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  1. I bought a Scala Rider Teamset Pro kit for my wife & me to use on trips. I love these & got them new for $130 which was GREAT. Now my son got his MC license & I want to buy him a headset so that we can all communicate when riding together. So which Scala headset link to Teamset Pro Kit? Scala has a many different ones scala rider G9 scala rider G4 scala rider Q2 scala rider FM scala rider SOLO but the manuals don't say anything about linking to other units. Is the scala rider SOLO the same units as the teamset pro?
  2. Well, I just received our Scala Rider G9 Bluetooth PowerSet. I've got a bit to learn about it, and rig my wife's helmet so we can check out the Intercom function, but I did Bluetooth my G9 to my Blackberry Torch and listened to Pandora radio on a 30 min ride. So far I'm impressed. The sound quality is pretty darn good, even at speed. I even had to turn down the volume on a song or two, but then also had to turn up the volume (It's a Pandora thing). SOOOOOOoooo much better than my Chatterbox wired set. So, initial thoughts are: worth the cost. I'll give more thoughts as I continue to set our intercom up and we take a trip together.
  3. Hi Folks, I just thought I would give you guys my opinion on these two Bluetooth sets since my wife and I have had the unique opportunity to experience them back to back within a two month span. Four years ago I purchased the Scala Rider Teamset units for my wife and I to use. This product performed fairly well over the last few years and finally became so worn out that I made the choice to upgrade. About 3 months ago I chose to purchase for us the Scala Rider Q2 Proset. The sound was certainly better than the Scala Teamset that we had been using. The voice activated intercom reacts a lot smoother, and using our iPhones with them has been pretty flawless. My wife does have the complaint that when she listens to music, the sound is less than inspiring. We have on a number of occasions had to wait and fiddle for an extended period of time for the units decide to sync with each other. But, once they do, they work fine. We both agree that the buttons on the units are quirky to deal with especially with gloves on. The volume range is very limited, but adequate. Overall, we had been decently happy with them, and certainly felt that they were better than the TeamSet units we had worn out. Well....that all changed one month ago when our oldest son, who didn't know we had purchased new microphone sets for ourselves, purchased us the Sena SMH10 Dual set for a gift for our anniversary. Instead of telling him we had already purchased ourselves a new Scala set, we kept our mouths shut and accepted the gift with big grins and big hugs. I then made the choice to install the Sena units on our helmets just see if there was any difference between the two products. To put it mildly, we were blown away by the difference! The Sena SMH10 is far and away a better sounding unit, as well as way easier to operate due to the jog dial that is more friendly to navigate with gloves. The unit produces a deeper and more rich sound than the Scala product does. Also, the volume levels are markedly better. Instead of pushing buttons to raise and lower the volume, you turn the jog dial and it acts like a radio dial. My wife loves the way here iTunes music sounds on these units, even while running 75 on the freeway. There is absolutely no waiting for them to sync, and turning the units on and off is a matter of quick taps on two buttons. We did a 400 mile ride last weekend and had the units on from 7:00AM until 7:00PM, and they never went dead. Well I'm not gonna blah blah blah anymore. I just wanted to inform anyone who may be thinking about buying new Bluetooth sets, that they cannot go wrong with the Sena SMH10. Now, I've gotta figure out what to do with a 2 month old Scala Q2 set.
  4. Been thinking about getting a Bluetooth headset/intercom. Semi decided to get the Sena SMH10 because it is well rated as an intercom and seems to have the best sound. Found the Cardo Scala G9 which is new on the market but haven't found a review yet. A bit pricey but sure looks good as it will connect with up to 9 bikes although don't know how good the speakers are. Thought I would bring it to your attention.
