I have noticed a droning vibe when accelerating -- equivalent of what I would call a driveshaft vibration on a car. If I let off the throttle, it immediately goes away. Obviously difficult to describe in words, but let's call it a brrrr....rrrrr....rrrrr that increases with speed, but only when on the throttle (anything above a "light" acceleration).
While I was changing the dogbones, I spun the back wheel around in the air, didn't feel anything loose, didn't notice any kind of looseness in the bearings (wheel mounted).
From my search, I didn't note any common problems as such, so I'm looking for any wisdom on a place to start. Bike is new to me, has done it since day one for me, tires are pretty new, bike has about 32k miles and appears to have been well maintained and not abused.