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  1. Hey guys. I know that this has been brought up before and I wanted to share with ya'll what I just found. http://www.crutchfield.com/S-51I56E4bKZj/cgi-bin/ProdView.asp?g=51000&I=105CSBB2 dimensions: 11-5/8"W x 2-1/2"H x 7-7/8"D It'd fit, I think, in a saddlebag, maybe in the trunk... would definately take up a bit of room, though... It comes with a wired volume control.
  2. Returning from the Hell's Canyon Motorcycle Rally, Baker City, OR, this past Sunday I may have overpacked a saddlebag and now I am unable to open the saddlebag. Perhaps some material is in the way of the latching mechanism. After a couple of days trying to place pressure at various points and having helping hands depress the "open" button I am exhausted. My research so far suggest the OEM latch mechanism has some history of sticking and remedies have ranged from cutting off the hinges (trashing the bag) to getting one latch unlocked and insert a 14 inch rod to open the second latch. Once opened, then to lube the latch. A call to my dealer, RMC, resulting in them being willing to look at it but not sure if they can help. But the next opening in the schedule is a week or more away. A journey electrician and all around mechanic friend is going to look at it today for me. He's pretty handy and has a great mechanical attitude. I am looking for any experience and advice from this forum. Thank you in advance.
  3. Got my new saddlebag lid covers week before last from Nanci at AceHighLeathers. Finally had time to install them today and I tell you, I couldn't be happier with them. Nanci does fantastic work and is a pleasure to work with. I can't tell you what they would cost because I bought the fabric and braid over a year ago. I was looking for something to closely match my Hopnel tank and trunk bibs and bought this material with plans of trying to make my own. Finally decided I wouldn't ever do it and sent the materials to Nanci. Here are a couple of pictures. I pretty much just told Nanci to do what she wanted with them because I knew that they would turn out great. Like I said, I couldn't be more pleased. She is a class act. Check out her other items for the RSV here: http://www.acehighleathers.com/motorcycle/other-cool-stuff/
  4. :cool10:Over in NY I came up behind what I thought was a Harley riding two up and I'm thinking oh no they will probably be riding slow (Seems that is the way most of them ride not bashing them ) so I'm following them through the twisty roads and they are moving right along and then I saw a little bit of the side of the bike. It was a RSTD but had the saddlebag guards on it so thats why I did realize it right away. I followed them for about twenty miles of really twisty road before they turned off at a Dunkin Donuts.
  5. Just a heads up. I went down to look at the new gas cans that are contoured to fit into the saddlebag of a Harley. Really nice plastic cans sloped on one side to fit the shape of a saddlebag. But the lid of my Venture would not close with this can inside. So make sure you test before you buy. Mike
  6. i was talking to a guy who had a venture and we were shooting the sh!t about pipes etc. he mentioned something about a saddlebag lid stuck closed??? he said a strap from a peice of luggage got looped around the locking mechanism and could not be opened IN ANYWAY. They cut through the side of the saddlebag to release it or something?? i guess anything could happen once, and i do not know what other methods they tried, but this sounded very bizarre to me and now i am paranoid. anyone ever heard of this??
  7. Have the quick saddlebag fasteners gone the way of the dodo? I cant find them on ebay OR in the classified on this website. I've seen them for years and never bothered to order a set...and thought, well I'd like a set, but now I cant find them. Just my luck.
  8. I need to replace my engine guards and saddlebag guards. I can't find the right part numbers. All I can find is beat-up take-offs. I'd prefer to not replace crash-damaged parts with scraped up guards. What other options do I have? Baron Customs? Someone triked a bike and has new saddlebag guards? Ideas? Dave
  9. A few years ago i bought some hardware that mounts the saddlebag to my 2005 rstd. They had large hand or palm handles so that you didn't need a allen wrench to remove them. They can be removed with just the twist of the hand. Well i've lost two of the four that are needed for each side. Can't remember where i got them. I've searched the internet but had no luck. Can anyone help with a "link" ?
  10. My brother has been having some health issues and it will be very long time, if ever, before he can ride again. He's asked me to sell his bike for him. It's an '06 Midnight Venture with about 9,000 miles on it. He has some awful obnoxious pipes on it which I am going to switch back to the stock ones. I plan to pick it up this weekend to get it cleaned up and ready to sell. When I do I'll post some photos in the classified section. What is a fair price to ask? It has passing lamps, saddlebag rails, handlebar rises and maybe a few other minor extras. The new tires have less than 2,000 miles on them and I don't recall if we put Avons or Dunlop E3's on it. Judging from what I found online I'm thinking $9,200 might be in the ballpark. Dennis
  11. I just got a set of Troy Savoie saddlebag lid covers, thanks to a nice member here. What I need is the proper size trim for the edges to make it work. I was looking online at various u shaped edge mouldings and im a bit confused. Some of you have already mounted this cover so id like some suggestions on what I need to buy as far as trim goes. I did send an email to Troy but needless to say he never responded. Didnt really expect him to either based on his past record. Any ideas will help....
