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  1. My Daughter, Kelly called today from the Dr's office. Shes 6 weeks pregnant and she saw the baby's heartbeat on some type of scan. Now comes the spoiling........We warned her a long time ago. She was spoiled and now its payback time for her......LOL.
  2. My daughters Gateway laptop I bought her for college graduation about 18 months ago has issues. It's running windows 7 64 bit with 4Meg of Ram. Recently everything runs extremely slow and sometime freezes up. Last weekend I managed to run a malware bytes scan no problems and a reg clean program. AVG antivirus still freezes before completing a scan. I did manage to check scandisk,defrag,cleanup junk files,etc. The computer takes about 10 minutes to boot up. I went in and done a clean boot. disabled all non essential statup up programs and disable services everything except windows essentials. this fixed the slow boot issue but still runs programs slow and internet. I'm thinking about doing a complete restoration but this would destroy all her files and pictures. Also trying to do a restore to an earlier point will usually do it but this computer says there are no earlier restore points. I have tryed to move her files to a usb jump drive but even that transfer rate is extremly slow. It says moving about 5 gig of data will take over 1 day to a usb jump drive Holy Cow.Anyway getting ready to make new pot of coffee and hit it again.Her system still shows 4 meg of ram what the H is going on?
  3. My Compaq Presario lap top has gotten real slow. I did the disc cleanup and defragged and restored to an earlier point and it is still slow. I went on to cccleaner and did a scan and it did the usual 3,000+ problems found and it said it had a free download. But when I installed it to do the scan and it found problems, it requires me to purchase to do the fix. Is the free download just for the scan? Any other suggestions? RandyA
  4. Rode to the mom-in-law for the wifes surprise B-Day celabration (12 miles round) felt good surprised the wife (after telling a whole bunch of little white lies) but being 5 weeks out of surgery the ride was good. I have nothing next week a few phone calls I have to make. then monday a talk with the doctor and I start 6 months of chemo a really kick ass cocktail cause none of the numbers(from the blood work) or pictures(from the pet scan) are any good 5 out of 8 markers against me and the cure % is under 50 % so I have a few days to ride then down for a long while so you all enjoy the rest of the summer and keep me in your prayers
  5. A few weeks ago the rogue syware that pops up and says your computer is infected and it is going to do a scan popped up on my computer. I finally got it off my computer but since then I keep getting advertisements popping up. Just now I was on this site and all of a sudden my computer screen went blank and and ad for free credit report came up. Also, something has hijacked my web browser. I use msn for my homepage but if I put in a search an entirely different site comes up. Anyone know how I can correct this? I am using Yahoo's virus scan, spybotscan, spynomore and bit defender. None of these pick up anything on my computer.
  6. Apparently something has attached itself to my address book and is sending out spam emails to everyone in my book. I use aol with their McAffee security controls and have done a complete scan, but nothing turned up. Any ideas? I am not very computer savvy, but know enuff to be dangerous:think: Thanks Craig
  7. I scanned this in and yall can now see it for yourself. The guy who answers the tech question never mentions the 'I' basket....hmmm.... BTW the scan is from the April 2010 issue of Rider magazine.
  8. Marcie had stomach pains on Wednesday and Thursday so today when she got to work, which is in the emergency dept of a hospital as a secretary, she saw one of the doctors. First thought it might be her appendix but after a cat scan they found a mass between the large and small intestine. May be cancer or a few other possible problems more tests tomorrow and then we show know. PLEASE KEEP HER IN YOUR PRAYERS.
  9. Some of you know that I had a mass removed last Thursday and went back today to find out that it was Seminomia, form of cancer that it very treatable. The doctor seems to think that he got it all but done a cat scan today to make sure it hasn't spread to my stomach area. I will get the results from the scan on Monday. Keep me in your prayers. You never think this will happen to you. Thanks, Curtis Traylor
  10. I finally gutted my cassette player and wired for an mp3 player, as some post have been showing. When I connected everything back up. My radio is stuck on one channel, unfortunately the last channel I was on is Not my favorite. none of the preset channels work now, and they were not able to program them anyway from the previous owner, because the memo button didn't work. I used the scan button all the time because of that. I don't think it is related to the mods I did. BUt I would surely like to use the radio. Any suggestions? As far as the mp3 player connections. the volume is so low I can barely hear it any suggestion on that problem as well?
  11. I went in today for the PET scan which will let us, the Dr. and I, know if there are any live cancer cells left after the chemo and the radiation. If not then the surgery will be scheduled for the end of the year hopefully and this thing will be behind me. The Dr. will get the results Wed., and I have a 9:00 A.M. appointment with him to get the results also. I am asking for prayers that there will be nothing on the scan and everything is good. Don H.
  12. I do not know what the heck i did........but....... windows xp wont start......i get the screen with safe mode..last good config..etc to choose from.........but......none of them work......puter just keeps trying to reboot up. I F8 'd and choose to not reboot at start up or something like that it says to try to get an error message....... what i got was. UNMOUNTABLE_BOOT_VOLUME Im stumped......and no i do not have a cd to reboot from..my system has it all in it and for some reason I cant work around the problem this time and get going. Now i did install a program that BuddyRich had mentioned to someone called " Advanced Windows care from www.iobit.com Its free and will clean up a lot of registry problems. " I ran it and was done with the scan and was cleaning up stuff when it kind of froze so after sitting and sitting i shut down the puter and this is where i am....... thank good ness we have the old puter for Haylie.........sloooooow but works... is there anything i can do to at least get in to safe mode and restore my last good config.....i did do a restore point before i ran the scan
  13. i have free AVG and i like it but , it scans at the wrong the time , anybody know how to turn off the auto scan ?? when it dos a scan it takes about 30 to 45 mins. and almost shuts down this old laptop , i would like to scan manuly only not auto . thanks thom
  14. Check out who won at and comment with any car versus bike musings that come to mind... and if you just can't stand to watch the Lamborghini intro, scan ahead to 2:48, where the motorcycle goodness commences. Try this one: [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6_0pOa4fC4[/ame]
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