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  1. Have been slowly restoring an old 83 Venture recently purchased. It appears to have a nice accumulation of rust (sporry) on the frame and exposed bolts on the motor. Would appreciate advice on how to remove rust have been advised to use wire brush on drill and naval jelly but wondered if someone had better rust removal advice. Thanks James
  2. I got my used collector today in the mail. $90.00 shipped from cyclepsycho.com It needs the tabs for the front mount rewelded, but it looks to be in good shape otherwise. Should I paint it with a anti rust paint or something. Before I install it? I also have to snug up one of the rear exhaust pipes, cause it can be wiggled a little.
  3. 71? Kaw 125. sweet! with only 350 miles! only problem i see so far is the owner left gas in it for about 15 years! i poured it out and more rust than gas came out! any fixes to this?? what about POR?
  4. Left rear turn signal quit working. Took it apart to find out it was full of rust. Used WD40 to clean the contact areas and got a new bulb and it still did not work. The rust may have done too much damage and I may need to replace the assembly or at least repair it. Has anyone got any advice or experience removing the turn signal assembly? Thanks in advance.
  5. My truck is suffering from a bad case of chemical weight reduction. The rust is coming thru from the inside in areas that there is no access to the inside. I am not a body man by any stretch of the imagination. I am not looking to restore it to like new appearance just to stop the cancer and cover the holes to keep it from getting worse and stop the whistling in the wind. I was looking at POR15 or Rust Bullet. But I have no idea of how to get it to the insides of the areas that are rusting. The rust has created plenty of holes stick things in there. Is there some kid of a wand spray gun that can be had for not to much cash? I was then going to fix the areas with glass cloth and epoxy resin, followed by some Bondo to smooth it out a little before I buzz bomb it.
  6. I'm kinda bummed. The biggest thing is that my gas tank started a slight rust last year when I did my 83/86 Frankenbike. I've been dealing with it all season. The rust dust in the fuel will accumulate in my carb bowls until there's enough to foul my carbs and they start running like crap. I'm sick of blowing & draining my carbs regularly. After I clean them out, my Venture runs like a raped ape! I did put a couple of filters in line just before the carbs, and that lasted quite a while. Ultimately I'm sure I'll need to pull the gas tank (UUuugh!!) and clean it out/coat it. I bought a fuel filter that will filter down to 10 microns and I'll probably be installing that today so I can ride for another month or two despite the cold temps. I did some research on the web, and I think the rust dust varies between 5 and 200 microns. We'll see how that goes. My Vboost is totally awesome! The weather is all gray. It's supposed to snow this weekend. Down at the local Honda Powerhouse, there is a '98 Valkerie with 50K miles for 5 grand. I wish I had the money...I've always loved the Valkeries... Doug
  7. Since I have my wheel off waiting for a tire. I decided to seperate the shaft from the drive to inspect "stuff" aka pinion nut. Pinion nut = good. I did this 15 years ago. Wow, how have things changed. NOW, the seal I believe needs to be replaced. Basically there is a rust ring left by the rubber seal where it mates to the drive. Plus the original seal was never sitting straight. So the rust ring is not even. Basicallly the seal is "tipped". And a new seal would likely be better than the original. Here's the kicker...this ain't no average seal. It appears to be on the shaft with a VERY tight metal collar. I suspect if I do get this seal off there will be rust under the collar. Anyone ever change this seal? HELP See pics...
