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  1. I bought an old 1988 Venture Royale 1300. Put a new battery in it and tried to start it. The instrument panel went through it's check and the only error I saw was a bicycle pump still on. I am sure that means the compressor is bad. I made sure the kill switch was not on and pressed the start button. No start, no sound, nothing. I do hear the fuel pump come on every time I turn the key on and it leaks like a shive from between the exhausts, but there is no solenoid clicking nor is there sound from cranking the starter. I will keep at this till I get done restoring it. Any help pointing me in the right direction, would be very much appreciated.
  2. Looking for Voyager trike mounting hardware, books or any install brochures for first or 2nd gen Venture Royale
  3. Well, I finally pulled the trigger on rebuilding my '83. It is in ok condition, but I think I paid too much for someone's put-back-together parts bike. It is a Royale, but someone removed all the Royale stuff (Class, radio, CB, etc) and hacked all the wires/connectors for them. Plus a lot of the plastic is cracked, missing tabs, randomly screwed together and zip-tied. It needs a lot of attention, and for a short moment I considered just trading it off and looking for a better bike. But I figured whoever got it would probably just part it off and one less 1st gen would be on the road. So here goes my tear-down and rebuild of my 1983 Venture Custom. It's going to be the way I want it. Starting off, here are a few pics of it in late 2010 (pre-crash) http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc499/icebrrg3rd/Stripped%20Venture/2010_Closeup02.jpg http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc499/icebrrg3rd/Stripped%20Venture/2010_Closeup01.jpg And here is what it looks like now: http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc499/icebrrg3rd/Stripped%20Venture/2012_NakedBike01.jpg http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc499/icebrrg3rd/Stripped%20Venture/2012_NakedBike02.jpg And all the plastic: http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc499/icebrrg3rd/Stripped%20Venture/2012_NakedBike03.jpg Now let the fun begin... -Andrew p.s. if the pics are too big or posted wrong, let me know and I'll fit it. Same if I should post it in another catagory.
  4. Any one know where I might find a service manual for an 83 Venture Royale that I could download on pdf files? thanks
  5. As I've been going through bikes recently the prospect of spending $ 40 + dollars for a new air filter makes me squirm. Now I'm not the first person to do this, and a friend of mine did a little show and tell himself a few years back. While I was work one day I was inter-noodling and found that UNI-Filter ( makers of foam filters ) was only about 10 miles away from me. With a bit of snooping I found that UNI Filter sells a replacement filter for my bike for about $ 32. Being the KLR-like rider that I am I could buy a 12 x 16 inch sheet of UNI Filter foam for only $ 14.99 so that's what I did. I zipped out at lunch, and picked up some filter element The camera was handy so I figured I'd expend a little effort, and share my actions with you all. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534557_EgHYf-M.jpg Here's the filter element along with some required tools. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534521_MffM5-M.jpg Here's the dirty starting point. This is the air filter from my 88 Venture Royale. I only added the Royale in there because I like saying "Royale". It's about $ 45 to replace at the local Yamaha store. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534322_nconm-M.jpg http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534341_qoYLp-M.jpg I started hacking out the paper filter element with a pair of scissors, and box cutter. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534373_FL4WN-M.jpg I was being careful not to jack up the wire backing. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534393_8eoUd-M.jpg// That's a long hunk'o'paper. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534416_gM8Qo-M.jpg I then used needle nose pliers to pull out the sticky bits. Notice that foam sealing ring is also rotten. I'll pull that off, and replace it too. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534442_4coxT-M.jpg Here's the filter cage cleaned up and ready to start construction. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534489_CyTcQ-M.jpg I cut the filter element to fit. Make it a little thicker than needed so it'll bond better. No matter which way I cut it, it required two sections. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534585_cUgLM-M.jpg Before the next step where I was going to handle smelly, sticky stuff I had to start dinner. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534566_Nh9Sa-M.jpg While I was at UniFilter I asked the guy who was helping me what I should use to glue down the foam he recommended some brand of industrial glue, which I didn't have. He also mentioned that I could use silicone gasket sealer, and I had that so I was off to the races, and started laying a bead. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534603_kR69x-M.jpg Here it is stuck in place. I used a strip of packing tape over the joint and let it sit for the night. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534667_M4PqW-M.jpg After drying up for 24 hours I went back at it with the silicone to make doubly sure it's well mounted, because remember that in the future you'll be squeezing, and squishing this when you clean it. I stopped at LOWE's on the way home, and picked up some foam tape for $ 2.43. http://greenagain.smugmug.com/photos/587534743_RKz2P-M.jpg It's ready to use, and I still have over half of the filter foam left to use on another bike or two. :thumb
  6. Hi All, It seems I get a lot of wind on my hands and am looking for ideas to correct it, Any ideas? I have a 85 royale if that matters. Thanks
  7. Last year a member asked me to help fix his bike, turned out that water had got into the motor and it was ceased. He picked it up and has it parked since then under cover. It's been a few years since it has been used. He wants to donate it to somebody deserving. Let me know if you're interested. It's in Georgetown Ontario
  8. A very good friend of mine passed away yesterday from that Godawful cancer,he was a great guy and a really good friend,he has been a motorcycle and car mechanic for years--I worked with him for 2 years at GM dealership,this guy could actually wheeley a Venture Royale,great rider he will be missed.
