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  1. Wife and I were on our way home from dinner this evening, on a country winding road, which I had not ridden in quite some time. Was running probably 45 mph and missed apex of a hard sweeping left turn, did my best to get it slowed down as I was heading off the road..... Got into soggy slippery grass/red N.C. clay..... Front end washed out taking bike down on left side just as the front tire jerked all the way left (a high side event)..... At this point I saw my wife going over my head and I was right behind her. We both took a pretty good tumble and the soggy grass provided some cushion as we landed. We both looked at each other and asked "are you ok?". My wife may have (probably) a broken collarbone, and I'm pretty sore in my back shoulder and sternum. I wanted to take wife to emergency room for xray but she insisted we wait until tomorrow and go to urgent care. I'm guessing the bike is totaled. Have had the bike 6.5 years and put on about 37k miles and enjoyed it immensely but we're going to call it quits while we're ahead (so to speak). After the crash and while waiting for my two good friends to come with trailer....I walked back to where the skid mark left pavement and walked the tire path back to where we high sided..... We missed a steel posted sign by no more than six inches.....the outcome would have been horrendous if we had hit that sign. This is not the first miracle in my life but it is the only one which quite possibly saved our lives and at very least saved us serious injury. The God which I serve and worship is truly merciful and I just to publicly acknowledge Him. Ya'll be very safe out there and be more cautious on roads less travelled.
  2. We went for a short ride yesterday & 86 VR quit in the middle of the street. Idled it into a lot & removed LH fairing, where I saw my throttle cable, broke in two about 2 inches from the idle screw. Towed home. The metal curved shroud & spacers were balancing in place & I saved them. I've looked-up the info on this fix & it looks like a nightmare. One end moves with the carb linkage [finger] & the other moves with the throttle. Which of the 4 cables is this? What is involved in fixing this? Thanks in advance for any info.
  3. I found a picture someone posted here a while back. It is of a V max and a Royal Star cam side by side for comparison. I can't find it again. Could the person who posted it, or someone who may have saved it, repost it here? Thanks!
  4. Well I guess when you ask for "Full Coverage" with progressive, that doesn't mean collision. I am out of luck on the bike, It can be saved, but at least $3000 in damage I think.
  5. I had these pictures saved on my hard drive, i think I probably saved them from this site, but I cannot find them in the gallery. I really really like this color, I'd like to ask the owner what color this is. http://www.haveparrotwilltravel.com/gallery2/albums/userpics/101_0012.JPG http://www.haveparrotwilltravel.com/gallery2/albums/userpics/101_0013.JPG http://www.haveparrotwilltravel.com/gallery2/albums/userpics/101_0014.JPG
  6. Freebird

    Quick Reaction

    This is pretty good. Watch till the end and you'll see it in slow motion. At the very least, he saved her some serious hurt and maybe even her life. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tMujgAAyH-I]YouTube - ‪Evan Longoria's Crazy Bare Hand Catch‬‏[/ame]
  7. http://www.bing.com/videos/watch/video/backward-ice-cream-melt/20cu62ua?q=Time+lapse&rel=msn&from=en-us_msnhp&form=msnhro&gt1=42010&overlaytype=multimediaviewer&name=hpvideo2&csid=ux-en-us&initialmoduleindex=3 It can be saved
  8. I bought my 2004 midnight RSV fall of last year. It's a well maintained stock bike just as it left the factory. I knew it would need accessories, but I got a great deal so that didn’t bother me. I found in a thread on this site that someone referred to MotorSportsSuperCenter.com. So I tried it and what a great deal. I received 26% off my order and was able to combine shipping. The retail of my order was $567.65 and I saved $147.61 WOW. I wish I could thank the person that left this tip but I can’t remember the thread I found it in. Also on their web site, you could go to checkout and see the shipping cost without entering any payment info. The only down side was they wanted the entire order at their building to ship in one box, which is why they could offer a combined shipping rate. It took 11 days after the order was placed for UPS to drop it off at my house. Not a big deal for the cash I saved. I was fortunate to find this, so I hope someone looking for parts/accessories reads this and saves some cash. The accessories I order were all genuine Yamaha. Now I have plenty of "Safety Chrome". The only other thing I want is a wider windshield with a vent. Then bring on the sunshine a warm days.
  9. I would like to pass along a thanks to Ken Austin at Auburn Motorcycle. I just had my 08 RSV serviced there and he saved me a lot of money over the normal dealer price. Mike
  10. 6pak