  12. Has anyone tried to fit one of these in a current model Venture or RSTD saddlebag? I tried calling Reda Innovations and got the answering machine. Just wanna know how it fits or stays put once it is in the saddlebag.
  13. I am going to remove my rear wheel this weekend for a tire replacement. I have a jack and the carbon one adapter and a tire. What all do I need to remove before the wheel? The manual I have, says to remove the muffler, saddlebag guide bar (left and right) exhaust pipe, rear brake caliper, and of course the axle. This sounds like a major job. Do I need to take off BOTH saddlebag bars? And, does the exhaust pipe have to come off? I figured, I'd just remove the Right saddlebag and muffler, then remove the caliper and snatch out the axle??? I'm sure once I get into it, I will realize what has to come off. Just wanted some input, so I would be prepared. Sometimes, I spend too much time trying to "NOT" remove something that would have been easier to just remove in the first place. Thanks, for any tips that might make the job easier. dana
  14. I tried to install the Ipod adapter that I got from Pioneer yesterday and could not get it to work. I foolowed the instructions to the "T" but no luck. I reset everything according to the instructions and it still did not recognize it. One thing that also surprised me was when I reinstalled the cd player, that too was not recognized. I did run another cable last winter to move my cd player from the saddlebag to the trunk, and it worked fine all summer. The next thing I did was to split the fairing and hook up the original cable to the saddlebag and, you guessed it....nothing. The audio control works for all the FM and AM, the CB works, the cassette works and the aux plays my Ipod through the connection next to the cassette. I did call Chad about returning it for another adapter and I am still waiting on his response.
  15. I have a 2008 RSTD and I just installed the saddlebag guards. I like them fine, except the stock turn signals now almost touch the saddlebag guards leaving a cluttered appearance. I considered purchasing a license tag set up with lights on either side that are the turn signals but then I would leave behind the holes in the rear fender from the original lights. Does anyone make a replacement that either goes onto the existing mount / stem or do any of you have any creative / attractive solutions that you have tried? Thanks. R.
  16. my left saddlebag is in a bind at the rear, it won't open. any suggestins as to how to get it open. I'm in Colorado and my jacket and rainsuit are in there. I push down on the latch as hard as i can while my friend tried to get it aligned. we're stumped. any help would be greately appreciated.
  17. I'm looking for a cooler to fit in a 2nd gen saddlebag... you know... doesn't leak, keeps beverages cold. Anyone got something that works well?
  18. does anyone have a set of saddlebag lids for a MKII (88). Condition or colour doesn't matter as long as the clamps are good. I want to cut holes in them so the dogs can ride in the saddlebags and stick their heads out as they want. Rattlecan paint will be fine seeing as they may get a bit scratched up anyway. I took the dogs for a ride in the bags already...just had the lids off.....and they seemed to love the ride. My wife and I can just reach down to give them a pat. They seemed to enjoy it , and when they've had enough they just lied down to get out of the wind! They are only about 12-15 lbs each so they fit quite comfortably in the saddlebag along with a blanket on the bottom. For those who may be concerned...we DID have them restrained so they couldn't jump out. We are planning on buying goggles to protect their eyes also.
  19. Anyone ever try these liners ? If so I would like some feedback. Tom http://www.jpcycles.com/product/830-922?utm_medium=cse&utm_source=shoppingdotcom
  20. I think I saw someone on this site that made liners for my 86 Venture if so give me a jingle. Tom
  21. Pics of new Bib and Rails
  22. i added the saddlebag side rails trim and had to remove the side reflector from the crash bar is there a replacement for the smaller size bars or someother type that can be added. thanks for replies
  23. I bought a set of saddlebag rails for my 2000 RSV. It didn't come with directions but are pretty easy to figure. Now what I need to know is this....How do I get the plug out of the holet where the bracket mounts to on the backside of the saddlebag by the fender? Thanks for the help Rick
  24. One of the forward bolts in my saddlebag trim rails vibrated out and I lost an end cap. Does anyone know where I can find a replacement? Thanks!
  25. Hello to all, Am looking for the availability of saddlebag and trunk liners for my friend's 2007 Royal Star Venture. I saw posts (and sites) for TLC and Yamaha, then saw posts from the guy called Beer30, and want to see what he has available at this time, maybe some pictures of them, etc. I was not able to find a site for him, so I became a member so I could post (I ride an 85 BMW K100RT). If Beer30 reads this (and is still making liners) please let me know how I can contact you... Speaking of which: it's beer o'clock right now! Keep the shiny side up! John
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