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  1. This I guess I'll never understand. The future of the Venture is in question. I went in to order some chrome for my 2009, and all but one part was discontinued. Now my first reaction was they were changing the Venture next year, and why make bling for a machine that is to be changed. OK, I guess I can live with that, but when I asked the sales staff, they knew of nothing. Same goes for the staff at the Star Tent at Sturgis this year. Now, don't ya think it would be to their advantage to get the word out to generate as much excitement as possible. Other auto manufacturers do. You can't really say it would kill the sales of the current 2011 Ventures, I've been in 8 stores over the last month here in Florida, and there are NO Ventures on the floor to sale. Harley has a big show of all their new an coming models at Sturgis, and you see in the news what is up and on the horizon for them. This is for a reason...it causes interest and excitement. Can Mother Star really be that stupid in the marketing field? It's not just them, it's all the metrics.. Wouldn't you love to know what's up? I sure would! I long for the day a non-Harley motorcycle company gets their sh*t together and starts to make the commitments necessary to become real competition for Harley, they already make a better bike, now act like it!
  2. So today I went to title & register my motorcycle's trailer. Went to DMV where they charged me $10 for a title, $18/yr for registration, $8/yr CITY personal property tax and $35 for STATE sales & use tax. So I say: "But I already paid sales tax at the store" Her answer... "It DUDN'T matter, there's a state minimum of $35 that the state charges on all titles".... I GOTTA MOVE!
  3. Talked to Jim and we seem to be falling short on ticket sales for the trailer...This trailer is costing us a little over $1,600.00 to purchase. We still need to sell around 50 more tickets to come up with the purchase price. I know we still have about 4 or 5 weeks till the rally but I'd feel alot better if we had this expense covered by now. If you have not purchased you tickets yet, now is the time to get yours.. I know money is tight for most of us and if you had any intentions of getting a ticket or 2 please do so now. This is a great trailer and someone has to win it.........WHY NOT YOU !
  4. Got a pm from jayceesfolly today, ticket sales for the International trailer raffle is falling far short of our expectations.....With only 400 tickets to sell ,he has not even sold 1/4 of them...We need to cover the cost of this trailer..please see the above sticky section and get your tickets now...also get those registration forms in if you plan on attending the rally this year...they are also found in the sticky section..........:fnd_(16):Only 4 months until the rally...YA HOO ! See you there..
  5. Has anyone had any dealings with this outfit and if so what do you thing of owning time shares. Going to do a weekend at one of there resorts then I have to sit thru there sales pitch. Just trying to find out anything about them before hand. Jerry
  6. Dec 16th All Yamaha parts & accessories including special orders at 25% off. Honda, Suzuki & Victory sales also on their 12 Days of Christmas sale.
  7. Seems the WNY Ladies are being well taken care of, I knew we should have stoped at all those yard sales it would have been cheaper
  8. Last year I replaced all the windows in my house with that expensive double-pane energy efficient kind, and today, I got a call from the contractor who installed them. He was complaining that the work had been completed a whole year ago and I still hadn't paid for them. ..........just because I'm blonde doesn't mean that I am automatically stupid. So, I told him just what his fast talking sales guy had told me last year, that in ONE YEAR these windows would pay for themselves! Helllooooo? It's been a year! I told him. There was only silence at the other end of the line, so I finally just hung up. He never called back. I bet he felt like an idiot.
  9. I know it is still early, but by this time I normally have quite a few registrations for Vogel. As of right now I only have 6 registrations and the sales of the raffle tickets are very low. Raffle tickets are $10.00 ea. or 3 @ $25.00. So far we have a Dell D620 Laptop, 2 4 GB MP3/Video players, and I am hoping to add a GPS and a digital camera to that. You do not need to be at Vogel to win............... The poll is not showing very promising numbers either, so if you do plan on coming please go to the poll. Remember, all the money we raise by raffles, t-shirt, patch sales, and by any other means goes to St. Jude Children's Hospital. If you want to order a shirt or a patch just drop me a pm and I will add you to the list. The shirts should be somewhere between $18.00 to $20.00 and the patches are $5.00. If you register for Vogel each registration get a shirt and a patch. For more info and registration form go the the link below. :Venture:Tail of the Dragon V
  10. >> A man, while playing on the front nine of a complicated golf course >> became confused as to where he was on the course. >> >> Looking around, he saw a lady playing ahead of him. >> >> He walked up to her, explained his confusion and asked her if she knew >> what hole he was playing. >> >> 'I'm on the 7th hole,' she replied, 'and you are a hole behind me. So >> you must be on the 6th hole.' >> >> He thanked her and went back to his golf. >> On the back nine, the same thing happened and he >> approached her again >> with the same request. >> >> 'I'm on number 14, and you're still a hole behind, so you must be on >> the 13th hole.' >> >> Once again he thanked her and returned to his play. >> >> He finished his round and went to the clubhouse where he saw the same >> lady sitting at the end of the bar. >> >> He asked the bartender if he knew the lady. >> >> The bartender said that she was a sales lady and played the course >> often. >> >> He approached her and said, 'Let me buy you a drink in appreciation >> for your help. I understand that you're in the sales profession. I'm in >> sales also. What do you sell?' >> >> 'I'll tell you, but you're going to laugh,' she replied. >> >> 'No, I won't.' >> >> 'Well, if you must know,' she answered, 'I work for Tampax.' >> >> With that, he laughed so hard he lost his balance and fell off the >> bar stool. >> >> 'See,' she said. 'I knew you'd laugh!' >> >> 'That's not what I'm laughing at,' he replied, 'I'm a salesman for >> Preparation H, so I'm still a hole behind you.
