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  1. Geico Insurance adjuster coming tomorrow to appraise the damage from my accident on Saturday. I searched around to get comps but was wondering if anyone has more suggestions on where to look.
  2. In two days I've clocked 888 miles for the new year, I'm going riding tomorrow, Saturday and Sunday. the bike rides like a New Bike. I'm loving it.....
  3. I still cannot believe what Sleeperhawk, Jacque and Riderduke did for my birthday! To have pulled off a surprise birthday party for me that now I know has been in the works for several months, is so incredible. I have never had a birthday party, much less a surprise one and this birthday has been the bestest ever!:cool10: I thank all of you for this wonderful surprise. I also know that several of you were planning on coming but couldn't make it. It would have been great to see you, but I know you were there in spirit. The surprises started early on Friday. My friends at work "birthday'd" my office. I came home after work and George had a birthday cake with candles waiting for me. We went out to eat at El Chico's. At 3:30 a.m. on Saturday morning, Sleeperhawk woke me up and said to come out to the living room. that he had a surprise for me. Jacque, Brock, Jimmy and Ben were standing there! I wasn't sure I was seeing or dreaming! They had been at work all day and drove all night from Huntsville! I was on cloud nine. (And now I know that several of you traveled so far on Friday and Saturday to be there!) Saturday around noon, Jacque said she was going to find a nice restaurant to take me out for lunch, so she and Jimmy took off. George, Ben, Brock and I were visiting and then we took off. I was told we were going to Hueller's German Black Forrest Restaurant. I had not heard of it but it sounded good. We walked in, and there were our VR family, my family and some of George's co-workers! I was absolutely speechless!!! and with happiness to see everyone! I will never ever forget the time and love that went into making this birthday happen for me, in planning and coming to the party. I love you all and am so thankful grateful for each and every one of you. :bighug: http://s7.beta.photobucket.com/user/venturerider/library/2012/Sleeperhawk%20Mechanics%20Surprise%20Birthday%202012
  4. Had a phone call from Beer 30 and was asked if I would like to get together this weekend at Deadwood.Gene and Becky actually have a weekend off this is the first I know of in 3 or more months. So we are going to be at Deadwood in Beargrass Nc on saturday sept 29th at 12 noon for some good times and good food. Feel free to ride the bike drive the cage or get there anyway you can its been a LONG time since we have seen them away from work and I am sure its going to be great as usual Hope to see you there Jeff
  5. If their are any members who may arrive early for the rally and would like to help set up , please feel free to come down to Pioneer on saturday and offer a hand..The rally committee will be there at noon...Many hands make a BIG job a small chore....
  6. How about a RTE this saturday? I promise it won't be 1100 miles like last saturday!
  7. Its funny. I go around to Napa, Autozone, and O'Rieley AutoParts... and no one has the K&N HP1005... 1004 and 1006, but NOT 1005, SPECIAL ORDER. Lovely, none the less Amazon has come thru, for 11.92, its coming this Saturday (Prime shipping) so this Saturday, I'll be doing a oil change, oil filter swap, spark plug swap, and maybe if I man up. A check of my diaphragms; I'll go with just... doing the on bike carb cleaner trick. Its mostly a lot of hope, the sliders, and diaphragms, I can't do anything with if they're busted, and I'm guessing the sliders are fine--the bike starts, and go its whole tank just fine--but the sliders are injured... and noticable scaring was evident on them when we had the carbs off for checkage during the whole three month snafu, and actually don't slide as GRACEFULLY as they should... so new sliders, new diaphragms hopefully next month, or the month after. Though I will point out, the diaphragms were actually FINE then. So hmmm. Though anyone got any info if I could use OTHER slides than the ones that come with the diaphragms on Ebay (VMAX slides)? some sliders are shiny metal........ So thats the plan..... now all I need to do is fine a nice size rubbermaid bowl for top ramen with sliced sausage this saturday while I work. but none the less... WHY IS THE K&N HP1005 A SPECIAL ORDER?!?!?!?!?! Oooh, should I stick with the NGK spark plugs, the DPR8EA-9 NGK is what I got in my memopad for spark plugs (and X24EPR-U9?) Oil if anyone asks, was thinking of 15w40, 50/50 blend from our local motorcycle dealer. --And if anyone wonders, K&N HP1005 is the screw on oil filter that fits on the Rivco Screw on Oil Filter Adapter. Took me a hour to find that... I think I use a jump from a NAPA number... or was it FRAM?
