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  1. COULD DELIVER FOR A REASONABLE FEE DEPENDING ON LOCATION. Have to do what I have to do so I can save my credit. Having lots of trouble at work with them fibbing and not paying for what I work, so I filed for unemployment this morning because of lack of work. Its to close to my retirement so I must get rid of some things to save my credit and be able to buy a used bike when I do retire in February. So I pulled out all stops on my ride and I am letting it go for one HE** of a deal so please don't fight over it. First to confirm will get it. It is listed in the classified for sale 2008 RSTD 3 years left on warranty. $7500.00 loaded w/acces. I would like to see someone get a real deal here. Joe
  2. This is from the gl1800 rider's forum, as such it is directed specifically toward the Wing.. However the concepts apply to all bikes. This is a long read but worth your time. If we all practiced this, it could save lives. http://gl1800riders.com/forums/showthread.php?329608-SLOW-speed-control-and-Tighter-turning
  3. [ATTACH]70873[/ATTACH] Couldn't have done it without this forum. Used it once and its paid for itself. Anyone in eastern nc that wants to save a few $ Ive got tools a jack and a covered area to work.
  4. HellI just talked to Buckeye performance and they told me a minimum of 4 weeks and they are considering discontinueing the line. He said he will not be keeping them in stock as they are not selling as well as in the past, but will order them as needed. So I will be placing and order and if you have been thinking about it now is the time. The whole package with ss lines, bar end kit, slip over grips, bars, and all necessary cables is $582.00. You can save $40 by not going with the SS lines.
  5. Seen this in a parking lot the other day. That is a Honda Rebel with a bicycle rack installed and a bike on it. I didn't get to talk to the rider but it sure looks to me like he/she really means to save the gas. http://i297.photobucket.com/albums/mm220/AKRefugee/Yamaha%20Forum/de4e6015.jpg
  6. is there one on the web that will let u save & SHARE with other riders?
  7. Due to a recent and somewhat unexpected situation, I find myself compelled to pass this advice on to all who may be interested. It is advice I give you based on personal experience. TAKE IT and live by it so you don't end up where I am today. First. Prepare for your future. Save for your retirement. Save it in such a way that NOBODY else can touch it. When you get to my age and you realize the impact this has on the rest of your life ... you will be so glad you took this advice. Second. DO NOT ever be "Mr Good Guy" in matters pertaining to an ex or soon to be ex-spouse. PROTECT YOURSELF legally and financially. TAKE CARE of YOUR INTERESTS. Let them worry about theirs. I say these things to you for your benefit. I wish someone had drilled them into my head when I was younger.
  8. Ozlander


    For them that run SeaFoam all the time. Make your own and save a bunch of money. http://hildstrom.com/projects/seafoam/index.html
  9. junkyardog53


    i have been running my 2007 on premium gas...can i down grade to regular...tring to save some cost without hurting the engine....thanks
  10. As long as we are requesting new smilies, how about... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v387/jonathanwong/thumb_thisthreadisworthlesswithoutp.gif This will save me from having to keep inserting this... http://www.bloodydecks.com/forums/attachments/costa-rica-panama/121054d1231181462-coral-star-dec-26th-jan-1-thread_is_worthless.jpg
  11. On our trip to Big Bend we took some photos, but did not notice that the photo selector was on "video". The videos are very short. I would like to somehow save them as individual photos so I can salvage the original target. Would appreciate any information on how to do so.
  12. Unless I'm reading this wrong, these must be the PRIMO units, unlike any others that can be had for $50-$100. http://buysell.com/Vancouver-BC/HARLEY-DAVIDSON-EXHAUST-PIPES/19-2988838/d/50-1-a-pt-sf-prx-ccl--z2baz1a1a1az1qz6y-18757D4F/?gclid=4840 Save almost $600 and buy the set for $500...
  13. Can someone give me the torque for the front axle and pinch bolt? It will save me time looking them up..... Thanks in advance!
