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Found 13 results

  1. Eddie

    Rc Heli's

    How many guys are into the hobby of these things. My neighbor got me started and Im trying to learn how to fly these things. I bought a Blade CX3 and smashed it a few times and now can fly it a little. Wife bought me a Blade 450 3D for xmas that Im scared to wreck so I bought a Blade MCPX to try some collective pitch flying. This is hard to catch on to let me tell you.
  2. Picked up "Legs" in Sydney, and rode 600 mile to deliver her to shipping agent. Got parts on me soooo sore, don't remember having so many problems with the bod!!!! Now I'm not so scared of how the trip will be....I can do this But, ain't she perdy http://i980.photobucket.com/albums/ae282/AussieAnnie888/2011%20HD%20trike/IMGP0921.jpg
  3. Caught myself off guard. For safety reasons I had turned the key to the lock position. I was working on a little project and went to stand the bike up with the steering in full right turn. It just scared me a little more then anything. I was expecting the bars to come straight but of course they didnt. Ooh well. Lesson learned.
  4. :-( Thought I might get to go home today, but the cafeteria lady just brought around my menu selections for TOMORROW...... :crying::crying:
  5. Is there a way to rig the flashers on an RSV to operate without the key turned on? It seems to me that in an emergency, you'd want them to work even if the ignition is off. Help!
  6. Yesterday while running errands I made a right 90-degree turn onto another road about 15 mph or so. My right foot board scraped pretty loud which I've never done before on the RSV. I've scraped pegs on other bikes but never on this one. I knew I was leaning pretty good but man. What scared me so much was my big foot, size 14 X wide was hanging off a little and the boot starting scraping with the board.
  7. I'm curious as to what type of loads some of you have ridden the bike with. I understand there are various factors and I don't want to push the safety envelope. I'm 6'5" and 295lbs my wife is 5'3" and normal weight. Yes, to confirm your thoughts, I am scared to ask her weight, much less post it. I have a 06 RSV we have ridden two up and it was great but no trips with luggage yet. I know we are pushing the load capacity. Just wanted your thoughts
  8. On Sunday (mothers day) I decided to invite my new girlfriend to go for a ride on the RSV. after a good 30 min into the ride she was feeling good about being on the back so it was time for some twisties well off we go 1st one scared her a little but she has nerve second one was great the third one even scared me as i was coming out of the turn the rear tire BLOWS out!! got it stoped ok ..with the help of a gaurdrail she jumps off askes if im ok and i was and i asked her the same she was ok a little more scared of a bike now but she says she will go again. now for those of you who have had the pleasure of getting a flat tire on the road you may share the same feelings i have anger, frustration,and just down right mad cuz its sunday i have no trailer so now i have to start the 100 phone calls in the midst of all these feelings Emily has the nerve to ask me "where do you keep the spare on these things" she has alot to learn but i didnt throw her in the middle of the road like i was thinking and smiled and said there is none and you have to push. she said i'll meet you at the gas station get my bike back in the morning with a new tire and will be ready to ride soon. (she may be staying at home)
  9. Friend has this 99 Royal Star TD, been sitting uncovered in his garage for9 years. He has had out one time, put 43 miles on it. Bike has a total of 1,402 miles on it. I have never seen such a filthy specimen in my life! I have it in my garage now, trying to resurrect it. I need 4 carb kits. ANy one know where they can be bought without going to the stealership? This thing will be a beut once I get the ½" of dust and crud off of it. Dang its good to have friends who own stuff they either don't want or are scared of.
  10. Jeff you off lurking someplace with all those that dont post...........not like you to be this quiet and unassuming.........
  11. A friend just sent this to me today. I was doing the special FX fireworks in the background for the athletes. It was at the US Open on 3/22. Olympic class snowboarders from all over the world were jumping. I think I scared a few of them! (But they did know it was coming.) [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UY_KY7gvv4]YouTube - BURTON US OPEN SNOWBOARD BIG AIR FINALS STRATTON VT 3/22/08[/ame] Joe
  12. I just read an article on the dangers of drinking...... scared the crap out of me. So thats it ! after today no more reading
  13. This happened about a month ago just outside a little town in the mountains of Tennessee, and while it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it's real. A guy was on the side of the road hitchhiking on a really dark night in the middle of a thunder storm. Time passed slowly and no cars went by. It was raining so hard he could hardly see his hand in front of his face. Suddenly he saw a car moving slowly, approaching and appearing ghostlike in the rain. It slowly crept toward him and stopped. Wanting a ride really bad, the guy jumped in the car and closed the door, only then did he realize that there was nobody behind the wheel. The car slowly started moving and the guy was terrified, too scared to think of jumping out and running. The guy saw that the car was slowly approaching a sharp curve, still too scared to jump out, he started to pray and begging for his life; he was sure the ghost car would go off the road and into the marsh and he would surely drown, when just before the curve, a hand appeared through the driver's window and turned the steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend. Paralyzed with fear, the guy watched the hand reappear every time they reached a curve. Finally the guy, scared to near death, had all he could take and jumped out of the car and ran to town. Wet and in shock, he went into a bar and voice quavering, ordered two shots of whiskey, then told everybody about his supernatural experience. A silence enveloped and everybody got goose bumps when they realized the guy was telling the truth and was not just some drunk. About half an hour later two guys walked into the bar and one says to the other: "Look Bubba, there's that idiot who rode in our car as we were pushing it in the rain."
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