  8. OK, those of you who have been to my Maintenance Day are fairly familiar with all of this but for those who haven't been before, here is a bit of info for you. 1. There is a Super Walmart and an Autozone about 3 miles from my house. Handy for any miscellaneous items that you need to pick up but if you need any specific motorcycle related parts, you probably should bring them with you. 2. I have a decent assortment of tools, a couple of air compressors, oil drain pans and etc. I also have a couple of bike lifts handy. If you want to bring some tools though, it is not a bad idea. 3. I have a lunch catered on Saturday. Usually around 12:00 to 1:00. It costs me quite a bit of money to do this so there is always a donation can out for you to help if you can. It is NOT mandatory. I would not want anybody to not come or not eat because their money is tight. If you can help, that is great. Nobody is watching to see who donates and who doesn't though. 4. There will be a portable toilet available. There are no hard and fast rules but it is asked that the men use the portable toilet and let the ladies use the bathrooms in the house. 5. We will have a few prizes to raffle off. Not a lot but a few items. Eusa has generously donated another set of his diamond cut Second Gen engine fins. Baggershield has agreed to donate one of their windshields. It hasn't gotten here yet but hopefully it will this week. I have new set of speakers that should work in a first or second gen. Eileen has picked up a few items for the ladies. Maybe a few other odds and ends. Tickets usually sell for $1.00 each. 6. There will be tickets available for the trailer raffle at the International Rally in N.Y. Will be a great time to pick up some tickets if you haven't already done so. Registration for the International will also be available. 7. This is a true maintenance day. We will start tinkering with the bikes whenever people are up and about on Saturday morning. Please don't come and expect others to do everything for you. There are some great folks around to help you out but not DO for you. Be prepared to get your hands dirty if you want something done to your bike. 8. We sometimes try to take a little ride on Saturday evening so normally try to wrap up the bike work no later than 4:00. The ride sometimes doesn't happen because people are often exhausted and just want to chill out in the evening. So if you don't want to go on a ride, please don't feel obligated to do so. 9. The Saturday lunch is the only meal provided. You are on your own for breakfast and probably dinner. There are usually some leftovers from lunch though if you want another snack later in the day. If you come in on Friday, we will be riding over to Quaker Steak and Lube for dinner. 10. We will have a great pinstriper available on Friday. I'm not sure if he will be here on Saturday or not but he is usually around both days. 11. We do have a hot tub and you are more than welcome to use it BUT....swimsuits are mandatory...I mean...at least for the men. 12. There is a combination gas/charcoal grill on the back deck. You are welcome to use it. 13. I always have a big urn of coffee set up in the garage. If you are the first one up and about, please turn it on. It will be ready to go. I'm sure that I'm missing something and those who have attended before are welcome to add to this. 14. Bring your own TP,,at least 2 rolls,,,,,, now who would have stuck that comment in here? Eileen and I love doing this and are looking forward to seeing all our old friends and making some new ones.
  9. Anyone from the VR Group headed to Rolling Thunder were gonna be staying in Fredrick, MD on Saturday and Sunday nights.