  8. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=51456&highlight=pipes I traded these pipes to another member. Our agreement was he would pay shipping both ways. The stock pipes came a few days before I left for Sturgis. I took off the Bubs and installed the factory pipes. The job took 4 hours, should have been easier but it wasn't the stock pipes didn't want to fit. Getting the Bubs ready to ship I noticed some surface rust spots on the bottoms near the seams. It was not noticeable when I took the pictures but the removed pipes were not pristine near the seams and there were rust spots that appeared to be from rock strikes. It was time to leave for Sturgis on that day I mailed back the Bub pipes. Now the trade partner wants me to pay all return shipping on both sets of pipes. I am not going to do that but I WANT TO BE FAIR ALSO. So Ruffy and Big Tom maybe it was best I didn't trade with you. Any ideas
  9. well he is doing better. got him on solid heart health diet. wanted to tell big tom he can have sherbert but not ice cream for now. wanted to say thanks to squid for the call, sorry he cant call back something to do with the heart monitor system in the hallways will give false signal if a cell phone is used in the rooms? wanted to say we got a full exhaust system for the bike. right muffler has a small rust hole but he dont need the mufflers anyways. pluse if he did need it his extension tip will go over that rust hole??? with some sweet talking to this shop owner. we will get it out end of july .this man went from jerk to nice when he saw my aunt?? they went to school together way back when. i teased her and said hey go out with the jerk a couple times and he might lower the cost to get oldgoats bike out. for some reason she said she aint going there??? confessed to me she likes james aka oldgoat??? hmmmmmmm????? maybe some match making here then instead of calling him the dad i never had. i could call him uncle?? uncle oldgoat has a nice ring to it:rotfl: and my aunt can keep him in the barn if ya know what i mean? after he gets better. looks like a meet and eat i can set up with them.
  10. The 83 I bought runs really great - but it has rust everywhere. Basically anything chrome is rusty. I am not sure how much to put into this bike. I checked Ebay and can find chrome pieces such as engine gaurds, stator cover, etc - but shipping is the huge killer. The frame even has rust on it - but not much I will do about that except clean up and paint a bit. So, anyone out here have any parts they want to sell and ship at a decent price?
  11. Bought this 83 last November and have put about 600 kms on it since. Other than an oil and filter change, and a right muffler that i replaced due to rust.....its been great. Even the casette player works fine! http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s33/Tarl-Saxon/100_0412.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s33/Tarl-Saxon/100_0408.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s33/Tarl-Saxon/100_0411.jpg http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s33/Tarl-Saxon/100_0406.jpg
  12. I'm trying to post this poll based on my recent carb rebuild. Finding rust dust in the carbs. I then emptied the fuel tank. There was a thin scale of rust in much of the tank. I cleaned it good w/rags on end of "rod". I have had my '87 VR since '89. Over the years 90% of the time when the bike is parked over night...the tank is full. Rust is a result of the new ethanol fuels that have found their way to my area about 8 years ago. So it's going to be a issue for all vehicles. Especialy 2 wheeled. OK, all of the choices are based on just cleaning w/rags. NOT etching and sealing the tank. FYI, fuel filters will not catch this stuff. Which one of these makes the most sense to do or not to do after general cleaning ? Should you feel the need...You can choose more than one item in the poll.Thanks in advance...
  13. At last, I got my 1985 Venture in and had a good look at it. I picked it up off Kijiji in North Bay without seeing it but had a good feeling about the owner and what I saw in his photos. NOT A TRACE OF RUST ANYWHERE!! I don't think this old girl has ever seen rain or dust. Around 75,000KM on it. I picked it up for $1000.00 Canadian fully decked out as you can see from the photos in my album. All it needs is a fresh glass coat if I feel like it this winter. I took it apart to replace the rear signal light (supplies) and even in the in the hard to get at places there is no dirt. I even found a spare key the previous owner never knew about. He only had it serviced from a dealer in North Bay. I think I got a sweet deal. Put a fresh battery in it and it started right up. Very nice. I plan on changing the fluids breaks and such. OK I sound a bit exceeded but when you see a first gen in such good condition it calls for a party!! One question: What I can do to keep the rust away. Any suggestions since I plan to ride not hide it. The paint looks original so I hope to keep it. I will have some new photos soon.