  11. So how are the various OEM's doing sales wise this year, you ask? Here's a 2011 vs. 2010 comparison in unit retail sales for the first quarter. Suzuki is seeing a substantial gain over last year now that they are shipping product again, but HD still leads overall in unit sales. Pretty interesting numbers nonetheless.....
  12. I see several sources for the ChatterBox DNR Touring kit at around $85.00. Anyone using this? Seems like an economical way to go if it works OK. The reviews I've looked at seem to say it's OK, but I trust the responses here more than on the sales web sites. Motorcycle Superstore has free shipping right now too.
  13. i talked with my 24 year old son , this evening, and he was elated. yesterday, his gross sales for ONE day, was $42,000.00!highest sales in Houston region, EVER for one day. later today, his manager told him, he was top salesman/expert tech. for the entire Texas region, which includes La.ARK.GA.Ala.and Fl. to top that off, he was informed , today, that he had Top Salesman of the Quarter sewn up again.that will be 13 quarters in a row! oh. he has been with Apple computers, in The Woodlands, TX for just over 3 1/2 years. i know the "good book", says NOT to be "puffed up with pride", but how could i NOT be proud of this kid? just jt
  14. Is there a valve shim it floating around and needs some new shims? Seems my local dealer has decided that he's losing sales by swapping shims for free. Will be happy to pay shipping. (Both ways). tks chuck
  15. I am going to purchase a trike and trying to decide between the Hannigan or Motor Trike. Please give me opinions. I dont know which sales person to believe.
  16. I'd like to start a thread about Black Friday sales, for bike related stuff that might interest riders here. I'll start it with a couple of deals I've seen. PEP Boys: - the Torin 1500 lb lift for $50 (after $20 rebate). It's normally $90-$100 there and at Northern Tools. Cycle Gear: - the Whistler 3300 Bluetooth headset for $99.99. Your can pre-order it now, and they'll ship it on Black Friday. - Scorpion EXO-400 Sting helmet for $69.95 - Battery Tender Jr. for $19.99 - on Cyber Monday (the 30th) is showing Dunlop 404 tires will be on sale. I know they aren't as good as Avons and others, but for those looking for inexpensive tires, this is an FYI.
  17. I was just over on the Steve Saunders Goldwing forums and found a thread about the end of the Venture! It was just posted today so there has been no commits as of yet. This is what it said: (Stopped by the local Yamaha dealer yesterday. The sales manager said the company may cease production of the RSV, due to low sales. Apparently the company doesn't want to reduce the price or upgrade the RSV. (engine size, carb-to-F.I., etc) He continued to say that Yamaha plans to concentrate more on their 1900cc models. I might to lurk over to Venture.org, to get the skinny. Anybody heard anything similar or different? ) Anyone here hear anything like this. I would not be surprised if it were true. Yamaha sure isn't going out of thier way to keep up with what buyer want.
  18. Not really a big surprise but still not good. Yamaha's production numbers are actually down by 60.8%. http://www.webbikeworld.com/Motorcycle-news/statistics/motorcycle-sales-statistics.htm
  19. Ive had some people asking about their numbers....they misplaced, forgot...whatever. In a nutshell.........the tickets are 2 part......your numbers are on both parts......the part that will be detached and put in the bucket for the drawing also has your name..both real name and site name on it.( this was done as they were sold) When you check in at the rally....we can give you your stubs from your tickets if you want them..... In all reality there is no real need to know what your numbers are other than a "comfort" need. let this also be a reminder if you want raffle tickets and are not attending.......better get em today or tomorrow..... I was going to keep accepting raffle ticket orders thru paypal up until the day before the drawing but have decided tomorrow will be the last day for paypal sales on them. I have enough to keep straight without checking my emails for sales while im at the rally, besides i wont have a computer just my phone for emails. Those attending will still be able to purchase trailer raffle tickets there, aslo the raffle tickets for the st judes drawing for the 2 one of a kind belt buckles. addy for raffle ticket sales thru paypal is vrrally2009@yahoo.com simply state trailer or st judes with your payment.....please also include your vr site name.. I will also be taking down the registration website tomorrow ( sat) night.