  10. Since I joined this forum in 2010 I have done a bunch of repairs, just following the instructions you kindly. knowledgeable, experienced guys have posted. This afternoon, in less than two hours I just fixed the Class E4 Error by following the instructions posted by Freebird back in 2006. (And I'm not that good wrencher at all, some times I prefer no to start some repairs afraid of not finished them and compromised my weekly Saturday rides with my buddies) I'm so excited I can hardly wait to tell my friends about it. (I mentioned last Saturday and one of them suggest to forget about the compressor and replace it with progressive shock springs, that what he did on his) Well, I'm so glad I did it :) Thank you so much. Rudy:cool10:
  11. WooHoo! Ordered on Monday, arrived yesterday, picked up today. Installation will be on Saturday. Afterwards, hopefully, no more slippage!! Will post pictures. RR
  12. Leaving Flatrock NL for St. Jean sur Richelieu PQ Saturday morning (19th May). Planning on crossing the island on Saturday, ferry Saturday night, 1000km across NS and NB Sunday, and the last 600 or so km Monday morning.... Any members along the way that might be interested in a coffee and a handshake, it'd be nice to actually meet some of the folks I've met on here this past year...
  13. Any one up for a ride saturday morning?
  14. hi folks we need to have a work party for two of our local venturerider members. as ya'll know the squid & sweetnothing are fixing up a house so they can move into a place of their own. brad would never ask for help, BUT BRAD & LONNA ARE SOME OF THE FIRST TO DROP WHAT EVER THEIR DOING TO HELP OTHERS. so it's payback/ payforward time to help them. so this saturday feb. 25 & sunday feb 26.and possiblelythe next weekend of saturday march 3 & sunday march 4. i'am asking anyone who can come out & help them fix up the place. NO WORKING ON MOTORCYCLES that will come later. some of the work that needs to be done is painting, float & tape sheetrock, laying down tile, & then grouting the next day, installing cabinets, etc. brad & lonna i love ya'll as family. so it's TIME THE V/R FAMILY GIVES YOU GUY'S A HELPING HAND. THAT WHAT FAMILY'S ARE SUPPOSE TO DO, HELPS OUT WHEN WE CAN. their new adress is 21455 old hwy 105 east cleveland,tex. (this is were the new 105 meet at the old 105) there is no mail box but i will put balloons out at the entery way. we will have a grill there to cook hot dogs & hamburgers on. i will have burgers & dogs, buns there to cook. if ya can bring a side dish. also bring water & whatever you want to dring that will help. i'll aslso have ice,plates, cups & plastic flatware. please call me for any more info at 832-265-6236. best reguards don c. p.s. brad don't you even think about deleting this thread, i know i can out run you.
  15. Wanderer


    I'm stuck in the VA Hospital in Birmingham. Tomorrow, is one week. Herniated bowel. Yeah, my $ _ _ t don't work. started off in Mongomery thinking a couple of antibiotics and I'd be gone, but Nooooooo! Had the operation 6am Saturday morning. If this looks funny it's becaue it's built into the hospitals system with keyboard through the TV remote. Still hope to be out in 3 days, If I ever can meet my poop allocation I will.
  16. Please let me know if your going to make the meeting next ON Saturday...I need to order the food by Wednesday.........
  17. I recorded all the action last week, and now I'm finally getting around to watching the auction. Nice thing is, when recorded, I can fast-forward thru all the advertisements... and a lot of the auctions too. Seen one Camero Rat you've seen them all.... and there are always a bunch. One thing I noticed immediately on the first day the bid prices were up a bit from the past, and not as many 'wish-I-was-there-buys'. When i got into day two it seemed to me that car prices had doubled. Friday was even worse, and I just watched the first half of Saturday and started thinking... Wow!! only $85,000... what a steal.... A Shelbie GT350 ruster went for $350,000, and was lost among a bunch of 1.0-2.6 million bids. You gotta be kidding me.... Add the buyers premium and tax and those 2.5's add up to three very large..!! I remember when the place would erupt when a rare bid hit a mill. I'm wondering what these folks know that the common folks don't.. Sure they all have museums, and I suppose there's a way to write off the purchase, but I can't believe the IRS is going to buy into some of the prices. Anyway it's got me befuzzled. I saw one old 110 year old geezer buy 3 or 4 cars for 1 million plus... I bet he lost his drivers license 30 years ago... Anyway it's been interesting so far. Saturday night and Sunday are still in the can.... and can hardy wait....