  14. I am considering a 2006 RSV with about 16,000 miles and always garage kept. It is located right on the Gulf Coast. Do you think rust could be a problem? In a car I would be a little leery about rust developing sooner rather that later, but what about a bike? Is there anything extra that should be checked on the visual inspection prior to purchase? Thanks for your input! Mel Griffin SevenFour
  15. I need to put 2 new rivets in one of my bub mufflers to hold the chrome tip on. I was told not to use aluminum however, if I use steel, they will rust. I haven't seen any stainless steel rivets. Has anyone had trouble with using aluminum? Like I said, I don't want them to rust. Not attractive. Thanks Greg
  16. Has anyone else had a problem with rust on the base of their aerial? Spotted the rust on the weekend. Is the best way to remove using fine paper then polishing?
  17. Ok....I've decided my gas tank is going to have to be dealt with. The bike had been stored for nine years before I bought it. The PO had run it once in a while and it had been in a heated garage all that time and the tank had been kept full (according to PO). The tank was checked as one of the first things during my inspection. Very little rust to be seen when I bought it. During the two winters I have owned it the bike has been kept in an unheated garage and the fuel treated with Sea Foam and Stabil during storage. Run it a bit every week and top off the gas with fresh. During the summer months I keep it topped off every few days unless I'm on the road then I'll let down to the last bar. But as luck may have it the rust is getting worse and getting to be a problem. It's clogging my fitler (3rd one) and getting into the carbs now. So here is my game plan after a lot of research on products. I'll say this is what I'm using and continue on unless you can convince me I'm going about it the wrong way. I'm pulling the tank and starting out with a alcohol and steel brad and BB cocktail to scuff up the interior and break up the rust. It's not heavy rust by any means but it's there. It surprised me from the looks of the tanks interior that I'm even having a problem this severe. Following that will be a soak with BEHR # 911 Concrete Etcher, a phospheric acid to break down the rest of the rust. The final step will be a treatment with Phenol Novolac Sealer from Caswells. Seems like a decent product for the coating. The tank is solid and no leaks or weak spots. Once I got the tank flushed out and found an inspection mirror that would fit inside I found most the rust problem in the lower end. So any advice or comments on the products I'm looking to use? Thanks Mike
  18. I have a 2007 RSV purchased new in crate in June 2008. Washed and waxed today and noticed rust starting on welds on kickstand, crashbars etc. This bike has 2900 miles and is garage kept covered and covered when out overnight. Would this be covered as a warranty item?? Need to stop rust at weld joints before it gets out of control. Thanks to all at VentureRider for a great club and web page. Perch
  19. First of all let me introduce myself. I own a 2007 Venture and live in FL near Cocoa Beach and I am currently active duty NAVY in the submarine force. My questions are: Have any other's had a rust problem on their bikes? Does the warranty cover this issue? On my antennas at the joint where they fold is just covered in rust. After taking the saddle bags and trunks off last week to do a thorough cleaning (field day for you navy folk) on the bike i discovered more rust on the chrome under the trunk and a few spots on the forks. I couldn't find anything on this issue in the warranty info that I have. Thanks for your help Bill
  20. Hello everybody, The weather here in Pa. seems to be colder longer that I'd like it to be. However, my question is, how many of you who live in a cold climate, start your bike up once or twice a month and let it warm up? Is this ok to do? I don't have a battery tender on it so I have been starting it up every once in a while. Buddy of mine says it will rust my pipes from the condensation. He suggests I leave it alone, that I might be doing more harm that good. I'm talking about an 08 Venture. What do you guys think? Thanks