  5. Does anyone have any experience using the UCLEAR HBC100 Bluetooth helmet communicator? It's microphone is built into the speakers. It says it's military specs and that the wind/traffic/engine noise is eleminated. My current SCALA Team Set is getting a bit old and I'm thinking of changing our headsets out. www.uclear-digital.com/
  6. Just need some quick advice. My better half and I are heading out west at the end of June, We will be in AZ for a week and CO. for a week. Plus Two day trip each way. We wll trailer the bikes out then ride each day we are there. I recently bought us a pair of SCALA RIDER PRO. so we can communicate during our rides. We have tried them out a couple of times and like them so far. Once on different bikes and once 2 up. Anyhow , my questions (2 of them) I have the Street Pilot 2730 which does not have BLUETOOTH to connect to the SCALA. Can anyone suggest which GPS units are know to work with this system??? I have also been thinking of the TOMTOM units also as well as GARMIN. Secondly, Does anyone know which GPS will work with the STREETS AND TRIPS program??? Most of the time my trial version will not recognize my Street Pilot 2730 so I can not send routes to my unit. I like the STREETS &TRIPS much better than Mapsource. Thanks for any and all help.
  7. Kinda the same question but not really. Just purchased the Scala Pro and have a StreetPilot 2630. I thought it was Bluetooth but it was the Nuvi 360 that I have that is Bluetooth. Anyway I have read that the Cardo 500 adapter for about $85 can upgrade the system but for that many clams by just adding a bit more I can buy a completely new or refurb unit that is much more up to date but not as rugged. Anyway I have laying around a JABA Bluetooth thingy that looks the same as the Cardo and its no charge. So my question is does anyone know how to do this as neither has a LCD to give instructions as to when to push what?
  8. I just got the Scala Pro and was trying to sync my Nuvi 360 to it. The Nuvi has a password key of 1234, the Scala wants 0000. Does anyone know how I can change either of these? I can get into the programing language if it is in there somewhere and someone who knew what all that stuff means:big-grin-emoticon:
  9. I'm thinking of returning the Show Chrome headsets and going with the Scala Q2's. Does anyone know how long the rechargeable batteries last before you have to replace them? How does the intercom feature compare with headsets wired directly through the bike's intercom? As some of you may know if you've read my earlier posts, I've been getting interference on the wired set. I'm pretty sure that I can solve the problem (thanks to you guys and the great advice), but if I can get the Q2's for the same price as the wired set, maybe that would be a better option? Cheers!
  10. Bummer day Sunday. Had a new 660 all hard wired up to our RSTD. Wife and I wear the Scala G4 headsets. Updated software and firmware on all devices. I'm just relaying my experience. Not intended at all as a bashing on any product. We messed around and rode about 300 miles to test it out. I can't come up with any pro's at this time, so it's the cons that had me remove the tank and seat again last night to package the garmin zumo up for return. This was a new gps, not a refurb. 1. The screen was totally washed out. I understand there are aftermarket products made to shield or cover the screen. Not going there. For over 600 bucks, I should be able to view the screen in daylight. Being a motorcycle, my reason to purchase though was the bluetooth voice to headset ability. 2. Voice nav is crisp and clear in the car. Through the headsets, I experienced a lot of static and could not understand the street names or directions even around my neighborhood where I knew what the gps was supposed to be saying. Wife and I could not communicate through the intercom to each other clearly until I disabled the bluetooth on the gps. So for us, it's back to good ole' paper maps and spontaneous trips with more stops to rest our aging buttox numbness and point our fingers on the map to figure out where we're headed.
  11. I have been looking at GPSs for my bike and decided to try out the Telenav that I have on my Blackberry and see how well it works with my Q2s. Initial test shows that it is going to give me the voice prompts during navigation. I also am still able to receive telephone calls while telenav is running in the background. What I have not had the time to check is, If I am on the phone will the telenav still send its voice prompts. Has anyone else run this type of setup and had any luck or trouble? -Blackberry running Telenav Blackberry app. -Scala Q2s set up with phone pairing.
  12. I have wanted a pair of headsets so that my bride and I could talk, listen to music, and such. I decided to take the plunge and get a setup before our Easter time vacation ride somewhere (Destin? Big Bend?). I had been leaning heavily towards the Chatterbox Xbi2. Then someone here mentioned a Scala Rider set, and wished for a G4. So, I asked my friend Mr. Google and he pointed me to reviews and such. And, this page. Sometime, you just have to stop second-guessing and do something. So now, I have the Scala Powerset G4 coming to the house for $399, which is much less than I've seen elsewhere. Heck, one of them is $250, and a pair at $399?? I hope it works, and also that my honey doesn't check the credit card balance. Dave
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