    Go Pack Go

    Every tax-paying American should jump in line to thank the Green Bay Packers! The Packers defeated the Chicago Bears on Sunday afternoon, thus preventing the Bears from playing in Super Bowl XLV. By doing so, they saved hard-working, taxpaying Americans several million dollars of tax money. How, you say? Simple... if Chicago had won, President Barack Hussein Obama (and his family and hangers-on) planned to attend the Super Bowl to cheer on his adopted hometown team. Since the Bears lost...BHO & his minions won't be attending. The money saved from not using Air Force One, the limousines, all the additional security, and the extravagant waste by Michelle and her entourage, is literally several million dollars! Therefore every American should cheer on the Green Bay Packers at the Super Bowl to show them our gratitude! GO PACK GO !!!!
  11. I have to change my rear tire tomorrow, question is, can Ride on be saved and reused, or is it pretty much junk??
  12. Oh my goodness!!!!:dancefool:What a difference!!!! Got them back on last night and headed out for about a hour ride on Old Mission Peninsula and WOW. Its like a totally different seat. So much more comfortable!! I have to say this is probably the best upgrade I have done to the pearl thanks so much Rick you really saved my a**!!! Bring on that Saddlesore1000!!!!!!!
  13. i just know i saw a how to written up by some awesome person on here about adding grease zerts to various locations on the first gen bikes... but i can't for the life of me find it. does anyone have a link saved to it? I searched for grease, grease inserts swingarm grease. I am probably just blind, so would someone please give me a nudge in the right direction? thanks in advance! Jared:banana:
  14. I installed by Stebel air horn today and tried it out in the garage. I'm 63 and don't need to be losing anything but boy did that horn nearly blowed out my windows and my ears. With snow on the ground I can't get out but can't wait to use it. I've been reading threads how the horn has saved venture riders and now I see why. Good money spent. Just so you know, this site has been great for someone like me; I pick up so many ideas and safety tips from all you crazies. Thanks.
  15. Guest

    Garmin 205

    Ok I have search and try many time to load this trip, I'm heading to the keys I map my ride out on google save it looks great, then when I download to the GPS it is not what I have saved, shoots me right thru Florida, and no were near A1A... What do I need to do, or can I do this on this model.. Thanks
  16. I got mine today. Found one in the store and got it for $320.00. I didn't think that deal could be beat, so I went with it. It's the same as the Piggy Backer, minus the cooler rack. Anyone know where I can get one of those? HF also has a 20% off coupon that I used. I saved $80 with that too and no shipping and handleing. http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/Displayitem.taf?itemnumber=66771 http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/photos/66700-66799/66771.gif http://www.harborfreight.com/hftusa/magpromos/popsci.pdf (They didn't question that I printed it online, so there shouldn't be a problem) Ben
  17. Followed the advice on the forum and decided to change my back tire ( really worn out and ready to blow) and changed the oil. The hardest part was finding a bike lift. Thanks to you all, I saved a bucket full of money and had a great time.
  18. Well I got about 3 hours in yesterday since the temp got up and the salt was off the roads. Boy did it feel good! Stopped by my dealer and picked the new helmet I ordered. I really like it, but its a little heavier than what I had, so it will take a little getting used to. I was surprised that I could get it cheaper at my dealer than anywhere on the net. I get a 10% discount as a VIP customer. That combined with no shipping and I saved about $9 over any place I could find. Also even with the holidays it was in really quick. Switched over the J&M 1/2 helmet headset so, I am chomping at the bit form more warm weather. COME ON SPRING!!!!!
  19. Hey Gene - when I bought this leather bra for the RSV, I fully expected it to live through everything, and then yesterday I found out that they wouldn't stand up to a 15 foot skid!!! In all seriousness, thank the lord for leathers and a helmet. They both saved Vicki and I from a lot worse damage after blowing the rear tire on the RSV on the highway. She is sore but otherwise ok, my face is a mess and I've got stitches here there and everywhere, but hey, I'm posting this after all... Cheers,
  20. Does anyone know, or have they seen figures on just how much gas is saved with a V nose trailer over a regular square front unit?
  21. Most everybody Knows Peg & I just bought an 88 GL1500. Well the bike runs real good and the paint is very nice but the trunk sure was not to my liking. Has a name painted on it by the PO calling the bike "Blue on Black. I learned from the Gold Wing site that "Easy Off will remove this name paint so I tired it today and yes it remove the name and did not hurt the paint job neither. So I saved the paint job and saved me some money too. I will try to post some photos later on. my internet will not allow it right now.
  22. I just got a call from Orrin, and he is in the hospital. Fri. night out riding his 05 RSTD with a friend and had to do a fast stop, and it all went bad. He said that his helmet has a big gouge and he's sure that it saved him. He's got a broken collar bone and 3 broken ribs, along with some road rash. He hasn't seen the bike yet. He should be home in a day or two. Steve
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