer. I left a message. I called the assistant manager and talked with her. She told me the manager took me off the schedule and she ( the manager)wouldnt talk to me til monday , when she was back on her regular schedule!!! So I called the manager monday and she pretty much layed blame totally on me for what happened. I appologized and said obvioulsy it was miscommunication.she tried to tell me the last thing said between us was what time does dale get off so maybe you can come in late....and since no more was said, she figured i was just going to come in. She appears to not be taking any responsibilty for what happened , which really upsets me. It was obviously a miscommunication and I have admitted to my share of it and appologized to her and to the person who had to come in and cover the shift. On our phone conversation she said she would talk to the District manager and tell him we had spoken and see what he wants to do. Well I havent heard anything back. I contacted the owner and let him know what had happened and how I feel im being treated unfairly....the general manager them contacted me and said she wants to get this straightened out between us that maybe I should go talk to the manager and she would come also if I wanted her to. I'm so frustrated, I have always worked when asked to, helped out by staying over some hours into the next shift when someone couldnt come in, worked overnights to train a new person....i have missed one day in the last year, other than the time i had to take off for the funeral, always busted my butt for them ( in fact I was in for a raise) This is a new manager who has been there for 1 1/2 months now and I have gotten along fine with her, no problems til now. We do have some other issues going on about me switching back to overnights because of Dales schedule now, which I was told I could have because the night guy was going to be transfering to another store to be assistant manager, well some probs have come up with that and we dont know if he is leaving or staying now. Because of this thinking i was going to overnights I turned down my chance for the after school program for haylie that ive been trying to get inot since school started, I told them to give it to the next person waiting because i would be going to overnights. So now I have no child care for afterschool so I cant work the shift i was on. What a mess. I have even agreed to cut my number of days down for a while and take the 2 overnights available and wait to see what happens with the other guy transferring. sorry about the rambling but im so frustrated, cant afford to be without a job.and really dont know if I want to go back there now.........
  20. What a guy ...Took time of his busy schedule and got me a Chrome licence plate Thanks again
  21. The carbtune I bought came in, so if any of you guys in the Texas Panhandle want to get together and sync your carbs, let me know and we can schedule a day.
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