  9. So I just renewed my membership for year #4 after 3 years of ownership. You guys helped me decide on the original purchase, helped figure out what I actually purchased, helped me extensively through many repairs including the whole scary front end/fork seal/ triple tree bearing repair and most importantly getting it all put back together. Since the original 89 purchase, I have bought two 1984 parts bikes, a 1987 Venture Royale, and helped my son-in-law purchase his 1986 Venture Royale (thanks 1Rooster). I did have to stop my bike form reading the forum since she decided to develop many symptoms that others were posting about regarding their bike. So for Year #4...thanks guys and gals !!!! Just found my original Purchase pictures: Now those of you that lost the pool on whether I would last or get kicked off of here....pay up !!
  10. Anybody have recommended website source(s) for parts....1984 Venture Royale. Tks
  11. How many of you guys ride in the Toys for Tots parade in Chicago? Thought about doing it, wondering how many have and how they felt about it. Thanks Ed 1988 Venture Royale
  12. I would like to move the trunk back on my 93 Royale trike and its not clear to me how to remove the trunk. I would appreciate it if someone could give me a few hints on where to start.
  13. Will the stator from a 99 or 03 Royale Star Venture fit a 90 Venture Royale? What years and models are interchangeable with the 90?
  14. Anybody ever drop one of these bad boys? I've dropped mine twice and was unable to pick it up myself either time. No damage done, fell over on the bars, but still a bit embarassing. Once on a gravel driveway(turned into newly resurfaced drive) and once in my driveway. I have a 1988 Venture Royale, not sure if it makes a difference. Anybody out there have any tricks or the secret to getting this thing back up when you're alone? Thanks Ed
  15. I have an 83 Royale & a 2000 RSV MM. I owned an 81 Venture for about 16 years and then sold it at the instance of my wife. (wish I still had it). I"ve had my 83 for about 7 yrs and my RSV MM for 2yrs. Ride them both but have ridden my 83 on most of my long distance trips. I decided to change up my routine this year and rode the RSV to Sturgis for the first time. After completing my trip, I made several observations. I'm curious what others have noticed in their own experiences. First: 83 is nimble, agile, corners easilty with great balance; has quite a bit of zip and is extremely comfortable for the long ride. In contrast the RSV is awkward, difficult to corner, seems not just top heavy but front end heavy, in fact, the front end shimmies at times particularly at lower speeds on the way to HWy speeds. I took my left hand off the bar for a second & the front end began to shake so bad it spilled coffee all over the bike that was secured in my mounded beverage holder. Overall ride on the 83 is much smoother and the bikes handles way better then the 2000 RSV. Other differences: 83 has voltmeter, tach, full set of guages, on-board compressor for automatic ride leveling system; 2000 doesn't have any of these. Only difference I saw where the RSV out performed the 83 was in the sound system. Much better in the 2000 with the addition of the rear speakers; when listening to the speakers and not the headset, it has a quadraphonic sound quality. Earlier this spring I mentioned to the shop foreman, that I enjoyed riding the 83 Royale over the 2000 RSV. They didn't have a lot of background on Ventures & didn't believe me until they had worked on both and taken both for test rides. After that, they agreed that the 83 was a much smoother & better handling bike & couldn't believe all the amenities that the 83 came stock with over the present RSVs. The 83 really was ahead of it's time. IMO, the only way to improve on the existing RSV is to make it more commensurate with the 1st Gens! Just curious what others may think.
