Went up to Sault Ste Marie for my fathers 70th Birthday Party. Had a good time, but we left this morning in some nasty weather. The first 180 miles of the 475 mile run was not fun. We were travelling between 25 and 50 miles an hour. Windy, snow coverred roads with white out conditions.
On top of the Mackinaw bridge they were escorting the trucks and trailors. The rode way was clear, but the wind WOW. You can see the car in front of us was white with snow which was the way most vehicles were and you could barley see there lights, when they hit there brakes.
The last picture is my Father with Mr. Bon Soo (Mascot of the winter carnival), who made an appearance as my cousin is the Vice President of the orgnaization.
Made it home safe and sound, after longer than normal run. My two Brothers, sister and family are still in the Sault as they closed down highway 17 on the Cdn side so they were not able leave.