  14. Yesterday I saw with my own eyes the disaster that has befallen the Gulf....and its direct impact upon my home State and the Cajuns who inhabit this area. I don't cry easily but I shed tears when I saw the devastation in the bayous, beautiful wild birds oil-coated and unable to fly....and the great number of those who simply died in a struggle for life. Our Base Camp is in Hopedale,La. There are several thousand people working there to clean the oil booms and get that black crud out of the bayous. Throughout the long day I saw no one goofing off....everyone is going at this cleanup with a fury of human effort. We are busy transporting oil-slicked birds to Ft. Jackson in Venice-La which is 60 miles away from Hopedale. At Ft. Jackson folks there are working 24/7 to clean and save the birds and any other wildlife that is brought in. My Company has 28 specially-equipped vehicles for transporting the wildlife. We are working hand-in-hand with La. Wildlife and Fish to save as much of the wildlife as humanly possible......and we roll 24/7 in this endeavor. Yesterday I had a chance to talk to some of the local Cajuns whose lives have been turned upside down by this disaster. There is not much hope but there is a burning resolve to do what they can to save whatever is possible in this beautiful land that they have called Home for generations. Boomer.....driving hard down here....and to hell with getting a lot of sleep.
  15. I am not using a laptop or a pc to access VR tonite. My son-in-law has acquired some brand new HP Thin Clients. They are small units that allow you to acess the www without having to worry about viruses or any other of those nasty little pest. They do not have a hard drive so you cannot download anything to it to save it. It is very fast. It has its own operating system and web browser. I am going to try to weasel one out of him if I can. He has about 8 of them for sale and is selling them for $150.00 if anyone is interested.
  16. A huge thanks to Saltydog for converting this manual to a .pdf file and making it available for all our VentureRider members. He says it is a good resource for members needing troubleshooting and operating instructions for the Yamaha CB radio. It is a good source for all the part numbers. You can right click on the link and then "save as" to download it to your computer. [/url]http://www.venturerider.org/cbinstall/venturecb.pdf
  17. I replaced the tail light with an LED. Simple enuf. Can I grab LED bulbs for the front markers as well? Or does it not work that way when they have to flash? If I replace the fronts and the tail light, how much wattage and Amps will I save?
  18. No, just Bronchitis, so I guess I'm not as contageous as I feared. Still off from work since Thursday, and will probably go back in a couple of days. I'll be out on DB to save vacation time for next summer, like MD, the International, and maybe some other M&E...
  19. with some of you taken so many picture like Bobbi and lonna and a few more of you what do you save them to or put them on. i dont want to waste so much of my hard drive storeing them so what should i do put them on flash drives or buy an externial hard drive i mostly burn them to disc but disc can get broke so do any one of you have any good sugestions on how to store and save my pictures?
  20. Just another shameless plug fo the CLASSIFIEDS. A creative idea on how you can use your :usa: stim-a-lus check!?!? ........GOD save the king...........................:sign isnt that specof America
  21. For any of you attending the International Rally in Arkansas, here's a chance to save a bit of money. This is the message from Allen: Don, Can you make a post for me that if anyone wants to order any Diamond R Accessories now and are going to be attending the International Rally next month ,I will bring there order with me and save them the S/H cost.Another savings will be if they order there I will have to collect taxes for the state while I am selling in ARK.( If they live out of Texas , they don't pay Tx sales tax if ordering online. Just a thought to help save our members a little cash.I want to make sure I bring enough stuff so no one will be disappointed if I run out.Look forward to seeing everyone. Thanks & Enjoy The Ride Allen & Patti
  22. Here's a decent article on K&N Filters. I use them in my bike. Can't really say that I ever noticed any increase in power though. I would still buy them again though because it does save on replacement filter costs. http://www.webbikeworld.com/t2/k-n-air-filter/
  23. I just a thing in the mail for me to go to direct buy for a open house. I dont know a soul who has ever been there or knows anything about it but they do say they can save you a bunch of money but I tend not to believe til its proven to me. ANyone out ther know anything about these?
  24. I was wondering if there is a way to save a particular thread for future reference? I know how to save it to my favorites on my computer, but I was wondering if there is a way to save it under me on this site? Thanks hairman
  25. If you must store a Scoot try to go past it once in a while (as often as possible) and work the clutch lever and the brake levers a few times. It is best to start them as often as possible but if you can't work those levers and save yourself a lot of trouble when you get them back out. Just take a few seconds to stop and pump them a few times.
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