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  1. Ok, so late last night after spending about an hour on this site I got inspired and went out to work on Cassy (thats the name of my RSV). I am trying to remove the saddle bag but I cannot figure out how to unplug the CD changer to get it out of the saddle bag. HELP! I darn-near broke the plug trying to get it off. Somebody here has to know how to do this. Also, I was messing with the CB antenna and it just lifted off of its mount. Is it supposed to do that or did I break it? Need input!!!!!!!!!!!!! (P.S. I am removing the saddle bag rails and the CD changer just in case anyone is interested in purchasing them.)
  2. OK.....I've done it again: I jammed something just a little too big into my right hand saddle bag and it's buggered the alignment on the latches so that I can't get it open. Don't laugh...it's a 15 kilogram bag of wild bird seed that's stuck in there...and it only cost 14 bucks, so I don't really give a damn about losing the feed...but I MIGHT wanna put my Frog Togs, or a six-pack in there sometime!! Anybody got a fool-proof way of wiggling or jiggling or removing a phantom bolt somewhere that will allow me to get this thing open before I go insane? Notes: the button won't depress. The rear latch is not locked down, so it's only the front that's causing the problem. The inside upper edge of the bag is bulging outward (toward the wheel) so much that it has to be pushed back into alignment before the lid can even be lowered into position. (starting to sound like I need to post pictures.....but I can't imagine they'd help much.) Anyone? Anyone?
  3. Shipped my Road Glide seat off to Rick Butler this morning. I have put some miles on it and was pleasantly surprised with it for a stock seat. I've done a Saddle Sore and a Bun Burner on it so I know that I can do a thousand mile day on it with no major problems. There is still room for improvement though so I figured that with the snow on the ground, it was a great time to let him work his magic.
  4. Something like this? http://www.motorcyclenews.com/upload/271405/images/golf-rack.jpg I want to build on that doesn't cover the brakelight/license plate. Possibly off to the side of the saddle bag.
  5. When I get frisky and decide to do a good detail on my bike I take off the seats and saddle bags. The problem is with the saddle bags off the bike it's hard to keep the saddle bags stable enough to clean them. Anyone have any suggestions. I thought about maybe building a rack I could put them in while cleaning.
  6. so i'm at my partners apartment today when we get a knock on the door. he goes and answers the door and standing in the hall are two really derpy looking women asking if he owns the motorcycle in the driveway. so i go over and say its mine well it turns out the idiots backed their Chevy cobalt into my VR. so now the rear left saddle bag is all scratched where it got hit and the front right side of the fairing has some broken mounting tabs and shifted when it toppled over. my insurance must love me two not at fault claims in one riding season. (on a good note i now know i can pick up my bike super easy)
  7. i seen where some people talked about using the Valkirie Saddle bag top racks,,has anyone tryed to see if thay will fit,,or if anyone has tryed the JM top racks sold by Mutazu Motorcycle Accessories,,thanks
  8. Because my pants are too tight or because my leg is too short, or BOTH, I scuffed my seat with my boot the other day. Twice. They won't come out. I tried leather (saddle) soap, leather polish. Even hand soap. It won't come out. Any home remedies.
  9. I'm in need of the right side saddle bag lid for my '86. I think it was stolen while I was in the auto parts store. Who knows? Maybe I just didn't latch it. Any way I sure need one. If you can help out, thanks.
  10. i need a right hand saddle bag cover missing on my venture, its a the brown cover with the chrome rack on it, any of you have one your willing to sell?
  11. call me crazy, but, i saw a video of these on a RS, so, i put some on my 1st Gen! easy, less than 100 bucks. took a little tweaking with hangers to get centerstand to come up, but done! man, they sound good in the saddle for sure! ps...no welding. thrush part #24202. ID 2", overall length 27". used reducers from advance auto, 4 clamps. custom hang strap courtesy of local harware store, painted black.
  12. Installed led's on the saddle bags the look great.
  13. Where do those who have saddle bag racks get them?? It is hard in the UK to source good parts & so far can't find any. Was hoping for tubular ones to match the rack on the trunk. Thanks if you can assist.