  20. Best commercial I think I've seen. Take a kleenex. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjewkGK7FTE&feature=related]YouTube - The Best Ford Commercial Ever ~ (HQ) ~ (Best I Could Get It)[/ame]
  21. I am looking for recommendations for two top RSV dealers in Western Washington. Or to put it another way; Who have you been most satisfied with, both from a service and sales standpoint? I am familiar with Tacoma Motorsports, Eastside Motosport in Bellvue, and I-90 Motorsports in Issaquah. None of these seem to be interested in RSVs and one place I couldn't even get someone to get off the A$$ to find out what I wanted (hello Tacoma). I have been happy with service at I-90 Moto in Issaquah (for my VStar) but their sales group do not seem interested in RSVs. I am willing to spend the bucks at any place between the Oregon border to the Canadian one if I can be satisfied with BOTH the initial experience and (more imortantly) the follow-up service (as they will be my wrench turners). Here is the opportunity to recognize the truely deserving guys (and if you want to warn of the dark side that is OK too). John
  22. Here are some interesting statistics for motorcycle production and sales. http://www.webbikeworld.com/Motorcycle-news/statistics/motorcycle-sales-statistics.htm
  23. Yamaha sold the most bikes during the 2008 year even beating Honda firgures are only for Japanese Bikes Harley was about 75,000 behind Yamaha.. Suzuki even beat Honda. Which surprises me I would have thought Honda would dominate them all. Good for Yamaha. Kawasaki was far behind the others. http://www.webbikeworld.com/Motorcycle-news/blog/
  24. Last minute operation checks. 1. Internet connection and bandwidth up to speed? 2. Credit Card in hand? 3. Hot Coffee On? It's almost time for that one day Cyber Monday sale. No Walmart geeters or crowds to push through. It's the equivalent of Black Friday only online sales only. Looking for a new gps or other acessories for the scoot. Visit you favorite shopping website and catch their cyber monday sale. Have everything shipped to the office and the wife will never know.
  25. Yamaha Motor Cuts Profit Forecast on Weak U.S. July 31 (Bloomberg) -- Yamaha Motor Co., the world's second-largest motorcycle maker, reduced its fiscal full-year net income forecast 23 percent because of falling demand in the U.S. for large motorcycles. The shares dropped the most in more than five months. The company cut its forecast to 45 billion yen ($416.8 million) from an earlier prediction of 59 billion yen, it said in a statement today. Sales will be 1.72 trillion yen, 6 percent lower than the initial forecast. Yamaha expects its first decline in operating profit in eight years after U.S. sales of Royal Star Venture and Roadliner motorcycles dropped 22 percent in the first half. Record gasoline prices and the lowest consumer confidence in 16 years has eroded U.S. demand for the $17,000 bikes. ``Yamaha is taking a severe hit from the economic downturn in the U.S.,'' said Koji Endo, a senior analyst at Credit Suisse Group in Tokyo, who rates the company ``neutral''. ``Demand for big touring motorcycles and boats is drying up.'' Net income in the second quarter plunged 85 percent to 3.6 billion yen, according to Bloomberg calculations. Sales dropped 4.2 percent in the period. Yamaha fell as much as 9.7 percent to 1,761 yen as of 12:30 p.m. on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. The shares have fallen 34 percent so far this year compared with a 13 percent drop in the benchmark Nikkei 225 Stock Average. Motorcycle Sales Motorcycle sales in Japan dropped 23 percent in the first half. In Europe, sales fell 12 percent. In Asia, excluding Japan, sales gained 27 percent. That failed to boost earnings as the smaller bikes the company sells in Indonesia and Vietnam have lower profit margins. The company said it will cut full-year domestic motorcycle production 20 percent compared with a year earlier in response to the slow-down. ``There's no end in sight to the severe conditions,'' said Kozo Shinozaki, the company's general manager of finance and accounting. Earnings also fell because of a stronger yen against the dollar and the euro. The stronger currency cut 15 billion yen in operating profit in the first half.
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