  21. Well, I'm finally back from Iraq and took the bike out today. Ran fine except for a little overheating... The coolant reservoir showed fine, but when I opened the radiator it was very low. Added some coolant and the bike ran cool. I think there may be a small leak as I noticed a few drops of coolant on my right toe. While returning home, I had a fall off of power, kind of a bogging down when I got off the freeway. had to run it in 2nd to get home and keep the rpms around 4k. When I got home I noticed some fuel leaking in front of the rear wheel. I had that problem when I first got the bike, but can't recall how I fixed it. I also noticed the right rear spark plug wire had come loose and reinstalled it. After restarting the bike, It would try to stall unless I very slowly applied throttle... too fast, it bogged down and died. I pulled off the air cleaner and noticed that the two carb slides on the left side of the bike were stuck open. and I mean stuck. pushing the slide on #1 wouldn't open it at all. #2 would push open but not close back. Noticed some "backfiring" from the right side carbs also I've been searching the forums for about 2 hours now, and I think I'm at the point where I'm imagining everything I read could be the problem. I definitely need to check the diaphragms, and I need to search a bit more about how to drain and clean the bowls. I need to check the tank for rust and water. I'm not really wanting to do a full carb rebuild/cleaning, but worst case I'll mentally prepare for it. Does anyone here have any other Ideas or Input? perhaps a pointer to some good writeups? I do have the service manual and have found a good how-to for the diaphrams so far. Thanks, Mark
  22. Thanks to all who replied to my other posts. I have a 1984 Venture that wouldn't start, it would turn over but backfire and not run. I read thru a bunch of post and have arrived here. I've pulled the plugs and replaced (they were a little black ble ack but not what I'd call fouled. I peered into the tank and can see some rust, so how much rust should I be concerned about, I would think any rust is an issue, but I'd like to hear from the experts. I drained liquid from all four carbs and I call it liquid because it didn;t really resemble fule it resembled shelac, and smelled more like shelac and looked kinda like urine. I'm thinking I should drain all the fuel from the tank now. Questions: What's the easist way to drain the tank? Should I use the Krem stuff to line the tank now or wait for winter? Can't seem to find a fuel filter is there one somewhere? Got the battery out and filled with water and putting a good charge on it Is there anything else I should try before giving another try to start
  23. why does the petcock valve have "screens" on it? to me , it makes more sense, to let rust particles, water, trash in general, get OUT of the fuel tank, and get trapped in the fuel filter. isn't that why the fuel filter is there in the first place? just jt
  24. I was in the process of overhauling the carbs on my 86... I had thown in a heavy dose of SeaFoam and shortly thereafter it started really acting up... but mainly #1 cylinder was really not wanting to fire. I had drained the bowls and took a week or so to get back to them and then broke them apart and opened up #1... and when the fuel bowl cover came of... look what I found in the bottom... http://bergall.org/temp/venture/carb-rust.jpg Yep, that BROWN stuff is rust. Everybody put down your hands... it wasn't the tank. It was from the fuel overflow pipe. Just above the bevel at the top of the picture, the inside of the overflow was coated in rust. #2, #3 and #4 look fine, dull but clean. That tiny idle jet (37.5) looked opaque on all four... rather a light brown, but almost clear... when I tried to blow through them, it didn't work. Seems part of the problem was easy to solve. I also found the enricher diaphragm on #1 had RUST. Now it's the right rear so I thought it would more protected from the elements but that's what I found... It may be a rare case of "Mike gets the good one"... but it's an easy check for you guys that get that filter housing off to pull the overflow lines and look inside! And of course, mine had four totally different lengths of overflow hose... come on... put your hands down... the front carbs take ONE length and the back carbs take ONE length... I have four separates... and one (by golly) seemed to be the right length... the others were varying degrees of too short. And yeah, #1 was the shortest. My day for weird I guess. Nromally I would just soak the jets and bodies in cleaner and then use carb cleaner to blow them out. This time I called around and found a "speed shop" that would ultrasonic clean them and the jets for $20. And believe me... it's a world of difference. What looked like a human hair opening in the tiny jet now looks like you can fit three and everything is CLEAN. Strangely the bath didn't get rid of some of the aluminum oxide where the rack bolts go but everything else was sparkling. The regular motorcycle shops wanted $80-$150 for the bath and blowout... shop around.
  25. Hi all. I've started this thread as I think a lot of people, me included, would like to start Zinc/Chrome plating but I don't have a clue, so does anyone on this site have the know how? If so please let me/us know. I'd also like information on how to get rust off in a soak bath/tank?
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