  18. Good News After getting approval from the boss (Freebird) I called Jaybird ( the pin-striper) and he's got this year's MD on his schedule. He said he would come up and be ready to 'paint' on Friday and Saturday. He will again set up his canopy by the willow tree so bring your ideas and be ready to see some GREAT work done while you watch.
  19. Doreen and I went to the Royal River Casino in Flandreau, SD on Saturday night. We saw a GREAT concert! On your feet or on your knees, ladies and gentlemen, Blue Oyster Cult! Eric Bloom and Buck Dharma from the origianal line up were still rocking out. They were joined by Rudy Sarzo on bass (formerly with Ozzy, Ronnie James Dio, Quiet Riot and White Snake), Richie Castellano, from Staten Island, NY, on guitar and keyboards, and Jules Radino, from Long Island, NY, on drums. It was a great time. they sounded as good as I remember the albums from back in the day. These guys were really on fire! :225: To top it all off, prior to the show, I put a $20.00 in a penny electronic slot machine and after the 20 free spins I won, I walked away with over $100 in profit! I did just what the Steve Miller Band suggested, take the money and run! The casino in Flandreau is booking some bigger name acts in an attemp to compete with a brand new casino in Larchwood, Ia. Both have had some good shows recently. We are looking forward to more. Hope everyone else had a good weekend as well! Dave
  20. A group of riders are leaving from the Dallas/Ft Worth area on Saturday the 29th to ride Talimena for the fall colors. We plan on riding to Mena Ar (about 290 miles) on Saturday, spending the nite and riding the Talimena Byway on Sunday and returning back to the DFW area that afternoon. Everyone's invited, just let us know where you would like to join up. We're starting from Irving at 6am. Most of the guys are HD riders but I'm not holding that against them, they just haven't come around to a good scooter yet. LOL
  21. Any group rides in the area this weekend the weather looks good for Saturday here in UpState NY, Western NY and Southern Tier NY.
  22. A couple of friends of mine rode the dragon this past weekend. One of them took this picture while at Deal’s Gap. I was just wondering if anyone recognizes this VR? This would have been Saturday the 10th.
  23. After meeting Annie at Vogel 2011, I was wondering how many other people have been "MOOSED" by her. And for some reason and I don't know why, I was "MOOSED" everyday and six times on Saturday alone!!(I must be special ). So if you have been "MOOSED" lets us know.
  24. This for any of my friends who live in San Antonio, I need a head gasket and one of the San Antonio Yamaha dealerships has one, but they only ship UPS. And I need one ASAP and since tomorrow is Friday, it probably won't get here until the next week since they don't work on Saturday. However so I was wondering if I could get one of my friends in San Antonio to pick it up and stick it in a USPS Express Mail Flat Rate envelope and mail it to me. The gasket will already be paid for, so if I can get it in the mail before noon, I should have it by Saturday. And I'll pay you via PayPal, check, it's your preference. So do I have a volunteer? I'll need to contact you with final details in the morning. Call me tonight or in the morning if you can help me. Thanks, Rick Butler (aka Butt Butler) 972-442-9840 Home 214-926-3905 Cell 1304 Taos Lane Wylie, TX 75098
  25. Hello Everyone: My wife and I are still hoping to attend the rally later next week. We still have reservations in Custer on the 11th 12th and 13th. But may be relocating to a house in Sturgis?? I have also been invited to ride up this Saturday, overnight Saturday, Meet A.B.A.T.E friends at the American Legion in Sturgis?? for breakfast Sunday morning and ride back on Sunday. I hope to stay in the new found house this Saturday to look it over before I commit to changing my motel reservations. Maybe I will see some of you? Take care everyone.
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