  14. I just received my Russell Day Long seat. My wife and I have a trip to North Carolina planned in July - we live in Delaware. Nanci over at Ace High Leathers is making a set of saddle bag lid covers for me. Once all is done I'll post a picture. I had a trunk project started but didn't finish until I saved the money for the seat. Trunk has a back rest so wanted to be able to align with Mama's needs for comfort. Anyone have experience with Ace High? Thus far they have been very cooperative trying to coordinate with Russell to get a color / texture match.
  15. Does anybody know the address to get the lower saddle bag side rails for a 2nd gen at? Puttin' together my new bike and need to order some parts :mo money:
  16. Well, myself and 4 others are going to do the Saddle Sore 1000 this weekend. Leave out of Saline Michigan Saturday morning, head to Kingston Pike Tenn. for some dinner and head back. It will be about 1035 miles according to Google maps. Gonna be a looooooong day.
  17. I was looking for a left midnight saddle bag, and stumbled onto this auction selling both on ebay. Some outfit tried to snipe it at the end, but I ended up with them. Here is a LINK A while back a rider behind me took off before me at a light, and climbed up the left rear of the bike, pushing me over on the right side. All cosmetic damage to paint and chrome pieces, and his insurance cut me a check for all new parts, about $3200. I ordered the parts from Yamaha dealer and one of the saddle bags arrived with scratches, so they sent it back and ordered another. It arrived and they called me and said it looked like a conveyor belt or something chewed the box up, so sending it back. I then cancelled that bag. I've been keeping an eye on used parts, when I saw this auction pop up. Since saddlebags are around $1000 new a piece, I'm pretty sure even if I have the two I won custom painted, I will come out ahead. Shipping is a tad high, but as my momma would say... I stoled that..... Ex
  18. Anybody have these covers and have a pic of them on your bike?
  19. It's a bit early in Wisconsin to be thinking about getting back out on the bike, but here I am trying to figure out what I can do to it, for it and with it. My question is this... What is the next best addition (or two ) I can make to my bike in the way of both performance and also safety chrome. Below is what I've done so far: Performance - K&N filters Road King exhaust (completely open) Re-jetted with larger jets and carbs balanced Elite 3 tires front and back Rick Butler Seat Mod Safety Chrome - Fender Chrome Saddle bag rails Saddle bag trim (top of bag) Passing lights Flanders bars Kuryakyn ISO grips Kuryakyn highway pegs I'm looking for the NEXT BIG THING. I love working on the bike and making it more interesting and fun and of course, my own. Any ideas would be great and pictures of your mods would be wonderful. Let's get those ideas out there and keep 'em coming. It's time we all start thinking about spending some money!!!
  20. I need a left side saddle bag lid, if any body has one to sell please contact me through PM
  21. Does anyone know what size metal tubing the saddle bag support rails are on a 2005 Royal Star Venture?
  22. I was getting some stuff from my right (throttle side) saddle bag and noticed the black plastic cover over the internal mechanism was missing. You would think I would notice that falling off, but have no idea when or where it fell off (it wasn't in the bag). Does anybody have a trashed (or a good one) saddle bag that might have this cover available? RR
  23. I found a decent set of saddle bag side rail guards for my bike. But there is no bolts and spacers to attach them to the bike. Sooooo, does anyone have a set of the attaching bolts and spacers to sell ? Or a total set of the bars and necessary hardware to attach. These rails that I have found have the reflectors on them. But I am reluctant to buy them with out knowing about the needed hardware to attach. The price seems reasonable. Fuzzy
  24. Ok first long ride with the wife. kids were away for the weekend. A new seat is needed as her butt couldnt take the punishment. Next year tax season for the russel day long, but what about peg placement. my wife complained that the back of her legs were sore from the saddle bag crash bars digging into the calf muscle. Is there a way to adjust the peg or any other suggestions.
  25. Last year a friend (still is) hit my right side saddle bag on my 2004 white venture r/s; I bought another one on this site and had it painted. Now this one has spider cracks and one bad crack at the rear. It has not been hit; don't know the problem but need another right side saddle bag. Anyone out there have one at a good price?
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