  16. Alright i know spark plug replacement should be straight forward. But I've used every swear word i know, and I've even made up a few. I'm trying to get the new plug into the front cylinder on mt 85 venture royale. the other three went right in. do i have to take off the whole front to gain easy access to that spark plug. Pl;ease help, I'm at my wits end. thanx Lazy
  17. Hey there everybody. A few weeks ago I bought a beater '84 Venture Royale. After riding it a bit I found I like ed it an awful lot. Got to looking around and found my new bike. I drove 350 miles each way on my hunch after talking to the owner and looking at a very blurry picture. Here is my new ride. 23,500 on the odometer. The carbs seem a little sluggish, hopefully Sea Foam will clear them up. Runs fair, but idles real low. This is what it looks like without my touching it. Everything works as it should. I'll register it when I get back from my OTR trip this week.
  18. the front right brake line that links to the fork (see Photo). Does anyone know where to get one? It's for a Venture Royale 1983... Thank you for the help.
  19. well, between work and lack of available cash, I didn't get too much done on the 83 over the last couple of months. I DID, however, get all the parts, finally, that I need to fix the rear brakes, so that will be getting done as soon as I get home from the 2 stroke meet this coming week at Deals Gap. Anyway, my job as a cable guy has me running all over the county, so I see quite a few bikes and cars for sale. I was offered a 1985 Venture Royale for a very small sum. The bike has had part of the plastics removed for some electrical work. The plastics are in fantastic original condition, completely unlike mine. My question is, will all of the 85 venture Royale plastics fit on my 83 standard Venture? If so, the plastics are worth the asking price as it less than the cost just for the paint and bodywork on my 83. I'm not concened about the 83 not being the original color. The 85 is either a dark burgundy or dark brown...light wasn't great when I saw it. Thanks in advance, Jeff
  20. Submit a picture of a Venture Royale "Official" Accessory you own that you think no other member owns.
  21. Hey y'all. I'm going to have to trailer a bike to PA. I'll drop the tow vehicle and the open uhaul trailer at my daughter's and ride the bike back to SC. I do have my own enclosed 6X12 that I've used to take the bike camping occasionally. We remove the bike and camp in the trailer. Anyway, I can't use it becasue I can't leave it in PA. So, I was wondering if anyone knows if I can trailer either my Millenium or my Royale in a 5X9 trailer with the ramp. I think the overall length of my MM is 104", but don't know if it would fit in the trailer due to the tall ramp sticking up and possible hitting the trunk. I think the Royale may be a bit shorter and an easier fit for the 9' trailer, but haven't measured that bike and am not home right now to do that. Uhaul does have an open 6X12 trailer and even an open motorcycle specific trailer with ramp and chock, but neither are available in my area. I've thought about maybe loading the bike diagonally, but still think that tall ramp would possibly be a problem for the bike's trunk. I need to leave here Monday, so don't have a lot of time to consider options. O.K., please chime in with any ideas. Thanks. Rusty
  22. Picked up a blue 83 Venture today. Going to be known as Papa Smurf. Looks better in pictures than it does close up, but he is 29 years old. Serial # shows it is the 45th one built in this series. Its not a Royale, but the serial number is a different prefix than my standard 83 Venture. But it does have a Royale instrument cluster on it. Lots of aftermarket chrome on this one. Has a 2nd gear problem, but I think I have a short block 1300 motor lined up to fix that. Don't know what I am going to do to this wonderful machine, can't see letting it languish in this state though. One of the first things to go is going to be the drivers floor boards. I can't see liking that heel toe shifter. Probably won't due much with it for a while. Speedy (soon to be renamed Tweety Bird) is getting prepared for a new paint job, going to be bright yellow soon. Gary
  23. Does anyone know of a good mechanic in the Denver area who can install progressive springs in my 1987 Venture Royale?
  24. i was looking at craigslist and came acroos this bike the owner said it is a yahama avenger Royale. it looks like a 84 maybe and 85 venture http://semo.craigslist.org/mcy/2906259794.html
  25. Does any body know if a 1986 Venture Royale Passenger Foot Rests would fit a 1984 venture Royale without any modifications and are they just bolt on. Thanks in advance and does anybody have a set for sale in nice shape.
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